24 research outputs found

    Az ultrafinom légköri aeroszol = Ultrafine atmospheric aerosol

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    Nemzetközileg új, tudományos eredményeket értünk el 1) a légköri nukleáció területén, amely magába foglalja a jelenség azonosítását, mechanikai jellemzését, gyakoriságának meghatározását, évszakos változékonyságának magyarázatát, mechanizmusának vizsgálatát, térbeli kiterjedésének becslését, a különböző városi környezetekben tapasztalt eltérések felderítését, a városlakók expozíciójának modellezését, valamint mindezek környezeti és egészségügyi jelentőségének bizonyítását, 2) a légköri humuszszerű anyag témakörben, különösen az oldatcsepp kolloidkémiai, nedvesedési tulajdonságainak és felületi feszültségének relaxációja területén, valamint mindezek levegőkémiai és éghajlati következményeit tekintve, illetve első alkalommal alkalmaztunk kiroptikai módszereket aeroszol kutatásban, 3) különleges városi mikrokörnyezetek jellemzésében, valamint a budapesti városi aeroszol kémiai összetétele és fizikai tulajdonságai hosszú távú megváltozásának egészségi és környezeti következményei tekintetében. Az elért eredményeket 5 könyvfejezetben, 23 SCI cikkben közöltük (a szakma 5,31 impaktfaktorú, csúcsfolyóiratában 5 cikkünk jelent meg), összesített impaktfaktor 68,19, a projekt vezetője és a társintézmény vezető kutatója megszerezték az MTA doktora címet a futamidő alatt, a projekt vezetője a hónap OTKA kutatója lett, az OTKA – Élet és Tudomány cikkpályázat országos második helyezettje lett egyik dolgozatunk. A kutatási projekt - a terveket meghaladó mértékben - eredményesen zárul. | Internationally new research results were achieved in the following fields: 1) atmospheric nucleation including the identification, characterization of new particle formation events and particle growth, nucleation frequency, their seasonal variation, investigation of the possible mechanisms, horizontal spatial scales, observed differences in various urban environments, exposure of inhabitants to particles, together with environmental and health implications, 2) atmospheric humic-like substances, in particular with regard to their colloidal and hygroscopic properties, and to relaxation of the surface tension of their solution droplets, together with some climate implications, and also the first application of chiroptical methods in organic aerosol research, 3) characterization of specific urban microenvironments, and revealing the health and environmental effects of long-term changes in chemical composition and physical properties of urban aerosol in Budapest. The results were published in 5 book chapters, 23 SCI articles (note: 5 articles appeared in the most prestigious journal of the field with an impact factor of 5.31), the principal investigator and the lead researcher at the cooperating institute both received their DSc degree of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in the duration of the project, the principal investigator became the researcher of the month with OTKA, etc. The project is closed with outstanding research success

    Discharge protocol in acute pancreatitis: an international survey and cohort analysis

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    Discharge protocol; Acute pancreatitisProtocol d'alta; Pancreatitis agudaProtocolo de alta; Pancreatitis agudaThere are several overlapping clinical practice guidelines in acute pancreatitis (AP), however, none of them contains suggestions on patient discharge. The Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group (HPSG) has recently developed a laboratory data and symptom-based discharge protocol which needs to be validated. (1) A survey was conducted involving all members of the International Association of Pancreatology (IAP) to understand the characteristics of international discharge protocols. (2) We investigated the safety and effectiveness of the HPSG-discharge protocol. According to our international survey, 87.5% (49/56) of the centres had no discharge protocol. Patients discharged based on protocols have a significantly shorter median length of hospitalization (LOH) (7 (5;10) days vs. 8 (5;12) days) p < 0.001), and a lower rate of readmission due to recurrent AP episodes (p = 0.005). There was no difference in median discharge CRP level among the international cohorts (p = 0.586). HPSG-protocol resulted in the shortest LOH (6 (5;9) days) and highest median CRP (35.40 (13.78; 68.40) mg/l). Safety was confirmed by the low rate of readmittance (n = 35; 5%). Discharge protocol is necessary in AP. The discharge protocol used in this study is the first clinically proven protocol. Developing and testifying further protocols are needed to better standardize patients’ care.The study was supported by a project grant (TKP2021-EGA-23) of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary to PH, by an NKFIH OTKA grant (K131996) to PH, by the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (to AM), by the Project Grants (KA–2019–14, FK131864 to AM) and by the ÚNKP–22–5 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology from the source of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (to AM). The project has received funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 739593. (to BCN). BCN has received funding from János Bolyai Research Grant (BO/00648/21/5) and the New National Excellence Program (UNKP-22-5-SZTE-585) and it was supported by the ÚNKP-22-4-II New national Excellence Program of the Ministry for Culture and Innovation from the Source of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (to KM)

