80 research outputs found

    Big Data y áreas de oportunidad para la proyección del Sistema Inteligente de Transporte en Bogotá, Colombia

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    Today, the large cities of Colombia – especially Bogotá, due to the growth of its population (9.3 million with the arrival of immigrants) – demand the projection of intelligent public and private transport systems, as an achievement of the mobility policy of the Bogota Humana administration. Hence, this question arises: What are the challenges and areas of opportunity of adapting Big Data to project an Intelligent Transportation System for all citizens in Bogotá? Based on this question, our aim is to determine the contributions that Big Data offers as a collection center for the projection of an intelligent system for the city. Our research was proposed with a qualitative approach and a descriptive study. The review of some studies developed using Big Data techniques and content data analysis of their organized structure by the District Mobility Secretariat in Bogotá was included. The results allow guiding the contributions of Big Data after analyzing the structure of indicators offered by the data set. From these, we found gaps and voids that are concerning for the Intelligent Transportation System that is expected in the future for Bogotá.Hoy en día, en las grandes ciudades de Colombia, en especial en Bogotá, y debido al crecimiento de su población (9,3 millones con la llegada de inmigrantes), se exige una demanda de aporte a la proyección de sistemas inteligentes de transporte públicos y privados como un logro de la política de movilidad de la administración de la Bogotá Humana. De ahí surge el interrogante: ¿cuál es el desafío y las áreas de oportunidad de adaptar un Big Data en la proyección de un Sistema Inteligente de Transporte para todos los ciudadanos en Bogotá? A partir de esta pregunta, se propone determinar los aportes que el Big Data ofrece como centro de acopio en la proyección de un sistema inteligente para la ciudad. La indagación se plantea desde un enfoque cualitativo y un estudio descriptivo. Se incluye la revisión de algunos estudios realizados mediante las técnicas del Big Data y del análisis de datos de contenido de la estructura organizada de estos por la Secretaría Distrital de Movilidad en Bogotá. Los resultados permiten orientar los aportes del Big Data después de analizar la estructura de indicadores que ofrecen estos el conjunto de datos. A partir de estos, se encuentran brechas y vacíos preocupantes para el Sistema Inteligente de Transporte que se espera en el futuro para Bogotá

    Estrategias metodológicas para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Ingeniería durante la COVID-19

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    In this paper, an analysis is made of the teaching strategies and methodologies used by some higher education institutions in Colombia in order to continue with some engineering programs during lockdown, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. To carry out the study, a mixed methodological approach was adopted in two phases, in which the instrument used to collect the information was designed, implemented and analyzed. The results show that teachers and students have common views on various aspects including: the duration of synchronous sessions, the preferred use of digital whiteboards, the need for both specialized software and ongoing training, the importance of a careful development of didactic sequences as well as the optimization of work times. Based on the results obtained, engineering teachers could redirect the strategies used in developing their courses in order to continue holding them in times of emergency, according to their own context.En el presente artículo se realiza un análisis de las estrategias y metodologías de enseñanza utilizadas por algunas Instituciones de Educación Superior en Colombia, para continuar con el desarrollo de algunos programas de Ingeniería durante el aislamiento social, producto de la COVID-19. Para realizar el estudio se propone un diseño metodológico con enfoque mixto, estructurado en dos fases, donde se diseña, implementa y analiza el instrumento utilizado para la recolección de la información. Los resultados demuestran que hay correspondencia entre docentes y estudiantes, respecto a la duración de los encuentros síncronos, el uso de la pizarra digital, el manejo de software especializado, la capacitación continua, el desarrollo cuidadoso de secuencia didáctica y optimización de tiempos de trabajo. Con base en los resultados obtenidos, los docentes de Ingeniería podrían redireccionar las estrategias utilizadas en el desarrollo de sus cursos para continuar con ellos en tiempos de emergencia según su propio contexto

    Sector productivo en el diseño curricular del programa de Ingeniería de Sistemas de formación propedéutica en la región de Mosquera

