21 research outputs found

    An orally active plant Rubisco-derived peptide increases neuronal leptin responsiveness

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    Nutrient excess, such as the intake of a high-fat diet, reduces hypothalamic responses to exogenously administered leptin and induces dietary obesity; however, orally active components that attenuate neural leptin dysregulation have yet to be identified. We herein demonstrated that YHIEPV, derived from the pepsin-pancreatin digestion of the green leaf protein Rubisco, increased the leptin-induced phosphorylation of STAT3 in ex vivo hypothalamic slice cultures. We also showed that YHIEPV mitigated palmitic acid-induced decreases in leptin responsiveness. Furthermore, orally administered YHIEPV promoted leptin-induced reductions in body weight and food intake in obese mice. In addition, dietary-induced body weight gain was significantly less in mice orally or centrally administered YHIEPV daily than in saline-control mice. Cellular leptin sensitivity and the levels of proinflammatory-related factors, such as IL1β and Socs-3, in the hypothalamus of obese mice were also restored by YHIEPV. YHIEPV blocked cellular leptin resistance induced by forskolin, which activates Epac-Rap1 signaling, and reduced the level of the GTP-bound active form of Rap1 in the brains of obese mice. Collectively, the present results demonstrated that the orally active peptide YHIEPV derived from a major green leaf protein increased neural leptin responsiveness and reduced body weight gain in mice with dietary obesity

    Rice-memolin, a novel peptide derived from rice bran, improves cognitive function after oral administration in mice

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    Many people eat polished rice, while rice bran, a by-product known to be rich in protein and expected to have potential functions for health benefits, has not been effectively utilized. In this study, we determined that orally administered Val-Tyr-Thr-Pro-Gly (VYTPG) derived from rice bran protein improved cognitive decline in mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD). It was demonstrated that VYTPG was released from model peptides corresponding to fragment sequences of original rice proteins (Os01g0941500, Os01g0872700, and allergenic protein) after treatment with thermolysin, a microorganism-derived enzyme often used in industrial scale processes. The thermolysin digest also improved cognitive decline after oral administration in mice. Because VYTPG (1.0 mg/kg) potently improved cognitive decline and is enzymatically produced from the rice bran, we named it rice-memolin. Next, we investigated the mechanisms underlying the cognitive decline improvement associated with rice-memolin. Methyllycaconitine, an antagonist for α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, suppressed the rice-memolin-induced effect, suggesting that rice-memolin improved cognitive decline coupled to the acetylcholine system. Rice-memolin increased the number of 5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridine (BrdU)-positive cells and promoted the mRNA expression of EGF and FGF-2 in the hippocampus, implying that these neurotropic factors play a role in hippocampal neurogenesis after rice-memolin administration. Epidemiologic studies demonstrated that diabetes is a risk factor for dementia; therefore, we also examined the effect of rice-memolin on glucose metabolism. Rice-memolin improved glucose intolerance. In conclusion, we identified a novel rice-derived peptide that can improve cognitive decline. The mechanisms are associated with acetylcholine and hippocampal neurogenesis. Rice-memolin is the first rice-brain-derived peptide able to improve cognitive decline

    Angiotensin II and III suppress food intake via angiotensin AT2 receptor and prostaglandin EP4 receptor in mice

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    AbstractIntracerebroventricularly administered angiotensin (Ang) II and III dose-dependently suppressed food intake in mice and their anorexigenic activities were inhibited by AT2 receptor-selective antagonist. Ang II did not suppress food intake in AT2 receptor-knockout mice, while it did significantly in wild-type and AT1 receptor-knockout mice. The suppression of food intake in AT1 receptor-knockout mice was smaller than that in wild-type. The anorexigenic activities of Ang II and III were also blocked by a selective antagonist for prostaglandin EP4 receptor. Taken together, centrally administered Ang II and III may decrease food intake through AT2 receptor with partial involvement of AT1 receptor, followed by EP4 receptor activation, which is a novel pathway regulating food intake

