33 research outputs found

    Fidelity Between Unitary Operators and the Generation of Gates Robust Against Off-Resonance Perturbations

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    We perform a functional expansion of the fidelity between two unitary matrices in order to find the necessary conditions for the robust implementation of a target gate. Comparison of these conditions with those obtained from the Magnus expansion and Dyson series shows that they are equivalent in first order. By exploiting techniques from robust design optimization, we account for issues of experimental feasibility by introducing an additional criterion to the search for control pulses. This search is accomplished by exploring the competition between the multiple objectives in the implementation of the NOT gate by means of evolutionary multi-objective optimization

    Improving Model Accuracy for Imbalanced Image Classification Tasks by Adding a Final Batch Normalization Layer: An Empirical Study

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    Some real-world domains, such as Agriculture and Healthcare, comprise early-stage disease indications whose recording constitutes a rare event, and yet, whose precise detection at that stage is critical. In this type of highly imbalanced classification problems, which encompass complex features, deep learning (DL) is much needed because of its strong detection capabilities. At the same time, DL is observed in practice to favor majority over minority classes and consequently suffer from inaccurate detection of the targeted early-stage indications. To simulate such scenarios, we artificially generate skewness (99% vs. 1%) for certain plant types out of the PlantVillage dataset as a basis for classification of scarce visual cues through transfer learning. By randomly and unevenly picking healthy and unhealthy samples from certain plant types to form a training set, we consider a base experiment as fine-tuning ResNet34 and VGG19 architectures and then testing the model performance on a balanced dataset of healthy and unhealthy images. We empirically observe that the initial F1 test score jumps from 0.29 to 0.95 for the minority class upon adding a final Batch Normalization (BN) layer just before the output layer in VGG19. We demonstrate that utilizing an additional BN layer before the output layer in modern CNN architectures has a considerable impact in terms of minimizing the training time and testing error for minority classes in highly imbalanced data sets. Moreover, when the final BN is employed, minimizing the loss function may not be the best way to assure a high F1 test score for minority classes in such problems. That is, the network might perform better even if it is not confident enough while making a prediction; leading to another discussion about why softmax output is not a good uncertainty measure for DL models.Comment: Accepted for presentation and inclusion in ICPR 2020, the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognitio

    Runtime Analysis of Probabilistic Crowding and Restricted Tournament Selection for Bimodal Optimisation

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    Many real optimisation problems lead to multimodal domains and so require the identifi- cation of multiple optima. Niching methods have been developed to maintain the population diversity, to investigate many peaks in parallel and to reduce the effect of genetic drift. Using rigorous runtime analysis, we analyse for the first time two well known niching methods: probabilistic crowding and restricted tournament selection (RTS). We incorporate both methods into a (µ+1) EA on the bimodal function Twomax where the goal is to find two optima at opposite ends of the search space. In probabilistic crowding, the offspring compete with their parents and the survivor is chosen proportionally to its fitness. On Twomax probabilistic crowding fails to find any reasonable solution quality even in exponential time. In RTS the offspring compete against the closest individual amongst w (window size) individuals. We prove that RTS fails if w is too small, leading to exponential times with high probability. However, if w is chosen large enough, it finds both optima for Twomax in time O(µn log n) with high probability. Our theoretical results are accompanied by experimental studies that match the theoretical results and also shed light on parameters not covered by the theoretical results