145 research outputs found

    Energetic Macroscopic Representation Applied To An Electrical Urban Transport System

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    An energetic description of the electric transport urban system ASTRAIK 415T is proposed according to a specific formalism. This is used to simulate the trolleybus system, equipped with a chopper and a direct current series motor. DC series motor is still used for trolleybus and metro, driven by a GTO or IGBT chopper µC-controlled, which allows the implementation of command algorithms. From this synthetically representation a complete model of the electromechanical system was implemented using the Matlab-Simulink simulation environment. A control structure was deduced through model inversion. This will allow the study of the transient phenomena and the implementation of different command laws taking into account the minimum energy losse

    Research on the Influence of the Light and Sexing on Growth Performance and Slaughter Results at Young Quails from Mixed Baloteşti Population of Eggs-Meat

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    The purposes of determining the influence of the light and sexing on growth performance and slaughter results atyoung quails from Balotesti population, was organized an experiment on 150 quails, betwen age of 28 and 70 days. The chicks were divided into two groups (control and experimental), and growth and slaughter performance were determined separately by sex. Have studied 2 lighting programs, a program of continous lighting with photoperiod duration of 16 hours (16 L + 8 N, control group) and a program with lighting with asymetric hours intervals with photoperiod duration of 16 hours (10L+2N+6L+6N, experimental group).Males and females from the experimental group were recorded average performance of growth high during the period 28 - 70 days. Live weight at age of 70 days was higher with 7.54 %, average weight gain was higher with 14.86 % and feed conversion rate was lower with 13.51 % at males from experimental group compared to males from the control group. Also, the live weight at the age of 70 days was higher with 18.09 %; average weight gain was higher with 35.12 %, while feed conversion rate was reduced with 30.08 % on females from the experimental group compared to females from the control group.The results of the slaughter at 70 days were superior in the caseof females from the both groups versus males. The average weight of the carcase was higher with 17.53 % in case of the females than that of males from the experimental group, and the carcase yield was 65.37 % at the females and 65.56 % for males. Also, the average weight of the carcase was higher with 5.08 % in case of females compared to that males from the control group, and the carcase yield was 64.20 % to females 66.70 % on males.Superior results recorded in the case of females and males from the experimental group recommended the program of lighting with asymmetric hours intervals in the growth of youth quail. Also, the higher slaughter results recorded in the case of females of the two groups recommended them in the meat production through a broiler of quail that combine advantages in the production of both males and females.Â

    Role of the deubiquitylating enzyme DmUsp5 in coupling ubiquitin equilibrium to development and apoptosis in Drosophila melanogaster.

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    Protein ubiquitylation is a dynamic process that affects the function and stability of proteins and controls essential cellular processes ranging from cell proliferation to cell death. This process is regulated through the balanced action of E3 ubiquitin ligases and deubiquitylating enzymes (DUB) which conjugate ubiquitins to, and remove them from target proteins, respectively. Our genetic analysis has revealed that the deubiquitylating enzyme DmUsp5 is required for maintenance of the ubiquitin equilibrium, cell survival and normal development in Drosophila. Loss of the DmUsp5 function leads to late larval lethality accompanied by the induction of apoptosis. Detailed analyses at a cellular level demonstrated that DmUsp5 mutants carry multiple abnormalities, including a drop in the free monoubiquitin level, the excessive accumulation of free polyubiquitins, polyubiquitylated proteins and subunits of the 26S proteasome. A shortage in free ubiquitins results in the induction of a ubiquitin stress response previously described only in the unicellular budding yeast. It is characterized by the induction of the proteasome-associated deubiquitylase DmUsp14 and sensitivity to cycloheximide. Removal of DmUsp5 also activates the pro-apoptotic machinery thereby resulting in widespread apoptosis, indicative of an anti-apoptotic role of DmUsp5. Collectively, the pleiotropic effects of a loss of DmUsp5 function can be explained in terms of the existence of a limited pool of free monoubiquitins which makes the ubiquitin-dependent processes mutually interdependent

