19 research outputs found

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation (Gi) Dan Numbered Heads Together (Nht) Pada Materi Garis Singgung Lingkaran Ditinjau Dari Kecerdasan Majemuk Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri Se-kota Madiun Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014

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    The aims of this research were to know: (1) which one of the learning models gave a better achievement among NHT model, GI model, and direct model, (2) which one had a better achievement among the students with mathematic-logic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and linguistic intelligence, (3) at each of the learning models, which one had a better achievement among the students with mathematic-logic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and linguistic intelligence, (4) on each multiple intelligence, which one of the learning models gave a better achievement among NHT model, GI model, and direct model. The research used was quasi experimental research with 3´3 factorial design. The population of this research was all eighth grade students of Junior High School at Madiun city. The sample of this research was selected by stratified cluster random sampling technique. The sample consisted of 246 students from SMPN 4 Madiun, SMPN 6 Madiun, and SMPN 11 Madiun. The instruments used to collect the data were a questionnaire of multiple intelligences and learning mathematics achievement test. The data analysis technique used was unbalanced two ways analyze of variance. The result of the research are: (1) NHT model gave better achievement than GI model and direct model; GI model gave better achievement than direct model; (2) students with mathematic-logic intelligence had better achievement than those of students with interpersonal intelligence and linguistic intelligence; students with interpersonal intelligence had the same achievement as students with linguistic intelligence, (3) at NHT model, students with mathematic-logic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and linguistic intelligence had the same achievement; at GI model, students with mathematic-logic intelligence had the same achievement as students with interpersonal intelligence, students with mathematic-logic intelligence had better achievement than students with linguistic intelligence, students with interpersonal intelligence had the same achievement as students with linguistic intelligence; at direct model, students with mathematic-logic intelligence had better achievement than students with interpersonal intelligence, students with mathematic-logic intelligence had better achievement than students with linguistic intelligence, students with interpersonal intelligence had the same achievement as students with linguistic intelligence, (4) at mathematic-logic intelligence, NHT model gave the same achievement as GI model, NHT model gave better achievement than direct model, GI model gave the same achievement as direct model; at interpersonal intelligence, NHT model gave the same achievement as GI model, NHT model gave better achievement than direct model, GI model gave better achievement than direct model; at linguistic intelligence, NHT model gave better achievement than GI model, NHT model gave better achievement than direct model, GI model gave the same achievement as direct model

    Penerapan Analisa Faktor dalam Membentuk Faktor Laten yang Mempengaruhi Prestasi Mahasiswa di Jurusan Matematika FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya

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    Studi ini mengenai penggunaan analisis faktor untuk membentuk faktor laten menggunakan metode Maksimum Likelihood untuk menduga parameternya dan pengaruh prestasi mahasiswa di Jurusan Matematika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari pengaplikasiannya adalah terbentuknya 8 faktor umum, yaitu Kelengkapan Fasilitas Belajar, Latar Belakang Keluarga, Sistem Pembelajaran, Motivasi dan Teman, Minat dalam Belajar Matematika, Persepsi Terhadap Dosen, Kelengkapan Laboratorium Komputer dan Pelayanan Akademik, dan Kedisiplinan dalam Belajar untuk Mendapatkan Nilai Tinggi. Variansi total yang mampu dijelaskan oleh delapan faktor tersebut adalah 64%. Hal ini menunjukan kebaikan model sudah terpenuhi

    Reduksi Pola Pemotongan Kertas pada Cutting Stock Problem (CSP) Satu Dimensi

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    Cutting Stock Problem (CSP) satu dimensi merupakan salah satu permasalahan optimasi dalam pemotongan bahan persediaan yang bertujuan mendapatkan sisa pemotongan (trim loss) seminimum mungkin. Penyebab utama trim loss adalah penyusunan letak pola pemotongan yang kurang tepat. Pola pemotongan yang banyak perlu dikombinasikan dan direduksi untuk mendapatkan pola pemotongan optimal. Reduksi pola jenis 3-2 diuji pada kasus pemotongan kertas. Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan didapatkan bahwa pola-pola pemotongan yang semula banyak menjadi lebih sedikit dan optimal melalui reduksi pola. Pola-pola optimal tersebut menghasilkan trim loss sama dengan nol dan beberapa produk surplus

    Implementasi Antena dan Perancangan Robot Sederhana dari Bahan Daur Ulang di Sekolah Tunas Alam Bekasi

