27 research outputs found

    In Würde zu sich stehen : Konzept und Wirksamkeit eines peer-geleiteten Programms zu Offenlegung und Stigmabewältigung

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    Background: Due to the stigma associated with mental disorders, many people with mental illness face the difficult choice whether to disclose their illness to others. (Non-)Disclosure is a key reaction in coping with stigma. Disclosure as well as non-disclosure have risks and benefits, depending on the environment and the individual. Methods: "Honest, Open, Proud" (HOP; German: ,In Würde zu sich stehen'/IWS) is a peer-led group program to support people with mental illness in their disclosure decisions. It is not HOP’s aim to make participants disclose, but to support a well-informed and empowered decision. Results: Currently three RCTs, with several others underway, show HOP's positive effects in terms of reductions in stigma stress, disclosure distress, self-stigma, or depressive symptoms. Adolescent participants reported better quality of life, recovery, and attitudes to help-seeking. Adaptations for different diagnoses and age groups have been developed. Conclusions: HOP appears to be a feasible and effective program to support people with mental illness in their disclosure decisions and in their coping with stigma. Future developments and public health implications are discussed

    In Würde zu sich stehen : Konzept und Wirksamkeit eines peer-geleiteten Programms zu Offenlegung und Stigmabewältigung

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    Background: Due to the stigma associated with mental disorders, many people with mental illness face the difficult choice whether to disclose their illness to others. (Non-)Disclosure is a key reaction in coping with stigma. Disclosure as well as non-disclosure have risks and benefits, depending on the environment and the individual. Methods: "Honest, Open, Proud" (HOP; German: ,In Würde zu sich stehen'/IWS) is a peer-led group program to support people with mental illness in their disclosure decisions. It is not HOP’s aim to make participants disclose, but to support a well-informed and empowered decision. Results: Currently three RCTs, with several others underway, show HOP's positive effects in terms of reductions in stigma stress, disclosure distress, self-stigma, or depressive symptoms. Adolescent participants reported better quality of life, recovery, and attitudes to help-seeking. Adaptations for different diagnoses and age groups have been developed. Conclusions: HOP appears to be a feasible and effective program to support people with mental illness in their disclosure decisions and in their coping with stigma. Future developments and public health implications are discussed

    Does the peer-led Honest, Open, Proud program reduce stigma’s impact for everyone? An individual participant data meta-regression analysis

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    Purpose Many people with mental illness experience self-stigma and stigma-related stress and struggle with decisions whether to disclose their condition to others. The peer-led Honest, Open, Proud (HOP) group program supports them in their disclosure decisions. In randomized controlled trials, HOP has shown positive effects on self-stigma and stigma stress on average. This study examined individual predictors of HOP outcomes and tested the hypothesis that stigma stress reduction at the end of HOP mediates positive HOP effects at follow-up. Methods Six RCTs were included with data at baseline, post (after the HOP program) and at 3- or 4-week follow-up. Baseline variables were entered in meta-regression models to predict change in self-stigma, stigma stress, depressive symptoms and quality of life among HOP participants. Mediation models examined change in stigma stress (post) as a mediator of HOP effects on self-stigma, depressive symptoms, and quality of life at follow-up. Results More shame at baseline, and for some outcomes reduced empowerment, predicted reduced HOP effects on stigma stress, self-stigma, depressive symptoms, and quality of life. Younger age was related to greater improvements in stigma stress after the HOP program. Stigma stress reductions at the end of HOP mediated positive effects on self-stigma, depressive symptoms and quality of life at follow-up. Conclusion Participants who are initially less burdened by shame may benefit more from HOP. Stigma stress reduction could be a key mechanism of change that mediates effects on more distal outcomes. Implications for the further development of HOP are discussed

    Childhood bullying victimization, self-labelling and help-seeking for mental health problems

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    Purpose: Previous research found sustained high levels of mental health service use among adults who experienced bullying victimization during childhood. This could be due to increased psychopathology among this group, but other factors, such as self-perception as having a mental health problem, might contribute to increased service use. Additionally, the relationship between informal help-seeking for mental health problems and bullying victimization is incompletely understood. Methods: The present study examined associations between the frequency of bullying victimization and both formal service use and informal help-seeking for mental health problems independent from psychopathology. Data on bullying victimization, service use, informal help-seeking for mental health problems, psychopathology, and self-labelling as a person with mental illness were collected among 422 young people aged 13-22 years. Results: In logistic regression models, controlling for past and current psychopathology and using no bullying victimization as the reference category, we identified a greater likelihood of mental health service use among persons who experienced frequent bullying victimization, as well as a greater likelihood of seeking informal help among persons who experienced occasional victimization. Increased self-identification as a person with mental illness completely mediated the positive association between frequent bullying victimization and mental health service use. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that services to support persons who experienced frequent bullying victimization should focus on improving empowerment and self-perception. Additionally, there might be unserved need for formal support among those who experienced occasional bullying victimization

