30 research outputs found

    Tackling resistance: Emerging antimalarials and new parasite targets in the era of elimination [version 1; referees: 2 approved]

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    Malaria remains a significant contributor to global human mortality, and roughly half the world’s population is at risk for infection with Plasmodium spp. parasites. Aggressive control measures have reduced the global prevalence of malaria significantly over the past decade. However, resistance to available antimalarials continues to spread, including resistance to the widely used artemisinin-based combination therapies. Novel antimalarial compounds and therapeutic targets are greatly needed. This review will briefly discuss several promising current antimalarial development projects, including artefenomel, ferroquine, cipargamin, SJ733, KAF156, MMV048, and tafenoquine. In addition, we describe recent large-scale genetic and resistance screens that have been instrumental in target discovery. Finally, we highlight new antimalarial targets, which include essential transporters and proteases. These emerging antimalarial compounds and therapeutic targets have the potential to overcome multi-drug resistance in ongoing efforts toward malaria elimination

    Natural history of Plasmodium odocoilei malaria infection in farmed white-tailed deer

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    ABSTRACT White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), an ecologically and economically important species, are the most widely distributed large animals in North America. A recent study indicated that up to 25% of all white-tailed deer may be infected with Plasmodium odocoilei, a malaria parasite belonging to the distinct clade of ungulate-infecting Plasmodium spp. Because the clinical impact of P. odocoilei on deer health and survival is unknown, we undertook a retrospective longitudinal study of farmed Floridian O. virginianus fawns. We found that a substantial proportion (21%) of fawns acquire malaria infection during the first 8 months of life. Some animals naturally clear P. odocoilei infection, while other animals remain persistently positive. Importantly, we found that animals that acquire malaria parasites very early in life have poor survival compared to animals that remain uninfected. Our report thus provides the first evidence of a clinically significant impact of malaria infection in young deer. IMPORTANCE Malaria parasites of the genus Plasmodium are known to infect a variety of vertebrate hosts, including ungulates (hoofed mammals). A recent study found that up to a quarter of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in North America are infected with the parasite Plasmodium odocoilei. In addition to occupying an important ecological niche, white-tailed deer are popular game animals and deer farming represents a rapidly growing industry. However, the effect of P. odocoilei infection in this ecologically and economically important ungulate species is unknown. Our work is significant because (i) we identified a high prevalence of P. odocoilei in farmed deer and (ii) we found evidence for both cleared and persistent infection, as well as an association with decreased survival of young fawns

    Protein prenylation and Hsp40 in thermotolerance of Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasites

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    During its complex life cycle, the malaria parasite survives dramatic environmental stresses, including large temperature shifts. Protein prenylation is required during asexual replication of Plasmodium falciparum, and the canonical heat shock protein 40 protein (HSP40; PF3D7_1437900) is posttranslationally modified with a 15-carbon farnesyl isoprenyl group. In other organisms, farnesylation of Hsp40 orthologs controls their localization and function in resisting environmental stress. In this work, we find that plastidial isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP) synthesis and protein farnesylation are required for malaria parasite survival after cold and heat shock. Furthermore, loss of HSP40 farnesylation alters its membrane attachment and interaction with proteins in essential pathways in the parasite. Together, this work reveals that farnesylation is essential for parasite survival during temperature stress. Farnesylation of HSP40 may promote thermotolerance by guiding distinct chaperone-client protein interactions

    Isoprenoid biosynthesis inhibition disrupts Rab5 localization and food vacuolar integrity in Plasmodium falciparum

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    The antimalarial agent fosmidomycin is a validated inhibitor of the nonmevalonate isoprenoid biosynthesis (methylerythritol 4-phosphate [MEP]) pathway in the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. Since multiple classes of prenyltransferase inhibitors kill P. falciparum, we hypothesized that protein prenylation was one of the essential functions of this pathway. We found that MEP pathway inhibition with fosmidomycin reduces protein prenylation, confirming that de novo isoprenoid biosynthesis produces the isoprenyl substrates for protein prenylation. One important group of prenylated proteins is small GTPases, such as Rab family members, which mediate cellular vesicular trafficking. We have found that Rab5 proteins dramatically mislocalize upon fosmidomycin treatment, consistent with a loss of protein prenylation. Fosmidomycin treatment caused marked defects in food vacuolar morphology and integrity, consistent with a defect in Rab-mediated vesicular trafficking. These results provide insights to the biological functions of isoprenoids in malaria parasites and may assist the rational selection of secondary agents that will be useful in combination therapy with new isoprenoid biosynthesis inhibitors

