180 research outputs found

    Психологічні тенденції особистісних проявів студентів із різними типами життєвих ролей

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    У статті висвітлено результати емпіричного дослідження взаємозв’язку між типом життєвої ролі й особистісними проявами людини. У роботі представлено власну типологію життєвих ролей, що побудована на основі зіставлення поняття «роль» із такими поняттями, як «життєва позиція», «життєва лінія», «стратегія життя», «сенс життя», «життєва перспектива». Типологію ролей відносно концепції життєвого шляху особистості представлено у вигляді парних конструктів: аксіологічно-змістові й аксіологічно-нейтральні ролі; послідовні та непослідовні ролі; активні та пасивні ролі; смислоутворюючі та смислонейтральні ролі; свідомі та несвідомі ролі. В основній частині роботи наведені результати дослідження, у якому взяли участь особи віком від 18 до 22 років. Серед емпіричних методів дослідження було застосовано авторську анкету «Ставлення до власної ролі», методику багатофакторного дослідження осо-бистості Кеттела (форма С), тест «Сенс-життєві орієнтації», методика КОЗ та копінг-тест Лазаруса. На емпіричному рівні виявлено співвідношення між домінуючим типом життєвої ролі та особистісними якостями, цілеспрямованістю, способом подолання життєвих труднощів, рівнем комунікативних та організаторських здібностей. За результатами факторного аналізу було виділено три фактори, що дали можливість виділити та проаналізувати різноманітні ставлення юнаків до власної ролі. До першого фактору, разом з особистісними показниками, увійшли активні – пасивні життєві ролі; до другого – послідовні – непослідовні, смислоутворюючі – смислонейтральні та свідомі – несвідомі ролі; до третього фактору – аксіологічно-змістові – аксіологічно-нейтральні життєві ролі. Установлено що виконання ролі може розглядатися як процес активної чи пасивної взаємодії, як засіб досягнення поставленої мети та як спосіб самовираження. Наукова новизна роботи полягає в тому, що вперше на емпіричному рівні було досліджено взаємозв’язок між типом життєвої ролі й особистісними проявами людини. Отримані результати можуть бути використані для створення програм факультативних і тренінгових занять. The results of empirical study on the relationship between the type of vital role and manifestations of human personality are highlighted in the article by Odintsova A. N. «Psychological tendencies personal manifestations of students who have different types of vital roles». The paper presents a typology of private vital roles, which is based on comparison of the concept of «role» with terms such as «life position», «life line», «life strategy», «meaning of life» and «life perspective». The typology of roles on the concept of individual life path is represented as a pair of constructs: axiological-semantic – axiological-neutral role, consistent and inconsistent role, active and passive roles, sense-creative and sense-neutral role, conscious and unconscious role. In the main part of the paper presents the results of the study, this was attended by students aged 18 to 22 years. Of empirical research methods were used: author profile «Attitude to the own role» methodology of multivariate study of personality Cattell (form C), test «Meaning-life orientation», methods of COS and coping-test Lazarus. Relationship between the dominant type of vital role, of personal qualities, commitment, a way of overcoming the difficulties of life, the level of communication and organizational skills is empirically revealed. The results of the factor analysis identified three factors that permitted us to analyze the different attitudes towards their role. To the first, together with the personal indicators, included «active – passive» vital roles; the second – «consistent and inconsistent», «sense-creative and sense-neutral» and «conscious and unconscious» roles; the third group – «axiological-semantic – axiological-neutral» vital roles. Identified three perspectives on the performance of the role, namely, they are: role as the process of active or passive interaction; the role, as a mean to achieve a goal; the role, as a way of expression. The scientific novelty of the material obtained lies in the fact that for the first time at the empirical level has been investigated the relationship between the type of the vital role and manifestations of human personality. The results can be used to create programs and optional training sessions. В статье отражены результаты эмпирического исследования взаимосвязи между типом жизненной роли и личностными проявлениями человека. В работе представлена собственная типология жизненных ролей, которая построена на основе сопоставления понятия «роль» с такими понятиями, как «жизненная позиция», «жизненная линия», «стратегия жизни», «смысл жизни», «жизненная перспектива». Типология ролей относительно концепции жизненного пути личности представлена в виде парных конструктов: аксиологически-содержательные и аксиологически-нейтральные роли; последовательные и непоследовательные роли; активные и пассивные роли; смыслообразующие и смыслонейтральные роли; сознательные и бессознательные роли. В основной части работы приведены результаты исследования, в котором приняли участие студенты в возрасте от 18 до 22 лет. Среди эмпирических методов исследования были применены: авторская анкета «Отношение к собственной роли», методика многофакторного исследования личности Кеттела (форма С), тест «Смысло-жизненные ориентации», методика КОС и копинг-тест Лазаруса. На эмпирическом уровне выявлено соотношение между доминирующим типом жизненной роли и личностными качествами, целеустремленностью, способом преодоления жизненных трудностей, уровнем коммуникативных и организаторских способностей. Согласно результатам факторного анализа было выделено три фактора, которые позволили выделить и проанализировать различные отношения юношества к собственной роли. В первый фактор, вместе с личностными показателями, вошли активные – пассивные жизненные роли, во второй – последовательные – непоследовательные, смыслообразующие – смыслонейтральные и сознательные – бессознательные роли, в третий фактор – аксиологически-смысловые – аксиологически-нейтральные жизненные роли. Установлено, что исполнение роли может рассматриваться как процесс активного или пассивного взаимодействия, как средство достижения поставленной цели и как способ самовыражения. Научная новизна работы заключается в том, что впервые на эмпирическом уровне была исследована взаимосвязь между типом жизненной роли и личностными проявлениями человека. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы для создания программ факультативных и тренинговых занятий

