137 research outputs found

    Evolution of the Velocity Ellipsoids in the Thin Disk of the Galaxy and the Radial Migration of Stars

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    Data from the revised Geneva--Copenhagen catalog are used to study the influence of radial migration of stars on the age dependences of parameters of the velocity ellipsoids for nearby stars in the thin disk of the Galaxy, assuming that the mean radii of the stellar orbits remain constant. It is demonstrated that precisely the radial migration of stars, together with the negative metallicity gradient in the thin disk,are responsible for the observed negative correlation between the metallicities and angular momenta of nearby stars, while the angular momenta of stars that were born at the same Galactocentric distances do not depend on either age or metallicity. (abridged)Comment: Astronomy Reports, Vol. 86 No. 9, P.1117-1126 (2009

    The OSACA Database and a Kinematic Analysis of Stars in the Solar Neighborhood

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    We transformed radial velocities compiled from more than 1400 published sources, including the Geneva--Copenhagen survey of the solar neighborhood (CORAVEL-CfA), into a uniform system based on the radial velocities of 854 standard stars in our list. This enabled us to calculate the average weighted radial velocities for more than 25~000 HIPPARCOS stars located in the local Galactic spiral arm (Orion arm) with a median error of +-1 km/s. We use these radial velocities together with the stars' coordinates, parallaxes, and proper motions to determine their Galactic coordinates and space velocities. These quantities, along with other parameters of the stars, are available from the continuously updated Orion Spiral Arm CAtalogue (OSACA) and the associated database. We perform a kinematic analysis of the stars by applying an Ogorodnikov-Milne model to the OSACA data. The kinematics of the nearest single and multiple main-sequence stars differ substantially. We used distant (r\approx 0.2 kpc) stars of mixed spectral composition to estimate the angular velocity of the Galactic rotation -25.7+-1.2 km/s/kpc, and the vertex deviation,l=13+-2 degrees, and detect a negative K effect. This negative K effect is most conspicuous in the motion of A0-A5 giants, and is equal to K=-13.1+-2.0 km/s/kpc.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Kinematics of Tycho-2 Red Giant Clump Stars

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    Based on the Ogorodnikov-Milne model, we analyze the proper motions of 95 633 red giant clump (RGC) stars from the Tycho-2 Catalogue. The following Oort constants have been found: A = 15.9+-0.2 km/s/kpc and B = -12.0+-0.2 km/s/kpc. Using 3632 RGC stars with known proper motions, radial velocities, and photometric distances, we show that, apart from the star centroid velocity components relative to the Sun, only the model parameters that describe the stellar motions in the XY plane differ significantly from zero. We have studied the contraction (a negative K-effect) of the system of RGC stars as a function of their heliocentric distance and elevation above the Galactic plane. For a sample of distant (500--1000 pc) RGC stars located near the Galactic plane (|Z|<200 pc) with an average distance of d=0.7 kpc, the contraction velocity is shown to be Kd= -3.5+-0.9 km/s; a noticeable vertex deviation, lxy = 9.1+-0.5 degrees, is also observed for them. For stars located well above the Galactic plane (|Z|>=200 pc), these effects are less pronounced, Kd = -1.7+-0.5 km/s and lxy = 4.9+-0.6 degrees. Using RGC stars, we have found a rotation around the Galactic X axis directed toward the Galactic center with an angular velocity of -2.5+-0.3 km/s/kpc, which we associate with the warp of the Galactic stellar-gaseous disk.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, 4 table

    Kinematic Control of the Inertiality of the System of Tycho-2 and UCAC2 Stellar Proper Motions

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    Based on the Ogorodnikov-Milne model, we analyze the proper motions of Tycho-2 and UCAC2 stars. We have established that the model component that describes the rotation of all stars under consideration around the Galactic y axis differs significantly from zero at various magnitudes. We interpret this rotation found using the most distant stars as a residual rotation of the ICRS/Tycho-2 system relative to the inertial reference frame. For the most distant (d900d\approx900 pc) Tycho-2 and UCAC2 stars, the mean rotation around the Galactic y axis has been found to be M13=0.37±0.04M_{13}=-0.37\pm0.04 mas yr1^{-1}. The proper motions of UCAC2 stars with magnitudes in the range 1215m12-15^m are shown to be distorted appreciably by the magnitude equation in μαcosδ\mu_\alpha\cos\delta, which has the strongest effect for northern-sky stars with a coefficient of 0.60±0.05-0.60\pm0.05 mas yr1^{-1} mag1^{-1}. We have detected no significant effect of the magnitude equation in the proper motions of UCAC2 stars brighter than 11m\approx11^m.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Galactic Rotation Parameters from Data on Open Star Clusters