    Global proteomic analysis of prenylated proteins in Plasmodium falciparum using an alkyne-modified isoprenoid analogue

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    Severe malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum infection remains a serious threat to health worldwide and new therapeutic targets are highly desirable. Small molecule inhibitors of prenyl transferases, enzymes that catalyze the post-translational isoprenyl modifications of proteins, exhibit potent antimalarial activity. The antimalarial actions of prenyltransferase inhibitors indicate that protein prenylation is required for malaria parasite development. In this study, we used a chemical biology strategy to experimentally characterize the entire complement of prenylated proteins in the human malaria parasite. In contrast to the expansive mammalian and fungal prenylomes, we find that P. falciparum possesses a restricted set of prenylated proteins. The prenylome of P. falciparum is dominated by Rab GTPases, in addition to a small number of prenylated proteins that also appear to function primarily in membrane trafficking. Overall, we found robust experimental evidence for a total of only thirteen prenylated proteins in P. falciparum, with suggestive evidence for an additional two probable prenyltransferase substrates. Our work contributes to an increasingly complete picture of essential, post-translational hydrophobic modifications in blood-stage P. falciparum

    GAPDH mediates drug resistance and metabolism in Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasites

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    Efforts to control the global malaria health crisis are undermined by antimalarial resistance. Identifying mechanisms of resistance will uncover the underlying biology of the Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasites that allow evasion of our most promising therapeutics and may reveal new drug targets. We utilized fosmidomycin (FSM) as a chemical inhibitor of plastidial isoprenoid biosynthesis through the methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway. We have thus identified an unusual metabolic regulation scheme in the malaria parasite through the essential glycolytic enzyme, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). Two parallel genetic screens converged on independent but functionally analogous resistance alleles in GAPDH. Metabolic profiling of FSM-resistant gapdh mutant parasites indicates that neither of these mutations disrupt overall glycolytic output. While FSM-resistant GAPDH variant proteins are catalytically active, they have reduced assembly into the homotetrameric state favored by wild-type GAPDH. Disrupted oligomerization of FSM-resistant GAPDH variant proteins is accompanied by altered enzymatic cooperativity and reduced susceptibility to inhibition by free heme. Together, our data identifies a new genetic biomarker of FSM-resistance and reveals the central role of GAPDH in MEP pathway control and antimalarial sensitivity

    Volatile profiling distinguishes Streptococcus pyogenes from other respiratory streptococcal species

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    Sore throat is one of the most common complaints encountered in the ambulatory clinical setting. Rapid, culture-independent diagnostic techniques that do not rely on pharyngeal swabs would be highly valuable as a point-of-care strategy to guide outpatient antibiotic treatment. Despite the promise of this approach, efforts to detect volatiles during oropharyngeal infection have yet been limited. In our research study, we sought to evaluate for specific bacterial volatile organic compounds (VOC) biomarkers in isolated culture

    Malaria parasites produce volatile mosquito attractants

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    UnlabelledThe malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum contains a nonphotosynthetic plastid organelle that possesses plant-like metabolic pathways. Plants use the plastidial isoprenoid biosynthesis pathway to produce volatile odorants, known as terpenes. In this work, we describe the volatile chemical profile of cultured malaria parasites. Among the identified compounds are several plant-like terpenes and terpene derivatives, including known mosquito attractants. We establish the molecular identity of the odorant receptors of the malaria mosquito vector Anopheles gambiae, which responds to these compounds. The malaria parasite produces volatile signals that are recognized by mosquitoes and may thereby mediate host attraction and facilitate transmission.ImportanceMalaria is a key global health concern. Mosquitoes that transmit malaria are more attracted to malaria parasite-infected mammalian hosts. These studies aimed to understand the chemical signals produced by malaria parasites; such an understanding may lead to new transmission-blocking strategies or noninvasive malaria diagnostics