155 research outputs found

    ElÀmÀntapatutkimus kauneudenhoitoalan opiskelijoille

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    TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoitus on selvittÀÀ kauneudenhoitoalan opiskelijoiden elĂ€mĂ€ntapoja ja analysoida niiden vaikutuksia koulussa jaksamiseen sekĂ€ opintojen etenemiseen. OpinnĂ€ytetyö on tehty yhteistyössĂ€ Stadin ammattiopiston kauneudenhoitoalan koulutusyksikön kanssa. Tutkimuksen tavoite on tuoda esille elĂ€mĂ€ntapojen vaikutus opintoihin, ja mahdollisesti saada nuoret opiskelijat ymmĂ€rtĂ€mÀÀn valintojensa merkitys. ElĂ€mĂ€ntavat nĂ€kyvĂ€t vĂ€istĂ€mĂ€ttĂ€ jokaisen ihmisen arjessa, ja nuorena opitut tavat jatkuvat monesti myös aikuisiĂ€llĂ€. Asioiden merkitys on hyvĂ€ ymmĂ€rtÀÀ jo nuorena rakennettaessa tulevaisuutta kouluttautumalla työelĂ€mÀÀn. Tutkimuksessa kĂ€vi ilmi, ettĂ€ elĂ€mĂ€ntavat vaikuttavat nuorten opintoihin tutkimustulosten perusteella vĂ€hemmĂ€n kuin ennakko-oletuksena oli. Vastausten mukaan kauneudenhoitoalan opiskelijoiden elĂ€mĂ€ntavat ovat melko hyvĂ€t, eikĂ€ heillĂ€ juurikaan ole poissaoloja koulusta huonojen elintapojen seurauksena. Kuitenkin esille nousi se, ettĂ€ mikĂ€li poissaoloja koulusta on kertynyt, vaikuttaa se opiskelumotivaatioon ja opintojen etenemiseen. PÀÀllimmĂ€isenĂ€ tutkimuksessa nousi esille, ettĂ€ selkein syy poissaoloihin vaikuttaisi tutkimuksen mukaan olevan unenpuute, jota esiintyi noin puolella vastaajista. Suurimmalla osalla opiskelijoista ei ole sÀÀnnöllistĂ€ vuorokausirytmiĂ€, vaikka opiskelu tapahtuu arkipĂ€ivisin samaan aikaan. Unen mÀÀrĂ€n ja laadun koetaan myös vaikuttavan opinnoissa jaksamiseen. Noin puolella vastaajista ei myöskÀÀn ole sÀÀnnöllistĂ€ ruokailurytmiĂ€, mutta sen ei koeta kuitenkaan juurikaan vaikuttavan opintoihin negatiivisesti. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntÀÀ ammatillisissa oppilaitoksissa, kun pyritÀÀn ymmĂ€rtĂ€mÀÀn opiskelijoiden opinnoissa jaksamisen syitĂ€ sekĂ€ opiskelumotivaatiota.Survey of lifestyle habits among beauty care students The purpose of this thesis was to survey the beauty care students’ lifestyle habits and analyse the effects of those habits on the students’ well-being and performance at school. The thesis was done in cooperation with Helsinki Vocational College. The aim of this study was to find out how lifestyle habits affect the studies and hopefully make the young students understand the implications of their choices. The lifestyle choices have a great impact on how we live and the habits adopted early are often carried into adulthood. The significance of one’s choices is important to take into account when getting ready for the future job market. According to the results of this study, lifestyle habits affect the students’ performance less than was assumed. The results showed that the beauty care students’ lifestyle habits are quite good and they did not have many lifestyle related absences from classes. Yet, when absences pile up, it implies problems concerning motivation and advancement in studies. The main finding was that the most common reason for absences is sleep deprivation, which was experienced by half of the students who participated in this study. The majority of the students did not have a regular daily rhythm even though they studied daily at regular times. The quantity and quality of sleep were seen as affecting the studies. About half of the respondents did not have a regular dietary schedule either, but it was not seen as affecting the studies negatively. The results of this study can be used at vocational colleges when trying to understand the issues related to the students’ performance and motivation in studies

    A New Method for the Evaluation of Vaccine Safety Based on Comprehensive Gene Expression Analysis

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    For the past 50 years, quality control and safety tests have been used to evaluate vaccine safety. However, conventional animal safety tests need to be improved in several aspects. For example, the number of test animals used needs to be reduced and the test period shortened. It is, therefore, necessary to develop a new vaccine evaluation system. In this review, we show that gene expression patterns are well correlated to biological responses in vaccinated rats. Our findings and methods using experimental biology and genome science provide an important means of assessment for vaccine toxicity