    Családi disznótor, avagy a szokások nem változnak. Hagyományőrző infektológiai esetbemutatás = Pig-slaughtering at home. Customs do not change. An infectological case report from a historical point of view

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    Absztrakt: Vizes hasmenés és izomfájdalmak miatt vettünk fel infektológiai osztályunkra egy 41 éves nőbeteget a téli évszakban, aki a panaszok kezdete előtt családi disznótoron vett részt, ahol mások is megbetegedtek. Fizikális vizsgálattal periorbitalis ödémát és myalgiát tapasztaltunk. Laboratóriumi vizsgálattal eosinophiliát, hypalbuminaemiát, kreatin-kináz- és laktát-dehidrogenáz-emelkedést észleltünk. A fizikális és laboratóriumi vizsgálati eredmények az epidemiológiai adatok ismeretében trichinellosisra utaltak, ezért albendazol adását kezdtük. A 22. napon post infectionem levett savó szerológiai vizsgálata trichinellosis irányába kétes pozitív eredményt adott, ezért és a kezelés ellenére fennálló tartós láz miatt izombiopsziát végeztünk. A szövettan által leírt granulomatosus myositis és a 62. napon post infectionem megismételt szerológiai vizsgálat végül igazolta a trichinellosist. A kórlefolyás során szívizom-érintettségre utaló troponin-I-kiáramlást tapasztaltunk, amit myocarditisre jellemző klinikai tünet, illetve EKG-eltérés nem kísért. Közel száz évvel ezelőtt hasonló kezdetű esetleírással találkozhatunk, a trichinellosis akkor öt halálos áldozatot követelt. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(24): 952–957. | Abstract: We report a case of a 41-year-old female patient presenting with watery diarrhoea and myalgia in the winter-season. Before her symptoms started she had participated in a pig slaughtering with her family. Some of the family members also became ill. On her physical examination periorbital odema and myalgia were found. Eosinophilia, hypalbuminaemia, elevated lactate dehydrogenase and creatin kinase levels were detected on laboratory investigations. The clinical picture, the laboratory findings and background epidemiological data implied the diagnosis of trichinellosis and albendazol was started. Serum gained on the 22nd post-infectious day turned out to be equivocal for trichinellosis. For this reason and because of the refractory fever a muscle-biopsy was done. Granulomatous myositis described by histology and Trichinella seropositivity from the repeated serum sample on the 62nd post-infectious day finally confirmed the diagnosis. During the course of the disease, we experienced elevation of troponin I suggesting myocarditis, but it was accompanied neither with abnormal ECG signs nor characteristic symptoms. Almost a century ago, a case report was published in Hungarian with a similar introduction. Trichinellosis in that epidemic setting led to the death of five people. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(24): 952–957

    Discharge protocol in acute pancreatitis: an international survey and cohort analysis

