31 research outputs found

    Fungal foraging behaviour and hyphal space exploration in micro-structured Soil Chips

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    How do fungi navigate through the complex microscopic maze-like structures found in the soil? Fungal behaviour, especially at the hyphal scale, is largely unknown and challenging to study in natural habitats such as the opaque soil matrix. We monitored hyphal growth behaviour and strategies of seven Basidiomycete litter decomposing species in a micro-fabricated "Soil Chip" system that simulates principal aspects of the soil pore space and its micro-spatial heterogeneity. The hyphae were faced with micrometre constrictions, sharp turns and protruding obstacles, and the species examined were found to have profoundly different responses in terms of foraging range and persistence, spatial exploration and ability to pass obstacles. Hyphal behaviour was not predictable solely based on ecological assumptions, and our results obtained a level of trait information at the hyphal scale that cannot be fully explained using classical concepts of space exploration and exploitation such as the phalanx/guerrilla strategies. Instead, we propose a multivariate trait analysis, acknowledging the complex trade-offs and microscale strategies that fungal mycelia exhibit. Our results provide novel insights about hyphal behaviour, as well as an additional understanding of fungal habitat colonisation, their foraging strategies and niche partitioning in the soil environment

    Microfluidic chips provide visual access to in situ soil ecology

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    Mafla-Endara et al. incubate a microfluidic chip with and directly in soil in order to examine interactions between microbial communities and the pore space microstructures. This work shows the spatiotemporal changes of soil microhabitats and demonstrates that fungal hyphae increase the dispersal range and abundance of water-dwelling organisms across air pockets.Microbes govern most soil functions, but investigation of these processes at the scale of their cells has been difficult to accomplish. Here we incubate microfabricated, transparent 'soil chips' with soil, or bury them directly in the field. Both soil microbes and minerals enter the chips, which enables us to investigate diverse community interdependences, such as inter-kingdom and food-web interactions, and feedbacks between microbes and the pore space microstructures. The presence of hyphae ('fungal highways') strongly and frequently increases the dispersal range and abundance of water-dwelling organisms such as bacteria and protists across air pockets. Physical forces such as water movements, but also organisms and especially fungi form new microhabitats by altering the pore space architecture and distribution of soil minerals in the chip. We show that soil chips hold a large potential for studying in-situ microbial interactions and soil functions, and to interconnect field microbial ecology with laboratory experiments

    Acoustic separation of bacteria from blood cells at high cell concentrations enabled by acoustic impedance matched buffers

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    We have developed a method to separate bacteria from red and white blood cells (henceforth collectively called blood cells) using acoustophoresis, for subsequent PCR detection. To maximize throughput, we have now investigated the effect of increased cell concentration on the separation. Increasing the blood concentration drastically decreases bacteria recovery, but we show that this can be remedied by optimizing the acoustic impedance of the center buffer. This way we can recover 89% of the bacteria while removing more than 99.8% of the blood cells from 1 ml whole blood within 25 min, paving the way for new sepsis diagnostics methods

    Acoustic Particle Focusing in Polymer Microfluidic Devices

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    Acoustophoresis in polymer-based microfluidic devices:Modeling and experimental validation

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    A finite-element model is presented for numerical simulation in three dimensions of acoustophoresis of suspended microparticles in a microchannel embedded in a polymer chip and driven by an attached piezoelectric transducer at MHz frequencies. In accordance with the recently introduced principle of whole-system ultrasound resonances, an optimal resonance mode is identified that is related to an acoustic resonance of the combined transducer-chip-channel system and not to the conventional pressure half-wave resonance of the microchannel. The acoustophoretic action in the microchannel is of comparable quality and strength to conventional silicon-glass or pure glass devices. The numerical predictions are validated by acoustic focusing experiments on 5-um-diameter polystyrene particles suspended inside a microchannel, which was milled into a PMMA-chip. The system was driven anti-symmetrically by a piezoelectric transducer, driven by a 30-V peak-to-peak AC-voltage in the range from 0.5 to 2.5 MHz, leading to acoustic energy densities of 13 J/m^3 and particle focusing times of 6.6 s.Comment: 12 pages, 7 pdf figures, pdf-late

    Acoustic impedance matched buffers enable separation of bacteria from blood cells at high cell concentrations

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    Sepsis is a common and often deadly systemic response to an infection, usually caused by bacteria. The gold standard for finding the causing pathogen in a blood sample is blood culture, which may take hours to days. Shortening the time to diagnosis would significantly reduce mortality. To replace the time-consuming blood culture we are developing a method to directly separate bacteria from red and white blood cells to enable faster bacteria identification. The blood cells are moved from the sample flow into a parallel stream using acoustophoresis. Due to their smaller size, the bacteria are not affected by the acoustic field and therefore remain in the blood plasma flow and can be directed to a separate outlet. When optimizing for sample throughput, 1 ml of undiluted whole blood equivalent can be processed within 12.5 min, while maintaining the bacteria recovery at 90% and the blood cell removal above 99%. That makes this the fastest label-free microfluidic continuous flow method per channel to separate bacteria from blood with high bacteria recovery (>80%). The high throughput was achieved by matching the acoustic impedance of the parallel stream to that of the blood sample, to avoid that acoustic forces relocate the fluid streams

    Shining new light into soil systems : Spectroscopy in microfluidic soil chips reveals microbial biogeochemistry

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    Microfluidic soil chips render optical access to the naturally opaque soil systems and enable direct investigation of microbial growth and interactions in micro-structurally and chemically controlled environments. However, chemical analyses of these interactions at high spatial and temporal resolution are still lacking. Here we propose that the use of advanced microspectroscopy techniques, namely infrared absorption, Raman scattering and synchrotron radiation based X-ray microspectroscopy, in microfluidic soil chips would make it possible to approach these phenomena. They allow monitoring biogeochemical processes in and around soil microbial cells growing in the reproducibly designed microenvironments within the chips at (sub)micrometer scale. Complementary use of several of the microspectroscopy techniques is beneficial for obtaining information about both molecular and elemental composition, oxidation states and local structure of the elements in the sample. Ultimately, we argue that microspectroscopy in microfluidic chips can lead to relevant breakthroughs in frontier research areas in soil science, such as (1) analysis of chemical responses of microbes to environmental triggers at micro-scale spatial resolution, (2) phenotypical identification and phylogenetic classification of single cells of soil microbes in situ, (3) determining spatially and time resolved effects of heavy metals and organic pollutants, including microplastics, on soils and (4) spatially resolved analysis of soil organic matter dynamics for better understanding of soil carbon storage. Tailoring the chip design to achieve optical transparency to the radiation type used by the different microspectroscopy methods is crucial to achieve this; therefore, we expect that this perspective will inspire the scientific community to use the proposed approaches and thus push both the technical development of the microspectroscopy suitable soil chips and the research frontier in soil science