146 research outputs found

    Energy Analysis of Small-Scale Ethanol Production from Cassava: A Case Study of the Cassakero Project in Nigeria

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    The Federal Government of Nigeria recently announced the replacement of kerosene household cooking fuel with ethanol produced from cassava feedstock. The project was called “cassakeroâ€. The cassakero project aims to install 10,000 units of small-scale bio-ethanol refineries, operated by small-scale agro-processors across the country. The aim of this article is to present the results of an energy analysis of the ethanol cooking fuel produced from cassava feedstock by small-scale processors under Nigerian conditions Results show that for small-scale cassava ethanol production with the use of agrochemicals is: 11.61 MJ/l for total energy input, a Net Energy Ratio of 1.20, 2.29 MJ/l for Net Energy Gain, and 11.01 MJ/l for Net Renewable Energy Value. Without the use of agrochemicals ethanol production is 10.38 MJ/l for total energy input, a Net Energy Ratio of 1. 34, 3.52 MJ/l for Net Energy Gain, and 12.25 MJ/l for Net Renewable Energy Value. This is the first time that energy analysis has been carried out for small-scale cassava ethanol production under Nigerian conditions

    The Prospects and Challenges of Composite Flour for Bread Production in Nigeria

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    Due to changes in lifestyle and urbanization the consumption of bread has increased in Nigeria and other developing countries Since wheat cannot perform well under tropical climate the country had over the years dependent on wheat imports mostly from the United States Wheat importation had had detrimental effects on the Nigerian economy In order to reduce the impact on the economy Nigeria released policy mandating the flour mills to partially substitute wheat flour with 40 cassava flour for bread making The potential benefits of the policy include Savings of the Nigeria s foreign exchange earnings of N 254 billion 1 N156 per annum reduction in the severity of coeliac disease utilization of locally available crops and creation of employment and wealth Substitution of wheat with other flour to the tone of 40 would require improvers which have to be imported Other potential challenges of the policy include poor quality of the bread weak cassava flour supply chains strong consumer preference for 100 wheat bread and the reluctance of millers to use composite flour Except the aforementioned challenges are adequately addressed the 40 wheat flour substitution may fail like previous attempt

    Ethnobotany of raffia palm (Raphia hookeri), productivity assessment and characterization of raffia palm oil from the Niger Delta, Nigeria

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    Raffia palm (Raphia sp) occurs abundantly in the wild in the freshwater zone of the Niger Delta, Nigeria. This study was carried out to assess the use, biomass productivity and characterization of raffia palm oil. Ripe raffia palm fruits were sampled from the three core Niger Delta States (Bayelsa, Delta and Rivers). The oil was extracted using mechanical method and was characterized. Results show that the relative density of the oil was 0.8700 – 0.9039, free fatty acid (FFA) content of 1.13% (Delta), 6.92% (Bayelsa) and 9.74% (Rivers), acidity value of 2.26% in Delta state, 13.94% in Bayelsa state and 19.48% in Rivers state (P<0.05), iodine value of 26.79% was recorded in the raffia palm oil from Rivers state, 28.60% from Bayelsa and 31.10% from Delta state. The peroxide value of the raffia oil was 5.58 mg KOH/g (Rivers state), 7.22 mg/KOH/g (Delta state) and 7.68mg/KOH/g (Bayelsa state) (P<0.05). The saponification number was 25.16 mgKOH/g in the oil from Bayelsa, 32.72 mgKOH/g from Delta and 213.18 mgKOH/g for Rivers state (P<0.05). The parameters fairly fell within the Nigerian standard for vegetable oil. The wild palm has a biomass productivity of 933 trees/ha in Bayelsa and Delta states and 1066 trees/ha in Rivers, but the apparent differences was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Raffia palm is currently underutilized by indigenous people for building construction, production of brooms, basket, ropes and constriction of fish, crab and turtle traps. Edible insect larva is obtained from the palm. Palm wine and locally fermented gin are the major uses of raffia palm. We conclude that raffia palm can be utilized as second generation biofuel feed stock to mitigate food versus fuel conflicts

    Estimation of potential chronic daily intake of heavy metal through consumption of potable water in South-south Nigeria

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    Industrialization and urbanization has increase the emission of pollutant into the environment; as such sensitive media subject to pollution (water, soil and air) has been infringed upon. Heavy metal is a potential pollutants found in Nigeria water sources. This study assessed the chronic daily intake (CDI) of heavy metal from potable water sources (surface and ground water) in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Secondary data (literatures) were used for the study. The study found the concentration of heavy metals under study to be above the permissible limit recommended by Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON), and the World Health Organization (WHO). The CDI of heavy metal for both children and adults were high ranging from 0.57 to 1436.33 μg/kg·day (iron), 0.00 to 323.33 μg/kg·day (zinc), 0.00 to 37.14 μg/kg·day (cadmium), 0.00 to 29.67 μg/kg·day (chromium), 0.00 to 116.67 μg/kg·day (lead), 0.00 to 123.33 μg/kg·day (copper), 0.00 to 21.33 μg/kg·day (nickel) and 0.00 to 78.0 μg/kg·day (manganese). The CDI value indicates that the consumption of these water sources without treatment could cause disease conditions. Hence, the water requires treatment prior consumption

    Traditional Fermentation and Distillation of Raffia Palm Sap for the Production of Bioethanol in Bayelsa State, Nigeria