    The world's largest oil and gas hydrocarbon deposits: ROSA database and GIS project development

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    This article proposes the use of Big Data principles to support the future extraction of hydrocarbon resources. It starts out by assessing the possible energy-system transformations in order to shed some light on the future need for hydrocarbon resource extraction and corresponding drilling needs. The core contribution of this work is the development of a new database and the corresponding GIS (geographic information system) visualization project as basis for an analytical study of worldwide hydrocarbon occurrences and development of extraction methods. The historical period for the analytical study is from 1900 to 2000. A number of tasks had to be implemented to develop the database and include information about data collection, processing, and development of geospatial data on hydrocarbon deposits. Collecting relevant information made it possible to compile a list of hydrocarbon fields, which have served as the basis for the attribute database tables and its further filling. To develop an attribute table, the authors took into account that all accumulated data features on hydrocarbon deposits and divided them into two types: static and dynamic. Static data included the deposit parameters that do not change over time. On the other hand, dynamic data are constantly changing. Creation of a web service with advanced functionality based on the Esri Geoportal Server software platform included search by parameter presets, viewing and filtering of selected data layers using online mapping application, sorting of metadata, corresponding bibliographic information for each field and keywords accordingly. The collected and processed information by ROSA database and GIS visualization project includes more than 100 hydrocarbon fields across different countries

    The main participants of innovation climate development (on the example of the Russian federation)

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    The article describes the main participants of innovation activity and innovation infrastructure, which includes such important categories as subject and object of innovation activity and the most important elements of innovation infrastructure. We attempted to display illustratively the basic economic relations that can be between the subjects of innovation activity, at the same time as the main participants are considered government, business and households. As binders subjects are allocated venture funds, technology parks, and business incubators. The state of innovation climate in the Russian regions can not be considered as favorable, because the order of interaction between government, universities (science), and business prevents it

