27 research outputs found

    Associations between the LEP -2548G/A Promoter and Baseline Weight and between LEPR Gln223Arg and Lys656Asn Variants and Change in BMI z Scores in Arab Children and Adolescents Treated with Risperidone

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    Data on baseline (antipsychotic-naïve) age, weight, and height and change in these over three subsequent follow up time points up to 313.6 days (CI 303.5-323.7), were collected from 181 risperidone-treated children and adolescents (mean age 12.58 years, SD 4.99, range 2.17-17.7) attending a pediatric neurology clinic in Saudi Arabia. Owing to differences in genotypic distributions in subsamples, results are reported from the white Arabs (N=144). Age and gender-normed BMI-standardised z scores (BMI z) were calculated (lmsgrowth program). Linear regression was performed for baseline weight and BMI z, while change in BMI z was assessed using random effects ordered logistic regression. The following SNPs were analyzed: rs7799039 in the LEP promoter, rs1805094 (previously rs8179183), rs1137100 and rs1137101 in the LEPR, and rs1414334 in HTR2C. We found a nominally significant association between rs7799309 and baseline weight, adjusting for height, age, gender and diagnosis (A/G, P=0.035, β=-3.62, compared to G/G). rs1137101 (G/G, P=0.018, OR=4.13 compared to A/A) and rs1805094 C-allele carriers (P=0.019, OR=0.51) showed nominally significant associations with change in BMI z categories. Our data support and replicate previous relevant associations for these variants including with weight gain on risperidone, whilst being the first to report such associations in those of Arab ethnicity

    Inhibition of Toxic Shock by Human Monoclonal Antibodies against Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B

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    BACKGROUND: Staphylococcus aureus is implicated in many opportunistic bacterial infections around the world. Rising antibiotic resistance and few alternative methods of treatment are just two looming problems associated with clinical management of S. aureus. Among numerous virulence factors produced by S. aureus, staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) B is a secreted protein that binds T-cell receptor and major histocompatibility complex class II, potentially causing toxic shock mediated by pathological activation of T cells. Recombinant monoclonal antibodies that target SEB and block receptor interactions can be of therapeutic value. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The inhibitory and biophysical properties of ten human monoclonal antibodies, isolated from a recombinant library by panning against SEB vaccine (STEBVax), were examined as bivalent Fabs and native full-length IgG (Mab). The best performing Fabs had binding affinities equal to polyclonal IgG, low nanomolar IC(50)s against SEB in cell culture assays, and protected mice from SEB-induced toxic shock. The orthologous staphylococcal proteins, SEC1 and SEC2, as well as streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin C were recognized by several Fabs. Four Fabs against SEB, with the lowest IC(50)s, were converted into native full-length Mabs. Although SEB-binding kinetics were identical between each Fab and respective Mab, a 250-fold greater inhibition of SEB-induced T-cell activation was observed with two Mabs. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Results suggest that these human monoclonal antibodies possess high affinity, target specificity, and toxin neutralization qualities essential for any therapeutic agent

    Fatores clínicos, etiológicos e evolutivos da audição na surdez súbita Clinical, etiological and progression factors of hearing in sudden deafness

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    Existem várias terapias preconizadas para o tratamento da surdez súbita, algumas apresentam riscos significativos necessitando inclusive de internação hospitalar. OBJETIVO: Este estudo prospectivo analisa aspectos clínicos, etiológicos e evolutivos nos casos de surdez súbita (SS) em pacientes tratados ambulatorialmente com medicação oral. FORMA DE ESTUDO: clínico com coorte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: 40 pacientes com perda súbita da audição submeteram inicialmente a avaliação clínica otorrinolaringológica, testes audiométricos, análise hematológica e ressonância magnética. Confirmado o diagnóstico de SS, todos os pacientes receberam inicialmente prednisona e pentoxifilina sendo acompanhados por pelo menos um ano. RESULTADO: 45% (n=18) apresentaram normalização dos limiares auditivos, 40% (n=16) apresentaram melhoras auditivas, 15% (n=6) mantiveram os mesmos limiares iniciais. Nove casos (22,5%) apresentaram manifestações clínicas que justificaram a perda auditiva (infecção viral, fatores imunomediados, alterações vasculares e outros), três (7,5%) apresentaram tumores na região do ângulo ponto-cerebelar. A evolução auditiva nestes 12 casos com etiologia presumida não apresentou diferença estatística significante em relação aos 28 casos sem etiologia definida. O tratamento clínico instituído nos primeiros sete dias de instalação da perda auditiva, nos pacientes que obtiveram melhora, foi o único parâmetro estatisticamente significante dos fatores prognóstico avaliado. CONCLUSÃO: A pesquisa exaustiva etiológica deve ser realizada em qualquer caso de perda auditiva neurossensorial aguda. A presença de 7,5% de tumores localizados na região do ângulo ponto-cerebelar nos casos de SS juntamente com outras causas tratáveis justifica a investigação clínica nestes pacientes. Nossos pacientes apresentaram uma boa melhora auditiva em 67,5% dos casos, independentemente da etiologia. O início da terapia nos primeiros sete dias de instalação da perda auditiva foi o único fator de melhora significante dos limiares auditivos.<br>Out of the many forms of therapy for sudden deafness, some require hospitalization and present significant risks. AIM: This prospective study analyzes etiology and evolution in cases of sudden deafness (SD) where outpatient oral treatment was used. STUDY DESIGN: clinical with transversal cohort. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Forty cases of sudden hearing loss were followed for at least one year. All were submitted to initial clinical evaluation, auditory tests, routine blood analysis, and magnetic resonance imaging. All received initial treatment with pentoxifylline and prednisone. RESULTS: 45% (n=18) presented normal auditory thresholds, 40% (n=16) showed some improvement in hearing, 15% (n=6) maintained initial hearing level. Nine cases (22.5%) presented clinical conditions possibly implicated in hearing loss (viral infection, immunomediated hearing loss, vascular disorders, and so on); three (7.5%) had cerebellopontine tumors. Evolution of hearing in these 12 cases with presumed etiology presented no differences from hearing in the 28 cases without any known etiological factor. Clinical treatment within the first seven days was the only statistically significantly different condition in patients who improved hearing. CONCLUSIONS: An objective search for etiological bases should be conducted in any case of acute sensorineural hearing loss. The presence of cerebellopontine tumors in 7.5% of cases of SD, among other treated causes, justifies a thorough clinical investigation in these patients. Overall good evolution of hearing was observed in 67.5% of cases of SD, regardless of its etiology. Therapy within the first seven days of SD was significantly related to better outcomes in hearing