2 research outputs found

    4D Imaging and Diffraction Dynamics of Single-Particle Phase Transition in Heterogeneous Ensembles

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    In this Letter, we introduce conical-scanning dark-field imaging in four-dimensional (4D) ultrafast electron microscopy to visualize single-particle dynamics of a polycrystalline ensemble undergoing phase transitions. Specifically, the ultrafast metal–insulator phase transition of vanadium dioxide is induced using laser excitation and followed by taking electron-pulsed, time-resolved images and diffraction patterns. The single-particle selectivity is achieved by identifying the origin of all constituent Bragg spots on Debye–Scherrer rings from the ensemble. Orientation mapping and dynamic scattering simulation of the electron diffraction patterns in the monoclinic and tetragonal phase during the transition confirm the observed behavior of Bragg spots change with time. We found that the threshold temperature for phase recovery increases with increasing particle sizes and we quantified the observation through a theoretical model developed for single-particle phase transitions. The reported methodology of conical scanning, orientation mapping in 4D imaging promises to be powerful for heterogeneous ensemble, as it enables imaging and diffraction at a given time with a full archive of structural information for each particle, for example, size, morphology, and orientation while minimizing radiation damage to the specimen

    Elucidating the Chain-Extension Effect on the Exciton-Dissociation Mechanism through an Intra- or Interchain Polaron-Pair State in Push–Pull Conjugated Polymers

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    We elucidated chain-extension effects of a benzodithiophene (BDT) and thienopyrroledione-based push–pull conjugated polymer (CP) on its exciton-dissociation mechanism within aggregate systems using transient absoption spectroscopy. The side-group extension CP with benzothiophene on the BDT unit induced H-type excitons with excess energy owing to decreased chain stiffness. This led to interchain polaron-pair (PP)-mediated exciton dissociation. The stiff side-group extended with thienothiophene on the BDT unit also induced H-type excitons, but the decreased energy and breadth of the density of states suppressed the interchain PP-mediated exciton dissociation. The main-chain-extension CP with two thiophenes on either side of the BDT unit has a curved structure disturbing the interchain packing. Thus, the driving force of exciton dissociation between the chains decreased, leading to intrachain PP-mediated exciton dissociation. Our findings can facilitate the development of novel CPs to further increase the efficiencies of polymer solar cells