87 research outputs found

    Boundary medicine|social medicine|nursing

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    金沢大学附属病院乳腺腫瘍の血流情報は血管新生を反映しているため, 腫瘍の検出や良悪性鑑別に有用である. 磁気共鳴画像(MRI)診断装置による非造影血流評価の一手法であるarterial spin labeling(ASL)が頭部領域で使用されている. このASLを乳腺にも適用できれば, 造影剤の使用なしに乳腺腫瘍の血流評価が行えるためその有用性は極めて高いと考えた. しかし, 血管径や血流速度が乳腺と頭部では異なるために従来のASLをそのまま乳腺に適用できない. 乳腺に適したASLのパルスシーケンスの開発を試みたが, MRI装置のハードウェアの制限により乳腺に最適なASLの開発は不可能であった. そこで, 拡散強調画像(DWI)の信号強度が灌流や細胞内外の制限拡散の影響を受けることに着目し, 乳腺腫瘍の血流および拡散情報を非侵襲的に評価するためにtriexponential拡散解析を試みた. まず, 非浸潤性乳管癌(DCIS)および浸潤性乳管癌(IDC)症例において, 複数のb値のDWIを取得した. 病変部の信号強度をtriexponential関数でフィッティングし, 灌流を主とする拡散係数(Dp)および制限拡散を主とする拡散係数(Ds)を取得した.その結果, DCISのDsは主に細胞密度の違いのためにIDCのDsよりも有意に大きかった. またDpとDsは, 必ずしも同じ情報を表していないために相関が見られなかった. またDpには2群間に有意差は認められなかったが, IDCのDpはDCISよりも大きかった. これはIDCの新生血管がDCISよりも増加するためと考える. しかし本解析により得たDpはばらつきが大きかったため, 解析精度をさらに向上させる必要がある. 以上より, triexponential関数解析は乳腺腫瘍のより詳細な拡散情報を取得可能であり, DCISとIDCの鑑別に有用となり得ることが示唆された.研究課題/領域番号:26933007, 研究期間(年度):2014-04-01 – 2015-03-3

    Cyclophosphamide Promotes Arrested Development of the Dental Root in Mice

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    Cyclophosphamide (CPA) is a commonly used chemotherapeutic agent to treat cancer. Among its many side effects is the well-known consequence on tooth development when administered at early ages. This study elucidated the effects of CPA on development of the mandibular molar in mice. Mice received a single intraperitoneal injection of CPA at different doses and development times. CPA treatment led to weight loss and alopecia but had no effect on disturbances in tooth eruption or crown shape. However, at higher doses, there was arrested root development and early apical foramen closure histologically related to the formation of the cervical loop structure in the apical portion of the root. In cell culture experiments, the Hertwig\u27s epithelial root sheath cell line (HERS01a) was cultured with or without CPA. At high doses of CPA, HERS01a cells showed decreases in E-cadherin expression, while N-cadherin expression was upregulated, indicating that this cadherin switch may promote an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-like phenomenon. These findings suggest that administration of high doses of CPA can lead to arrested root development of the molars and an EMT-like phenomenon.福岡歯科大学2019年


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    Objective: The objective of this study was to quantitatively evaluate anticancer drug exposure of non-health care professionals who administer drugs through a tube employing a method devised by us. Methods: The subjects were 30 general volunteers aged 22-84 years. They wore gloves and administered Indian ink, simulating an anticancer drug, to a multipurpose adult human-type patient care simulator through a tube using 5 types of syringe, and the area stained with Indian ink was measured. Results: When comparing the number of pixels among the syringes regardless of age, Syringe B showed the lowest number (11.8±3.1 cm2), and there was a significant difference between Syringes B and E. Furthermore, we compared the total number of pixels in each age group regardless of the type of syringe. In the 20-year-old group, it was the lowest (10.9±2.3 cm2) showing significant differences in comparison with the other groups. When Syringe B was used, the number of pixels was markedly lower than on adopting the other syringes. Conclusion: It was clarified that the level of exposure to anticancer drugs markedly varies depending on the type of syringe and age. It was also clarified that the method to evaluate exposure to anticancer drugs using Indian ink devised by us is simple and useful


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    ABSTRACTObjective: The objective of this study was to quantitatively evaluate anticancer drug exposure of non-health care professionals who administer drugsthrough a tube employing a method devised by us.Methods: The subjects were 30 general volunteers aged 22-84 years. They wore gloves and administered Indian ink, simulating an anticancer drug, toa multipurpose adult human-type patient care simulator through a tube using 5 types of syringe, and the area stained with Indian ink was measured.Results: When comparing the number of pixels among the syringes regardless of age, Syringe B showed the lowest number (11.8±3.1 cm2), and therewas a significant difference between Syringes B and E. Furthermore, we compared the total number of pixels in each age group regardless of the typeof syringe. In the 20-year-old group, it was the lowest (10.9±2.3 cm2) showing significant differences in comparison with the other groups. WhenSyringe B was used, the number of pixels was markedly lower than on adopting the other syringes.Conclusion: It was clarified that the level of exposure to anticancer drugs markedly varies depending on the type of syringe and age. It was alsoclarified that the method to evaluate exposure to anticancer drugs using Indian ink devised by us is simple and useful.Keywords: Oral anticancer drugs, Simple suspension method, Drug-administering persons' exposure

    Osteogenic potential for replacing cells in rat cranial defects implanted with a DNA/protamine complex paste.