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    Currently available data on the field of velocities Vr, Vl, Vb for open star clusters are used to perform a kinematic analysis of various samples that differ by heliocentric distance, age, and membership in individual structures (the Orion, Carina--Sagittarius, and Perseus arms). Based on 375 clusters located within 5 kpc of the Sun with ages up to 1 Gyr, we have determined the Galactic rotation parameters Wo =-26.0+-0.3 km/s/kpc, W'o = 4.18+-0.17 km/s/kpc^2, W''o=-0.45+-0.06 km/s/kpc^3, the system contraction parameter K = -2.4+-0.1 km/s/kpc, and the parameters of the kinematic center Ro =7.4+-0.3 kpc and lo = 0+-1 degrees. The Galactocentric distance Ro in the model used has been found to depend significantly on the sample age. Thus, for example, it is 9.5+-0.7 kpc and 5.6+-0.3 kpc for the samples of young (50 Myr) clusters, respectively. Our study of the kinematics of young open star clusters in various spiral arms has shown that the kinematic parameters are similar to the parameters obtained from the entire sample for the Carina-Sagittarius and Perseus arms and differ significantly from them for the Orion arm. The contraction effect is shown to be typical of star clusters with various ages. It is most pronounced for clusters with a mean age of 100 Myr, with the contraction velocity being Kr = -4.3+-1.0 km/s.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Relationship between the Velocity Ellipsoids of Galactic-Disk Stars and their Ages and Metallicities

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    The dependences of the velocity ellipsoids of F-G stars of the thin disk of the Galaxy on their ages and metallicities are analyzed based on the new version of the Geneva-Copenhagen Catalog. The age dependences of the major, middle, and minor axes of the ellipsoids, and also of the dispersion of the total residual veltocity, obey power laws with indices 0.25,0.29,0.32, and 0.27 (with uncertainties \pm 0.02). Due to the presence of thick-disk objects, the analogous indices for all nearby stars are about a factor of 1.5 larger. Attempts to explain such values are usually based on modeling relaxation processes in the Galactic disk. With increasing age, the velocity ellipsoid increases in size and becomes appreciably more spherical, turns toward the direction of the Galactic center, and loses angular momentum. The shape of the velocity ellipsoid remains far from equilibrium. With increasing metallicity, the velocity ellipsoid for stars of mixed age increases in size, displays a weak tendency to become more spherical, and turns toward the direction of the Galactic center (with these changes occurring substantially more rapidly in the transition through the metallicity [Fe/H]= -0.25). Thus, the ellipsoid changes similarly to the way it does with age; however, with decreasing metallicity, the rotational velocity about the Galactic center monotonically increases, rather than decreases(!). Moreover, the power-law indices for the age dependences of the axes depend on the metallicity, and display a maximum near [Fe/H]=-0.1. The age dependences of all the velocity-ellipsoid parameters for stars with equal metallicity are roughly the same. It is proposed that the appearance of a metallicity dependence of the velocity ellipsoids for thin-disk stars is most likely due to the radial migration of stars.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, accepted 2009, Astronomy Reports, Vol. 53 No. 9, P.785-80

    Kinematic Control of the Inertiality of ICRS Catalogs

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    We perform a kinematic analysis of the Hipparcos and TRC proper motions of stars by using a linear Ogorodnikov-Milne model. All of the distant (r more than 0.2 kpc) stars of the Hipparcos catalog have been found to rotate around the Galactic y axis with an angular velocity of -0.36 +/- 0.09 mas/year. One of the causes of this rotation may be an uncertainty in the lunisolar precession constant adopted when constructing the ICRS. In this case? the correction to the IAU (1976) lunisolar precession constant in longitude is shown to be -3.26 +/- 0.10 mas/yr. Based on the TRC catalog, we have determined the main Oort constants: A = 14.9 +/- 1.0 and B = -10.8 +/- 0.3 km/s/kpc. The component of the model that describes the rotation of all TRC stars around the Galactic y axis is nonzero for all magnitudes, My= -0.86 +/- 0.11 mas/yr.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Kinematic Peculiarities of Gould Belt Stars

