Philosophy and Education: The Engines of National Development


Philosophy represents a method of reflective, rational and constructive thinking, as well as a reasoned inquiry, while development designates the ability of a people to appropriate their total essence in a total manner as a people – a holistic vision in which they assume control of their own destiny. Similarly, education represents an enlightening experience or training in a particular subject. In line with this, this paper is an attempt to project philosophy and education as engines of national development. Against the backdrop of the diverse and heterogeneous nature of African cultures (Nigeria in particular), the paper raises two fundamental questions:  is it possible for Africa – Nigeria in particular – to develop as a nation in spite of her ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural differences? Considering the possibility of this quest, what are the critical factors in achieving it? Using historical hermeneutics and philosophical analysis, this paper argues that philosophy and education remain the bedrocks for Africa’s (Nigeria’s) development in the 21st century. Keywords: philosophy, education, national development, nationhood, culture, essence

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