76 research outputs found

    Do Zebra Finch Parents Fail to Recognise Their Own Offspring?

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    Individual recognition systems require the sender to be individually distinctive and the receiver to be able to perceive differences between individuals and react accordingly. Many studies have demonstrated that acoustic signals of almost any species contain individualized information. However, fewer studies have tested experimentally if those signals are used for individual recognition by potential receivers. While laboratory studies using zebra finches have shown that fledglings recognize their parents by their “distance call”, mutual recognition using the same call type has not been demonstrated yet. In a laboratory study with zebra finches, we first quantified between-individual acoustic variation in distance calls of fledglings. In a second step, we tested recognition of fledgling calls by parents using playback experiments. With a discriminant function analysis, we show that individuals are highly distinctive and most measured parameters show very high potential to encode for individuality. The response pattern of zebra finch parents shows that they do react to calls of fledglings, however they do not distinguish between own and unfamiliar offspring, despite individual distinctiveness. This finding is interesting in light of the observation of a high percentage of misdirected feedings in our communal breeding aviaries. Our results demonstrate the importance of adopting a receiver's perspective and suggest that variation in fledgling contact calls might not be used in individual recognition of offspring

    Micro strip X-ray detector with a very high dynamic range based on LPE-GaAs

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    UV-blocking properties of Zn/ZnO coatings on wood deposited by cold plasma spraying at atmospheric pressure

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    In this study, artificial ageing of beech wood coated with Zn/ZnO particles by means of a cold plasma spraying process as well as coating systems including a Zn/ZnO layer and additional conventional sealings were examined. As ascertained by colour measurements, the particle coatings significantly decreased UV light-induced discolouration. Even though no significant colour changes were observed for particle-coated and alkyd-sealed samples, ATR-FTIR measurements revealed photocatalytic degradation of the alkyd matrix. In contrast, the polyurethane sealing appeared to be stabilised by the Zn/ZnO coating. Furthermore, morphologic properties of the pure particle coatings were studied by SEM and roughness measurements. SEM measurements confirmed a melting and solidifying process during deposition

    Immediate spectral flexibility in singing chiffchaffs during experimental exposure to highway noise

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    Sound plays an important role in the life of many animals, including many bird species. Typically, male birds sing to defend a territory and to attract mates. Ambient noise may negatively affect the signal efficiency of their songs, which may be critical to reproductive success. Consequently, anthropogenic noise may be detrimental to individual birds and to populations in cities and along highways. Several bird species that are still common in urban areas have been shown to sing at higher frequency at locations where there is more low-frequency traffic noise. Here we show that chiffchaffs along noisy highways also sing with a higher minimum frequency than chiffchaffs nearby at a quiet riverside. Furthermore, through experimental exposure to highway noise we show that these birds are capable of making such adjustments over a very short time scale. The first 10 songs sung during the noise exposure revealed an immediate shift to higher frequencies, with a return to pre-exposure levels in recordings without noise the following day. In a transmission re-recording experiment we tested the impact of a potential measurement artifact by recording playback of the same songs repeatedly under different controlled noise conditions. We found an upward shift in the minimum frequency measurement associated with more noisy recordings of the same song, but this artifact was not of a scale that it could explain the noise-dependent spectral shifts in chiffchaffs


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