3 research outputs found

    Analysis of environment state in technogenic region and its threat to public health.

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    The purpose of the research is to give a complex hygienic evaluation of environment state in Donetsk region and to determine the degree of their potential danger to population health. It includes air pollution, water contamination, state of soil. Nearly 43000 samples of air, 32000 drinking water samples and 4500 soil samples were analyzed. Regions with the highest rate of environmental pollution were defined. It was found that the main sources of environment pollution in Donetsk region are ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy enterprises, power, coal, building industry and transport. All other sources ac­count for only 5-10% of total emissions. Level of harmful technogenic pressing on population’s health was determined

    Роль государственного управления в деятельности технопарков в Украине

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    У статті проаналізовано державне регулювання діяльності технологічних парків в Україні, досліджено відповідну нормативно-правову базу та висвітлено досвід зарубіжних країн щодо створення технопарків та управління ними.This paper examines government regulation of technology parks in Ukraine shall study the regulatory framework governing the issue and the foreign countries’ experience in creating and managing technology parks.В статье проанализировано государственное регулирование деятельности технологических парков в Украине, исследована соответствующая нормативно-правовая база и освещен опыт зарубежных стран по созданию технопарков и управлению ими