11 research outputs found

    Admittance spectroscopy of CdTe/CdS solar cells subjected to varied nitric-phosphoric etching conditions

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    In this work we investigate the electric and structural properties of CdTe/CdS solar cells subjected to a nitric-phosphoric (NP) acid etching procedure, employed for the formation of a Te-rich layer before back contacting. The etching time is used as the only variable parameter in the study, while admittance spectroscopy is employed for the characterization of the cells' electric properties as well as for the analysis of the defect energy levels. Particular attention was also given to the characteristics of unetched devices and it is shown that despite the larger height of back-contact barrier such samples show well defined admittance spectra, as well as allow for extraction of as much as five defect levels in the range of 0.08-0.9 eV above the valence band. In contrast, admittance characteristics of the etched samples show a decrease of the number of the detectable trap levels with increasing etching time. (Hence it is usual for only one or two trap levels to be reported in the literature for finished devices.) The latter leads to the anomalous Arrhenius energy plots as well as the breakdown of low-frequency capacitance characteristics for samples etched with times larger than 30 s. The observed effects are attributed to physical thinning of the cells, the etching out of grain boundaries, and the tellurium enrichment of the CdTe surface by NP etching. We also perform analysis of the back-contact barrier height as extracted from dark I-V measurements at different temperatures. The dependence of this barrier height on NP etching time is compared with that of conversion efficiency, from which conclusions are drawn about both positive and negative effects of the nitric-phosphoric etch

    Niedertemperaturabscheidung kristalliner Siliziumschichten fuer Solarzellen Zusammenstellung der in der Zeit vom 1.4.1989 bis zum 31.3.1996 publizierten Ergebnisse

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    This book contains the five published papers on ''Low temperature deposition of crystalline silicium films for solar cells'' presented at the European Photovoltaic conferences in Montreux (1992), Amsterdam (1994) and Nizza (1995) and published in the conference documentation. Papers presented at the PV-status seminars held by the Juelich Research Centre in 1993 and 1996 are also briefly summarised. They are published in the status reports. (orig./MM)Dieser Band enthaelt die fuenf publizierten Ergebnisse der durchgefuehrten Arbeiten zur 'Niedertemperaturabscheidung kristalliner Siliziumschichten fuer Solarzellen', welche auf den europaeischen Photovoltaik-Konferenzen in Montreux (1992), Amsterdam (1994) und Nizza (1995) praesentiert und in den Tagungsbaenden veroeffentlicht worden sind. Ferner wurden die Arbeiten auf den PV-Statusseminaren des Forschungszentrums Juelich 1993 und 1996 vorgestellt und sind in den zugehoerigen Statusreports erschienen. (orig./MM)Available from TIB Hannover: F96B1575+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman