18 research outputs found

    The Turkana Jet diurnal cycle in observations and reanalysis

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    The Turkana jet is an equatorial low-level jet (LLJ) in East Africa. The jet influences both flooding and droughts, and powers Africa’s largest wind farm. Much of what we know about the jet, including the characteristics of its diurnal cycle, derives from reanalysis simulations that are not constrained by radiosonde observations in the region. Here, we report the characteristics of the Turkana jet with data from a field campaign during March–April 2021: The Radiosonde Investigation for the Turkana Jet (RIFTJet). The southeasterly jet forms on average at 380 m above the surface, with mean speeds of 15.0 m s−1. The strongest low-level winds are during the night and early morning from 0300 to 0600 LT (>16 m s−1). The average wind profile retains a characteristic low-level jet structure throughout the day, with the low-level wind maximum weakening to a minimum of 10.9 m s−1 at 1500 LT. There is significant shear, of up to 1.5 m s−1 (100 m)−1 maintained through the 1000 m above the wind maximum. The diurnal cycle of the jet is associated with the nocturnal strengthening and lowering of elevated subsidence inversions, which form above the jet. Reanalysis simulations (ERA5 and MERRA-2) do not capture the daytime persistence of the jet and underestimate the speed of the jet throughout the diurnal cycle. The largest absolute errors of over 4.5 m s−1 (−35%) occur at 0900 LT. The reanalyses also fail to simulate the elevated subsidence inversions above the jet and associated dry layer in the lower troposphere

    Observations of the Turkana jet and the East African dry tropics: The RIFTJet field campaign

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    The Turkana low-level jet (LLJ) is an intrinsic part of the African climate system. It is the principle conduit for water vapor transport to the African interior from the Indian Ocean, and droughts in East Africa tend to occur when the jet is strong. The only direct observations of the Turkana jet come from manual tracking of pilot balloons in the 1980s. Now, modern reanalysis datasets disagree with one another over the strength of jet winds and underestimate the strength of the jet by 25%–75% compared to the pilot balloon data. This article gives an overview of a field campaign based in northwest Kenya—the Radiosonde Investigation for the Turkana Jet (RIFTJet)—which measured the Turkana jet for the first time in 40 years using modern technologies. Radiosonde data reveal a persistent low-level jet, which formed on every night of the campaign, with an average low-level maximum wind speed of 16.8 m s−1 at 0300 LT. One of the latest reanalysis datasets (ERA5) underestimates low-level wind speeds by an average of 24% (4.1 m s−1) at 0300 LT and by 33% (3.6 m s−1) at 1500 LT. The measurements confirm the role of the Turkana LLJ in water vapor transport: mean water vapor transport at Marsabit is 172 kg m s−1. The dataset provides new opportunities to understand regional dynamics, and to evaluate models in one of the most data-sparse regions in the world

    Towards seasonal forecasting of maize yield in eastern Africa: skill in the forecast model chain as a basis for agricultural climate services

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    Climate variability is an important driver for regionally anomalous production levels of especially rainfed crops, with implication for food security of subsistence farm­ers and economic performance for market oriented agriculturalists. In large parts of the tropics, modern seasonal ensemble forecast systems have useful levels of skill, that open up the possibilty to develop climate services that assist agriculturalist and others in the food chain (farm suppliers, commodity traders, aid organisations) to anticipate on expected anomalous conditions. In this thesis we explore the forecast skill at various steps in the modelling chain for seasonal maize yield anomalies in East Africa. First, we analyse the skill of ECMWF System-4 (S4) climate forecasts for primary meteorological variables against gridded observations and find both potential and real skill for rainfall and temperature in typical cropping seasons in eastern Africa. However, forecast skill is a function of geographical region, season, climate variable (i.e. higher skill in temperature, rainfall, downwelling shortwave radiation in that order) and forecast lead-time, as such skill assessment should not be generalized over a large geographical area. Next we analyse correlations between reported production and anomalous weather conditions, using a range of climate indicators relevant for arable farming, such as growing and killing degree days, and rainfall amount, even­ness, random independent events (unevenness), and timing during consequent maize growth phases in two case study regions. In this case significant levels of correla­tion and skill are revealed  that open up the potential for statistical forecasting by use of climate forecast derived variables. Sensitivity of yields to climate  indicators depend on geographical  location, for example, higher sensitivity to rainfall is found in northern Ethiopia while in a location in equatorial-western Kenya, there is higher sensitivity to temperature indicators. At the next level of complexity we explore the use of full process based crop models forced by seasonal climate forecasts to forecast anomalous water-limited maize yield in the region, and find again potentially useful levels of skill with at least two months lead before planting, in most agricultural re­gions. But this again depends on regions, for example yield forecasts in Tanzania, in the season starting October did not, have  skill. Finally, we try to attribute skill levels to physiographic characteristics (soils, maize cultivars, geographical region etc.) and address some issues of scale of aggregation for two case study regions in Kenya and Ethiopia. The results showed that skill assessment at national boundaries and high resolution crop simulation units may inform both maize production related policy decisions at regional or national levels, and also support maize  production decisions at specific cropping locations such as farm management decisions made by farmers, We conclude with a synthesis discussing further on found skill levels in relation to potential climate services aimed at the agricultural sector in East Africa and beyond

