67 research outputs found

    Economic effects of crude oil spillages on crop farms in Rivers state, Nigeria

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    This article focused on economic effects of crude oil spillages on crop farms in Rivers State, Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to calculate the areas of crop farms spilled by crude oil and estimate the correspondingeconomic losses. Data for the study were collected using a multistage sampling procedure. A total of 170 questionnaires were distributed among crop farmers in selected 17 local government areas of Rivers State, out ofwhich 169 questionnaires were retrieved and retained for data analysis. Total area of crop farms spilled was 548.09 ha, of which about 80% were accounted for by heavy and medium oil spillages. About 83% of the economic losses (148,925.19)incurredbyfarmerswerealsoaccountabletoheavyandmediumoilspillages,whilemeanvaluelostperhectareofacropfarmaffectedwas148, 925.19) incurred by farmers were also accountable to heavy and medium oil spillages, while mean value lost per hectare of a crop farm affected was 307.15. Therefore, the study concluded that oil spillages reduced areas of farmland available for cropping, thereby causing serious economic losses in form of income and output, accruable tothe crop farmers in the state. To ameliorate these difficulties faced by crop farmers in Rivers State, it was recommended that comprehensive scientific rehabilitating programme and diversification of sources of income forfarmers is embarked upon through effective extension and rural education programmes

    Economic Evaluation of Crop Farms Acquired for Crude Oil Production Activities in Rivers State of Nigeria

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    This study focused on the economic evaluation of crop farms acquired forcrude oil production activities in Rivers State, Nigeria. The objectivesinclude estimating the areas of crop farms acquired and economic evaluation of crops lost due to the various crude oil production activities in the state. A multistage sampling technique was used to collect data from 169 crop farmers whose farmland were affected with different crude oil exploration activities via questionnaires. The results showed that a total of 682.91ha of crop farms were acquired for crude oil exploration purposes out of which pipelines laying (25.21%), flow stations (21.51%) and oil well sites (20.34%) topped the list. The results further showed that the total value of economic loss due to crude oil production activities was 165,287.10outofwhichpipelineslayingaccountedfor165,287.10 out of which pipelines laying accounted for 43,741.25, flow stations (36,387.92),oilwellsites(36,387.92), oil well sites (31,334.67), gas flaring sites ($10,485.63). The study showed that large areas of crop farms in the state were acquired for crude oil production activities. Due to the small scale nature of farms in Nigeria, a lot of crop farmers in Rivers State were negatively affected which had resulted into agitation for resource control, continuous violence, conflicts, protests and impoverishment.  Keywords: Crude oil production activities, crop farms, areas acquired,economic evaluation, Rivers State Nigeria

    Ubuntu’s Ontological Account in African Philosophy and its Cross-Tradition Engagement on the Issue of Being versus Becoming

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    This paper x-rays Ramose’s ubuntu ontological account in African philosophy and its cross-tradition engagement on the issue of being versus becoming (such as the Yin-Yang, Heraclitean, Nietzschean, Whiteheadean and the Buddhists’ accounts) with a view to showing how convergence and divergence of thoughts in the African, European, and Asian philosophy contexts can advance cross-cultural philosophizing or cross-tradition approach to doing philosophy. Ramose’s ubuntu ontology designates a reconstruction of reality within the framework of motion, as captured in his concept of be-ing-becoming, while the Heraclitean, Nietzschean, Whiteheadean and the Buddhists’ ontological accounts also conceive reality within the confines of endless motion, except the Yin-Yang metaphysical vision that interprets reality within the perspective of complementarity. Attempts are made, in the paper, to highlight the Ramosean ubuntu ontology and how it can constructively engage with other traditions’ ontological accounts, as mentioned above, in a fruitful encounter of the African thought tradition, which Ramose belongs to, and the European and Asian traditions of thought, which the other mentioned ontological accounts belong to

    Asouzu’s Complementarism and Nietzsche’s Perspectivism: Implications for Cross-Cultural Philosophizing

