2,718 research outputs found

    Total Cluster Energy Calculation of Lithium Ion Conductors by the DV-Xα Method

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    Recently several programs for the total cluster energy calculation have been developing in the DV-Xα method. In this study, we have tried to calculate and compare total cluster energies of several diatomic molecules and model clusters of ionic conductors. The total cluster energies of diatomic molecules have minimum near the equilibrium atomic distance of each molecules though the absolute value of the total cluster energy were slightly different each other. In the case of the model cluster of the Li3N crystal, which is one of the typical Li ion conductors, we have obtained the energy change as a function of the site during the movement of a Li ion. The energy change with the movement of the Li ion along the conduction path was considerably smaller than along other paths, consistent with the results by the band calculation and experiments. The total cluster energy calculation method was enough useful for the discussion of the cluster energy

    Anomalous Hall Effect and Magnetic Monopoles in Momentum-Space

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    Efforts to find the magnetic monopole in real space have been made in cosmic rays and in accelerators, but up to now there is no firm evidence for its existence due to the very heavy mass 1016\sim 10^{16}GeV. However, we show that the magnetic monopole can appear in the crystal-momentum space of solids in the accessible low energy region (0.11\sim0.1-1eV) in the context of the anomalous Hall effect. We report experimental results together with first-principles calculations on the ferromagnetic crystal SrRuO3_3 that provide evidence for the magnetic monopole in the crystal-momentum space.Comment: 4 figures, the supporting-online-materails are include

    Kummiluokkatoiminnan arviointi

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kuvata ja arvioida kummiluokkatoimintaa ja sen vaikutuksia sairaanhoitajaopiskelijan/terveydenhoitajaopiskelijan opintoihin sekä työelämään pääsemiseen ja sopeutumiseen. Tämä opinnäytetyö toteutettiin empiirisenä tutkimuksena. Kummiluokkatoimintaa arvioitiin kyselyn avulla. Kysely tehtiin sähköisenä Webropol-kyselynä. Kysely lähetettiin sähköpostitse 55 hoitoalan opiskelijalle, jotka olivat olleet mukana kummiluokkatoiminnassa. Kyselyyn vastasi yhdeksän opiskelijaa, vastausprosentti oli 16,36 %. Kysely sisälsi sekä avoimia kysymyksiä että monivalintakysymyksiä. Vastausten analysointiin käytettiin sisällönanalyysiä sekä tilastointia. Kyselyn tulokseksi saatiin, että opiskelijat eivät pääosin olleet tyytyväisiä kummiluokkatoimintaan sellaisena kuin se oli toteutunut. Kummiluokkatapaamisia oli ollut liian vähän, eikä niillä ollut vaikutusta työn saantiin. Kuitenkin se toiminta, mitä opiskelijoille oli tarjottu, oli mieleistä. Muutaman opiskelijan mielestä toiminta oli lisännyt halua työskennellä Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirissä ja yhden mielestä se oli tehnyt työnhausta helpompaa. Myös vierailukäynnit ja esitykset olivat olleet kiinnostavia, niitä olisi vain pitänyt olla enemmän. Tämän opinnäytetyön tuomaa tietoa voidaan käyttää kummiluokkatoiminnan kehittämiseen, jotta hoitoalan opiskelijat saadaan yhä enemmän sitoutumaan ja kiinnostumaan tulevasta ammatistaan. Saadut tulokset antavat myös lisää syitä kummiluokkatoiminnan jatkamiselle. Jatkotutkimuksina voisi selvittää, miten kummiluokkatoiminta vaikuttaa Turun Yliopistolliseen sairaalaan ja VSSHP:in, eli hyötyykö toiminnasta opiskelijoiden lisäksi myös organisaatio.The purpose of this study was to describe and evaluate the godparent activities and its effects on nursing studies, as well as to work to reach and adjust. This thesis has been implemented by empirical research. Godparent activity was assessed using an inquiry. The inquiry was conducted by Webropol survey. The inquiry was sent by e-mail of 55 nursing students, who had been involved in godparent activities. Nine students responded to the inquiry, the response rate was 16.36%. The inquiry contained both open questions and multiple choice questions. Content analysis and statistics were used for the analysis of the responses. The inquiry led to the result that students are not generally been satisfied with the godparent activities as it had been. Godparent meetings were only few, nor did they have the effect of employment. However, it is low, what activities were offered to students was worthwhile. A few view, the activities had added desire to work in Hospital District of Southwest Finland, and one thought it was done work search easier. Also, visits and information lectures were interesting; they would only have been more. This thesis can be used to develop the godparent activities, to get nursing students to increasingly commit to and interested in their future profession. The information obtained will also provide more reasons to continuation of godparent activities. Possible further studies could figure out how godparent activities affect the Turku University Hospital and in Hospital District of Southwest Finland, to benefit for the students, but also the organization

    Relativistic Equation of State of Nuclear Matter for Supernova and Neutron Star

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    We construct the equation of state (EOS) of nuclear matter using the relativistic mean field (RMF) theory in the wide density, temperature range with various proton fractions for the use of supernova simulation and the neutron star calculations. We first construct the EOS of homogeneous nuclear matter. We use then the Thomas-Fermi approximation to describe inhomogeneous matter, where heavy nuclei are formed together with free nucleon gas. We discuss the results on free energy, pressure and entropy in the wide range of astrophysical interest. As an example, we apply the resulting EOS on the neutron star properties by using the Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, 14 ps-figures, accepted for publication in Nucl.Phys.

    Relaxation Dynamics of Photocarriers in One-Dimensional Mott Insulators Coupled to Phonons

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    We examine recombination processes of photocarriers in one-dimensional Mott insulators coupled to phonons. Performing density matrix renormalization group calculations, we find that, even for small electron-phonon coupling, many phonons are generated dynamically, which cause initial relaxation process after the irradiation. At the same time, spin-charge coupling coming from mixing of high- and low-energy states by the irradiation is suppressed. We discuss differences between Mott and band insulators in terms of relaxation dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Formation of superconducting yttrium barium copper oxide using sulphur-containing templates

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    The formation of yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) via biotemplated routes is often plagued by unwanted stable intermediates, some of which arise from the template itself. Here we describe a method which allows sulphur-containing templates, such as proteins, to form superconducting YBCO which would have hitherto resulted in non-superconducting sulphated phases