    Impact of Universal Basic Income on Employment According to Russian Experts

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    The issue of universal basic income (UBI) has been gaining importance due to the growth of precarious employment, unemployment and inequality in the context of the development of digital technologies, especially considering the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences. The article first presents the generalised and systemised reasoned opinions of Russian experts on UBI in order to examine its potential impact on employment. The initial research data resulted from a survey of different groups of Russian experts conducted by the authors. This information was supplemented by the results of various mass surveys. It was revealed that a significant part of Russian experts have concerns that UBI can negatively affect work incentives and labour supply. The systematisation of expert assessments allowed the research to create scenarios of the potential impact of UBI on population employment and work incentives, formal and informal employment, the ratio between paid and unpaid work, working and free time, the quality of leisure time. The study findings can be used as information and analytical support for the state policies aimed at improving the level and quality of life of the population, as well as making decisions on the appropriateness of UBI tools (including in Russia). Future research will examine in detail the impact of universal basic income on the labour market parameters, taking into account socio-demographic factors

    Impact of Universal Basic Income on Employment According to Russian Experts

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    The issue of universal basic income (UBI) has been gaining importance due to the growth of precarious employment, unemployment and inequality in the context of the development of digital technologies, especially considering the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences. The article first presents the generalised and systemised reasoned opinions of Russian experts on UBI in order to examine its potential impact on employment. The initial research data resulted from a survey of different groups of Russian experts conducted by the authors. This information was supplemented by the results of various mass surveys. It was revealed that a significant part of Russian experts have concerns that UBI can negatively affect work incentives and labour supply. The systematisation of expert assessments allowed the research to create scenarios of the potential impact of UBI on population employment and work incentives, formal and informal employment, the ratio between paid and unpaid work, working and free time, the quality of leisure time. The study findings can be used as information and analytical support for the state policies aimed at improving the level and quality of life of the population, as well as making decisions on the appropriateness of UBI tools (including in Russia). Future research will examine in detail the impact of universal basic income on the labour market parameters, taking into account socio-demographic factors

    Beer and teens

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    The results of an anonymous survey showed that today teenage beer consumption is a very topical issue. This article empirically proves that beer has a negative effect on various biological objects, and even more so on a fragile children's organism.Результаты анонимного анкетирования показали, что на сегодняшний день употребление пива подростками является очень актуальной проблемой. В данной статье опытным путем доказывается, что пиво негативно влияет на различные биологические объекты, а тем более на неокрепший детский организм

    Midwives: the evolution of legal status in the XVIII – early XX century.

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    In article on materials of the Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire and the code of laws of the Russian Empire examines the process of development of the legal status of midwives in the XVIII – early XX centuries concluded that the State took control of activities, training and dissemination on the territory of Russia of midwives, thereby providing them the legal and social status.В статье на материалах Полного собрания законов Российской империи и Свода законов Российской империи рассмотрен процесс развития правового статуса повивальных бабок в XVIII – начале XX вв. Сделан вывод о том, что Государство взяло под контроль деятельность, обучение и распространение по территории России повивальных бабок, тем самым обеспечив им правовой и социальный статус


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    The review presents the worldwide data on the cancer incidence and mortality and risk factors for cancer.В обзоре представлены данные о заболеваемости и смертности от злокачественных новообразований и о факторах риска их развития в различных странах мира

    Republican registry of primary immune deficiencies in the chuvash republic and description of postvaccinal immunity disorders in a pregnant patient with common variable immune deficiency

