47 research outputs found

    A Study of The Relationship between Dean Leadership Behavior and Instructor Professionalism Perceived by Instructors in The University of Lagos, Nigeria

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    The purpose of this study was to determine if there is a significantrelationship between Dean Leadership behavior and instructor professionalism. The objectives of this research study focuses on what is the level between Dean leadership behavior and instructor professionalism as well as the relationship between Dean leadership behavior and instructor professionalism all perceived by instructors at the faculty of education, university of Lagos Nigeria. The researchstudy were conducted among 200 instructors from the faculty of education university of Lagos, Nigeria in the mid-west of Africa and questionnaire was used as an instrument to administered questions to instructors regarding their perceptions on the relationship between Dean leadership behavior and instructor professionalism. A Likert scale questionnaire was used which was based on performance pyramid 20 by George Manning and Kent Curtis (2012) and leadershipbehavior of House’s path goal theory to give validity and reliability to the study. The data collected were analyzed accordingly by using different statistical method such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviations and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis. According to these research studies, the research findings shows that the level of Dean Leadership behavior and instructorprofessionalism perceived by instructor is high and also there is significant relationship between Dean Leadership behavior and instructor professionalism. The findings could be useful for the administrators to evaluate their relationship with their instructors as the study implies. It can also be useful for Instructors to have agood and horizontal relationship between their co – instructors and students. Instructors should also create professional learning environment for themselves as that will enable them to have a mutual understanding with their Dean leadership behavior and promote team work spirit among them, their Dean and help them toimprove on their teaching skills thus, promoting instructor professionalism and finally this research can be useful for future research in the area of Dean leadership behavior and instructor professionalis

    Factors that determine use of the counselling centre by students of a Nigerian institution of higher learning

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    A ZJER paper on counseling services for students at an Institution of Higher Learning in Nigeria.Students of tertiary institutions are faced with diverse challenges and these range from academic to socio-economic ones. A trained counsellor should he well-equipped to help students deal with their challenges. The study investigated the factors that determine use of the Counselling Centre by students of University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. The sample comprised undergraduate and postgraduate students of the University. The purposively sampling technique was used in selecting four largefaculties in the University. In each of these facilities, simple random sampling technique was used in selecting one hundred students, making a total of four hundred respondents. Data were collected using a researcher designed instrument tagged 'Factors for Counselling Centre Use Questionnaire (FCCUQ)'. The questionnaire was pilot tested, validated and the reliability co-efficient of 0.78 obtained revealed that the instrument was reliable for the study. The major finding of the study revealed that “vocational needs ” is the highest factor that determines the use of the Counselling Centre by respondents. Also, thefindings of the study revealed that faculty, religion and course of study of the respondents significantly influenced the factors that determine the use of the Counselling Centre. However, no significant difference was found on the basis of gender. Based on the findings of the study, it was therefore recommended that the NUC should encourage universities to set up guidance and counselling programmes in their institutions

    Information and Communication Technology Applications and use in Medical Records and Information Management in Selected Hospitals in Ijebu Ode Local Government Area, Ogun State.

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    This study investigated the information and communication technology application and use in medical records and information management in selected hospitals in Ijebu-Ode Local Government Area of Ogun State. The Objectives of the study found out the level of application and compliance of ICT and also investigated the challenges facing the application. The survey research design was adopted while total enumeration sampling technique was used in the selection of samples. Questionnaire was used to gather data for this study while mean and standard deviation frequency counts and percentages was used in data analysis. Findings shows that the information and communication tools applicable in the selected hospitals are computers (100%), softwares such as Microsoft word, excel etc (100%), surgical ICT tools (100%), internet (90%), management software (90%), infection detecting technologies (90%), Health Information system programme (HISP) (90%), ultrasound imaging device (80%), telemedicine (76%), national health care management information system (NHC/MIS) (75%) and scanner (60%). The challenges facing the use of ICT tools in medical records and information management in the hospitals are inadequate training, insufficient knowledge on use of IT tools, failure of equipment/old IT tools, security/privacy issues, inadequate ICT facilities, lack of physical access to the tools and affordability. The research therefore recommended among others that there should be more training, awareness, exposure or workshops for staff in the hospital on the application and use of ICT tools which are seldom or never used in the hospitals to improve the health care services rendered in the hospitals

