24 research outputs found

    Biology and domestication of budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus)

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    Čovjek je od svojih prapočetaka pripitomljavao i držao životinje u svojoj blizini, pa je i tako papigica tigrica postala najpopularnija i najbrojnija papiga koja se drži u kućama. Iako je prva papiga tigrica došla u Englesku tek 1840.god., razmnožavanje papiga u krletkama počelo je 1850.god. Uzgajao se veliki broj papiga, te su uspjeli ovu papigu aklimatizirati i uzgojiti u udomaćenim uvjetima, tako da su skoro sve potrebe za njima podmirivane iz udomaćenog uzgoja u Europi. Danas australske papige zauzimaju gotovo 80 % od uzgoja svih ptica na svijetu, a papiga tigrica je na drugom mjestu po omiljenosti među kućnim ljubimcima, odmah iza psa. U ovom radu izložen je kratki pregled o ekologiji tigrica, njihovoj prehrani u prirodnom okruženju, domestifikaciji, uzgoju, mutacijama koje se javljaju prilikom uzgoja, o navikama i ponašanju tigrica u uzgoju, te o bolestima i njihovu liječenju. Papige tigrice je lako uzgajati i uspješnost u osvajanju svijeta mogu zahvaliti svojoj prilagodljivosti, temperamentnosti, lakom pripitomljavanju, jednostavnom držanju i prehrani, raznobojnoj paleti boja svoga perja, te su zbog toga postali najomiljeniji kućni ljubimci.Ever since the prehistoric times, man has tamed animals and kept them close, so the budgerigar has become the most popular and most numerous type kept as a pet. Although the first budgerigar reached England just in 1840, breeding in cages began some ten years later. A large number of parrots were bred, and they were acclimatized and raised in domesticated conditions, so almost all of the needs for parrots were met from domestic breeding in Europe. Today Australian parrots take up almost 80% of all the birds in the world, and budgerigar come second to dogs when it comes to favorite pets. In this work you will find a brief overview of the ecology of budgerigar, their feeding in the natural environment, domestication, breeding, mutations that emerge during breeding, their habits and behavior, diseases and their treatment. Budgerigars are easy to breed, and their success in conquering the world can be attributed to their adaptability, temperament, easy taming, simple diet and the incredible array of the colors of its feathers. Therefore, it is of no surprise it has become the favorite pet

    Biology and domestication of budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus)

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    Čovjek je od svojih prapočetaka pripitomljavao i držao životinje u svojoj blizini, pa je i tako papigica tigrica postala najpopularnija i najbrojnija papiga koja se drži u kućama. Iako je prva papiga tigrica došla u Englesku tek 1840.god., razmnožavanje papiga u krletkama počelo je 1850.god. Uzgajao se veliki broj papiga, te su uspjeli ovu papigu aklimatizirati i uzgojiti u udomaćenim uvjetima, tako da su skoro sve potrebe za njima podmirivane iz udomaćenog uzgoja u Europi. Danas australske papige zauzimaju gotovo 80 % od uzgoja svih ptica na svijetu, a papiga tigrica je na drugom mjestu po omiljenosti među kućnim ljubimcima, odmah iza psa. U ovom radu izložen je kratki pregled o ekologiji tigrica, njihovoj prehrani u prirodnom okruženju, domestifikaciji, uzgoju, mutacijama koje se javljaju prilikom uzgoja, o navikama i ponašanju tigrica u uzgoju, te o bolestima i njihovu liječenju. Papige tigrice je lako uzgajati i uspješnost u osvajanju svijeta mogu zahvaliti svojoj prilagodljivosti, temperamentnosti, lakom pripitomljavanju, jednostavnom držanju i prehrani, raznobojnoj paleti boja svoga perja, te su zbog toga postali najomiljeniji kućni ljubimci.Ever since the prehistoric times, man has tamed animals and kept them close, so the budgerigar has become the most popular and most numerous type kept as a pet. Although the first budgerigar reached England just in 1840, breeding in cages began some ten years later. A large number of parrots were bred, and they were acclimatized and raised in domesticated conditions, so almost all of the needs for parrots were met from domestic breeding in Europe. Today Australian parrots take up almost 80% of all the birds in the world, and budgerigar come second to dogs when it comes to favorite pets. In this work you will find a brief overview of the ecology of budgerigar, their feeding in the natural environment, domestication, breeding, mutations that emerge during breeding, their habits and behavior, diseases and their treatment. Budgerigars are easy to breed, and their success in conquering the world can be attributed to their adaptability, temperament, easy taming, simple diet and the incredible array of the colors of its feathers. Therefore, it is of no surprise it has become the favorite pet