    Rap1 in the VMH regulates glucose homeostasis

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    The hypothalamus is a critical regulator of glucose metabolism and is capable of correcting diabetes conditions independently of an effect on energy balance. The small GTPase Rap1 in the forebrain is implicated in high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity and glucose imbalance. Here, we report that increasing Rap1 activity selectively in the medial hypothalamus elevated blood glucose without increasing the body weight of HFD-fed mice. In contrast, decreasing hypothalamic Rap1 activity protected mice from diet-induced hyperglycemia but did not prevent weight gain. The remarkable glycemic effect of Rap1 was reproduced when Rap1 was specifically deleted in SF1-positive neurons in the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) known to regulate glucose metabolism. While having no effect on body weight regardless of sex, diet, and age, Rap1 deficiency in the VMH SF1 neurons markedly lowered blood glucose and insulin levels, improved glucose and insulin tolerance, and protected mice against HFD-induced neural leptin resistance and peripheral insulin resistance at the cellular and whole-body levels. Lastly, acute pharmacological inhibition of brain Epac2, a direct activator of Rap1, corrected glucose imbalance in obese mouse models. Our findings uncover the primary role of VMH Rap1 in glycemic control and implicate Rap1 signaling as a potential target for therapeutic intervention in diabetes

    Wheat‐ghretropins: novel ghrelin‐releasing peptides derived from wheat protein

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    Ghrelin is an endogenous orexigenic hormone mainly produced by stomach cells and is reported to influence appetite, gastrointestinal motility and growth hormone secretion. We observed that enzymatic digest of wheat gluten stimulated ghrelin secretion from mouse ghrelinoma 3-1, a ghrelin-releasing cell line. Further on, we characterized the ghrelin-releasing peptides present in the digest by comprehensive peptide analysis using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and structure-activity relationship. Among the candidate peptides, we found that SQQQQPVLPQQPSF, LSVTSPQQVSY and YPTSL stimulated ghrelin release. We then named them wheat-ghretropin A, B and C, respectively. In addition, we observed that wheat-ghretropin A increased plasma ghrelin concentration and food intake in mice after oral administration. Thus, we demonstrated that wheat-ghretropin stimulates ghrelin release both in vitro and in vivo. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a wheat-derived exogenous bioactive peptide that stimulates ghrelin secretion

    Dipeptide tyrosyl-leucine exhibits antidepressant-like activity in mice

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    Depression is a worldwide health problem. In the present study, we found that a dipeptide, tyrosyl leucine (Tyr-Leu, YL), administered orally, intracerebroventricularly, or intraperitoneally exhibited a potent antidepressant-like activity in the forced swim and tail suspension tests in naïve mice. YL increased the amount of cells expressing c-Fos, a marker for neuronal activity, in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. YL increased bromo-2′-deoxyuridine-positive cells and doublecortin expression in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, suggesting that YL enhanced the proliferation of hippocampal progenitor cells in vivo and in vitro. YL did not affect hippocampal mRNA and protein expression of BDNF, which is a regulatory factor of both neurogenesis and depression-like behavior. Intriguingly, YL suppressed activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis by forced swim stress. Moreover, other aromatic amino acid-leucines, Phe-Leu and Trp-Leu, also exhibited antidepressant-like activities, suggesting that the structure of aromatic amino acid-leucine may be important for antidepressant activity. In addition, bovine milk casein-derived peptide, Tyr-Leu-Gly (YLG), an anxiolytic peptide, exhibited an antidepressant-like activity. Our findings demonstrate that YL exhibits an antidepressant-like effect, moderates the stress response, and induces hippocampal neuronal proliferation through a signal pathway independent of BDNF

    Anti-Hypertensive Effects of Peptides Derived from Rice Bran Protein

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    Hypertension is one of the major risk factors for arteriosclerosis. Anti-hypertensive peptides derived from animal proteins, such as milk, eggs and fish, are well studied. Anti-hypertensive peptides have also been identified from plant proteins such as soybeans. Rice bran, a byproduct of white rice polishing, is rich in protein and its high protein efficiency ratio is well known. This review discusses the anti-hypertensive peptides identified from rice bran protein and their mechanisms. In addition, we describe protease-digested rice bran from which functional peptides have not been isolated

    Soymorphins, Novel μ Opioid Peptides Derived from Soy β-Conglycinin β-Subunit, Have Anxiolytic Activities

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