384 research outputs found

    Do Banks Reduce Lending Preemptively in Response to Capital Losses?

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    We empirically examined whether declining bank loans in Japan in the late 1990s are the result of banks' downward adjustments of lending supply (a "credit crunch") in response to capital losses (a "capital crunch"). Estimating the new lending supply function as a non-linear function of the capital to asset ratio, we found that the (new lending supply) function is not only increasing in bank capital but also concave in bank capital, which supports the view that a "credit crunch" occurs since forward-looking banks have an incentive to avoid failing to meet regulatory requirements in the future.

    Comparison between normal and loose fragment chondrocytes in proliferation and redifferentiation potential

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    Loose fragments in osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) of the knee require internal fixation. On the other hand, loose fragments derived from spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee (SONK) are usually removed. However, the difference in healing potential between OCD- and SONK-related loose fragments has not been elucidated. In this study, we investigated proliferative activity and redifferentiation potential of normal cartilage-derived and loose fragment-derived chondrocytes. Cells were prepared from normal articular cartilages and loose fragment cartilages derived from knee OCD and SONK. Cellular proliferation was compared. Redifferentiation ability of pellet-cultured chondrocytes was assessed by real-time PCR analyses. Mesenchymal differentiation potential was investigated by histological analyses. Positive ratio of a stem cell marker CD166 was evaluated in each cartilaginous tissue. Normal and OCD chondrocytes showed a higher proliferative activity than SONK chondrocytes. Chondrogenic pellets derived from normal and OCD chondrocytes produced a larger amount of safranin O-stained proteoglycans compared with SONK-derived pellets. Expression of chondrogenic marker genes was inferior in SONK pellets. The CD166-positive ratio was higher in normal cartilages and OCD loose fragments than in SONK loose fragments. The OCD chondrocytes maintained higher proliferative activity and redifferentiation potential compared with SONK chondrocytes. Our results suggest that chondrogenic properties of loose fragment-derived cells and the amount of CD166-positive cells may affect the repair process of osteochondral defects

    Frequency analysis of electroencephalogram recorded from a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) with a novel method during transportation by truck

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    In order to obtain information regarding the correlation between an electroencephalogram (EEG) and the state of a dolphin, we developed a noninvasive recording method of EEG of a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and an extraction method of true-EEG (EEG) from recorded-EEG (R-EEG) based on a human EEG recording method, and then carried out frequency analysis during transportation by truck. The frequency detected in the EEG of dolphin during apparent awakening was divided conveniently into three bands (5–15, 15–25, and 25–40 Hz) based on spectrum profiles. Analyses of the relationship between power ratio and movement of the dolphin revealed that the power ratio of dolphin in a situation when it was being quiet was evenly distributed among the three bands. These results suggested that the EEG of a dolphin could be detected accurately by this method, and that the frequency analysis of the detected EEG seemed to provide useful information for understanding the central nerve activity of these animals

    Biochemical Functions and mRNA Expression of Rat Hepatocytes in a Bioartificial Liver Module

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    Evaluation of hepatic functions of the bioartificial liver (BAL) module is essential for developing an optimal BAL system which can be applied to a patient with fulminant hepatic failure. Although hepatic function in BALs has been evaluated only in biochemical activities in previous reports, we assessed a newly designed BAL from a hollow fiber type not only in biochemical activities such as gluconeogenesis, ureogenesis and albumin synthesis but also in the expressions of albumin messenger RNA (mRNA) and cytochrome P450 2B1 mRNA by Northern blot analysis. One to 3 × 108 hepatocytes isolated from adult rats were suspended in hydrated collagen, loaded into a hollow fiber module and perfused with L-15 medium supplemented with various hormones for 2 to 13 days. Both production rates of glucose and urea nitrogen were highest on day 1 (610 ?g glucose/107 cells/h and 76.1 ?g urea nitrogen/107 cells/h, respectively). Ureogenesis was maintained for 8 days in BAL, but gluconeogenesis decreased after 7 days. Albumin production rate increased to day 3, reached its maximum (11.0 ?g/107 cells/h) and then gradually decreased. The expression of albumin mRNA was highest on day 2 and detectable until day 11. Cytochrome P450 2B1 mRNA was detected only on day 2. Northern blot analysis showed that the maintenance period in each hepatic function was different. These results suggested that assessment of the functions at a molecular level was invaluable in the development of a potential BAL for clinical use. It might be necessary to reconstruct the lobular system as well as a 3-dimensional environment for hepatocytes in the BAL to maintain the ability of detoxification such as cytochrome P450s

    Fisetin Lowers Methylglyoxal Dependent Protein Glycation and Limits the Complications of Diabetes

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    The elevated glycation of macromolecules by the reactive dicarbonyl and α-oxoaldehyde methylglyoxal (MG) has been associated with diabetes and its complications. We have identified a rare flavone, fisetin, which increases the level and activity of glyoxalase 1, the enzyme required for the removal of MG, as well as the synthesis of its essential co-factor, glutathione. It is shown that fisetin reduces two major complications of diabetes in Akita mice, a model of type 1 diabetes. Although fisetin had no effect on the elevation of blood sugar, it reduced kidney hypertrophy and albuminuria and maintained normal levels of locomotion in the open field test. This correlated with a reduction in proteins glycated by MG in the blood, kidney and brain of fisetin-treated animals along with an increase in glyoxalase 1 enzyme activity and an elevation in the expression of the rate-limiting enzyme for the synthesis of glutathione, a co-factor for glyoxalase 1. The expression of the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE), serum amyloid A and serum C-reactive protein, markers of protein oxidation, glycation and inflammation, were also increased in diabetic Akita mice and reduced by fisetin. It is concluded that fisetin lowers the elevation of MG-protein glycation that is associated with diabetes and ameliorates multiple complications of the disease. Therefore, fisetin or a synthetic derivative may have potential therapeutic use for the treatment of diabetic complications