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    This paper examines Asouzu’s complementarism and Nietzsche’s perspectivism with a view to showing how convergence and divergence of thoughts in the Asouzuan and Nietzschean philosophy contexts can inform cross-cultural philosophizing. Asouzu’s complementarism projects multiplicity of perspectives as constitutive of reality and construes it as a composite of missing links, while Nietzsche’s perspectivism also postulates multiplicity of views and interpretations as he believes that reality is deeply rooted in infinite possibilities. Attempts are made, in this paper, to articulate the essential principles of Asouzu’s complementarism and to highlight the dynamics of Nietzsche’s perspectivism in a fruitful encounter of the African tradition of thought which Asouzu belongs to and the European thought tradition which Nietzsche belongs to. These two traditions of thought will be critically x-rayed to show their implications for cross-cultural philosophizing. Simply put, the paper will show how the philosophical studies of the ideas of complementarism and perspectivism in the thoughts of the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, and the African philosopher, Innocent Asouzu, can enrich the cultural understanding of human societies and ideas for the betterment of universal values and humanism

    Philosophy and Education: The Engines of National Development

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    Philosophy represents a method of reflective, rational and constructive thinking, as well as a reasoned inquiry, while development designates the ability of a people to appropriate their total essence in a total manner as a people – a holistic vision in which they assume control of their own destiny. Similarly, education represents an enlightening experience or training in a particular subject. In line with this, this paper is an attempt to project philosophy and education as engines of national development. Against the backdrop of the diverse and heterogeneous nature of African cultures (Nigeria in particular), the paper raises two fundamental questions:  is it possible for Africa – Nigeria in particular – to develop as a nation in spite of her ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural differences? Considering the possibility of this quest, what are the critical factors in achieving it? Using historical hermeneutics and philosophical analysis, this paper argues that philosophy and education remain the bedrocks for Africa’s (Nigeria’s) development in the 21st century. Keywords: philosophy, education, national development, nationhood, culture, essence

    Deficient Human Aspects in Current Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval (MIR) of Large Social Networks Databases

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    An inside look at the contents of social networks databases shows a significant diversion from traditional database contents and functionality. There is also enormous evidences that Social networks are changing the way multimedia content is shared on the web, by allowing users to upload their photos, videos, and audio content, produced by any means of digital recorders such as mobile/smart-phones, and web/digital cameras. In this article, an overview of multimedia indexing and searching algorithms, following the data growth curve is presented in detail. This paper concludes with the social aspects and new, interesting views on multimedia retrieval in the large social media databases.Keywords: multimedia, indexing, social media, algorithms social networks, databases, retrieva

    2015 Electioneering Process and the Widening of Voters’ Political Consciousness

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    Electioneering process represents a formal procedure whereby a person is elected into a political office. Previous elections, in the political history of Nigeria, have recorded a high level of political apathy. Lack of interest, with reference to voters’ participation, has been a common political culture of the country. The massive rigging, recorded in previous elections, has led to the characterization of electioneering process by many Nigerians as “selection” instead of “election.” This ugly phenomenon has informed the growing voters’ political apathy recorded in the previous elections. This paper, therefore, raises some fundamental questions such as: when will an average Nigerian voter engage actively and consciously in the electioneering process and in the question of who becomes the leader in the country? How will the political confidence of an average Nigerian voter be restored? These passionate and mind-bugling questions have, however, been put to rest, following the just concluded 2015 electioneering process. Unlike the previous elections, which were marred generally by high level of voters’ apathy, the just concluded election marks a sharp deviation from the past, by ushering in an era of active political participants and a high level of political consciousness on the side of the electorate. Based on this, this paper, by means of historical hermeneutics/interpretation and philosophical analysis, argues that the just concluded 2015 electioneering process is a political eye-opener, in that it marked the beginning of a new era of active voters’ participation and in widening their political consciousness. Keywords: electioneering process, political apathy, political culture, political consciousness, political re-engineerin
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