238 research outputs found

    Production Processes as a Tool to Study Parameterizations of Quark Confinement

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    We introduce diquarks as separable correlations in the two-quark Green's function to facilitate the description of baryons as relativistic three-quark bound states. These states then emerge as solutions of Bethe-Salpeter equations for quarks and diquarks that interact via quark exchange. When solving these equations we consider various dressing functions for the free quark and diquark propagators that prohibit the existence of corresponding asymptotic states and thus effectively parameterize confinement. We study the implications of qualitatively different dressing functions on the model predictions for the masses of the octet baryons as well as the electromagnetic and strong form factors of the nucleon. For different dressing functions we in particular compare the predictions for kaon photoproduction, γp→KΛ\gamma p\to K\Lambda, and associated strangeness production, pp→pKΛpp\to pK\Lambda with experimental data. This leads to conclusions on the permissibility of different dressing functions.Comment: 43 pages, Latex, 28 eps files included via epsfig; version to be published in Physical Review

    Mesons in a Poincare Covariant Bethe-Salpeter Approach

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    We develop a covariant approach to describe the low-lying scalar, pseudoscalar, vector and axialvector mesons as quark-antiquark bound states. This approach is based on an effective interaction modeling of the non--perturbative structure of the gluon propagator that enters the quark Schwinger-Dyson and meson Bethe-Salpeter equations. We consistently treat these integral equations by precisely implementing the quark propagator functions that solve the Schwinger-Dyson equations into the Bethe-Salpeter equations in the relevant kinematical region. We extract the meson masses and compute the pion and kaon decay constants. We obtain a quantitatively correct description for pions, kaons and vector mesons while the calculated spectra of scalar and axialvector mesons suggest that their structure is more complex than being quark-antiquark bound states.Comment: 18 pages LaTeX, 5 figures; some changes in the presentation, new results on axial vector mesons in enlarged mixing scheme; version to be published in Physical Review

    Collective dynamics of colloids at fluid interfaces

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    The evolution of an initially prepared distribution of micron sized colloidal particles, trapped at a fluid interface and under the action of their mutual capillary attraction, is analyzed by using Brownian dynamics simulations. At a separation \lambda\ given by the capillary length of typically 1 mm, the distance dependence of this attraction exhibits a crossover from a logarithmic decay, formally analogous to two-dimensional gravity, to an exponential decay. We discuss in detail the adaption of a particle-mesh algorithm, as used in cosmological simulations to study structure formation due to gravitational collapse, to the present colloidal problem. These simulations confirm the predictions, as far as available, of a mean-field theory developed previously for this problem. The evolution is monitored by quantitative characteristics which are particularly sensitive to the formation of highly inhomogeneous structures. Upon increasing \lambda\ the dynamics show a smooth transition from the spinodal decomposition expected for a simple fluid with short-ranged attraction to the self-gravitational collapse scenario.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, revised, matches version accepted for publication in the European Physical Journal

    Free energy of colloidal particles at the surface of sessile drops

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    The influence of finite system size on the free energy of a spherical particle floating at the surface of a sessile droplet is studied both analytically and numerically. In the special case that the contact angle at the substrate equals π/2\pi/2 a capillary analogue of the method of images is applied in order to calculate small deformations of the droplet shape if an external force is applied to the particle. The type of boundary conditions for the droplet shape at the substrate determines the sign of the capillary monopole associated with the image particle. Therefore, the free energy of the particle, which is proportional to the interaction energy of the original particle with its image, can be of either sign, too. The analytic solutions, given by the Green's function of the capillary equation, are constructed such that the condition of the forces acting on the droplet being balanced and of the volume constraint are fulfilled. Besides the known phenomena of attraction of a particle to a free contact line and repulsion from a pinned one, we observe a local free energy minimum for the particle being located at the drop apex or at an intermediate angle, respectively. This peculiarity can be traced back to a non-monotonic behavior of the Green's function, which reflects the interplay between the deformations of the droplet shape and the volume constraint.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figure

    Curvature Dependence of Surface Free Energy of Liquid Drops and Bubbles: A Simulation Study