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    The production of alcoholic beverages from the sap of raffia palm, Raphia hookeri, has continued for decades in West Africa, but the detailed processes had never been documented before. The objective of this study is to document the traditional process of ethanol production, with the aim of scaling up the process for the production of fuel ethanol. Ten smallholder ethanol production facilities were randomly selected, and triplicate samples of the process intermediates were collected and analysed, including fermented palm sap, first and second distillate, first and second stillage. Results show that the percentage of ethanol was significantly different (P<0.05) among the different intermediates. The highest ethanol presence was recorded in the second distillate (39-61.5%), followed by the first distillate (18.83-39%), then the first stillage (5.80-10.20%), the palm sap (10.50-15.30%) and finally the second stillage (3.40-5.80%).Yeast population, pH, sugar, specific gravity and electrical conductivity differed significantly among the various sites and intermediates. Wood (105-155kg) was used as fuel to boil 280-480L of fermented palm sap producing 20L of 39-61.5% ethanol. The smallholder processors are however challenged by the poor distillation apparatus and the lack of ethanol dehydration facilities. The study concludes by recommending the modification of the Nigerian Biofuel Policy (2007) to allow the use of hydrous ethanol in automobiles and low concentration ethanol for household cooking

    In-vitro antibacterial effect of Ocimum gratissimum on Broiler gut microflora

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    Ocimum gratissimum  Linn is a medicine herb that is used in tropical world particularly in Asia, Africa and South America. Because of the restrictions in the use of antibiotics in animal health, alternative drugs are being considered. This study was designed to assess the antibiotic activity of O. gratissimum for the control of gut microorganisms. Proximate and phytochemical analysis of the herb was carried. To 100 day old chicks, aqueous extract of the herb was administered to a set of 50 chicks (Ocimum treatment) but was not given to the second set (control). Antibiotic sensitivity testing of gut microbes (Salmonella and E. coli) isolated from the chicks was tested using 0.11 g/l dried O. gratissimum extract. In the control , the zone of inhibition (ZOI) of Salmonella was 13.2, 11.8 and 14.8mm at the crop, ileum and caecum respectively whereas in the Ocimum treatment, the ZOI were significantly higher (P<0.05)  being 15.0, 15.6 and 15.6 mm respectively. The pattern of sensitivity of Salmonella and E.coli was similar. The zone of inhibition was significantly wider in the chicks administered with Ocimum gratissimum extract compared to the control. Antibiotic activity of the herb may be due to the presence of phytochemicals particularly sapronins, alkaloids, flavonoids and tannins. We conclude by recommending the use of the plant for the control of pathogenic microbes of broilers

    Incorporating Decision Support Systems in Child Safety: Detecting and Protecting Children Who Are At Risk of Abuse At Home

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    This dissertation introduces the topic of child abuse and the need for new interventions, in a bid to protecting children who are at the risk of abuse. The research question to be answered by this dissertation, as well as the significance of the study is also mentioned in the first chapter of the report. What researchers have published about the topic and its related subjects is mentioned in the second chapter in form literature review. The key issues of the dissertation are highlighted and reviewed, to open up the discussion in the 5th chapter of the report. The method of research used in carrying out the dissertation, as well as the approach used in analysing the findings of this report are mentioned in the next chapter. Also, the limitations and appraisal of the methodology are also discussed in the report. The fourth chapter discusses two case studies used in drawing out the issues for consideration, for the use of decision support systems. The chapter draws out the similarity in both case studies and points out the need for some sort of intervention. The discussion chapter of the dissertation reflects on ways in which decision support systems could be of benefit in social work. It discusses the opportunities, as well the limitations of using the intervention. In conclusion, the final chapter mentions the need for more research to be carried, so as to ensure the effective deployment of decision support systems in child health and social care. Recommendations as to how the intervention is also offered in the chapter

    Proximate composition and antimicrobial effect of Ocimum gratissimum on broiler gut microflora

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    The poultry industry is challenged by microbial infections, but the use of antibiotic growth promoters is restricted in many countries. This study is designed to assess the use of Ocimum gratissimum for the control of pathogenic gut microflora (E. coli and Salmonella sp). One hundred day old (ANAK 2000) commercial broilers were purchased and used for the experiment. The birds were brooded for seven days before random distribution to their respective treatments and replicates. Aqueous Ocimum gratissimum (0.11g/l) was administered to one set of 50 birds for 7 days (ocimum treatment), while the second sets of 50 birds which were not given the Ocimum extracts served as the control. Result show that the herb had a crude protein content of 4.56%, carbohydrate 13.40% and dry matter of 78.63%, but low in crude fibre (1.06%) and ash (1.21%). Prior to the administration of Ocimum extract the population of Salmonella was highest at the ileum (2.05 log cfu/g) followed by the crop (1.79 log cfu/g) and least at the caecum (1.77 log cfu/g). E. coli was highest at the ileum (2.05 log cfu/g), followed by the caecum (1.93 log cfu/g) and least at the crop (1.83 log cfu/g). Lactobacillus followed the pattern of E. coli but with different population, being highest at the ileum (1.95 log cfu/g) flowed by the caecum (1.90 log cfu/g) and least at the crop (1.79 log cfu/g). One week after the administration of Ocimum extracts to the chickens, the population of microbes in the gut decreased significantly (P<0.05) in relation to the control, suggesting the efficacy of Ocimum at reducing the population of enteric bacteria
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