4 research outputs found
Influence of Information Availability and Use on Economic Integration of Small Scale Business Owners: The Role of Libraries
The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of information availability and use on the Economic Integration (EI) of small scale business owners, and the roles of libraries. This was achieved with the aid of five research questions and four null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted the embedded type of the mixed research design. The quantitative component employed a survey research of the correlational type for research questions one to four and the research hypotheses. This was complemented or supported by a qualitative component that addresses research question five. . The target population for the study comprised of sixty-two (62) small scale business owners in University of Ibadan community. Total enumeration was adopted as the sampling technique due to the manageable population. The closed-ended questionnaire was used to elicit data for the quantitative component of the study while structured interview elicited data for the qualitative component. Data collected from the questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, means and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (correlation, multiple regression and ANOVA).The study found that small scale business owners in University of Ibadan community had high level of economic integration, information was highly available to them and their level of information use was high. Also, information availability and use, individually and jointly influenced economic integration. The authors concluded that how economically integrated small scale business owners will be, is determined by how much information they utilize. Recommendations were made on how libraries could foster EI in line with the study
Perception of External Control, Effort Expectancy and Use of Electronic Information Resources by Undergraduates in Selected Universities in Nigeria
The study examined the relationship between external control, effort expectancy and use of EIRs among undergraduates in two selected universities in Oyo State, Nigeria. The survey research design of correlational type was adopted for this study across undergraduates in Ajayi Crowther University (N=1,619) and Lead City University (N=2,046), with a total population of 3,665. The study found that both independent variables of external control and effort expectancy had individual significant relationship with undergraduates’ use of EIRs. Also, there was a significant positive relationship between perception of external control and effort expectancy in the use of EIRs. Both independent variables when taken together significantly influence use of EIRs among the undergraduates. The study concludes that the level of EIRs use in the universities understudied will be a function of available control or facilitating condition and the ease in using these resources. Recommendations for the study were made according
Influence of Information Availability and Use on Economic Integration of Small Scale Business Owners: The Role of Libraries
The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of information availability and use on the Economic Integration (EI) of small scale business owners, and the roles of libraries. This was achieved with the aid of five research questions and four null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted the embedded type of the mixed research design. The quantitative component employed a survey research of the correlational type for research questions one to four and the research hypotheses. This was complemented or supported by a qualitative component that addresses research question five. . The target population for the study comprised of sixty-two (62) small scale business owners in University of Ibadan community. Total enumeration was adopted as the sampling technique due to the manageable population. The closed-ended questionnaire was used to elicit data for the quantitative component of the study while structured interview elicited data for the qualitative component. Data collected from the questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, means and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (correlation, multiple regression and ANOVA).The study found that small scale business owners in University of Ibadan community had high level of economic integration, information was highly available to them and their level of information use was high. Also, information availability and use, individually and jointly influenced economic integration. The authors concluded that how economically integrated small scale business owners will be, is determined by how much information they utilize. Recommendations were made on how libraries could foster EI in line with the study
Análise das finanças em uma empresa gráfica de Aracaju-SE
The case study presents a description of what happens within the company emphasizing financial management when comparing theory versus practice, aimed at finding and solving managerial mistakes. For this analysis in Complementary Law No.
123/2006 and their respective changes were made, showing the settings and other standards that conform to the company. After showing how the company is acting on its financial sector and analyze the financial statements and economic indicators -
financial , then checked and decriminalized errors and their corrections , aiming at better management and operational financial functioning , adequacy of sectors with best communication between those responsible , in particular the financial sector , so that they can start doing in future years budgets.O estudo de caso apresenta a descrição do que acontece dentro da empresa dando ênfase a gestão financeira ao comparar a teoria versus a prática, visando encontrar e solucionar os erros gerenciais. Para isso foi feita uma análise na Lei Complementar
número 123/2006 e suas devidas alterações, mostrando as definições e demais normas que estejam de acordo com a empresa. Após mostrar como a empresa está agindo em seu setor financeiro e, analisar das demonstrações financeiras e os
indicadores econômicos - financeiros, então verificou e descriminou os erros e suas correções, tendo como objetivo o melhor gerenciamento e funcionamento financeiro operacional, adequação dos setores com melhor comunicação entre os responsáveis,
em especial com o setor financeiro, de maneira que se consiga começar a fazer orçamentos de exercÃcios futuros