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    We study the excess free energy due to phase coexistence of fluids by Monte Carlo simulations using successive umbrella sampling in finite LxLxL boxes with periodic boundary conditions. Both the vapor-liquid phase coexistence of a simple Lennard-Jones fluid and the coexistence between A-rich and B-rich phases of a symmetric binary (AB) Lennard-Jones mixture are studied, varying the density rho in the simple fluid or the relative concentration x_A of A in the binary mixture, respectively. The character of phase coexistence changes from a spherical droplet (or bubble) of the minority phase (near the coexistence curve) to a cylindrical droplet (or bubble) and finally (in the center of the miscibility gap) to a slab-like configuration of two parallel flat interfaces. Extending the analysis of M. Schrader, P. Virnau, and K. Binder [Phys. Rev. E 79, 061104 (2009)], we extract the surface free energy gamma (R) of both spherical and cylindrical droplets and bubbles in the vapor-liquid case, and present evidence that for R -> Infinity the leading order (Tolman) correction for droplets has sign opposite to the case of bubbles, consistent with the Tolman length being independent on the sign of curvature. For the symmetric binary mixture the expected non-existence of the Tolman length is confirmed. In all cases {and for a range of radii} R relevant for nucleation theory, gamma(R) deviates strongly from gamma (Infinity) which can be accounted for by a term of order gamma(Infinity)/gamma(R)-1 ~ 1/R^2. Our results for the simple Lennard-Jones fluid are also compared to results from density functional theory and we find qualitative agreement in the behavior of gamma(R) as well as in the sign and magnitude of the Tolman length.Comment: 25 pages, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Integral equations for simple fluids in a general reference functional approach

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    The integral equations for the correlation functions of an inhomogeneous fluid mixture are derived using a functional Taylor expansion of the free energy around an inhomogeneous equilibrium distribution. The system of equations is closed by the introduction of a reference functional for the correlations beyond second order in the density difference from the equilibrium distribution. Explicit expressions are obtained for energies required to insert particles of the fluid mixture into the inhomogeneous system. The approach is illustrated by the determination of the equation of state of a simple, truncated Lennard--Jones fluid and the analysis of the behavior of this fluid near a hard wall. The wall--fluid integral equation exhibits complete drying and the corresponding coexisting densities are in good agreement with those obtained from the standard (Maxwell) construction applied to the bulk fluid. Self--consistency of the approach is examined by analyzing the virial/compressibility routes to the equation of state and the Gibbs--Duhem relation for the bulk fluid, and the contact density sum rule and the Gibbs adsorption equation for the hard wall problem. For the bulk fluid, we find good self--consistency for stable states outside the critical region. For the hard wall problem, the Gibbs adsorption equation is fulfilled very well near phase coexistence where the adsorption is large.For the contact density sum rule, we find some deviationsnear coexistence due to a slight disagreement between the coexisting density for the gas phase obtained from the Maxwell construction and from complete drying at the hard wall.Comment: 29 page

    Survey of nucleon electromagnetic form factors

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    A dressed-quark core contribution to nucleon electromagnetic form factors is calculated. It is defined by the solution of a Poincare' covariant Faddeev equation in which dressed-quarks provide the elementary degree of freedom and correlations between them are expressed via diquarks. The nucleon-photon vertex involves a single parameter; i.e., a diquark charge radius. It is argued to be commensurate with the pion's charge radius. A comprehensive analysis and explanation of the form factors is built upon this foundation. A particular feature of the study is a separation of form factor contributions into those from different diagram types and correlation sectors, and subsequently a flavour separation for each of these. Amongst the extensive body of results that one could highlight are: r_1^{n,u}>r_1^{n,d}, owing to the presence of axial-vector quark-quark correlations; and for both the neutron and proton the ratio of Sachs electric and magnetic form factors possesses a zero.Comment: 43 pages, 17 figures, 12 tables, 5 appendice

    Current quark mass dependence of nucleon magnetic moments and radii

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    A calculation of the current-quark-mass-dependence of nucleon static electromagnetic properties is necessary in order to use observational data as a means to place constraints on the variation of Nature's fundamental parameters. A Poincare' covariant Faddeev equation, which describes baryons as composites of confined-quarks and -nonpointlike-diquarks, is used to calculate this dependence The results indicate that, like observables dependent on the nucleons' magnetic moments, quantities sensitive to their magnetic and charge radii, such as the energy levels and transition frequencies in Hydrogen and Deuterium, might also provide a tool with which to place limits on the allowed variation in Nature's constants.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables, 4 appendice

    Nucleon axial and pseudoscalar form factors from the covariant Faddeev equation

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    We compute the axial and pseudoscalar form factors of the nucleon in the Dyson-Schwinger approach. To this end, we solve a covariant three-body Faddeev equation for the nucleon wave function and determine the matrix elements of the axialvector and pseudoscalar isotriplet currents. Our only input is a well-established and phenomenologically successful ansatz for the nonperturbative quark-gluon interaction. As a consequence of the axial Ward-Takahashi identity that is respected at the quark level, the Goldberger-Treiman relation is reproduced for all current-quark masses. We discuss the timelike pole structure of the quark-antiquark vertices that enters the nucleon matrix elements and determines the momentum dependence of the form factors. Our result for the axial charge underestimates the experimental value by 20-25% which might be a signal of missing pion-cloud contributions. The axial and pseudoscalar form factors agree with phenomenological and lattice data in the momentum range above Q^2 ~ 1...2 GeV^2.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl
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