    The Effect of Advertising on Corporate Image: a Study of International Breweries Plc. Ilesa, Osun State, Nigeria

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    This study investigates the effect of advertising on corporate image in manufacturing sector of Nigeria with reference to the stakeholders of International Breweries Plc. Ilesa, Osun State. It is no doubt that business survival depend on the perception of the general public about the firm, thus it will be inappropriate not to supply to the general public necessary information that could provide them with  necessary information otherwise they would be misinformed and build up a wrong perception about the firm. This study therefore, was carried out to investigate the relationship between advertising and corporate image in manufacturing firm. Using the survey method, the study obtained sample of one hundred and twenty (120) respondents’ who are stakeholders of International breweries Ilesa products. The research instrument showed encouraging evidence of reliability and validity. Data were analyzed using simple percentages and chi-square analysis. The study found that effective advertising is a key factor for communicating to firm’s stakeholders about the status of the firm. Furthermore, it was established that there is a strong relationship between advertising and corporate image. The study concluded with the assertion that to have positive and favourable corporate image and reputation firms must employ effective advertisement programmes. Keywords: Advertising, Communication, Corporate Image & Stakeholder


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    Librarianship is a service-oriented profession which focuses on managing relevant information resources to meet diverse needs of users. The goals of librarianship, particularly its role in transmission of knowledge cannot be achieved without users occupying a huge portion in the process of information services; this preoccupation has implications for how librarianship is and will be practiced. In modern usage, professions tend to have certain qualities in common. A profession is always held by a person, and it is generally that person\u27s way of generating income. A specialized knowledge of the concerned field is needed by the professional. Those persons who are engaged in a library should have the required academic background although; some of them may not possess a LIS degree. Some function of librarian is as follows: Selection and acquisition of information sources relevant to the needs of the user community, Organization and management of the information sources and facilities, Dissemination of information to the users, Facilitating access to information in print and electronic formats; Creating and managing digital collections in institutional repositories and electronic resources management. Challenges facing the librarianship are: Lack of adequate publicity and due recognition; government interest in implementing the report of association Fund inadequacy, Political factors,; Lack of rich curriculum in most library schools and Competitors challenges. In the digital age, when information is increasingly becoming available online, there is a propensity to say that libraries and librarians are redundant; librarians need to have detailed specialist subject knowledge to pass on to library users. Keywords: Classroom, Field, Library practice, profession, Librarianship, knowledg

    Proximate, Physico-Chemical and Palatability Analysis of Grilled and Boiled Meat from Broilers Fed Varying Levels of Honey in Their Diet during Dry Season

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    Suppressing heat stress using honey as a natural substance instead of synthetic vitamin A and C in poultry industry during dry season is the focus of this study. Poultry production is one of the fastest producing food for human consumption and most thriving section of livestock industry. Heat stress causes less eating of food, rise in body temperature which could affect digestion, respiration rate rises and evaporation of water from the lungs. 156 day old broiler chick (Gallus domesticus) were distributed into four treatments and three replicates they were fed with compounded feed with 0ml, 10mls, 20mls, and 30mls, of honey inclusion per Kg of feed representing as T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively. After 8 weeks 5 birds per treatments were selected and slaughtered, cut primally, boiled and grilled at 100 0C, at 20minutes. Samples   were evaluated for proximate, physico-chemical and palatability analysis in a completely randomized design. Results showed that the fresh meat had the highest significant moisture content, followed by the boiled samples and then the grilled samples. The grilled samples had the highest value (P<0.05) for  crude protein, ether extract and ash content for all the treatments than boiled or fresh samples for proximate analysis.  T2 appears best having lowest values for moisture   and ether extract and highest values for ash and protein content. Physico – chemical properties revealed that T1 had the highest (P<0.05) value for cold shortening, thermal shortening, cooking loss and water holding capacity than T2, T3 and T4. T2 was rated highest for the boiled and grilled samples having highest values in flavor, juiceness and texture.T2 with 10 mls inclusion of honey perform best in proximate, physicochemical, and palatability status for both boiled and grilled broiler meat. Keywords: Honey, boiled broiler, grilled broiler and heat stress