    Perspectives of healthcare providers, service users, and family members about mental illness stigma in primary care settings: A multi-site qualitative study of seven countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe

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    Background: Stigma among healthcare providers is a barrier to the effective delivery of mental health services in primary care. Few studies have been conducted in primary care settings comparing the attitudes of healthcare providers and experiences of people with mental illness who are service users in those facilities. Such research is necessary across diverse global settings to characterize stigma and inform effective stigma reduction. Methods: Qualitative research was conducted on mental illness stigma in primary care settings in one low-income country (Nepal), two lower-middle income countries (India, Tunisia), one upper-middle-income country (Lebanon), and three high-income countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy). Qualitative interviews were conducted with 248 participants: 64 primary care providers, 11 primary care facility managers, 111 people with mental illness, and 60 family members of people with mental illness. Data were analyzed using framework analysis. Results: Primary care providers endorsed some willingness to help persons with mental illness but reported not having appropriate training and supervision to deliver mental healthcare. They expressed that people with mental illness are aggressive and unpredictable. Some reported that mental illness is incurable, and mental healthcare is burdensome and leads to burnout. They preferred mental healthcare to be delivered by specialists. Service users did not report high levels of discrimination from primary care providers; however, they had limited expectations of support from primary care providers. Service users reported internalized stigma and discrimination from family and community members. Providers and service users reported unreliable psychiatric medication supply and lack of facilities for confidential consultations. Limitations of the study include conducting qualitative interviews in clinical settings and reliance on clinician-researchers in some sites to conduct interviews, which potentially biases respondents to present attitudes and experiences about primary care services in a positive manner. Conclusions: Primary care providers' willingness to interact with people with mental illness and receive more training presents an opportunity to address stigmatizing beliefs and stereotypes. This study also raises important methodological questions about the most appropriate strategies to accurately understand attitudes and experiences of people with mental illness. Recommendations are provided for future qualitative research about stigma, such as qualitative interviewing by non-clinical personnel, involving non-clinical staff for recruitment of participants, conducting interviews in non-clinical settings, and partnering with people with mental illness to facilitate qualitative data collection and analysis

    Supportive and non-supportive social experiences following suicide loss: a qualitative study

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    Abstract Background Suicide bereavement entails profound social stressors, including stigma and communication barriers, which can impair social support for suicide loss survivors (SLS). Despite recognized benefits of empathetic interactions, social support, and self-disclosure in mitigating adverse mental health outcomes after suicide loss, we lack a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing perceived social support among SLS within their broader social environments. To address this gap, our study explores the diverse social experiences of SLS beyond their immediate circles. Specifically, we identify characteristics that define both supportive and non-supportive social experiences of SLS, as well as the facilitators and barriers to social support in the context of suicide bereavement. Methods In 2022, we conducted structured online individual interviews with a diverse sample of 18 SLS in Germany. We analyzed these interviews using qualitative content analysis. Results We examined the social experiences of SLS across three phases and social contexts: (1) the immediate aftermath of the loss; (2) during bereavement practices; and (3) over time. Our findings show that proactive responses and personalized mourning rituals significantly enhance SLS’ sense of community support, while encounters characterized by avoidance or intrusive curiosity lead to feelings of isolation. Over time, supportive interactions often emerge from peers with similar experiences, promoting openness and shared vulnerability. Conversely, superficial engagement, along with experiences of others depersonalizing and avoiding conversations about the loss, contribute to a sense of marginalization. Conclusions Our findings highlight the importance of proactive engagement and open dialogue, calling for societal and communicative shifts toward inclusive and compassionate approaches in addressing suicide loss. This study underscores the need for comprehensive strategies that enhance both suicide and grief literacy and address the taboo and stigma surrounding suicide, ultimately fostering supportive social environments for SLS

    Emerging trends in suicide prevention research

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