239 research outputs found

    Marine Baitfish Culture

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    Hot and Diffuse Clouds near the Galactic Center Probed by Metastable H3+

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    Using an absorption line from the metastable (J, K) = (3, 3) level of H3+ together with other lines of H3+ and CO observed along several sightlines, we have discovered a vast amount of high temperature (T ~ 250 K) and low density (n ~ 100 cm-3) gas with a large velocity dispersion in the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) of the Galaxy, i.e., within 200 pc of the center. Approximately three fourths of the H3+ along the line of sight to the brightest source we observed, the Quintuplet object GCS 3-2, is inferred to be in the CMZ, with the remaining H3+ located in intervening spiral arms. About half of H3+ in the CMZ has velocities near ~ - 100 km s-1 indicating that it is associated with the 180 pc radius Expanding Molecular Ring which approximately forms outer boundary of the CMZ. The other half, with velocities of ~ - 50 km s-1 and ~ 0 km s-1, is probably closer to the center. CO is not very abundant in those clouds. Hot and diffuse gas in which the (3, 3) level is populated was not detected toward several dense clouds and diffuse clouds in the Galactic disk where large column densities of colder H3+ have been reported previously. Thus the newly discovered environment appears to be unique to the CMZ. The large observed H3+ column densities in the CMZ suggests an ionization rate much higher than in the diffuse interstellar medium in the Galactic disk. Our finding that the H3+ in the CMZ is almost entirely in diffuse clouds indicates that the reported volume filling factor (f ≥ 0.1) for n ≥ 104 cm-3 clouds in the CMZ is an overestimate by at least an order of magnitude.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Serum insulin level, disease stage, prostate specific antigen (PSA) and Gleason score in prostate cancer

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    In the present study, we assessed the relationship of serum insulin levels and three surrogate markers of recurrence, T stage, PSA, and Gleason score, in men with localized prostate cancer. Participants in our study were found through urology and radiation oncology clinics, and all eligible patients were asked to take part. All patients were asymptomatic and had been initially diagnosed on the basis of rising PSA or abnormal physical examination. Histological confirmation of diagnosis was obtained for all subjects. Serum insulin levels were determined by chemoluminescent assay with a standard, commercially available instrument. Patients were divided into three previously defined risk groups: Low risk: PSA ⩽10, stage ⩽T2a, or Gleason grade ⩽6. Medium risk: 10 <PSA ⩽15, Gleason 7 or stage T2b. High risk: Gleason >7, tumour in seminal vesicle biopsy, PSA >15 or stage T2c or T3. One hundred and sixty-three men with prostate cancer were studied. There was a significant increase in serum insulin with risk group (P=0.003, one way anova). Tukey's multiple range test showed that the insulin levels of high risk patients were significantly higher than the insulin levels of medium and low risk patients (P=0.05) but the insulin levels of medium and low risk patients were not significantly different from one another. Multivariate linear regression, with insulin as the dependent variable, Gleason score, PSA, and T stage (T1, T2, T3) as the independent variables, was significant overall (P<0.001, r2=0.120). Increased T stage was independently correlated with increased serum insulin levels (P<0.001). Gleason score was negatively, insignificantly correlated with serum insulin level (P=0.059). The positive correlation of PSA and insulin level was not significant (P=0.097). To assure normal distribution of insulin and PSA values, the regression was repeated with log (insulin) as the dependent variable, log (PSA), T stage (T1, T2, T3), and Gleason score as independent variables. The regression was significant overall (P=0.002, r2 =0.095). Increased T stage was independently correlated with increased log (insulin level) (P=0.026). Gleason score was negatively, insignificantly correlated with log (insulin) level (P=0.728). The positive correlation of log (PSA) and log (insulin) levels was significant (P=0.010). The relationship between increased insulin level and advanced tumour stage in prostate cancer we describe here is biologically quite plausible, since insulin is a growth factor. Further studies may document whether serum insulin levels might be a useful biomarker of prostate cancer stage

    The feasibility and results of a population-based approach to evaluating prostate-specific antigen screening for prostate cancer in men with a raised familial risk

