12 research outputs found

    The usefulness of national mediation in intra-state conflict in Africa

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    In his 2012 report on mediation, the UN Secretary-General notes a growing trend to recognize the ability of national mediators to lead mediation in intra-state conflict. This article explores the feasibility of national mediation in Africa. It analyses the role of national mediation in South Africa (1985ā€“1996) and Lesotho (2009ā€“2012) and, taking Ghana as the primary example, the role of national peace councils, which have an institutionalized mandate to mediate in internal conflict. It discusses the complementarity of national and international roles in national mediation, the issue of leverage, the conditions for national mediation, the composition of mediation teams and their mediation capacity, and the benefits of national mediation. The article offers qualified support for the usefulness of national mediation since it can produce benefits such as enhanced self-reliance and social cohesion, has substantial ability to prevent conflict and can help to implement agreements. However, the specific conditions necessary for national mediation to be viable mean that success is rare.The mission of the Centre is to contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of mediation in major conflicts in Africa through teaching, training, research and supporting the UN, the AU, sub-regional organisations and African governments.The Centre is funded mainly by a generous grant from the Government of Belgium.http://www.centreformediation.up.ac.zaam2013gv201

    The piano music of Peter Klatzow : a stylistic analysis of selected works

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    The piano music of Peter James Leonard Klatzow forms an integral part of his musical output. An analysis of these works may provide useful insight into the compositional style of this South African composer. Jan LaRue's theory of stylistic analysis formed the inspiration for the analytical approach of the thesis, and the main focus of this analysis is the 1994 composition, From the Poets. This work is analysed in terms of use of sound, harmony and melody in order to attempt an understanding of how these elements impact and contribute to the sense of structure. Other works that have been completed since 1980 are analysed in terms of the main motivic and harmonic material, with occasional reference to other musical parameters that are important for an understanding of the musical discourse

    Constructive Conflict Intervention in South Africa: Some Lessons

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    Historically, South Africa has lacked a culture of trust in negotiation as a conflict accommodation mechanism. During the security clampdown of the P. W. Botha era in the 1980s and subsequent polarization, concepts such as negotiation and mediation were viewed with suspicion in various quarters. However, paradoxically, the labour legislation introduced in 1979 promoted black empowerment, which was to lead to improved prospects of meaningful negotiation and the acceptability of mediation in resolving labour disputes. Concurrently, the township turbulence of the mid-1980s also led to local-level negotiations between blacks and whites. It was found at the national political level that, whilst the time was not ripe for mediation, low-profile facilitation as a more acceptable form of intervention in fact paved the way for the political breakthrough of 1990. Insights developed during this period led to the formulation of a number of principles of communication and included the reconciliation of seemingly contrasting options such as negotiation and coercion, impartiality and concern, and incremental steps and radical goals

    Die Nederduitse Gereformeerde sending in die Oranje-Vrystaat, 1842-1910

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    Proefskrif (D. Th.) -- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1970.Full text to be digitised and attached to bibliographic record

    O ā€œCentre for Conflict Resolutionā€: uma ONG Sul-Africana

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    O Centre for Conflict Resolution (CCR), uma organizaĆ§Ć£o nĆ£o-governamental sul-africana, constitui uma ilustraĆ§Ć£o convincente do potencial da chamada track-two diplomacy, considerando o seu historial na realizaĆ§Ć£o de intervenƧƵes de grande eficĆ”cia em situaƧƵes de conflito. Entre 1992 e 2003, o CCR desenvolveu um variado conjunto de programas de grande impacto tais como: a pesquisa sobre seguranƧa, da qual resultaram importantes contribuiƧƵes para o estabelecimento de relaƧƵes cĆ­vico-militares democrĆ”ticas na Ɓfrica do Sul, bem como para a configuraĆ§Ć£o da arquitectura de seguranƧa regional na Ɓfrica Austral; serviƧos de mediaĆ§Ć£o, facilitaĆ§Ć£o e treinamento em resoluĆ§Ć£o de conflitos, especialmente formulados para jovens, forƧas policiais e serviƧos prisionais na prĆ³pria Ɓfrica do Sul, bem como para diplomatas dos paĆ­ses da regiĆ£o; a formaĆ§Ć£o em direitos humanos e gestĆ£o de conflitos; a promoĆ§Ć£o de diĆ”logo polĆ­tico no Burundi; e a capacitaĆ§Ć£o de actores da sociedade civil no Lesoto e em MoƧambique. Este artigo examina assim os fundamentos teĆ³ricos e empĆ­ricos da abordagem do CCR Ć  resoluĆ§Ć£o de conflitos e os princĆ­pios que norteiam as suas intervenƧƵes noutros paĆ­ses africanos