    Non-Myelinating Schwann Cells in Health and Disease

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    Non-myelinating Schwann cells (NMSCs) are one of the two major phenotypes of Schwann cells. NMSCs are of different types and have various locations. In the peripheral nervous system, NMSC, named Remak Schwann cells (RSC), accommodate multiple small-caliber axons, forming Remak bundles. NMSC, named perisynaptic/terminal Schwann cells, are found at the distal end of motor nerve terminals at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Thus, NMSCs proved to serve different functions according to their distribution such as maintenance of the axon and NMJ, peripheral nerve regeneration, or remodeling of the NMJ. Schwann cells (SCs) retain their proliferation capacity in the case of nerve injury or demyelination and provide support for the neuronal cells through paracrine signaling. Here we present an overview of their phenotypes and tissue distribution focusing on their emerging involvement in various peripheral nerve diseases

    Learning the Impact and Behavior of Syntactic Structure: A Case Study in Semantic Textual Similarity

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    We present a case study on the role of syn- tactic structures towards resolving the Se- mantic Textual Similarity (STS) task. Al- though various approaches have been pro- posed, the research of using syntactic in- formation to determine the semantic simi- larity is a relatively under-researched area. At the level of syntactic structure, it is not clear how significant the syntactic struc- ture contributes to the overall accuracy of the task. In this paper, we analyze the impact of syntactic structure towards the overall performance and its behavior in different score ranges of the STS seman- tic scale

    A Preliminary Evaluation of the Impact of Syntactic Structure in Semantic Textual Similarity and Semantic Relatedness Tasks

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    The well related tasks of evaluating the Se- mantic Textual Similarity and Semantic Relat- edness have been under a special attention in NLP community. Many different approaches have been proposed, implemented and evalu- ated at different levels, such as lexical similar- ity, word/string/POS tags overlapping, seman- tic modeling (LSA, LDA), etc. However, at the level of syntactic structure, it is not clear how significant it contributes to the overall ac- curacy. In this paper, we make a preliminary evaluation of the impact of the syntactic struc- ture in the tasks by running and analyzing the results from several experiments regarding to how syntactic structure contributes to solving these tasks

    Corpus Patterns for Semantic Processing

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    This tutorial presents a corpus-driven, pattern-based empirical approach to meaning representation and computation. Patterns in text are everywhere, but techniques for identifying and processing them are still rudimentary. Patterns are not merely syntactic but syntagmatic: each pattern identifies a lexico-semantic clause structure consisting of a predicator (verb or predicative adjective) together with open-ended lexical sets of collocates in different clause roles (subject, object, prepositional argument, etc.). If NLP is to make progress in identifying and processing text meaning, pattern recognition and collocational analysis will play an essential role, because

    FBK-HLT: An Effective System for Paraphrase Identification and Semantic Similarity in Twitter

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    This paper reports the description and perfor- mance of our system, FBK-HLT, participating in the SemEval 2015, Task #1 "Paraphrase and Semantic Similarity in Twitter", for both sub- tasks. We submitted two runs with different classifiers in combining typical features (lexi- cal similarity, string similarity, word n-grams, etc) with machine translation metrics and edit distance features. We outperform the baseline system and achieve a very competitive result to the best system on the first subtask. Eventually, we are ranked 4th out of 18 teams participating in subtask "Paraphrase Identification"

    FBK-HLT: A New Framework for Semantic Textual Similarity

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    This paper reports the description and perfor- mance of our system, FBK-HLT, participat- ing in the SemEval 2015, Task #2 “Semantic Textual Similarity”, English subtask. We sub- mitted three runs with different hypothesis in combining typical features (lexical similarity, string similarity, word n-grams, etc) with syn- tactic structure features, resulting in different sets of features. The results evaluated on both STS 2014 and 2015 datasets prove our hypoth- esis of building a STS system taking into con- sideration of syntactic information. We out- perform the best system on STS 2014 datasets and achieve a very competitive result to the best system on STS 2015 datasets