    Združeni učinci valproata i naringina na antioksidacijske i serumske pokazatelje bubrežne funkcije u miševa soja C57BL6

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    Valproate is known to disturb the kidney function, and high doses or prolonged intake may cause serum ion imbalance, kidney tubular acidosis, proteinuria, hyperuricosuria, polyuria, polydipsia, and dehydration. The aim of this in vivo study was to see whether naringin would counter the adverse effects of high-dose valproate in C57Bl/6 mice and to which extent. As expected, valproate (150 mg/kg bw a day for 10 days) caused serum hyperkalaemia, more in male than female mice. Naringin reversed (25 mg/kg bw a day for 10 days) the hyperkalaemia and activated antioxidative defence mechanisms (mainly catalase and glutathione), again more efficiently in females. In males naringin combined with valproate was not as effective and even showed some prooxidative effects.Valproat je jedan od najčešće primjenjivanih antiepileptika, a poznato je da prouzročuje poremećenu funkciju proksimalnih bubrežnih tubula. Fiziološki poremećaji i nefrotoksični učinci u nekih bolesnika nakon visokih doza ili produljenog uzimanja valproata uključuju disbalans iona u serumu, bubrežnu tubularnu acidozu, proteinuriju, hiperurikozuriju, poliuriju, polidipsiju, dehidraciju i druge poremećaje. U okviru ovog eksperimentalnog rada primijenili smo visoke doze valproata i združeni tretman valproata i naringina u C57Bl/6 miševa. Naringin je poznati antioksidans i protuupalna flavonoidna molekula iz citrusnog voća. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi mogu li biološka svojstva naringina umanjiti štetne učinke na bubrege nakon tretmana valproatom. Valproat je in vivo prouzročio serumsku hiperkalijemiju, izraženiju u mužjaka nego u ženki miševa. Hiperkalijemija prouzročena valproatom bila je ublažena naringinom, a antioksidacijski obrambeni mehanizmi (uglavnom katalaza i smanjena glutationacija) bili su aktivirani, više u ženki. U mužjaka, zajednički tretman valproatom I naringinom nije bio tako učinkovit, a rezultati upućuju na moguće prooksidacijsko djelovanje u bubrežnom tkivu kada se obje tvari primjenjuju zajedno

    Neurodegenerative changes caused by inhalation anesthetics

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    Mozak je ciljni organ djelovanja inhalacijskih anestetika. Osjetljivost mozga na oksidacijski stres povezana je sa njegovom izraženom metaboličkom aktivnošću, proizvodnjom ROSa (engl. reactive oxygen species, ROS), velikim brojem mitohondrija i smanjenom enzimskom antioksidativnom aktivnošću. Inhalacijski anestetici, poput Isoflurana i Sevoflurana, utječu na jačanje osjetljivosti mozga na oštećenja oksidativnim stresom te na povećanje aktivnost beta-sekretaze (BACE), enzima koji formira beta-amiloidne plakove i izaziva beta-amiloidnu ovisnu apoptozu živčanih stanica. Nadalje, beta-amiloidni plakovi, kao patološki produkt amiloidnog prekursorskog proteina (APP), predstavljaju važnu značajku za razvoj neurodegenerativnih promjena povezanih sa nastankom Alzheimerove bolesti. Istraživanje prooksidativnih, upalnih i neurotoksičnih učinaka inhalacijskih anestetika, te praćenje razine oksidativnog stresa u moždanom tkivu i nastalih patohistoloških promjena na mozgu štakora vezanih za neurodegenerativna oštećenja i upalu možemo povezati sa dugotrajnim izlaganjem inhalacijskim anesteticima, narušavanjem oksidacijsko/antioksidacijske homeostaze i stvaranje beta-amiloidnih plakova. Razumijevanjem povezanosti izloženosti inhalacijskim anesteticima i nastanku ireverzibilnih neurodegenerativnih promjena sugeriralo bi se poštednijim korištenjem inhalacijskih anestetika utjecati na ograničavanje neurodegenerativnihpromjena vezanih za nastanak Alzheimerove bolesti.Main target of inhalation anesthetics is the brain. The sensitivity of the brain to oxidative stress is associated with its pronounced metabolic activity, production of ROS (reactive oxygen species), large number of mitochondria and reduced enzymatic antioxidant activity. Inhaled anesthetics, such as Isoflurane and Sevoflurane, increase the sensitivity of the brain to oxidative stress damage and increase the activity of beta-secretase (BACE), an enzyme that forms beta-amyloid plaques and causes beta-amyloid-dependent apoptosis of nerve cells. Furthermore, beta-amyloid plaques, pathological product of amyloid precursor protein (APP), represent an important feature for the development of neurodegenerative changes associated with the development of Alzheimer’s disease. By investigation of prooxidative, inflammatory and neurotoxic effects of inhaled anesthetics and analyzing the parameters of oxidative stress levels in brain tissue and pathohistological changes in rat brain related to neurodegenerative damage and inflammation, connection with long-term exposure to inhaled anesthetics disruption of oxidative/antioxidant homeostasis and formation of beta amyloid plaques can be made. By understanding the relationship between exposure to inhaled anesthetics and the occurrence of irreversible neurodegenerative changes it could be suggested to reduce using inhaled anesthetics to limit the neurodegenerative changes associated with the development of Alzheimer’s disease

