3,199 research outputs found

    New Phases of SU(3) and SU(4) at Finite Temperature

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    The addition of an adjoint Polyakov loop term to the action of a pure gauge theory at finite temperature leads to new phases of SU(N) gauge theories. For SU(3), a new phase is found which breaks Z(3) symmetry in a novel way; for SU(4), the new phase exhibits spontaneous symmetry breaking of Z(4) to Z(2), representing a partially confined phase in which quarks are confined, but diquarks are not. The overall phase structure and thermodynamics is consistent with a theoretical model of the effective potential for the Polyakov loop based on perturbation theory.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, RevTeX

    PT symmetry and large-N models

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    Recently developed methods for PT-symmetric models can be applied to quantum-mechanical matrix and vector models. In matrix models, the calculation of all singlet wave functions can be reduced to the solution a one-dimensional PT-symmetric model. The large-N limit of a wide class of matrix models exists, and properties of the lowest-lying singlet state can be computed using WKB. For models with cubic and quartic interactions, the ground state energy appears to show rapid convergence to the large-N limit. For the special case of a quartic model, we find explicitly an isospectral Hermitian matrix model. The Hermitian form for a vector model with O(N) symmetry can also be found, and shows many unusual features. The effective potential obtained in the large-N limit of the Hermitian form is shown to be identical to the form obtained from the original PT-symmetric model using familiar constraint field methods. The analogous constraint field prescription in four dimensions suggests that PT-symmetric scalar field theories are asymptotically free.Comment: 15 pages, to be published in J. Phys. A special issue on Pseudo Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physic

    The Large-N Limit of PT-Symmetric O(N) Models

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    We study a PTPT-symmetric quantum mechanical model with an O(N)-symmetric potential of the form m2x⃗2/2−g(x⃗2)2/Nm^{2}\vec{x}^{2}/2-g(\vec{x}^{2})^{2}/N using its equivalent Hermitian form. Although the corresponding classical model has finite-energy trajectories that escape to infinity, the spectrum of the quantum theory is proven to consist only of bound states for all NN. We show that the model has two distinct phases in the large-NN limit, with different scaling behaviors as NN goes to infinity. The two phases are separated by a first-order phase transition at a critical value of the dimensionless parameter m2/g2/3m^{2}/g^{2/3}, given by 3⋅21/33\cdot2^{1/3}.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Periodic magnetorotational dynamo action as a prototype of nonlinear magnetic field generation in shear flows

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    The nature of dynamo action in shear flows prone to magnetohydrodynamic instabilities is investigated using the magnetorotational dynamo in Keplerian shear flow as a prototype problem. Using direct numerical simulations and Newton's method, we compute an exact time-periodic magnetorotational dynamo solution to the three-dimensional dissipative incompressible magnetohydrodynamic equations with rotation and shear. We discuss the physical mechanism behind the cycle and show that it results from a combination of linear and nonlinear interactions between a large-scale axisymmetric toroidal magnetic field and non-axisymmetric perturbations amplified by the magnetorotational instability. We demonstrate that this large scale dynamo mechanism is overall intrinsically nonlinear and not reducible to the standard mean-field dynamo formalism. Our results therefore provide clear evidence for a generic nonlinear generation mechanism of time-dependent coherent large-scale magnetic fields in shear flows and call for new theoretical dynamo models. These findings may offer important clues to understand the transitional and statistical properties of subcritical magnetorotational turbulence.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    PT-symmetric interpretation of double-scaling

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    The conventional double-scaling limit of an O(N)-symmetric quartic quantum field theory is inconsistent because the critical coupling constant is negative. Thus, at the critical coupling the Lagrangian defines a quantum theory with an upside-down potential whose energy appears to be unbounded below. Worse yet, the integral representation of the partition function of the theory does not exist. It is shown that one can avoid these difficulties if one replaces the original theory by its PT-symmetric analog. For a zero-dimensional O(N)-symmetric quartic vector model the partition function of the PT-symmetric analog is calculated explicitly in the double-scaling limit.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Center-stabilized Yang-Mills theory: confinement and large NN volume independence

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    We examine a double trace deformation of SU(N) Yang-Mills theory which, for large NN and large volume, is equivalent to unmodified Yang-Mills theory up to O(1/N2)O(1/N^2) corrections. In contrast to the unmodified theory, large NN volume independence is valid in the deformed theory down to arbitrarily small volumes. The double trace deformation prevents the spontaneous breaking of center symmetry which would otherwise disrupt large NN volume independence in small volumes. For small values of NN, if the theory is formulated on R3×S1\R^3 \times S^1 with a sufficiently small compactification size LL, then an analytic treatment of the non-perturbative dynamics of the deformed theory is possible. In this regime, we show that the deformed Yang-Mills theory has a mass gap and exhibits linear confinement. Increasing the circumference LL or number of colors NN decreases the separation of scales on which the analytic treatment relies. However, there are no order parameters which distinguish the small and large radius regimes. Consequently, for small NN the deformed theory provides a novel example of a locally four-dimensional pure gauge theory in which one has analytic control over confinement, while for large NN it provides a simple fully reduced model for Yang-Mills theory. The construction is easily generalized to QCD and other QCD-like theories.Comment: 29 pages, expanded discussion of multiple compactified dimension

    Experimental demonstration of ray-rotation sheets

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    We have built microstructured sheets that rotate, on transmission, the direction of light rays by an arbitrary, but fixed, angle around the sheet normal. These ray-rotation sheets comprise two pairs of confocal lenticular arrays. In addition to rotating the direction of transmitted light rays, our sheets also offset ray position sideways on the scale of the diameter of the lenticules. If this ray offset is sufficiently small so that it cannot be resolved, our ray-rotation sheets appear to perform generalized refraction