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    - Pemanfaatan kembali barang bekas dapat diimplementasikan untuk kegunaan sehari hari. Penelitian berbasis pengabdian masyarakat ini mengimplementasikan desain antenna untuk televisi pada frekuensi 470 – 890 MHz, dan perancangan robotic sederhana yakni Line Follower Robot, Brushbot, dan Waterlamp. Implementasi abdima untuk desain antenna dan robot sederhana ini bertempat di Sekolah Tunas Alam Bekasi, yakni tempat belajar disekitar pembuangan sampah, Bantar Gebang. Pada paper ini dianalisa lebih khusus mengenai desain antenna untuk TV yakni jenis yagi yang bekerja pada frekuensi 470 – 890 MHz dengan menggunakan dua bahan material yang berbeda. Bahan material yang akan dipakai adalah aluminium dan tembaga. Perbedaan nilai permitifitas () dari bahan alumunium dan tembaga ini akan menghasilkan beberapa parameter antenna yang berbeda-beda, meliputi VSWR, S-Parameter, Farfield dan Gain. Dari hasil simulasi yang dilakukan, diketahui bahwa antenna yagi yang menggunakan bahan alumunium memiliki bandwidth yang lebih besar sehingga dapat menangkap stasiun televisi yang lebih banyak. Kata Kunci – Antena Televisi, Yagi Antenna, Robot Sederhana

    Perancangan Software Defined Radar untuk Radar Pulsa dan Radar FMCW

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    - Software Defined Radio (SDR) merupakan sistem komunikasi radio berbasis software yang saat ini mulai banyak diimplementasikan dan menunjukkan potensi yang besar. Tingginya efisiensi dalam hal biaya dibandingkan dengan sistem konvensional berbasis perangkat menjadi motivasi bagi berkembangnya konsep ini diberbagai aplikasi. Salah satu aplikasi yang dapat diterapkan menggunakan konsep SDR adalah sistem komunikasi Radar, Software Defined Radar (SDRadar). Radar berbasis software diharapkan dapat menurunkan biaya pembuatan hardware, serta dapat mendukung perancangan Radar yang dapat melakukan banyak fungsi dan lebih flexible untuk melakukan konfigurasi ulang. Radar multifungsi dapat dibangun dengan berbasis software yakni mulai dari pengaturan jenis sinyal, frekuensi operasi, hingga pada tahap pemrosesan sinyal radar. Penelitian ini merancang FMCW Radar menggunakan platform SDR. Simulasi dilakukan dengan mencoba posisi objek yang berbeda, dengan nilai SNR yang berbeda. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan implementasi konsep SDR untuk Radar dapat mendukung fleksibilitas rekonfigurasi parameter Radar. Untuk spesifik radar yang disimulasikan diperoleh bahwa SNR yang baik untuk dapat mendeteksi jarak object dengan baik (error <11%) ialah diatas 20dB. Radar dengan SNR dibawah 20 dB tidak dapat mendeteksi jarak objek dengan baik, dimana error melebihi 50%. Radar Pulsa disimulasikan menggunakan pernagkat USRP dengan factor pengkoreksi/kalibrasi 1.376, sedangkan untuk Radar FMCW masih terdapat error sebsar 70.8%. Kata Kunci : SDR, SDRadar, FMCW Radar Absract - Software Defined Radio (SDR) is a software-based radio communication system that is currently implemented and show great potential to be developed. The efficiency in terms of cost as compared to conventional systems which based on devices is a motivation for the development of this concept in various applications. One of the applications that can be implemented utilizing the concept of SDR is Software Defined Radar (SDRadar). Radar with software based is expected to have lower cost and support the feasibility of Radar to perform in many functions and more flexible to be reconfigured. This research implement the FMCW Radar using SDR platform. Simulations carried out by trying different object positions, with different SNR values. The simulation results show the implementation concept of SDR's Radar can support the flexibility of Radar parameter reconfiguration. For specific simulated radar shows that a suitable SNR value to detect the distance of object (error <11%) is above 20dB. Radar with SNR under 20 dB could not detect the distance of objects well, where the error exceeds 50%. Radar Pulse also simulated using USRP with factor correction or calibration factor of 1,376, while for FMCW with USRP still obtain high error of about 70.8%