    Progressive renal fibrosis in murine polycystic kidney disease: An immunohistochemical observation

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    Progressive renal fibrosis in murine polycystic kidney disease: An immunohistochemical observation.BackgroundThe appearance of interstitial fibrosis in polycystic kidneys is emblematic of progressive disease. Matrix forming this scar tissue is derived from local renal cells in response to cystogenesis. We investigated the phenotype of collagen-producing cells in the cystic kidneys of DBA/2-pcy mice to better characterize the spectrum of interstitial cells associated with renal fibrogenesis.MethodsThe extent of interstitial fibrosis and the number of fibroblasts in cystic kidneys were first quantitated over time using computer-assisted image analysis. Subsequently, antisera to four cell protein markers were studied by coexpression immunohistochemistry during progression of fibrosis using confocal microscopy. The antisera included fibroblast-specific protein 1 (FSP1) for fibroblast phenotype, α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) for contractile phenotype, vimentin (VIM) for mesenchymal phenotype, and heat shock protein 47 (HSP47) for interstitial collagen-producing phenotype.ResultsInterstitial fibrosis in cystic kidneys gradually increased throughout the 30-week observation period of our study. With progression of cystogenesis, most of the tubules in pcy mice either dilated or disappeared with time. FSP1+ fibroblasts were distributed sparsely throughout the renal interstitium of young pcy and wild-type mice. Their number increased in the widening fibrotic septa by 18 weeks of age and persisted through 30 weeks of the study interval. Some epithelia among remnant tubules trapped within fibrotic septa around adjacent cysts also acquired the phenotype of FSP1+, HSP47+ collagen-producing fibroblasts, suggesting a possible role for epithelial-mesenchymal transformation (EMT) in this process. Most FSP1+ fibroblasts were α-SMA-, but HSP47+, suggesting they were producing collagen proteins for the extracellular matrix. α-SMA+, FSP1-, HSP47+ or HSP47- cells were also observed, and the latter tended to distribute independently in a linear pattern, reminiscent of vasculature adjacent to forming cysts. VIM+ expression was not observed in α-SMA+ cells.ConclusionsMany nonoverlapping as well as fewer overlapping populations of FSP1+ and α-SMA+ cells shared in the collagen expression associated with progressive fibrogenesis in pcy mice undergoing cystogenesis. Some FSP1+ fibroblasts are likely derived from tubular epithelium undergoing EMT, while αSMA+, VIM- cells probably represent vascular smooth muscle cells or pericytes surviving vessel attenuation during the chaos of fibrogenesis. Importantly, not all interstitial cells producing collagens are α-SMA+

    Contrast-enhanced Computed Tomography Screening Is Effective for Detecting Venous Thromboembolism not Prevented by Prophylaxis after Total Knee Arthroplasty

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    Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a potential complication occurring after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). We investigated the incidence of VTE after TKA using contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT), and assessed the efficacy of VTE prophylaxis (fondaparinux and enoxaparin). At our hospital, 189 patients (225 knees) underwent TKA between April 2007 and October 2011. The 225 knees were divided into a control group with no VTE prophylaxis (31 cases), a fondaparinux group (107 cases), and an enoxaparin group (87 cases). Contrast-enhanced CT screening for VTE was performed in all cases on day 5 or 6 after TKA. D-dimer levels were measured on day 5 after TKA, and were significantly lower in the fondaparinux (9.8±3.8) and enoxaparin groups (9.4±4.9) than in the control group (15.6±9.8) (p<0.001). However, no statistically significant difference in the incidence of VTE was observed among the groups (control, 61.3%;fondaparinux, 49.5%;enoxaparin, 50.6%). Prophylaxis was not effective for the prevention of VTE as detected by contrast-enhanced CT after TKA. CT should be performed after TKA, even when VTE prophylaxis is used

    Physical Characteristics of Injection Site Pain After COVID-19 mRNA BNT162b2 Vaccination

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    Background: BNT162b2, an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, was launched in many countries as an intramuscular vaccination for COVID-19 infection. Few studies have assessed the physical indications of pain at the immunization site. This study aimed to characterize pain at the injection site and investigate morphological attributes using ultrasound. Methods: Forty-three of 211 healthcare workers who received a second dose of BNT162b2 between February 2021 and March 2021 were enrolled in the study. The mean age of the subjects was 40 years. We evaluated patients’ pain at the injection site using the Numerical Rating Pain Scale (NRPS). We also assessed the thickness of the deltoid muscle fascia at the injection site by ultrasound. Bayesian robust correlation was employed to explore the relationship between the pain intensity scores and ultrasound measurements. Results: All eligible subjects complained of pain at the injection site. A median pain onset of 8 hours post-vaccination and a median peak intensity score of 4 were reported. Onset of relief occurred after 2 days. Ultrasound images demonstrated a 2.5-fold increase in fascia thickness at the injection site without intramuscular echogenicity change in all subjects. A correlation was established between the NRPS score and the non-injection-to-injection-side ratio of fascia thickness at the injection site (rho = 0.66). Conclusion: A sore arm was the most prevalent side effect of BNT162b2 vaccination and could be attributed to temporal fasciitis