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    We analyzed the space velocities of Gould Belt stars younger than 125 Myr located at heliocentric distances <650 pc. We determined the rotation and expansion parameters of the Gould Belt by assuming the existence of a single kinematic center whose direction was found to be the following: l=128l_\circ=128^\circ and R=150R_\circ=150 pc. The linear velocities reach their maximum at a distance of 300\approx300 pc from the center and are -6 km s1^{-1} for the rotation (whose direction coincides with the Galactic rotation) and +4 km s1^{-1} for the expansion. The stellar rotation model used here is shown to give a more faithful description of the observed velocity field than the linear model based on the Oort constants AGA_G and BGB_G. We present evidence that the young clusters β\beta Pic, Tuc/HorA, and TWA belong to the Gould Belt structure.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    The Oort Constants Measured from Proper Motions

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    The Oort constants describe the local variations of the stellar streaming field. Classically, they are determined from stellar proper motions. We discuss problems arising in this procedure. A large, hitherto overlooked, source of systematic error arises from longitudinal variations of the mean stellar parallax. Together with the solar reflex motion, these variations create contributions to the longitudinal proper motions mu_l*(l) that are indistinguishable from the Oort Constants at the 20% level. Fortunately, we can correct for this "mode mixing" using the latitudinal proper motions mu_b(l). We use ~10^6 stars from the ACT/Tycho-2 catalogs with proper motion errors of ~ 3 mas/yr. We find significant deviations from expectations based on a smooth axisymmetric equilibrium disk, in particular non-zero C for old red giant stars. We also find variations of the Oort constants with the asymmetric drift of the sub-sample. These correlations are different in nature than those expected for an axisymmetric Galaxy. The most reliable tracers for the ``true'' Oort constants are red giants, which are old enough to be in equilibrium and distant enough to be unaffected by possible local anomalies. For these stars we find, A ~ 16, B ~- 17, A - B ~ 33, and C ~- 10 km/s/kpc with internal errors of about 1-2 and external error of perhaps the same order. These values are consistent with our knowledge of the Milky Way (flat rotation curve and Omega=A - B ~ 28 +/- 2). Based on observations made with the ESA Hipparcos astrometry satellite. (Abridged)Comment: Submitted to Ap

    Type I interferon autoantibodies are associated with systemic immune alterations in patients with COVID-19

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    Neutralizing autoantibodies against type I interferons (IFNs) have been found in some patients with critical coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). However, the prevalence of these antibodies, their longitudinal dynamics across the disease severity scale, and their functional effects on circulating leukocytes remain unknown. Here, in 284 patients with COVID-19, we found type I IFN–specific autoantibodies in peripheral blood samples from 19% of patients with critical disease and 6% of patients with severe disease. We found no type I IFN autoantibodies in individuals with moderate disease. Longitudinal profiling of over 600,000 peripheral blood mononuclear cells using multiplexed single-cell epitope and transcriptome sequencing from 54 patients with COVID-19 and 26 non–COVID-19 controls revealed a lack of type I IFN–stimulated gene (ISG-I) responses in myeloid cells from patients with critical disease. This was especially evident in dendritic cell populations isolated from patients with critical disease producing type I IFN–specific autoantibodies. Moreover, we found elevated expression of the inhibitory receptor leukocyte-associated immunoglobulin-like receptor 1 (LAIR1) on the surface of monocytes isolated from patients with critical disease early in the disease course. LAIR1 expression is inversely correlated with ISG-I expression response in patients with COVID-19 but is not expressed in healthy controls. The deficient ISG-I response observed in patients with critical COVID-19 with and without type I IFN–specific autoantibodies supports a unifying model for disease pathogenesis involving ISG-I suppression through convergent mechanisms