3 research outputs found

    Ichthyoplankton distribution and abundance in the northern Todos os Santos and Camamu Bays, Bahia State - Brazil

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    O ictioplâncton coletado ao norte da baía de Todos os Santos e na baía de Camamu (Inverno 2003, Verão 2003, Inverno 2004 e Verão 2005) é analisado de forma comparativa. As amostras foram obtidas com redes de plâncton do tipo cônica-cilíndrica de 200 µm de malhagem, em arrastos horizontais de subsuperfície. Os resultados sobre a distribuição e abundância de ovos de peixes sugerem uma ampla variação sazonal e anual da desova. Entre os verões as diferenças foram especialmente visíveis, sendo observados no primeiro verão (dez/03) os maiores valores quantitativos do projeto (máximo = 106,56 ovos.m-3; média = 43,46 ovos.m-3), enquanto que no segundo verão (jan/05) os valores foram em geral baixos (média geral = 3,49 ovos.m-3). A composição taxonômica é caracterizada pela predominância de gobiídeos, com pequenas variações entre o verão e o inverno. Considerando-se todas as campanhas e as duas áreas, foram identificadas larvas de 11 famílias: Engraulidae, Clupeidae, Mugilidae, Atherinopsidae, Hemiramphidae, Syngnathidae, Blenniidae, Carangidae, Gobiidae, Achiridae e Tetraodontidae.The occurrence, distribution and abundance of ichthyoplankton in Todos os Santos and Camamu Bays were analyzed based on four samplings (winter 2003, summer 2003, winter 2004 and summer 2005). Samples were obtained by surface horizontal hauls, using a 200-µm mesh conical-cylinder plankton net. The distribution and abundance of eggs indicate a remarkable seasonal and annual variation of spawning activity in the region, especially when the two summer campaigns are compared. In summer 2003 the highest quantitative values were recorded, especially for Camamu, where the maximum reached 106.56 eggs.m-3, with an overall average of 43.46 eggs.m-3 for the two areas. In summer 2005 values were relatively low, the overall average being 3.49 eggs.m-3. The larval taxonomic composition is characterized by the predominance of gobiids, with small variation from summer to winter. Considering all the campaigns and samplings undertaken in both areas, larvae of 11 families were identified: Engraulidae, Clupeidae, Mugilidae, Atherinopsidae, Hemiramphidae, Syngnathidae, Blenniidae, Carangidae, Gobiidae, Achiridae and Tetraodontidae

    Impact of recreational fishing on seagull (Larus dominicanus) rescued on the coast of the São Paulo state: case report

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    The seagull (Larus dominicanus) commonly can be observed near human fishing activities, as this species feeds on discards from fishing. This common interaction between a seabird and human fishing activity (both commercial and recreational), provides an easy source of food, but is not without risk for the birds. We report here clinical, radiographic and anatomopathological findings of an esophageal perforation caused by fishing gear in a specimen of Larus dominicanus found alive on a beach in the state of São Paulo which illustrated a harmful effect of stemming from recreational fishing. Clinical examination revealed a nylon thread in the oral cavity with the presence of caseous suggestive of ingestion of lost fishing gear, paralysis of the pelvic limbs and a decrease in the pain reflex associated with sternal decubitus, suggestive of food intoxication. Necroscopic examination revealed two hooks, one in the caudal portion of the esophagus with esophageal and pulmonary perforation, and the other in the muscular stomach. These injuries would have been expected to lead to the death of the bird. These anatomopathological findings confirmed the seriousness of the injuries. This reinforces the importance of studies focused on the interaction of recreational fishing artifacts (hooks, lines) with coastal birds on the Brazilian coast, in order to develop a preventative strategy

    Ichthyoplankton distribution and abundance in the northern Todos os Santos and Camamu Bays, Bahia State - Brazil

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    The occurrence, distribution and abundance of ichthyoplankton in Todos os Santos and Camamu Bays were analyzed based on four samplings (winter 2003, summer 2003, winter 2004 and summer 2005). Samples were obtained by surface horizontal hauls, using a 200-µm mesh conical-cylinder plankton net. The distribution and abundance of eggs indicate a remarkable seasonal and annual variation of spawning activity in the region, especially when the two summer campaigns are compared. In summer 2003 the highest quantitative values were recorded, especially for Camamu, where the maximum reached 106.56 eggs.m-3, with an overall average of 43.46 eggs.m-3 for the two areas. In summer 2005 values were relatively low, the overall average being 3.49 eggs.m-3. The larval taxonomic composition is characterized by the predominance of gobiids, with small variation from summer to winter. Considering all the campaigns and samplings undertaken in both areas, larvae of 11 families were identified: Engraulidae, Clupeidae, Mugilidae, Atherinopsidae, Hemiramphidae, Syngnathidae, Blenniidae, Carangidae, Gobiidae, Achiridae and Tetraodontidae.<br>O ictioplâncton coletado ao norte da baía de Todos os Santos e na baía de Camamu (Inverno 2003, Verão 2003, Inverno 2004 e Verão 2005) é analisado de forma comparativa. As amostras foram obtidas com redes de plâncton do tipo cônica-cilíndrica de 200 µm de malhagem, em arrastos horizontais de subsuperfície. Os resultados sobre a distribuição e abundância de ovos de peixes sugerem uma ampla variação sazonal e anual da desova. Entre os verões as diferenças foram especialmente visíveis, sendo observados no primeiro verão (dez/03) os maiores valores quantitativos do projeto (máximo = 106,56 ovos.m-3; média = 43,46 ovos.m-3), enquanto que no segundo verão (jan/05) os valores foram em geral baixos (média geral = 3,49 ovos.m-3). A composição taxonômica é caracterizada pela predominância de gobiídeos, com pequenas variações entre o verão e o inverno. Considerando-se todas as campanhas e as duas áreas, foram identificadas larvas de 11 famílias: Engraulidae, Clupeidae, Mugilidae, Atherinopsidae, Hemiramphidae, Syngnathidae, Blenniidae, Carangidae, Gobiidae, Achiridae e Tetraodontidae