138 research outputs found

    On the Design of Secure Full-Duplex Multiuser Systems under User Grouping Method

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    Consider a full-duplex (FD) multiuser system where an FD base station (BS) is designed to simultaneously serve both downlink users and uplink users in the presence of half-duplex eavesdroppers (Eves). Our problem is to maximize the minimum secrecy rate (SR) among all legitimate users by proposing a novel user grouping method, where information signals at the FD-BS are accompanied with artificial noise to degrade the Eves' channel. The SR problem has a highly nonconcave and nonsmooth objective, subject to nonconvex constraints due to coupling between the optimization variables. Nevertheless, we develop a path-following low-complexity algorithm, which invokes only a simple convex program of moderate dimensions at each iteration. We show that our path-following algorithm guarantees convergence at least to a local optima. The numerical results demonstrate the merit of our proposed approach compared to existing well-known ones, i.e., conventional FD and nonorthogonal multiple access.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Exhibition and Convention Center Di Kabupaten Jayapura (Sentani) “Structural Expression as Aesthetic Function”

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    Kota Jayapura merupakan kota yang sedang berkembang menjadi pusat perkembangan budaya dan peradaban manusia bagi daerah sekitarnya, dilihat dari segi pembangunan banyak bangunan dan kantor yang sudah maupun yang sedang dibangun di Kota maupun Kabupaten Jayapura, masyarakat, pemkot Kota Jayapura dan para pengusaha asli maupun pendatang juga sering mengadakan kegiatan yang bersifat formal maupun non formal selama ini kegiatan pameran maupun pertemuan di kota Jayapura diselenggarakan di hotel, serta di gedung pertemuan yang tidak dilengkapi dengan fasilitas pendukung. Dari uraian tersebut diatas, Kota Jayapura membutuhkan wadah yang dibangun khusus untuk keperluan konvensi, pameran, dan kegiatan yang secara masal. Rencana pembangunan Exhibition and Convention Center di Kabupaten Jayapura yang nantinya dirancang dengan dasar penerapan tema Structural Expression as Aesthetic Function (Ekspresi Struktur sebagai keindahan) merupakan kebutuhan objek rancangan sebagai pameran dan konvensi yang lingkupnya regional atau nasional maupun Internasional. Penerapan tema Ekspresi Struktur melalui kajian yang ada diharap dapat mengoptimalkan fungsi bangunan, memberikan Kenyamanan serta meningkatkan kepariwisataan kota Jayapura

    Comparison of the Whole Cell Proteome and Secretome of Epidemic Bordetella pertussis Strains From the 2008-2012 Australian Epidemic Under Sulfate-Modulating Conditions.

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    Sulfate is an important modulator for virulence factor expression in Bordetella pertussis, the causative organism for whooping cough. During infection, sulfate is released when respiratory epithelial cells are damaged which can affect gene expression. The current predominant strains in Australia are found in single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) cluster I (ptxP3/prn2). It has been reported that ptxP3 strains have higher mRNA expression of virulence genes than ptxP1 strains under intermediate sulfate-modulating conditions (5 mM MgSO4). Our previous proteomic study compared L1423 (cluster I, ptxP3) and L1191 (cluster II, ptxP1) in Thalen-IJssel (THIJS) media without sulfate modulation and identified an upregulation of transport proteins and a downregulation of immunogenic proteins. To determine whether proteomic differences exist between cluster I and cluster II strains in intermediate modulating conditions, this study compared the whole cell proteome and secretome between L1423 and L1191 grown in THIJS media with 5 mM MgSO4 using iTRAQ and high-resolution multiple reaction monitoring (MRM-hr). Two proteins (BP0200 and BP1175) in the whole cell were upregulated in L1423 [fold change (FC) >1.2, false discovery rate (FDR) <0.05]. In the secretome, four proteins from the type III secretion system (T3SS) effectors were downregulated (FC < 0.8, FDR < 0.05) while six proteins, including two adhesins, pertactin (Prn) and tracheal colonization factor A (TcfA), were upregulated which were consistent with our previous proteomic study. The upregulation of Prn and TcfA in SNP cluster I may result in improved adhesion while the downregulation of the T3SS and other immunogenic proteins may reduce immune recognition, which may contribute to the increased fitness of cluster I B. pertussis strains

    Pertactin-negative and filamentous hemagglutinin-negative Bordetella pertussis, Australia, 2013-2017

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    During the 2008-2012 pertussis epidemic in Australia, pertactin (Prn)-negative Bordetella pertussis emerged. We analyzed 78 isolates from the 2013-2017 epidemic and documented continued expansion of Prn-negative ptxP3 B. pertussis strains. We also detected a filamentous hemagglutinin- negative and Prn-negative B. pertussis isolate

    Enhancing genomics-based outbreak detection of endemic Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium using dynamic thresholds.

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is the leading cause of salmonellosis in Australia, and the ability to identify outbreaks and their sources is vital to public health. Here, we examined the utility of whole-genome sequencing (WGS), including complete genome sequencing with Oxford Nanopore technologies, in examining 105 isolates from an endemic multi-locus variable number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) type over 5 years. The MLVA type was very homogeneous, with 90 % of the isolates falling into groups with a five SNP cut-off. We developed a new two-step approach for outbreak detection using WGS. The first clustering at a zero single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) cut-off was used to detect outbreak clusters that each occurred within a 4 week window and then a second clustering with dynamically increased SNP cut-offs were used to generate outbreak investigation clusters capable of identifying all outbreak cases. This approach offered optimal specificity and sensitivity for outbreak detection and investigation, in particular of those caused by endemic MLVA types or clones with low genetic diversity. We further showed that inclusion of complete genome sequences detected no additional mutational events for genomic outbreak surveillance. Phylogenetic analysis found that the MLVA type was likely to have been derived recently from a single source that persisted over 5 years, and seeded numerous sporadic infections and outbreaks. Our findings suggest that SNP cut-offs for outbreak cluster detection and public-health surveillance should be based on the local diversity of the relevant strains over time. These findings have general applicability to outbreak detection of bacterial pathogens