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    This article gives an account of the sociodemographic data and the participation of the productive sector in updating the curricular design of the Systems Engineering program at Corporación Tecnológica Industrial Colombiana in the Mosquera region. The program has a vision of sustainability that is applied from training skills to learning outcomes. Additionally, it is an example of an educational proposal supported by preparatory propaedeutic cycles for higher education institutions. For this article, quantitative research was conducted through a documentary analysis of a feasibility study, data was collected using evaluation instruments, and then the data was described statistically. With this, it was possible to determine the relationship between the educational offer for systems engineers and the social need of a high-quality learning education focused on the development of technical, methodological, participatory and ethical skills. Such education will allow the future graduates to practice their profession competently in a globalized context. Subsequently, it was possible to verify that there is a relationship between both the technological skills and the quality of service provided by the graduates and their knowledge and the labor field. The latter evidences that the curricular content needs to be updated and developed within the training process to continuously improve higher education institutions that offer propaedeutic cycles in Colombia.Este artículo da cuenta de los datos sociodemográficos y de la participación del sector productivo en la actualización del diseño curricular del programa de Ingeniería Sistemas en la Corporación Tecnológica Industrial Colombiana de la región de Mosquera, teniendo en cuenta una visión sostenible desde las competencias de formación hasta los resultados de aprendizaje, como una propuesta para las Instituciones de Educación Superior apoyada en ciclos propedéuticos. Para ello se realiza una investigación cuantitativa, fundamentada en un estudio de factibilidad desde el análisis documental y aplicación de instrumentos de evaluación en la recolección de datos y su descripción estadística; así se logra determinar la relación dada entre la oferta educativa para el Ingeniero de Sistemas y las necesidades sociales, con una calidad de aprendizaje fundamentado en el desarrollo de competencias técnicas, metodológicas, participativas y éticas, que le permitan al futuro egresado ejercer su profesión de manera competente en un enfoque globalizado. Se comprueba, por consiguiente, que tanto la calidad de servicio y las habilidades tecnológicas de estos egresados se encuentran relacionadas entre el conocimiento y el campo laboral; este último evidencia la necesidad de la actualización de los contenidos curriculares como una propuesta por desarrollarse en el proceso de formación que propenda por el mejoramiento continuo en las instituciones de educación superior que ofrecen ciclos propedéuticos en Colombia

    Reto de las mipymes para incursionar en el marketing digital en tiempos de COVID-19

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    This article describes the crisis that micro, small and medium enterprises have experienced throughout the country during the health emergency (COVID-19), due to low production and reduced sales. It aims to examine the effects of incorporating digital business marketing that becomes a mechanism to deal with this problem and to fill the digital gap of these companies. This issue is addressed considering the socioeconomic difference between those communities that have access to information and communication technologies and those that do not.  In order to collect information, an exploratory comparative descriptive analysis was carried out of the main research studies on the relationship between business digital marketing and the outcomes in business development, employee commitment, positioning, consumer satisfaction and financial performance. Additionally, the authors propose criteria to help bridge this digital gap. The findings show that, despite the existence of great divergences, the companies that today, in face of the current crisis, attempt to leverage their digital technology and connectivity capacity are going to be benefited by an increase in sales and market sustainability with international exposure.Este artículo describe la crisis que las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas han experimentado en todo el país durante la emergencia sanitaria (COVID-19), a raíz de la baja producción y la reducción en las ventas. Se busca observar los efectos de la incorporación del marketing digital empresarial que se convierte en un mecanismo para solucionar la problemática y para romper la brecha digital en estas empresas, entendida desde la diferencia socioeconómica entre aquellas comunidades que tienen accesibilidad a las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y aquellas que no. Para la compilación de información se emplea un análisis exploratorio, comparativo y descriptivo de las principales investigaciones sobre la relación entre marketing digital empresarial y el rendimiento obtenido en el desarrollo empresarial, compromiso de los trabajadores, posicionamiento, satisfacción del consumidor y rendimiento financiero; además los autores de este estudio plasman sus criterios para contribuir a eliminar esta brecha digital. Los resultados demuestran que, a pesar de la existencia de grandes divergencias, las empresas que hoy debido a la crisis están tratando de mostrar su capacidad tecnológica digital y de conectividad van a ser beneficiadas con un aumento en sus ventas y su sostenibilidad en el mercado con una prospectiva internacional

    Guía de aprendizaje como estrategia didáctica mediada por las TIC en la educación remota en momentos de confinamiento

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    This study reveals the problem of remote education in the Minuto de Dios Educational Institution, in the municipality of Los Córdobas, in Colombia, both for students and teachers in times of confinement. The objective is to highlight the fundamental components that needed to be included in learning guides as teaching strategies mediated by ICT for remote education, specifically for the Minuto de Dios Educational Institution in the municipality of Los Córdoba, with the aim of facilitating the development of skills and abilities of students at basic primary school during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, a quantitative methodology, a descriptive analytical study, and a tool from the Learning Guide of the Ministry of Education were applied. The target population of the study were the seven teachers at the basic primary school of the educational institution already mentioned. The results highlighted the capacity that the participating teachers had to develop learning guides. Furthermore, the diversity of technological resources and the need to use educational materials that enabled the continuity of the teaching-learning process at home –a situation forced by the confinement due to the health crisis of COVID-19– are emphasized.Este estudio refleja la problemática de la educación remota en momentos de confinamiento en la Institución Educativa Minuto de Dios, del municipio de Los Córdobas en Colombia, tanto para estudiantes como para docentes. El objetivo es evidenciar cuáles son los componentes fundamentales que debe tener una guía de aprendizaje como estrategia didáctica mediada por las tic en la educación remota, en específico para la Institución Educativa Minuto de Dios del municipio de Los Córdoba, con el fin de facilitar el desarrollo de competencias y habilidades de los estudiantes de la básica primaria en tiempos de pandemia. Para esto, se trabaja con una metodología cuantitativa y un estudio analítico descriptivo, y con un instrumento de la Guía de Aprendizaje del Ministerio de Educación. La población objeto de estudio está constituida por siete docentes de la básica primaria del establecimiento educativo en mención. Los resultados demuestran la capacidad que poseen las docentes participantes para elaborar guías de aprendizaje. Además, se resalta la diversidad de recursos tecnológicos y la necesidad de utilizar material educativo que posibilite la continuidad del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje desde casa, situación obligada por el confinamiento de la crisis sanitaria del covid-19

    Ambientes de aprendizaje virtual para los talleres de evaluación del curso en Educación Física en tiempos de pandemia en un colegio de Montería año 2020

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    Virtual learning environments have become a tool to acquire knowledge and avoid limiting access to education. This research study aims at diagnosing, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the performance of elementary school third grade students in Physical Education (PE) at a school of Montería, through the LUDOS platform with the use of ICT.  This was a quantitative descriptive correlational study with a single control group composed of 28 students. A survey was applied and two pedagogical workshops were held to determine the correlation between learning mediated by information and communication technologies and the students’ academic performance. The findings show that all participants had access to electronic devices with Internet access. As a result of the virtual workshops, academic performance was found to be higher in 36% of students and it remained stable in 43% of students. Additionally, students’ technological skills, capacities and physical condition were found to be improved.Los ambientes de aprendizaje virtual se han convertido en un recurso para adquirir conocimiento y no dejar relegado el acceso a la educación. Por lo tanto, surge este estudio con el fin de diagnosticar el rendimiento de los estudiantes del grado 3.º de primaria en el curso de Educación Física en un colegio de Montería, a través de la plataforma LUDOS con el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, en el contexto de afección por COVID-19. El enfoque de la investigación es cuantitativo bajo un estudio descriptivo correlacional a un único grupo control de 28 estudiantes, con la aplicación de una encuesta y dos talleres pedagógicos para lograr determinar la correlación entre el aprendizaje mediado por las Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación frente al rendimiento académico de los estudiantes. Los resultados muestran que el 100 % de los participantes tienen acceso a dispositivos electrónicos con conexión a Internet, demostrando que por medio de los talleres virtuales el rendimiento académico progresó en un 36 % y en un 43 % se mantuvo; además, las competencias tecnológicas, las capacidades y condiciones físicas de los estudiantes mejoraron

    Psychotic Experiences in the General Population: A Cross-National Analysis Based on 31,261 Respondents From 18 Countries