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    Abstract: The aims of this research were to know: (1) which one of the learning models gave a better achievement among NHT model, GI model, and direct model, (2) which one had a better achievement among the students with mathematic-logic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and linguistic intelligence, (3) at each of the learning models, which one had a better achievement among the students with mathematic-logic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and linguistic intelligence, (4) on each multiple intelligence, which one of the learning models gave a better achievement among NHT model, GI model, and direct model. The research used was quasi experimental research with 3´3 factorial design. The population of this research was all eighth grade students of Junior High School at Madiun city. The sample of this research was selected by stratified cluster random sampling technique. The sample consisted of 246 students from SMPN 4 Madiun, SMPN 6 Madiun, and SMPN 11 Madiun. The instruments used to collect the data were a questionnaire of multiple intelligences and learning mathematics achievement test. The data analysis technique used was unbalanced two ways analyze of variance. The result of the research are: (1) NHT model gave better achievement than GI model and direct model; GI model gave better achievement than direct model; (2) students with mathematic-logic intelligence had better achievement than those of students with interpersonal intelligence and linguistic intelligence; students with interpersonal intelligence had the same achievement as students with linguistic intelligence, (3) at NHT model, students with mathematic-logic intelligence,  interpersonal intelligence, and linguistic intelligence had the same achievement; at GI model, students with mathematic-logic intelligence had the same achievement as students with interpersonal intelligence, students with mathematic-logic intelligence had better achievement than students with linguistic intelligence, students with interpersonal intelligence had the same achievement as students with linguistic intelligence; at direct model, students with mathematic-logic intelligence had better achievement than students with interpersonal intelligence, students with mathematic-logic intelligence had better achievement than students with linguistic intelligence, students with interpersonal intelligence had the same achievement as students with linguistic intelligence, (4) at mathematic-logic intelligence, NHT model gave the same achievement as GI model, NHT model gave better achievement than direct model, GI model gave the same achievement as direct model; at interpersonal intelligence, NHT model gave the same achievement as GI model, NHT model gave better achievement than direct model, GI model gave better achievement than direct model; at linguistic intelligence, NHT model gave better achievement than GI model, NHT model gave better achievement than direct model, GI model gave the same achievement as direct model.Keywords: GI , NHT , Multiple Intelligence


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    Abstract: The aims of this research were to know: (1) which one of the learning models gave a better achievement among NHT model, GI model, and direct model, (2) which one had a better achievement among the students with mathematic-logic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and linguistic intelligence, (3) at each of the learning models, which one had a better achievement among the students with mathematic-logic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and linguistic intelligence, (4) on each multiple intelligence, which one of the learning models gave a better achievement among NHT model, GI model, and direct model. The research used was quasi experimental research with 3´3 factorial design. The population of this research was all eighth grade students of Junior High School at Madiun city. The sample of this research was selected by stratified cluster random sampling technique. The sample consisted of 246 students from SMPN 4 Madiun, SMPN 6 Madiun, and SMPN 11 Madiun. The instruments used to collect the data were a questionnaire of multiple intelligences and learning mathematics achievement test. The data analysis technique used was unbalanced two ways analyze of variance. The result of the research are: (1) NHT model gave better achievement than GI model and direct model; GI model gave better achievement than direct model; (2) students with mathematic-logic intelligence had better achievement than those of students with interpersonal intelligence and linguistic intelligence; students with interpersonal intelligence had the same achievement as students with linguistic intelligence, (3) at NHT model, students with mathematic-logic intelligence,  interpersonal intelligence, and linguistic intelligence had the same achievement; at GI model, students with mathematic-logic intelligence had the same achievement as students with interpersonal intelligence, students with mathematic-logic intelligence had better achievement than students with linguistic intelligence, students with interpersonal intelligence had the same achievement as students with linguistic intelligence; at direct model, students with mathematic-logic intelligence had better achievement than students with interpersonal intelligence, students with mathematic-logic intelligence had better achievement than students with linguistic intelligence, students with interpersonal intelligence had the same achievement as students with linguistic intelligence, (4) at mathematic-logic intelligence, NHT model gave the same achievement as GI model, NHT model gave better achievement than direct model, GI model gave the same achievement as direct model; at interpersonal intelligence, NHT model gave the same achievement as GI model, NHT model gave better achievement than direct model, GI model gave better achievement than direct model; at linguistic intelligence, NHT model gave better achievement than GI model, NHT model gave better achievement than direct model, GI model gave the same achievement as direct model.Keywords: GI , NHT , Multiple Intelligence