12 research outputs found
News in the treatment of massive obstetric hemorrhages
Secția ATI II, Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență Oradea, România, The 5th International Congress of the Society of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology of the Republic of Moldova, 16th Edition of the International Course of Guidelines and Protocols in Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, 28th Meeting of the European Society for Computing and Technology in Anesthesia and Intensive Care, September 27-29, 2018, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaIntroducere: Complicațiile hemoragice pot apărea în orice moment al sarcinii, travaliului și nașterii, transformând astfel o
sarcină fiziologică, care este de obicei fără evenimente notabile, într-o situație de urgență, ce necesită un tratament prompt și
agresiv pentru asigurarea sănătății binomului mamă-copil.
Material și metode: Prezentăm un studiu statistic, efectuat la Maternitatea Oradea în perioada 2015-2017, cu privire la
incidența, etiologia, managementul hemostatic și terapeutic modern al HMO precum și a rezultatelor favorabile obținute
prin utilizarea timpurie a acidului tranexamic, a concentratului de fibrinogen și a produselor ce conțin factori de coagulare
(Novoseven, Pronativ).
Rezultate: Gravida la termen alocă peste 15% din lucrul mecanic cardiac placentei și uterului, fluxul sanguin pe minut fiind
aproximativ de 900 ml, explicând masivitatea hemoragiilor obstetricale.
Hemoragia masivă obstetricală (HMO) este una din cauzele majore de mortalitate maternă. Incidența de 5.8% a rămas
neschimbată, în ciuda modificărilor terapeutice. Hemoragia postpartum (HPP) are etiologii diferite. Atonia uterină și trauma
obstetrico-chirurgicală sunt responsabile pentru 80% din cazuri. Ruptura uterină, anormalitățile placentare (accreta-praevia),
deslipirea de placentă, întâlnite tot mai des, induc hemoragii masive generatoare de coagulopatii. Managementul hemostatic
în astfel de situații are un rol major.
Concluzii: Prin utilizarea intraoperatorie a trombelastometriei determinăm parametrii hemostatici și nivelul fibrinogenului
Clauss, reducând supraîncărcarea transfuzională.
Background: Hemorrhagic complications may occur at any time in pregnancy, labor, and birth, thus transforming a physiological
pregnancy, which is usually without noticeable events, in an emergency situation that requires prompt and aggressive treatment
to ensure the health of mother-to-child binomial.
Material and methods: We present a statistical study conducted at the Oradea Maternity in 2015-2017 on MOH’s incidence,
etiology, hemostatic and therapeutic management, as well as the favorable results obtained by the early use of tranexamic acid,
fibrinogen concentrate and products containing coagulation factors (Novoseven, Pronativ).
Results: The pregnant on term allocates over 15% of cardiac work to the placenta and uterus, the blood flow per minute being
approximately 900 ml, explaining the massive obstetric bleedings.
Massive obstetric haemorrhage (MOH) is one of the major causes of maternal mortality. The incidence of 5.8 ‰ remained
unchanged despite therapeutic changes. Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) has different etiologies. Uterine atony and obstetricsurgical trauma are responsible for 80% of cases. Uterine rupture, placental abnormalities (accreta-praevia), placental abruption,
occurring more often, induce massive hemorrhages generating coagulopathies. Hemostatic management in such situations
plays a major role.
Conclusions: By the intraoperative use of thrombelastometry, we determine haemostatic parameters and Clauss fibrinogen
levels by reducing transfusion overload
Aspects of meson properties in dense nuclear matter
We investigate the modification of meson spectral densities in dense nuclear
matter at zero temperature. These effects are studied in a fully relativistic
mean field model which goes beyond the linear density approximation and also
includes baryon resonances. In particular, the role of N*(1520) and N*(1720) on
the rho meson spectral density is highlighted. Even though the nucleon-nucleon
loop and the nucleon-resonance loop contribute with the opposite sign, an
overall reduction of rho meson mass is still observed at high density.
