3 research outputs found

    Penerapan Naïve Bayes Classifier Untuk Strategi Penyerangan Jarak Jauh Pada NPC (Non Player Character)

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    The development of artificial intelligence at this time developed very rapidly, including game playing. Games usually consist of players and NPC (Non Player Character) which make game more appealing. NPC is useful as an enemy or friend in the game. With an algorithm applied inside the NPC, it can behave and have a player-like strategy. One of the existing studies implements the Naive Bayes Classifier method to establish NPC actions for melee strategies such as biting, kicking and hitting. The strategies undertaken in the study were limited to the short-range strategy and applied in enemy NPCs only. Therefore, researchers want to trace further to implement Naive Bayes method on NPC friends with long distance strategies such as shooting and searching items. The system is implemented in the form of a game with genre FPS (First Person Shooter) with the title Zombie Apocalypse. The system is designed using the waterfall method and made with Unity Game engine. The end result of this study is a game with the application of Naïve Bayes on NPC so it can behave autonomously with precision of 75% , 50% recall and accuracy of 42,85%

    Perancangan Aplikasi Penggajian di CV Subur Sarana Sejahtera Palembang

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    Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi saat ini telah memasuki semua bidang kehidupan manusia, termasuk sistem perkantoran terutama penggajian yang saat ini banyak sekali dipengaruhi oleh Teknologi Informasi. Tetapi CV Subur Sarana Sejahtera belum memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan dalam menghitung gaji terutama untuk sopir serta mengarsip data masih dilakukan secara manual Dalam pembangunan sistem ini, menggunakan pengembangan sistem prototype model serta diterapkan menggunakan Visual Studio 2010. Prototype dipilih sebagai metode pengembangan sistem penggajian sopir karena dari awal pembangunan sistem diminta oleh perusahaan untuk dibuat hanya berupa rancangan sistem serta terjadi beberapa perubahan pada rancangan sehingga langkah-langkah metode prototype dapat terpenuhi yaitu pengumpulan kebutuhan, membangun prototype, evaluasi prototype, mengkodekan sistem, evaluasi sistem, dan menggunakan sistem. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah berupa suatu rancangan aplikasi penggajian sopir pada CV Subur Sarana Sejahtera Palembang. Rancangan dari fitur yang disedikan adalah sistem login, perhitungan gaji secara otomatis sistem berdasarkan data-data rincian, pengarsipan data-data rincian kedalam database, dan kemampuan mencetak arsip. Rancagan aplikasi ini sangat bermanfaat bagi CV Subur Sarana Sejahtera karena rancangan aplikasi ini dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman untuk membuat aplikasi penggajian sopir yang sebenarnya. Bagi bagian ADM Gaji dapat mempercepat kinerja staff dalam menghitung gaji dan pengarsipan yang dibuat lebih mudah dan aman

    Pengelolaan Panti Asuhan Santa Maria: Laporan Keuangan Usaha Dan Desain Ruang Kreatif

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    Saint Mary’s Orphanage Pasang Surut is located in the Banyuasin Region of South Sumatra. The problem encountered today is the recording of financial statements that are simple using books and there are rooms that have not been used optimally. There is a need to redesign the room to fulfill the creativity of orphanage children. There are no human resources in the Panti who have the competence to create creative space designs. The solution to this problem is to conduct training activities on financial report making and creation of creative designs to optimize the use of one of the in-room spaces. The activity aims to improve the knowledge and skills of the institution manager and produce creative space design. The results of the activity are an increased understanding of financial reports and the use of Microsoft Office Excel to create business financial statements. The results of other activities are creative space design that is in line with the expectations of the institution manager