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    Osteoinductive scaffolds are required for bone tissue engineering. The aim of the present study was to assess the osteoinductive capacity of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)/protamine complexes in a rat model of critical-size calvarial defects. In addition, we investigated whether cultured mesenchymal-like cells (DP-cells) outgrown from DNA/protamine complex engrafted defects could differentiate to become osteogenic cells in vitro. DNA/protamine complexes were prepared by reactions between DNA and protamine sulfate solutions with stirring. Critical-sized (8mm) calvarial defects were created in the central parietal bones of adult rats. Defects were either left empty or treated with DNA/protamine complex scaffolds. Subsequently, micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), histological, and immunohistochemical analyses were performed. Micro-CT and histological assays showed that DNA/protamine complex engrafted defects had enhanced bone regeneration. DP-cells were expanded from explants of DNA/protamine complex engrafted defects using an explant outgrowth culture system. Osteogenesis-related factors were assessed in DP-cells after treatment with an osteoblast-inducing reagent (OIR). After 3months, nearly complete healing was observed for DNA/protamine complex engrafted calvarial defects. Increased alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and Alizarin red staining were found for cultured DP-cells. These cells had high expression levels of osteogenic genes, including those for RUNX-2, ALP, osteopontin, and osteocalcin. These results indicated that DNA/protamine complexes could facilitate bone regeneration in calvarial defects. Moreover, in vitro osteogenic induction experiments showed that DP-cells outgrown from DNA/protamine engrafted defects had an osteogenic potential. Based on these results, we suggest that DNA/protamine complexes may recruit osteocompetent cells in these defects, where they differentiate to osteogenic cells.福岡歯科大学2015年

    Examining normative values using the Cambridge neuropsychological test automated battery and developmental traits of executive functions among elementary school-aged children in Japan

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    The Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) is a computerized and child-friendly neuropsychological assessment battery that includes subtests aimed at evaluating some aspects of executive functions. Using the CANTAB, this study aims to establish normative values based on the aspects of executive functions among school-aged children in Japan. The participants included 234 children (135 boys and 99 girls aged 6–12 years) enrolled in regular classes, without any clinical records of developmental disorders or educational support. The participants were grouped according to age (6–7, 8–9, and 10–12 years). Four CANTAB subtests, including spatial working memory (SWM) to assess spatial working memory, Stockings of Cambridge (SOC) to evaluate planning, intra/extradimensional set shift (IED) to evaluate attentional set shifting and flexibility, and stop signal task (SST) to evaluate inhibition, were administered to each participant. The results showed that performance in all the CANTAB subtests administered changed with age. Among the subtests, compared with performances in the SOC and IED, those in the SWM and SST improved earlier, thereby indicating that spatial working memory and inhibition develop earlier than planning as well as attentional set shifting and flexibility. Additionally, in the SST subtest, girls made fewer errors than boys did in the 6–7 years group. This study presents normative data of four CANTAB subtests according to age and sex among school-aged children in Japan. We expect that the findings will be used to develop effective tools for the early detection of and support for children with executive dysfunction


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     2020年度、日本は学校教育の一つの大きな転換期を迎えた。小学校から順次完全実施される改訂学習指導要領のスタート期であり、また、学校組織とともに教員の職務遂行のあり方そのものも変えていく「学校の働き方改革」の推進の渦中である。さらに、新型コロナウイルス感染症による未曾有の事態に直面し、「学校の新しい生活様式」を模索しながら教育課程のあり方そのものを抜本的に見直すことを迫られた。 そうしたなか、本稿執筆者の一人が、米国大学 “William & Mary School of Education”のJames H. Stronge教授から“International Beliefs and Practices of Teacher Effectiveness”のタイトルでの出版企画への参加依頼を受けた。米国、日本、中国など10か国の教員養成機関の関係者が参加し、各国の教員養成における質保証や教育施策の実際、またそれらが依拠する理念等について、それぞれの国の教育・文化的土壌や背景を含意しつつ検討を進めるとの趣旨であった。同書のテーマは2020年度に教職大学院に在籍した現職教員学生(リーダーコース)にとっても重要な関心事であった。そこで2 名の所属教職大学院の教員、5 名の現職教員学生によってプロジェクトチームが立ち上げられ、日本のチャプターを引き受けることになった。本稿はそれを大幅に加筆・修正したものである