    Integrating VES and 2D ERI for near-surface characterization in a crystalline basement terrain

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    Geoelectrical resistivity is one of the most common geophysical methods for near-surface characterization in many applications including hydrogeologic, environmental, engineering and mining investigations. This case study integrates vertical electrical sounding (VES) with two-dimensional (2D) electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) to characterize the near-surface in a crystalline basement terrain. The investigation was conducted in Ado-Ekiti, southwestern Nigeria to delineate the basement aquifer by characterizing the weathered and fractured zones of the basement rocks. The study is part of the preliminary assessment of groundwater potential in the area. Dipole-dipole array used for the 2D ERI proved to be effective in detecting weathered and fractured zones in crystalline basement rocks. The integration of VES with 2D ERI enhanced the reliability of the characterization

    Patterns of Street-Begging, Support Services and Vocational Aspirations of People Living With Disabilities in Ilorin, Nigeria

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    This study investigated patterns of street-begging, support services and vocational aspirations of people living with disabilities in Ilorin, Nigeria. The research design adopted for this study was descriptive survey design. Purposive random and stratified sampling techniques were used in selecting street-beggars living with disabilities. The target population of this study was all street beggars living with disabilities in Ilorin, Nigeria. A total 131 male and female street-beggars including both young and old who are blind, hearing impaired (deaf), crippled, intellectually disabled, emotionally disabled etc were randomly selected from Ilorin, Nigeria. The results revealed that the street-begging among people living with disabilities occurred mostly at the entrance of stores, super markets and petrol stations, while the support services were derived from the family, and friends. It was recommended among others that in order to eradicate the incidence of street-begging in Nigeria, rehabilitation and vocational training centers should be established across 774 Local Governments Areas in Nigeria. It was also recommended among others, that street-begging should be banned in Nigeria


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    The Niger Delta region is rich in oil and gas resources and dominated by International Oil Corporations (IOCs) which engages in operations such as exploration, drilling, extraction of crude oil, production of crude oil products, transportation and sales of the crude oil and gas. However, these activities have led to numerous challenges faced by the women that beg for attention. This paper aims at identifying the challenges faced by the women of Ogulagha kingdom of Delta State, Nigeria caused by the operations of International Oil Corporations (IOCs) and examining the relationships that exist. The paper also proffers some remedial measures on how the impact of the operations of IOCs on the livelihood of women in Ogulagha Kingdom can be mitigated. The challenges identified were environmental degradation, pose enormous human health risk from the consumption of contaminated seafoods, loss of sources of livelihood (fishing, farming and trading) particularly among women, loss of arable lands and water pollution thereby making the water to be undrinkable and recommends that the itemized challenges be addressed to serve as a mitigation measures


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    The effects of covering materials used for the interior building surfaces; the walls, ceilings and floors of some buildings in Ogbomoso on the radiation exposure rates have been investigated in this work using an accurately calibrated scintilometer. The combinations of covering materials assessed in this work are of three categories: A – tex-coat paint, asbestos and carpet; B – emulsion paint, asbestos and bare floor and C – ceramic tiles, asbestos and carpet. The dose rate values obtained varied between 4.04±0.05 x 10-5 µЅv h-1 to 5.12±0.05 x 10-5 µЅv h-1 for A, 4.04±0.04 x 10-5 µЅv h-1 to 5.60±0.04 x 10-5 µЅv h-1 for B and 4.61±0.04 x 10-5 µЅv h-1 to 6.66±0.05 x 10-5 µЅv h-1 for C. The data obtained showed that the dose rate values are highest in the C – type buildings while the lowest values are obtained in the B – type buildings. The mean effective dose for A, B and C buildings are 0.3400±0.0018 µSv y-1, 0.3520±0.0019 µSv y-1 and 0.3735±0.0019 µSv y-1 respectively