184 research outputs found

    The HSS/SNiC : a conceptual framework for collapsing security down to the physical layer

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    This work details the concept of a novel network security model called the Super NIC (SNIC) and a Hybrid Super Switch (HSS). The design will ultimately incorporate deep packet inspection (DPI), intrusion detection and prevention (IDS/IPS) functions, as well as network access control technologies therefore making all end-point network devices inherently secure. The SNIC and HSS functions are modelled using a transparent GNU/Linux Bridge with the Netfilter framework

    Annealing studies and electrical properties of SnS-based solar cells

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    Thin films of SnS (tin sulphide) were thermally evaporated onto glass and CdS/ITO (cadmium sulphide/indium tin oxide) coated glass substrates and then annealed in vacuum with the aim of optimising them for use in photovoltaic solar cell device structures. The chemical and physical properties of the layers were determined using scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive x-ray analysis, x-ray diffraction, and transmittance versus wavelength measurements. “Superstrate configuration” devices were also made using indium tin oxide as the transparent conductive oxide, thermally evaporated cadmium sulphide as the buffer layer and evaporated copper/indium as the back contact material. Capacitance-voltage data are given for the fabricated devices. Capacitance- voltage, spectral response and I-V data are given for the fabricated devices

    Comparative Efficacy of Neem Seed Extract with Carbofuran in the Management of African Rice Gall Midge, Orseolia oryzivora Harris and Gagne (Diptera: Cecidomyppdae)

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    African rice gall midge (AfRGM) Orseolia oryzivora Harris and Gagné is one of the major insect pests of rice in Africa. The dominant pest control strategy in the tropical rice over the past few decades has been in the use of synthetic insecticide. Unfortunately synthetic insecticides have not given the desired results in the management of African rice gall midge, in addition to the side effects of synthetic insecticides on the environment. In order to alleviate the growing public concerns regarding the effects of synthetic pesticides on human health and environmental impact, much attention has been given to botanicals pesticides in the recent decades. Consequently, this study was conducted to determine the efficacy of neem seed extracts in the management of AfRGM compare to carbofuran during 2006/ 2007 farming seasons at two eco-sites in Nigeria. Moreover the effect of the treatments on grain yields was carried out to determine its efficiency. Results showed that the plots treated with neem seed kernel extracts significantly (P < 0.001) reduced AfRGM damage compared to untreated check, and was not statistically different from those plots treated with synthetic pesticide across the levels and seasons. The highest infestation was recorded in the untreated control plots throughout the experimental periods. There was also significant (P < 0.05) increase in number of productive tillers in the treated plots, which significantly increased rice grain yield than in the control plots. The results therefore suggest that the application of neem seed extracts could serve as a suitable alternative to synthetic insecticides in the management of AfRGM. More so the extract has the potential to increase rice grain yield without the disruption of the agro-ecosystem. Keyword: Plant extract, Carbofuran, Orseolia oryzivora control, grain yield

    A low-cost oxygen-air mixer device extends accessibility of safer neonatal respiratory support in a resource-poor setting

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    Background information: High cost of commercial-grade bubble continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine has led to its limited availability for respiratory support of neonates in resource poor facilities. Most Nigeria facilities resorted to an improvised setup which supplies oxygen at 100% concentration exposing neonates to hyperoxia with possible ROP. PoliteO2blend® is a cheaper device that mixes supplied oxygen with atmospheric air, delivering variable fractions of inspired oxygen (FiO2) to neonates via tracheal tube or nasal prongs extended into a disposable PEEP water bottle as used in the improvised setup. The system microfilters and humidifies the blended gas unlike conventional improvised application. This study evaluated the PoliteO2blend as a standalone device as well as an upgraded version of improvised-CPAP. Methods: Four units of the politeO2blend were installed at the University Teaching Hospital Abakaliki for trialling and were operated by four designated staff after prior training on the modes of application of the device. Forty-five neonates, birthweight ≥1500g were treated following parental consents. The systems were operated as improved improvised-CPAP in 16 neonates of which 18.8% (3/16) were delivered preterm. All patients initially experienced respiratory distress with 75% (12/16) having pre-treatment respiratory rate >60c/m and SPO2 as low as 43% in some. The neonatal impact analyses of continuing usage of the devices at the hospital was evaluated based on the fraction of the total number of needy neonates at the centre who necessarily got treated using the device. Results: The target SPO2 of 90-95% was achieved in all neonates using FiO2 that ranged from 0.21 to 0.6. Duration of improvised setup with PoliteO2blend before successful discharge ranged from 5hrs to 7days. Conclusion: Our target SPO2 was rapidly achieved at a safer FiO2 in most neonates that received respiratory support. Improvised-CPAP application via PoliteO2blend may reduce the incidence of oxygen toxicity owing to conventional use of improvised setup. PoliteO2blend is recommended as safer alternative for facilities lacking sufficient funds

    Review of the Fertility Status of the Wetlands of the Lower Anambra River Basin for Sustainable Crop Production.