    Data safety and monitoring boards for African clinical trials.

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    The recent increase in funding for diseases endemic in resource-poor countries has led to a progressive rise in the number of trials conducted in Africa for product development purposes or to answer important questions on reduction of disease burden. This causes an increasing demand for data safety monitoring boards (DSMBs) within Africa, where there is currently a shortage of appropriately skilled people. To address this, and in line with capacity-building efforts directed at improved quality research, AMANET invited the authors to create a curriculum and to train selected Africans with the skills required for members of DSMBs. Based on experience, the facilitators made an overview of clinical trial designs, a comprehensive review of data safety monitoring guidelines and other relevant DSMB governance issues. The wealth of guidelines and recommendations available for establishing and running DSMBs focus mainly on trials set in developed countries. The authors drew from these guidelines a practical summary of those relevant for Africa. This interactive process enabled recommendation of a straightforward set of principles to guide the establishment of DSMBs in Africa, which strike that essential balance between protecting trial participants and allowing investigators to answer their scientific questions

    Probabilistic maize yield prediction over East Africa using dynamic ensemble seasonal climate forecasts

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    We tested the usefulness of seasonal climate predictions for impacts prediction in eastern Africa. In regions where these seasonal predictions showed skill we tested if the skill also translated into maize yield forecasting skills. Using European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) system-4 ensemble seasonal climate hindcasts for the period 1981–2010 at different initialization dates before sowing, we generated a 15-member ensemble of yield predictions using the World Food Studies (WOFOST) crop model implemented for water-limited maize production and single season simulation. Maize yield predictions are validated against reference yield simulations using the WATCH Forcing Data ERA-Interim (WFDEI), focussing on the dominant sowing dates in the northern region (July), equatorial region (March-April) and in the southern region (December). These reference yields show good anomaly correlations compared to the official FAO and national reported statistics, but the average reference yield values are lower than those reported in Kenya and Ethiopia, but slightly higher in Tanzania. We use the ensemble mean, interannual variability, mean errors, Ranked Probability Skill Score (RPSS) and Relative Operating Curve skill Score (ROCSS) to assess regions of useful probabilistic prediction. Annual yield anomalies are predictable 2-months before sowing in most of the regions. Difference in interannual variability between the reference and predicted yields range from ±40%, but higher interannual variability in predicted yield dominates. Anomaly correlations between the reference and predicted yields are largely positive and range from +0.3 to +0.6. The ROCSS illustrate good pre-season probabilistic prediction of above-normal and below-normal yields with at least 2-months lead time. From the sample sowing dates considered, we concluded that, there is potential to use dynamical seasonal climate forecasts with a process based crop simulation model WOFOST to predict anomalous water-limited maize yields

    Development, characterization and antimalarial efficacy of dihydroartemisinin loaded solid lipid nanoparticles.

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    Research Article published by Elsevier Volume 12, Issue 3, April 2016Effective use of dihydroartemisinin (DHA) is limited by poor water-solubility, poor pharmacokinetic profile and unsatisfactory clinical outcome especially in monotherapy. To reduce such limitations, we reformulated DHA into solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) as a nanomedicine drug delivery system. DHA-SLNs were characterized for physical parameters and evaluated for in vitro and in vivo antimalarial efficacy. DHA-SLNs showed desirable particle characteristics including particle size (240.7 nm), particle surface charge (+ 17.0 mV), drug loadings (13.9 wt %), encapsulation efficacy (62.3%), polydispersity index (0.16) and a spherical appearance. Storage stability up to 90 days and sustained release of drug over 20 h was achieved. Enhanced in vitro (IC50 0.25 ng/ml) and in vivo (97.24% chemosuppression at 2 mg/kg/day) antimalarial activity was observed. Enhancement in efficacy was 24% when compared to free DHA. These encouraging results show potential of using the described formulation for DHA drug delivery for clinical application