Importantly, it is shown that the resonances cause substantial broadening of
the rho meson spectral density in matter and also induces non-trivial momentum
dependence. The spectral density of the a0 meson is also shown. We study the
dispersion relations and collective oscillations induced by the rho meson
propagation in nuclear matter together with the influence of the mixing of rho
with the a0 meson. The relevant expression for the plasma frequency is also
recovered analytically in the appropriate limit.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figure
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Research and Design of a Routing Protocol in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks
无线传感器网络,作为全球未来十大技术之一,集成了传感器技术、嵌入式计算技术、分布式信息处理和自组织网技术,可实时感知、采集、处理、传输网络分布区域内的各种信息数据,在军事国防、生物医疗、环境监测、抢险救灾、防恐反恐、危险区域远程控制等领域具有十分广阔的应用前景。 本文研究分析了无线传感器网络的已有路由协议,并针对大规模的无线传感器网络设计了一种树状路由协议,它根据节点地址信息来形成路由,从而简化了复杂繁冗的路由表查找和维护,节省了不必要的开销,提高了路由效率,实现了快速有效的数据传输。 为支持此路由协议本文提出了一种自适应动态地址分配算——ADAR(AdaptiveDynamicAddre...As one of the ten high technologies in the future, wireless sensor network, which is the integration of micro-sensors, embedded computing, modern network and Ad Hoc technologies, can apperceive, collect, process and transmit various information data within the region. It can be used in military defense, biomedical, environmental monitoring, disaster relief, counter-terrorism, remote control of haz...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院通信工程系_通信与信息系统学号:2332007115216
Test of a new prototype of multiwire proportional chamber with pixel pad cathode readout
A new prototype of multiwire proportional chamber (MWPC) with pixel configurated pad cathode was built as a joint effort by McGill University, Lund University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory as part of the development of the tracking system of the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). This thesis first describes the implementation of a new readout electronics for the pad chambers. In this electronics, the charge of the pads is digitized using a preamplifier/shaper/discriminator integrated CMOS chip with adjustable threshold. All chips and components are mounted on specially designed 48-channel readout cards using chip-on-board (COB) technology. Using this new readout, the performance of the pad chamber is tested with cosmic rays and X-ray source. The prototype response, efficiency and gain are measured as functions of detector operating conditions. The operation of the chamber shows a very good stability over long periods of testing. Excellent efficiencies, above 99%, are observed in tests using discriminator thresholds between 2--4 fC, which represents 1--1.5% of the most probable anode charge produced at a normal anode voltage of 1850V. Under this conditions, the reconstructed hit patterns are relatively small. This is leading to a very good position resolution of about half of the cell size. An excellent description of chamber behavior was obtained using Monte Carlo simulations. showing that we can use these simulations to predict and optimize the performance of such chamber
Hadron properties and meson mixing effects in hot and dense strongly interacting matter
In the present thesis, the properties of hadrons in a dense medium are studied. The collective excitations related to the propagation of scalar and vector mesons in dense nuclear matter are discussed in a relativistic mean field model. Finite temperature effects on the meson properties in nuclear matter are also considered. One of the main concerns of the present thesis is the evaluation of symmetry-breaking effects induced by the dense matter. Special emphasis is put on the study of scalar-vector meson mixing effect, a pure density-dependent effect forbidden in vacuum on account of the Lorentz symmetry. In this direction, a new symmetry-breaking effect---the rho-a 0 meson mixing---is revealed and studied in detail along with a similar effect induced by the o-sigma mixing. The possibility of a new dilepton channel, arising from pi-eta collisions and mediated by rho-a 0 mixing, is further discussed in a relativistic kinetic model. The effects of o-sigma mixing on the amplitude of the dilepton production process from pion annihilation is also evaluated in a similar manner. The possibility of observing such symmetry-breaking effects in nucleus-nucleus collision experiments is investigated. For the space-time evolution of the matter formed during the collision, a thermal model is employed and the equation of state is determined from the interacting nuclear matter within the scope of a mean field model. We argue that such processes can be observed in the dilepton spectra at GSI/SIS energies, while they are not so evident at higher energy experiments performed at CERN/SPS
Proposal for functional conversions - Bucharest Faur