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    The Wetlands of the Lower Anambra River Basin have been subjected to continuous crop production for a long time without adequate fertility restoration strategies. There was therefore the need to re-evaluate the soils health for sustainable crop production. Soil samples were   collected from the different zones of the study area and used to evaluate the soils texture, and physico- chemical properties. The results revealed that bulk density ranged from 1.3gcm-3 to 1.74gcm-3 with a mean value of 1.50gcm-1, while the hydraulic conductivity values ranged from 48.0 to 120.0 cm/hr with a mean value of 72.7cm/hr.  The moisture content of the soils was as high as 47.72 to 59.11%.  The soils were generally strongly acidic, ranging from pH 3.39 to 4.94. The organic matter status was generally low, ranging from 0.7 to 2.53 %. The Cation exchange capacity (CEC) was also generally low. The soils suffer multi-nutrient deficiencies. Total N was generally low in all the zones <0.15%, with a range of 0.042 to 0.14%. The available phosphorus in most of the soils were low (<15.0mg kg ), the exchangeable K had a range of 0.077 to 0.246 Cmol/kg. The exchangeable Ca had a range of 1.60 to 5.20 Cmol/kg, low to medium level, while Mg and Na had ranges of 0.80 to 3.20 Cmol/kg and 0.044 to 0.139 Cmol/kg respectively. It was concluded that the soils require conventional to minimum tillage, use of organic manures, judicious use of organic residues, liming, Bio-fertilizers and NPK fertilizers in other to sustain the soil for intensive crop production. Keywords: Soil fertility; Wetlands; Anambra river basin; Crop production

    Use of water quality index to assess the impact of flooding on water quality of River Kaduna, Nigeria

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    Flooding is increasingly becoming a yearly occurrence in Nigeria and many parts of the world and is linked to climate change. It comes with a wide range of consequences including the destruction of life and property and surface water pollution. This study used water quality index (WQI) to assess the impact of 2019 and 2020 flood events on the water quality of River Kaduna. Nine water quality parameters were selected based on Nigeria standards, while the weighted arithmetic method was applied in calculating the WQI. The result shows that electrical conductivity, TDS, Cl-, Na, sulphate, and nitrate were all below the maximum standard limits throughout the study period, while Fe and turbidity were above the limits. While other parameters showed varied responses before and after the two flood events, Fe and turbidity were consistently higher after the flood events. The water quality of the river is generally in the extremely poor class, both before and after the 2019 and 2020 floods (WQI > 100). There was a pronounced decrease in water quality at all the sampling stations after both the 2019 and 2020 flood events. The decreasing water quality should be of a public health concern as a large number of people depends on this river for domestic use

    An Assessment of Entrepreneurship Involvement among Undergraduate Students of Cross River State University of Technology, Ogoja Campus, Cross Rive State

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    The study evaluated entrepreneurship involvement among undergraduate students of Cross River State University of Technology, Ogoja Campus, Cross Rive State. Data was obtained through the administration of a structured questionnaire to undergraduate students with personal business irrespective of the scale. Result indicated that family knowledge and natural ability did not determine students’ entrepreneurship involvement but the need for money, desire to become self-dependence and the desire to be employers of labour. The study identified University entrepreneurship internship programme and parental occupation as main sources of entrepreneurship awareness accruable to university students. Furthermore, fund from parents and personal savings were the main sources of capital used to start a business.  Pearson’s correlation showed a high, positive and significant association between students' involvement in entrepreneurship and income diversification (0.97, P<0.01). Independent samples test indicated that entrepreneurship motivation between male and female students differs (t = 12.767, P<0.05). The study based on the result obtained suggested that the universities in Nigeria should add more valves to their graduate by incorporating into their curriculum elements that enhance the development of entrepreneurial attitudes and self-efficacy. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Student involvement, Undergraduate students, Source of capita

    Effect of Abiotic Factors on the Incidence of African Rice Gall Midge, Orseolia oryzivora and its Parasitism by Platygaster diplosisae and Aprostocetus procerae

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    African rice gall midge (AfRGM), Orseolia oryzivora is one of the most damaging insect pests of lowland rice in Nigeria in the recent time, and could result in total crop failure in endemic areas. Of all the control measures adopted so far biological control is the most promising. Two parasitoids (Platygaster diplosisae, Hym: Platygastridae and Aprostocetus procerae, Hym: Eulophidae) have been identified with the potential to suppressed AfRGM population. In the current study, we evaluated the effect of abiotic factors (rainfall, relative humidity and temperature) in two eco-sites for two years on the incidence of AfRGM, and on the efficiency of the two parasotioids in the management of AfRGM. The incidence of AfRGM was significantly influenced by abiotic factors (rainfall, relative humidity and temperature). The percentage infestation increased with increase in rainfall and relative humidity. The trend was similar at both locations with the highest infestation recorded in October, and decreased in November. At both locations, percentage tiller infestation was greater in the rainy season of 2006 with more frequent rains than in 2007, with highest infestation recorded at Edozhigi in both years. Percentage parasitisms by the two parasitoids were found to have significant correlation with the abiotic factors. Heavy rains and high humidity significantly reduced the efficiency of the two parasitoids. On the contrast, the population and efficiency of the parasitoids were observed to increase with reducing rainfall, RH, but increasing temperature thus increasing the efficiency of the parasitoids later in the season with up to 70% parasitism when combined, with P. diplosisae dominating the field. The results suggest that abiotic factors played significant role on the incidence of AfRGM and the efficiency of these parasitoids and should be considered in the adoption of these parasitoids as bio-control agents of AfRGM. Keywords: Orseolia oryzivora, Platygaster diplosisae, Aprostocetus procerae, abiotic factor