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    The feasibility of a population-based evaluation of screening for prostate cancer in men with a raised familial risk was investigated by studying reasons for non-participation and uptake rates according to postal recruitment and clinic contact. The levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and the positive predictive values (PPV) for cancer in men referred with a raised PSA and in those biopsied were analysed. First-degree male relatives (FDRs) were identified through index cases (ICs): patients living in two regions of England and diagnosed with prostate cancer at age ⩽65 years from 1998 to 2004. First-degree relatives were eligible if they were aged 45–69 years, living in the UK and had no prior diagnosis of prostate cancer. Postal recruitment was low (45 of 1687 ICs agreed to their FDR being contacted: 2.7%) but this was partly due to ICs not having eligible FDRs. A third of ICs in clinic had eligible FDRs and 49% (192 out of 389) agreed to their FDR(s) being contacted. Of 220 eligible FDRs who initially consented, 170 (77.3%) had a new PSA test taken and 32 (14.5%) provided a previous PSA result. Among the 170 PSA tests, 10% (17) were ⩾4 ng ml−1 and 13.5% (23) tests above the age-related cutoffs. In 21 men referred, five were diagnosed with prostate cancer (PPV 24%; 95% CI 8, 47). To study further the effects of screening, patients with a raised familial risk should be counselled in clinic about screening of relatives and data routinely recorded so that the effects of screening on high-risk groups can be studied

    Dropout in a longitudinal, cohort study of urologic disease in community men

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    BACKGROUND: Reasons for attrition in studies vary, but may be a major concern in long-term studies if those who drop out differ systematically from those who continue to participate. Factors associated with dropout were evaluated in a twelve-year community-based, prospective cohort study of urologic disease in men. METHODS: During 1989–1991, 2,115 randomly selected Caucasian men, ages 40–79 years from Olmsted County, Minnesota were enrolled and followed with questionnaires biennially; 332 men were added in follow-up. A random subset (~25%) received a urologic examination. Baseline characteristics including age, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) symptoms, comorbidities, and socioeconomic factors were compared between subjects who did and did not participate after the twelfth year of follow-up. RESULTS: Of the 2,447 men, 195 died and were excluded; 682 did not participate in 2002. Compared with men in the 40–49 year age group, men ≥ 70 years of age at baseline had a greater relative odds of dropout, 2.65 (95% CI: 1.93, 3.63). In age-adjusted analyses, relative to men without stroke, men who had suffered a stroke had a higher odds of dropout, age-adjusted OR 3.07 (95% CI: 1.49, 6.33). Presence of at least one BPH symptom was not associated with dropout, (age-adjusted OR 1.12 (95% CI: 0.93, 1.36)). CONCLUSION: These results provide assurance that dropout was not related to primary study outcomes. However, factors associated with dropout should be taken into account in analyses where they may be potential confounders

    Higher expression of human kallikrein 10 in breast cancer tissue predicts tamoxifen resistance

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    The human tissue kallikreins are secreted serine proteases, encoded by a group of homologous genes clustered in tandem on chromosome 19q13.3-4. Human kallikrein 6 and human kallikrein 10 are two new members of this family. Recently, we developed highly sensitive and specific immunofluorometric assays for human kallikrein 6 and human kallikrein 10, which allow for their quantification in tissue extracts and biological fluids. Both human kallikrein 6 and human kallikrein 10 are found to be down-regulated in breast cancer cell lines, suggesting that they may be involved in breast cancer pathogenesis and progression. In this study, we investigated the potential value of human kallikrein 6 and human kallikrein 10 as prognostic and predictive factors in breast cancer. We quantified human kallikrein 6 and human kallikrein 10 protein levels in 749 breast tumour cytosolic extracts and correlated this data with various clinicopathological variables and patient outcomes. Human kallikrein 6 and human kallikrein 10 are positively correlated with each other. Higher human kallikrein 6 and human kallikrein 10 protein levels are associated with younger age, pre-menopausal, status and tumours which are negative for oestrogen and progesterone receptors. No correlation was found between human kallikrein 6 and human kallikrein 10 levels and tumour size, grade, and nodal status. Survival analysis showed that neither human kallikrein 6 nor human kallikrein 10 are related to the rate of relapse-free and overall survival. In the analysis with respect to response to tamoxifen therapy, although human kallikrein 6 levels were not associated with tamoxifen responsiveness, higher levels of human kallikrein 10 were significantly associated with a poor response rate. This association remained significant in the multivariate analysis. Furthermore, higher human kallikrein 10 levels were significantly related with a short progression-free and post-relapse overall survival after start of tamoxifen treatment for advanced disease. Taken together, our results suggest that although human kallikrein 6 and human kallikrein 10 are not prognostic markers for breast cancer, human kallikrein 10 is an independent predictive marker for response of tamoxifen therapy