6,281 research outputs found

    Free Differential Algebras and Pure Spinor Action in IIB Superstring Sigma Models

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    In this paper we extend to the case of IIB superstring sigma models the method proposed in hep-th/10023500 to derive the pure spinor approach for type IIA sigma models. In particular, starting from the (Free) Differential Algebra and superspace parametrization of type IIB supergravity, extended to include the BRST differential and all the ghosts, we derive the BRST transformations of fields and ghosts as well as the standard pure spinor constraints for the ghosts λ\lambda related to supersymmetry. Moreover, using the method first proposed by us, we derive the pure spinor action for type IIB superstrings in curved supergravity backgrounds (on shell), in full agreement with the action first obtained by Berkovits and Howe.Comment: 24 page

    Partons and Jets at the LHC

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    I review some issues related to short distance QCD and its relation to the experimental program of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) now under construction in Geneva.Comment: Talk at the conference QCD2002 at IIT Kanpur, India, November 2002. Ten pages with 12 figure

    Pure Spinor Approach to Type IIA Superstring Sigma Models and Free Differential Algebras

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    This paper considers the Free Differential Algebra and rheonomic parametrization of type IIA Supergravity, extended to include the BRS differential and the ghosts. We consider not only the ghosts lambda's of supersymmetry but also the ghosts corresponding to gauge and Lorentz transformations. In this way we can derive not only the BRS transformations of fields and ghosts but also the standard pure spinor constraints on lambda's. Moreover the formalism allows to derive the action for the pure spinor formulation of type IIA superstrings in a general background, recovering the action first obtained by Berkovits and Howe.Comment: 1+23 pages, v2: added clarifications and a reference, misprints corrected, v3: presentation improved, results unchange

    PHENIX first measurement of the J/psi elliptic flow parameter v2 in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV

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    Recent results indicate that the J/psi suppression pattern differs with rapidity showing a larger suppression at forward rapidity. J/psi suppression mechanisms based on energy density (such as color screening, interaction with co-movers, etc.) predict the opposite trend. On the other hand, it is expected that more c\bar{c} pairs should be available to form quarkonia at mid-rapidity via recombination. Some models provide a way to differentiate J/psi production from initially produced c\bar{c} pairs and final state recombination of uncorrelated pairs, via the rapidity and transverse momentum dependence of the elliptic flow (v2). During 2007 data taking at RHIC, a large sample of Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV was collected. The statistics has been increased compared to previous 2004 data set, thus allowing a more precise measurement of the J/psi production at both mid and forward rapidity. Furthermore, the PHENIX experiment benefited from the addition of a new detector, which improves the reaction plane resolution and allows us to measure the J/psi v2. Comparing this measurement to the positive D-mesons v2 (through non-photonic electron decays) will help constraining the J/psi production mechanisms and getting a more precise picture of the proportion of J/psi coming from direct production or charm quark coalescence. Details on how the J/psi v2 is measured at both rapidities are presented. The J/psi v2 as a function of transverse momentum are compared to existing models.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Quark Matter 2008 proceeding

    On the full, strongly exceptional collections on toric varieties with Picard number three

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    We investigate full strongly exceptional collections on smooth, com- plete toric varieties. We obtain explicit results for a large family of varieties with Picard number three, containing many of the families already known. We also describe the relations between the collections and the split of the push forward of the trivial line bundle by the toric Frobenius morphism

    Granular Packings: Nonlinear elasticity, sound propagation and collective relaxation dynamics

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    Experiments on isotropic compression of a granular assembly of spheres show that the shear and bulk moduli vary with the confining pressure faster than the 1/3 power law predicted by Hertz-Mindlin effective medium theories (EMT) of contact elasticity. Moreover, the ratio between the moduli is found to be larger than the prediction of the elastic theory by a constant value. The understanding of these discrepancies has been a longstanding question in the field of granular matter. Here we perform a test of the applicability of elasticity theory to granular materials. We perform sound propagation experiments, numerical simulations and theoretical studies to understand the elastic response of a deforming granular assembly of soft spheres under isotropic loading. Our results for the behavior of the elastic moduli of the system agree very well with experiments. We show that the elasticity partially describes the experimental and numerical results for a system under compressional loads. However, it drastically fails for systems under shear perturbations, particularly for packings without tangential forces and friction. Our work indicates that a correct treatment should include not only the purely elastic response but also collective relaxation mechanisms related to structural disorder and nonaffine motion of grains.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure

    Morphologies of three-dimensional shear bands in granular media

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    We present numerical results on spontaneous symmetry breaking strain localization in axisymmetric triaxial shear tests of granular materials. We simulated shear band formation using three-dimensional Distinct Element Method with spherical particles. We demonstrate that the local shear intensity, the angular velocity of the grains, the coordination number, and the local void ratio are correlated and any of them can be used to identify shear bands, however the latter two are less sensitive. The calculated shear band morphologies are in good agreement with those found experimentally. We show that boundary conditions play an important role. We discuss the formation mechanism of shear bands in the light of our observations and compare the results with experiments. At large strains, with enforced symmetry, we found strain hardening.Comment: 6 pages 5 figures, low resolution figures

    Rough Surface Effect on Meissner Diamagnetism in Normal-layer of N-S Proximity-Contact System

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    Rough surface effect on the Meissner diamagnetic current in the normal layer of proximity contact N-S bi-layer is investigated in the clean limit. The diamagnetic current and the screening length are calculated by use of quasi-classical Green's function. We show that the surface roughness has a sizable effect, even when a normal layer width is large compared with the coherence length Îľ=vF/Ď€Tc\xi =v_{\rm F}/\pi T_{\rm c}. The effect is as large as that of the impurity scattering and also as that of the finite reflection at the N-S interface.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. To be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol.71-

    Affine T-varieties of complexity one and locally nilpotent derivations

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    Let X=spec A be a normal affine variety over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic 0 endowed with an effective action of a torus T of dimension n. Let also D be a homogeneous locally nilpotent derivation on the normal affine Z^n-graded domain A, so that D generates a k_+-action on X that is normalized by the T-action. We provide a complete classification of pairs (X,D) in two cases: for toric varieties (n=\dim X) and in the case where n=\dim X-1. This generalizes previously known results for surfaces due to Flenner and Zaidenberg. As an application we compute the homogeneous Makar-Limanov invariant of such varieties. In particular we exhibit a family of non-rational varieties with trivial Makar-Limanov invariant.Comment: 31 pages. Minor changes in the structure. Fixed some typo

    Mirror Symmetry, Mirror Map and Applications to Calabi-Yau Hypersurfaces

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    Mirror Symmetry, Picard-Fuchs equations and instanton corrected Yukawa couplings are discussed within the framework of toric geometry. It allows to establish mirror symmetry of Calabi-Yau spaces for which the mirror manifold had been unavailable in previous constructions. Mirror maps and Yukawa couplings are explicitly given for several examples with two and three moduli.Comment: 59 pages. Some changes in the references, a few minor points have been clarifie
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