    Preparation, characterization, and optimization of primaquine-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles

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    Research Article published by DovepressPrimaquine (PQ) is one of the most widely used antimalarial drugs and is the only available drug that combats the relapsing form of malaria. PQ use in higher doses is limited by severe tissue toxicity including hematological- and gastrointestinal-related side effects. Nanoformulation of drugs in an appropriate drug carrier system has been extensively studied and shown to have the potential to improve bioavailability, thereby enhancing activity, reducing dose frequency, and subsequently reducing toxicity. The aim of this work was to design, synthesize, and characterize PQ-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) (PQ-SLNs) as a potential drug-delivery system. SLNs were prepared by a modified solvent emulsification evaporation method based on a water-in-oil-in-water (w/o/w) double emulsion. The mean particle size, zeta potential, drug loading, and encapsulation efficiency of the PQ-SLNs were 236 nm, +23 mV, 14%, and 75%, respectively. The zeta potential of the SLNs changed dramatically, from −6.54 mV to +23.0 mV, by binding positively charged chitosan as surface modifier. A spherical morphology of PQ-SLNs was seen by scanning electron microscope. In vitro, release profile depicted a steady drug release over 72 hours. Differential scanning calorimeter thermograms demonstrated presence of drug in drug-loaded nanoparticles along with disappearance of decomposition exotherms, suggesting increased physical stability of drug in prepared formulations. Negligible changes in characteristic peaks of drug in Fourier transform infrared spectra indicated absence of any interaction among the various components entrapped in the nanoparticle formulation. The nanoformulated PQ was 20% more effective as compared with conventional oral dose when tested in Plasmodium berghei-infected Swiss albino mice. This study demonstrated an efficient method of forming a nanomedicine delivery system for antimalarial drugs

    Pharmacokinetics and clinical effects of phenytoin and fosphenytoin in children with severe malaria and status epilepticus

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    Aims Status epilepticus is common in children with severe falciparum malaria and is associated with poor outcome. Phenytoin is often used to control status epilepticus, but its water-soluble prodrug, fosphenytoin, may be more useful as it is easier to administer. We studied the pharmacokinetics and clinical effects of phenytoin and fosphenytoin sodium in children with severe falciparum malaria and status epilepticus. Methods Children received intravenous (i.v.) phenytoin as a 18 mg kg(-1) loading dose infused over 20 min followed by a 2.5 mg kg(-1) 12 hourly maintenance dose infused over 5 min (n = 11), or i.v. fosphenytoin, administered at a rate of 50 mg min(-1) phenytoin sodium equivalents (PE; n = 16), or intramuscular (i.m.) fosphenytoin as a 18 mg kg(-1) loading dose followed by 2.5 mg kg(-1) 12 hourly of PE (n = 11). Concentrations of phenytoin in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), frequency of seizures, cardiovascular effects (respiratory rate, blood pressure, trancutaneous oxygen tension and level of consciousness) and middle cerebral artery (MCA) blood flow velocity were monitored. Results After all routes of administration, a plasma unbound phenytoin concentration of more than 1 mug ml(-1) was rapidly (within 5-20 min) attained. Mean (95% confidence interval) steady state free phenytoin concentrations were 2.1 (1.7, 2.4; i.v. phenytoin, n = 6), 1.5 (0.96, 2.1; i.v. fosphenytoin, n = 11) and 1.4 (0.5, 2.4; i.m. fosphenytoin, n = 6), and were not statistically different for the three routes of administration. Median times (range) to peak plasma phenytoin concentrations following the loading dose were 0.08 (0.08-0.17), 0.37 (0.33-0.67) and 0.38 (0.17-2.0) h for i.v. fosphenytoin, i.v. phenytoin and i.m. fosphenytoin, respectively. CSF: plasma phenytoin concentration ratio ranged from 0.12 to 0.53 (median = 0.28, n = 16). Status epilepticus was controlled in only 36% (4/11) following i.v. phenytoin, 44% (7/16), following i.v. fosphenytoin and 64% (7/11) following i.m. fosphenytoin administration, respectively. Cardiovascular parameters and MCA blood flow were not affected by phenytoin administration. Conclusions Phenytoin and fosphenytoin administration at the currently recommended doses achieve plasma unbound phenytoin concentrations within the therapeutic range with few cardiovascular effects. Administration of fosphenytoin i.v. or i.m. offers a practical and convenient alternative to i.v. phenytoin. However, the inadequate control of status epilepticus despite rapid achievement of therapeutic unbound phenytoin concentrations warrants further investigation