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    IMPORTANCE: Community-based surveys find that many otherwise healthy individuals report histories of hallucinations and delusions. To date, most studies have focused on the overall lifetime prevalence of any of these psychotic experiences (PEs), which might mask important features related to the types and frequencies of PEs. OBJECTIVE: To explore detailed epidemiologic information about PEs in a large multinational sample. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: We obtained data from the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys, a coordinated set of community epidemiologic surveys of the prevalence and correlates of mental disorders in representative household samples from 18 countries throughout the world, from 2001 through 2009. Respondents included 31,261 adults (18 years and older) who were asked about lifetime and 12-month prevalence and frequency of 6 types of PEs (2 hallucinatory experiences and 4 delusional experiences). We analyzed the data from March 2014 through January 2015. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Prevalence, frequency, and correlates of PEs. RESULTS: Mean lifetime prevalence (SE) of ever having a PE was 5.8% (0.2%), with hallucinatory experiences (5.2% [0.2%]) much more common than delusional experiences (1.3% [0.1%]). More than two-thirds (72.0%) of respondents with lifetime PEs reported experiencing only 1 type. Psychotic experiences were typically infrequent, with 32.2% of respondents with lifetime PEs reporting only 1 occurrence and 31.8% reporting only 2 to 5 occurrences. We found a significant relationship between having more than 1 type of PE and having more frequent PE episodes (Cochran-Armitage z = -10.0; P < .001). Lifetime prevalence estimates (SEs) were significantly higher among respondents in middle- and high-income countries than among those in low-income countries (7.2% [0.4%], 6.8% [0.3%], and 3.2% [0.3%], respectively; χ²₂ range, 7.1-58.2; P < .001 for each) and among women than among men (6.6% [0.2%] vs 5.0% [0.3%]; χ²₁ = 16.0; P < .001). We found significant associations with lifetime prevalence of PEs in the multivariate model among nonmarried compared with married respondents (χ²₂ = 23.2; P < .001) and among respondents who were not employed (χ²₄= 10.6; P < .001) and who had low family incomes (χ²₃ = 16.9; P < .001). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: The epidemiologic features of PEs are more nuanced than previously thought. Research is needed that focuses on similarities and differences in the predictors of the onset, course, and consequences of distinct PEs

    Successful Interruption of Transmission of Onchocerca volvulus in the Escuintla-Guatemala Focus, Guatemala

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    Brought to the Americas from Africa by the slave trade, onchocerciasis is present in six countries in Latin America. The disease is caused by a round worm and is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected black fly. Once in a human, the adult worms produce larvae that circulate through the body, causing itching or even blindness. Ivermectin, a drug that kills the larvae, is delivered by public health authorities in countries where the disease is present. If the larvae are killed, then the disease cannot be transmitted to more people. People living in the Escuintla-Guatemala focus, a region in Guatemala where the disease was common, have been taking ivermectin for many years. The Ministry of Health of Guatemala believes that onchocerciasis is no longer being transmitted in the area. To prove that there is no more transmission of the disease, the authors examined the eyes of residents of the area to see if they could find any evidence of the worms. They also conducted analyses of blood in school children to see if they had ever been exposed to the worm, and they caught thousands of black flies and tested them to see if they were infected. These evaluations found no evidence of transmission of the disease in the Escuintla-Guatemala focus. As a result, local public health authorities can stop giving ivermectin and invest their human resources in other important diseases

    Stream denitrification across biomes and its response to anthropogenic nitrate loading

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2008. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Nature Publishing Group for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Nature 452 (2008): 202-205, doi:10.1038/nature06686.Worldwide, anthropogenic addition of bioavailable nitrogen (N) to the biosphere is increasing and terrestrial ecosystems are becoming increasingly N saturated, causing more bioavailable N to enter groundwater and surface waters. Large-scale N budgets show that an average of about 20-25% of the N added to the biosphere is exported from rivers to the ocean or inland basins, indicating substantial sinks for N must exist in the landscape. Streams and rivers may be important sinks for bioavailable N owing to their hydrologic connections with terrestrial systems, high rates of biological activity, and streambed sediment environments that favor microbial denitrification. Here, using data from 15N tracer experiments replicated across 72 streams and 8 regions representing several biomes, we show that total biotic uptake and denitrification of nitrate increase with stream nitrate concentration, but that the efficiency of biotic uptake and denitrification declines as concentration increases, reducing the proportion of instream nitrate that is removed from transport. Total uptake of nitrate was related to ecosystem photosynthesis and denitrification was related to ecosystem respiration. Additionally, we use a stream network model to demonstrate that excess nitrate in streams elicits a disproportionate increase in the fraction of nitrate that is exported to receiving waters and reduces the relative role of small versus large streams as nitrate sinks.Funding for this research was provided by the National Science Foundation