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    There are several overlapping clinical practice guidelines in acute pancreatitis (AP), however, none of them contains suggestions on patient discharge. The Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group (HPSG) has recently developed a laboratory data and symptom-based discharge protocol which needs to be validated. (1) A survey was conducted involving all members of the International Association of Pancreatology (IAP) to understand the characteristics of international discharge protocols. (2) We investigated the safety and effectiveness of the HPSG-discharge protocol. According to our international survey, 87.5% (49/56) of the centres had no discharge protocol. Patients discharged based on protocols have a significantly shorter median length of hospitalization (LOH) (7 (5;10) days vs. 8 (5;12) days) p < 0.001), and a lower rate of readmission due to recurrent AP episodes (p = 0.005). There was no difference in median discharge CRP level among the international cohorts (p = 0.586). HPSG-protocol resulted in the shortest LOH (6 (5;9) days) and highest median CRP (35.40 (13.78; 68.40) mg/l). Safety was confirmed by the low rate of readmittance (n = 35; 5%). Discharge protocol is necessary in AP. The discharge protocol used in this study is the first clinically proven protocol. Developing and testifying further protocols are needed to better standardize patients' care

    Hypoalbuminemia affects one third of acute pancreatitis patients and is independently associated with severity and mortality

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    The incidence and medical costs of acute pancreatitis (AP) are on the rise, and severe cases still have a 30% mortality rate. We aimed to evaluate hypoalbuminemia as a risk factor and the prognostic value of human serum albumin in AP. Data from 2461 patients were extracted from the international, prospective, multicentre AP registry operated by the Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group. Data from patients with albumin measurement in the first 48 h (n = 1149) and anytime during hospitalization (n = 1272) were analysed. Multivariate binary logistic regression and Receiver Operator Characteristic curve analysis were used. The prevalence of hypoalbuminemia (< 35 g/L) was 19% on admission and 35.7% during hospitalization. Hypoalbuminemia dose-dependently increased the risk of severity, mortality, local complications and organ failure and is associated with longer hospital stay. The predictive value of hypoalbuminemia on admission was poor for severity and mortality. Severe hypoalbuminemia (< 25 g/L) represented an independent risk factor for severity (OR 48.761; CI 25.276-98.908) and mortality (OR 16.83; CI 8.32-35.13). Albumin loss during AP was strongly associated with severity (p < 0.001) and mortality (p = 0.002). Hypoalbuminemia represents an independent risk factor for severity and mortality in AP, and it shows a dose-dependent relationship with local complications, organ failure and length of stay.Peer reviewe

    Recurrent acute pancreatitis prevention by the elimination of alcohol and cigarette smoking (REAPPEAR): protocol of a randomised controlled trial and a cohort study

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    Background/objectives Acute recurrent pancreatitis (ARP) due to alcohol and/or tobacco abuse is a preventable disease which lowers quality of life and can lead to chronic pancreatitis. The REAPPEAR study aims to investigate whether a combined patient education and cessation programme for smoking and alcohol prevents ARP. Methods and analysis The REAPPEAR study consists of an international multicentre randomised controlled trial (REAPPEAR-T) testing the efficacy of a cessation programme on alcohol and smoking and a prospective cohort study (REAPPEAR-C) assessing the effects of change in alcohol consumption and smoking (irrespective of intervention). Daily smoker patients hospitalised with alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis (AP) will be enrolled. All patients will receive a standard intervention priorly to encourage alcohol and smoking cessation. Participants will be subjected to laboratory testing, measurement of blood pressure and body mass index and will provide blood, hair and urine samples for later biomarker analysis. Addiction, motivation to change, socioeconomic status and quality of life will be evaluated with questionnaires. In the trial, patients will be randomised either to the cessation programme with 3-monthly visits or to the control group with annual visits. Participants of the cessation programme will receive a brief intervention at every visit with direct feedback on their alcohol consumption based on laboratory results. The primary endpoint will be the composite of 2-year all-cause recurrence rate of AP and/or 2-year all-cause mortality. The cost-effectiveness of the cessation programme will be evaluated. An estimated 182 participants will be enrolled per group to the REAPPEAR-T with further enrolment to the cohort