    Efficacy of Caffeic Acid on Diabetes and Its Complications in the Mouse

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    Diabetic dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia contribute to excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, leading to deleterious complications, such as nephropathy, atherosclerosis and cardiac dysfunction, and target major organs in the body. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of caffeic acid (CA) on mouse weight and survival, serum level of fasting blood glucose (FBG), serum lipid parameters and atherogenic indices, oxidative damage in blood, liver and kidney tissue, pathophysiological changes and their function markers in healthy and alloxan-induced type 1 diabetic mice. Diabetes was induced in mice with a single intravenous injection of alloxan (75 mg/kg). Two days later, CA (50 mg/kg) was given intraperitoneally for seven days in diabetic mice. Diabetes affected glucose level, lipid profile, hematological and biochemical parameters, induced DNA damage and apoptotic/necrotic death in whole blood cells, liver and kidney, leading to weight loss and a decreased lifespan. CA treatment of diabetic mice revealed a protective effect on the liver and kidney, hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic properties and high protection against atherogenic outcomes. The obtained results suggest that CA is a safe and potent agent against diabetes that acts as an effective antioxidant in reducing serum glucose, lipid profile and atherogenic indices, leading to increased lifespan in mice

    Antioxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Chrysin and Naringenin in a Drug-Induced Bone Loss Model in Rats

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    Oxidative stress (OS) mediators, together with the inflammatory processes, are considered as threatening factors for bone health. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of flavonoids naringenin and chrysin on OS, inflammation, and bone degradation in retinoic acid (13cRA)-induced secondary osteoporosis (OP) in rats. We analysed changes in body and uterine weight, biochemical bone parameters (bone mineral density (BMD), bone mineral content (BMC), markers of bone turnover), bone geometry parameters, bone histology, OS parameters, biochemical and haematological parameters, and levels of inflammatory cytokines. Osteoporotic rats had reduced bone Ca and P levels, BMD, BMC, and expression of markers of bone turnover, and increased values of serum enzymes alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). Malondialdehyde (MDA) production in liver, kidney, and ovary was increased, while the glutathione (GSH) content and activities of antioxidant enzymes were reduced and accompanied with the enhanced release of inflammatory mediators TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, and RANTES chemokine (regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted) in serum. Treatment with chrysin or naringenin improved bone quality, reduced bone resorption, and bone mineral deposition, although with a lower efficacy compared with alendronate. However, flavonoids exhibited more pronounced antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and phytoestrogenic activities, indicating their great potential in attenuating bone loss and prevention of OP

    Evaluation of oxidative stability and sensory properties of flax oil infused with species and herbs