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    In recent years, primary immunodeficiencies have turned from the class of rare diseases to the category of more common disorders which may be encountered by doctors of any clinical discipline. The first case of primary immunodeficiency disorder (PID) in Chuvashia was detected in 1993. Since that time, the Department of Internal Diseases with the Course of Clinical Immunology at the I. Ulyanov Chuvash State University registered all the cases of PID diagnosed in the region, introducing them into the Republican Registry of PID. The study was aimed for searching epidemiological indexes, clinical and laboratory manifestations of PID in Chuvash region. The study was based on the patient data obtained by retrospective analysis of 85 case histories of PID patients, treated at different departments of the Republican Clinical Hospital, and the City Chuvash Pediatric Clinical Hospital of Public Health Ministry in 2000-2019, as well as on 49 outpatient records of the patients included into the Regional PID Registry. Various forms of PIDs were diagnosed according to the criteria developed by the European Society for Immunodeficiency and the Pan-American Group on Immunodeficiency (1999). The results of this study showed that the incidence of PID in the Chuivash Region is 3.4:100,000. The incidence of common variable immune deficiency (CVID), the most common form of PID in the region, was 1.58 per 100,000 population. The average age at the time of CVID diagnosis in Chuvash patients was 30.4±16.1 years, and the age of CVID debut was 11.3±15.0 years. The delay in proper diagnosis from the moment of clinical manifestation of CVID was, on average, 17.9 years in the region. At the time of CVID diagnosis, the patients showed marked decrease in the levels of 3 or 2 immunoglobulin classes (IgG and IgA), and T-helper cell contents (CD3+CD4+) in peripheral blood. Prevalence of selective IgA deficiency with сlinical symptoms was 0.83 per 100,000 population of the region, and the incidence of the asymptomatic form of this PID was 1 : 167. In patients with selective IgA deficiency, there were also disorders in the T cell system manifesting as decreased relative number of cytotoxic T-cells as well as elevated IgG and IgM levels. The age of diagnosis of X-linked agammaglobulinemia in the region was 3.5±3.0 years. In addition to disturbances of humoral adaptive immunity in children with this disease, a decrease in absolute T cell numbers was detected. In conclusion, the article describes disturbances of postvaccinal immunity in a pregnant patient with CVID, with asymptomatic clinical course, thus leading to false interpretation of the serological markers of TORCH infections and wrong strategy of pregnancy management

    Course of COVID-19 in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Regional Experience

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    Aim: to study the course of COVID-19 in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) using the example of the region of the Republic of Tatarstan.Material and methods. The study included 101 patients diagnosed with IBD and COVID-19, who were observed in two infectious diseases hospitals in Kazan (Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan and City Clinical Hospital No. 7) and on an outpatient basis from April 2020 to March 2022. All patients underwent physical examination, laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, including a PCR test for SARSCoV-2. Chest computed tomography was performed in patients with clinical signs of moderate to severe COVID-19.Results. Ulcerative colitis (UC) was diagnosed in 60 (59.4 %) patients, Crohn's disease (CD) — in 41 (40.6 %) patients. The mean age of the patients was 41.0 ± 14.7 years, of which 59 (58.4 %) were men and 42 (41.6 %) were women. A comparative analysis of patients with and without IBD and CT-verified lung disease was carried out. It was found that the development of viral pneumonia was influenced by age over 55 years (39.2 ± 9.7 vs. 46.3 ± 10.6, p < 0.05), increased Body Mass Index (BMI) (23.1 ± 5.35 vs. 30.25 ± 6.17, p < 0.05), hypertension (6 (8.3 %) vs. 8 (27.6 %), p < 0.05), diabetes mellitus (2 (2.7 %) vs. 5 (17.2 %), p < 0.05), the use of corticosteroids in the treatment of IBD (8 (11.1 %) vs. 10 (34.5 %), p < 0.05). In a comparative analysis of patients with IBD and COVID-19 from the SECURE-IBD database and own data, it was found that the average age of patients was comparable (42.7 vs 41.0). At the same time, in our group of male patients, there were slightly more people with DM, increased BMI, and an active course of IBD. The proportion of hospitalized patients was higher. In our cohort, there were fewer patients receiving biological therapy, but more patients on 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) and systemic corticosteroids. At the same time, lethal outcomes were comparable.Conclusion. In patients with IBD, the development of viral pneumonia was influenced by known risk factors for COVID-19: age over 55 years (p < 0.05, odds ratio (OR) 3.153), increased BMI (p < 0.05, OR 1.667), hypertension  (p < 0.05, OR 2.724), diabetes (p < 0.05, OR 1.489), as well as the use of systemic corticosteroids (p < 0.05, OR 1.5)