6,618 research outputs found

    Análisis de la composición mineral en alimentos congelados precocinados de consumo habitual

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    La realización del presente estudio analítico ha tenido como principal objetivo ampliar y mejorar los datos queactualmente vienen reflejados en las tablas de composición de alimentos españoles, aportando datos que, además depropios, corresponden a alimentos ampliamente distribuidos en el mercado español y son consumidos de formahabitual en nuestro país. El análisis de los diferentes minerales se ha realizado en 28 alimentos precocinados congelados,previamente seleccionados, entre los que se incluyen pastas, pizzas, arroces y fritos de mayor consumo. Estetipo de alimentos son susceptibles de sufrir pérdidas en minerales debido a los procesos de elaboración, congelacióny pretratamiento culinario a que son sometidos antes de su consumo, por lo que es de gran interés el conocimientode su composición mineral, dando respuesta a las exigencias de un amplio grupo de profesionales y consumidoresque requieren de esta información nutricional

    Bead, Hoop, and Spring as a Classical Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Problem

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    We describe a simple mechanical system that involves Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking. The system consists of two beads constrained to slide along a hoop and attached each other through a spring. When the hoop rotates about a fixed axis, the spring-beads system will change its equilibrium position as a function of the angular velocity. The system shows two different regions of symmetry separated by a critical point analogous to a second order transition. The competitive balance between the rotational diynamics and the interaction of the spring causes an Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking just as the balance between temperature and the spin interaction causes a transition in a ferromagnetic system. In addition, the gravitational potential act as an external force that causes explicit symmetry breaking and a feature of first-order transition. Near the transition point, the system exhibits a universal critical behavior where the changes of the parameter of order is described by the critical exponent beta =1/2 and the susceptibility by gamma =1. We also found a chaotic behavior near the critical point. Through a demostrative device we perform some qualitative observations that describe important features of the system.Comment: 7 pages, 2 tables, 30 figures, LaTeX2

    Actividad molusquicida de extractos acuosos vegetales sobre el caracol manzana pomacea canaliculata

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    En el Ecuador, entre el 40 y 48% de la producción de arroz se pierde a causa del ataque de Pomacea canaliculata, una de las cien especies invasivas más dañinas del mundo que actualmente ha infestado alrededor de 170.000 hectáreas del cultivo en todo el territorio nacional

    Enhancement of urban pluvial flood risk management and resilience through collaborative modelling: a UK case study

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    This paper presents the main findings and lessons learned from the development and implementation of a new methodology for collaborative modelling, social learning and social acceptance of flood risk management technologies. The proposed methodology entails three main phases: (1) stakeholder analysis and engagement; (2) improvement of urban pluvial flood modelling and forecasting tools; and (3) development and implementation of web-based tools for collaborative modelling in flood risk management and knowledge sharing. The developed methodology and tools were tested in the Cranbrook catchment (London Borough of Redbridge, UK), an area that has experienced severe pluvial (surface) flooding in the past. The developed methodologies proved to be useful for promoting interaction between stakeholders, developing collaborative modelling and achieving social acceptance of new technologies for flood risk management. Some limitations for stakeholder engagement were identified and are discussed in the present paper