The objective of this study consists of the active involvement in what concerns finding sustainable solutions in terms of cohesion and dynamics of urban space in Bucharest. Bucharest has a particular character, is a living organism, where inevitably, at some point, there will exist the need to intervene in maintaining a balance, to function or to find a remedy, within the system of relationships, of its functions. Amid a confused political and social context (with economic interests), there have occurred in the late 25 years, the expansion tendencies which have been installed, without however being taken into account the demographic factors of landscape, the architectonic ones, the ones regarding the landscapes and last, but not least, the urbanistic ones. The partial results obtained underline the outstanding impact of the occurrence of residential assemblies and public function constructions (mainly office building) in Bucharest, especially in the areas that were occupied in the Communist period by industrial platforms. Improving the quality of life can be achieved by a comprehensive rethinking of space organizing and by providing solutions in order to ensure the optimum ratio between built space, green space and visual accessibility of those living in the new residential spaces proposed instead of former industrial areas
Nanocomposite Hydrogels Based on Poly(<i>N</i>-vinyl pyrrolidone)
Poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) (PNVP) is one of the most studied and recognized polymer for use in the pharmaceutical industry and medicine purposes due to its unique combination of highly essential properties such as nontoxicity, biocompatibility with human tissue, chemical stability, and good solubility in water and other solvents. Most of the PNVP-based hydrogels are characterized by low mechanical properties when handled in a swollen state. For this purpose, several methods have been reported to increase the mechanical properties of these gels by introducing an inorganic clay as a reinforcing agent. The present work deals with the preparation and detailed structural characterization of nanocomposite hydrogels based on amidic N-vinyl pyrrolidone (NVP) monomers with or without N,N-methylenbis(acrylamide) (MBA) as chemical crosslinker and different concentrations of Laponite XLG as reinforcing agent. The hydrogels were synthesized by the radical polymerization of the monomers using 2,2-azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) as the initiator. In this study, we evaluated the structure of PNVP-based nanocomposites by using FT-IR, their morphology through SEM–EDX, and the influence of different amounts of Laponite XLG on the final properties, by performing rheological measurements and swelling studies. The Laponite XLG, used as reinforcing agent, significantly contributed to the improvement in the mechanical properties of the nanocomposite hydrogels
Soil Erosion Assessment Using the Intensity of Erosion and Outflow Model by Estimating Sediment Yield: Case Study in River Basins with Different Characteristics from Cluj County, Romania
As the fertile topsoil is constantly washed away and agricultural production is decreased, soil erosion is a serious environmental issue that affects the entire planet. All river basins experience changes in land use that affect sediment dynamics, soil erodibility, and hydrologic response. The main reason for the faster erosion rates is frequently attributed to those alterations. In the current study, the Intensity of Erosion and Outflow (IntErO) model was used to estimate the sediment yield and maximum outflow from three river basins in Cluj County, Transylvania, Romania. Because the county is hilly and has significant erosion issues, it is essential to have a solid understanding of how soil erosion occurs in river basins. This will allow for more precise planning of soil conservation projects and will allow for more effective management of the severity of the erosion processes. The IntErO model offers quick, efficient, and feasible insight into how changing land use affects soil erosion processes. The testing of the procedures that have been put into place is an essential component of the ongoing development of watershed management strategies at the regional level. The relief characteristics and predominant land use of the three selected prototype river basins significantly influenced the resulting real soil losses. The application of the IntErO model in assessing soil erosion rates in the Transylvanian hills represents a novel approach. The findings of this study hold potential for informing policymakers in the formulation of more robust regulations pertaining to soil and water conservation. Consequently, the implementation of such measures is expected to contribute to the safeguarding of river basin soils