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    Laneno ulje je dobro poznato po svojim zdravstvenim prednostima koje se uglavnom pripisuju visokom sadržaju omega-3 alfa linolenske kiseline (ALA) koja čini više od 50,0 % ukupnih masnih kiselina. ALA masna kiselina je osjetljiva na oksidaciju, stoga je glavni cilj ovog rada bio procjeniti da li dodatak začina i začinskog bilja može poboljšati oksidacijsku stabilnost i senzorska svojstva lanenog ulja. Procjena navedenih parametara odredila se primjenom kromatografskih, spektrofotometrijskih i mikrobioloških analiza obzirom na potencijalne biološke opasnosti. Začini i začinsko bilje u lanenom ulju nisu utjecali na hidrolitičke promjene u ulju, nego su pokazali antioksidacijsko djelovanje i poboljšali održivost samog ulja. Senzorska ispitivanja su pokazala poseban afinitet senzorskih analitičara prema lanenom ulju s dodatkom bosiljka.Flaxseed oil is well known for its health benefits that are mainly attributed to the high content of omega-3 alpha linolenic acid (ALA), which accounts for more than 50.0 % of total fatty acids. ALA fatty acid is susceptible to oxidation, therefore the main purpose of this paper was to assess whether the addition of spice and herbs can improve oxidative stability and sensory properties of flaxseed oil. Estimation of the above parameters was determined using chromatographic, spectrophotometric and microbiological analyzes with regard to potential biological hazards. The addition of spices and herbs in flaxseed oil did not affect the hydrolytic changes in the oil but showed antioxidant activity and therefore improved oxidative stability of the oil. Sensory tests showed a special affinity of sensory analysts for flaxseed oil infused with basil

    Antioxidant and Anti-Atherogenic Activities of Essential Oils from Myrtus communis L. and Laurus nobilis L. in Rat

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    Essential oils (EOs) from aromatic and medicinal plants, such as myrtle (Myrtus communis L.) and Laurel (Laurus nobilis L.), are gaining popularity as a potential ingredient in functional foods and nutraceuticals. This study aims to investigate whether the essential oils (EOs) could be effective in weight control, antioxidative and antilipidemic status of rats by affecting microbiota and its enzymes activity and whether changes in intestinal enzyme activity affect the health of rats. The intragastric application of laurel and myrtle EOs to rats for two weeks affects weight loss, reduces glycolytic activity, lipid parameters (cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C)) and atherogenic indicators, leading to cardiovascular protection. Laurel EO can be an excellent candidate for the treatment of drug-induced obesity and related diseases, since it affects lipid metabolism in the liver and inhibits the enzymes responsible for the metabolism of carbohydrates into glucose in the digestive tract, leading to weight loss. In contrast, myrtle EO shows a better antioxidant capacity in most tissues, except kidneys, where it causes a pro-oxidative effect, compared to laurel EO. Myrtle EO increases the permeability and instability of the erythrocyte membrane, resulting in a loss of selectivity for the entry of toxic substances into the cell. On the other hand, myrtle EO leads to intestinal inflammation by reducing the number of probiotic bacteria and increasing Enterobacter

    Evaluation of oxidative stability and sensory properties of flax oil infused with species and herbs

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    Laneno ulje je dobro poznato po svojim zdravstvenim prednostima koje se uglavnom pripisuju visokom sadržaju omega-3 alfa linolenske kiseline (ALA) koja čini više od 50,0 % ukupnih masnih kiselina. ALA masna kiselina je osjetljiva na oksidaciju, stoga je glavni cilj ovog rada bio procjeniti da li dodatak začina i začinskog bilja može poboljšati oksidacijsku stabilnost i senzorska svojstva lanenog ulja. Procjena navedenih parametara odredila se primjenom kromatografskih, spektrofotometrijskih i mikrobioloških analiza obzirom na potencijalne biološke opasnosti. Začini i začinsko bilje u lanenom ulju nisu utjecali na hidrolitičke promjene u ulju, nego su pokazali antioksidacijsko djelovanje i poboljšali održivost samog ulja. Senzorska ispitivanja su pokazala poseban afinitet senzorskih analitičara prema lanenom ulju s dodatkom bosiljka.Flaxseed oil is well known for its health benefits that are mainly attributed to the high content of omega-3 alpha linolenic acid (ALA), which accounts for more than 50.0 % of total fatty acids. ALA fatty acid is susceptible to oxidation, therefore the main purpose of this paper was to assess whether the addition of spice and herbs can improve oxidative stability and sensory properties of flaxseed oil. Estimation of the above parameters was determined using chromatographic, spectrophotometric and microbiological analyzes with regard to potential biological hazards. The addition of spices and herbs in flaxseed oil did not affect the hydrolytic changes in the oil but showed antioxidant activity and therefore improved oxidative stability of the oil. Sensory tests showed a special affinity of sensory analysts for flaxseed oil infused with basil