182 research outputs found

    Classification of Turkish virgin olive oils based on their phenolic profiles

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Food Engineering, Izmir, 2008Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 94-103)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and English.xiv, 125 leavesVirgin olive oil is different from other plant oils with its high phenolic content. The resistance to oxidation and the protection against some diseases has been linked to these components of olive oil. The sensorial characteristic of extra virgin olive oil is also related to its phenolic compounds.In this work, it is aimed to determine the phenolic profiles of Turkish olive oils, which have high economic value for Turkey. Phenolic profiles of monovarietal extra virgin olive oil samples extracted from six dominant and economically important Turkish olive cultivars (memecik, erkence, domat, nizip-yaglik, gemlik, ayvalik) and commercial extra virgin olive oil samples from two different areas (south and north) of the Aegean coast were determined for 2005 and 2006 harvest years. Total phenol contents, oxidative stabilities and chromatic ordinates as colour parameters were also measured. The effect of cultivar, geographical area and harvest year on phenolic profiles of olive oils was investigated. Multivariate data were subjected to principal component and partial least square-discriminant analyses.Typical phenolic substances of extra virgin olive oils from different variety and regions are; p-coumaric acid, cinnamic acid & apigenin for memecik, erkence oils and also for oils of south Aegean; vanillin & syringic acid for ayvalik, gemlik and also for oils of north Aegean. Domat oils were characterized by their relatively high content of oleuropein aglycon. Nizip oils were separated by their 4-hydroxyphenyl acetic acid content, which was determined in very low amounts or none in other olive oils. It was observed that harvest year strongly affected the phenolic profiles of olive oils. In addition, phenolic composition was found to be useful in discriminating the olive oils from different variety and geographical area

    Energy efficient random sleep-awake schedule design

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    This letter presents a simple model for determining energy efficient random sleep-awake schedules. Random sleepawake schedules are more appropriate for sensor networks, where the time of occurrence of an event being monitored, e.g., the detection of an intruder, is unknown a priori, and the coordination among nodes is costly. We model the random sleepawake schedule as a two state Markov process, and maximize the probability of the transmission of sensed data by a given deadline. Our results indicate that for a given duty cycle, the optimal policy is to have infrequent transitions between sleep and awake modes, if the average number of packets sent is greater than the mean number of slots the node is awake

    The efficacy of new oral contrast mixture for computed tomography enterography

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    Purpose: To show the reliabilities of the new mixture (composed of water, methylcellulose, lactulose, locust bean gum, and sorbitol) and to compare the luminal distension and radiological confidence scores of this solution with water-lactulose mixture. Material and methods: Computed tomography enterography (CTE) images in a three-year period were included randomly in our institutional review board-approved and retrospective study. Ninety-one patients drank a lactulose and water mixture (Group 1), and 54 patients drank the new mixture (Group 2). Patients who drank the oral contrast agent were taken to a 64-detector row multiple detector computed tomography machine. Coronal and sagittal reformatted images were also formed. The gastrointestinal tract was divided into 11 segments for scoring. Each segment was graded for distensional and radiological confidence. CTE images were evaluated by two radiologists. Results: Inter- and intra-reader reliabilities were good or excellent for all gastrointestinal segments in both groups (p < 0.001). The best κ values were obtained in sigmoid colon assessments. Lower agreement values were detected in duodenum and jejunum scores. The new mixture group (Group 2) showed better results than Group 1 for ileum and colonic segments according to distension and confidence scorings. Conclusions: Inter- and intra-reader reliabilities of the new mixture were good or excellent for CTE. The new mixture seems to be more efficient and reliable for ileum and colon. The new mixture can increase bowel distention, radiological confidence, and quality in CTE evaluations

    The effect of annealing temperature on the optical properties of a ruthenium complex thin film

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    The stability of the optical parameters of a ruthenium polypyridyl complex (Ru-PC K314) film under varying annealing temperatures between 278 K and 673 K was investigated. The ruthenium polypyridyl complex thin film was prepared on a quartz substrate by drop casting technique. The transmission of the film was recorded by using Ultraviolet/Visible/Near Infrared spectrophotometer and the optical band gap energy of the as-deposited film was determined around 2.20 eV. The optical parameters such as refractive index, extinction coefficient, and dielectric constant of the film were determined and the annealing effect on these parameters was investigated. The results show that Ru PC K314 film is quite stable up to 595 K, and the rate of the optical band gap energy change was found to be 5.23 × 10- 5 eV/K. Furthermore, the thermal analysis studies were carried out in the range 298-673 K. The Differential Thermal Analysis/Thermal Gravimmetry/Differantial Thermal Gravimmetry curves show that the decomposition is incomplete in the temperature range 298-673 K. Ru-PC K314 is thermally stable up to 387 K. The decomposition starts at 387 K with elimination of functional groups such as CO2, CO molecules and SO3H group was eliminated between 614 K and 666 K.State Planning Organization of Turkey (DPT2003K120390); Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TBAG-109T240

    What is the margin of error of surgeons and radiological imaging in diagnosing acute appendicitis?

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    Background: Acute appendicitis is the most common emergency requiring surgical intervention in general surgery. Negative appendectomy is defined as the removal of a pathologically normal appendix. Aim: In this study, we aimed to show our negative appendectomy rate. Materials and Methods: This study was carried out among 2990 patients who were operated on for appendicitis between 2015-2020 at the Health Sciences University, Istanbul Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Training, and Research Hospital. Accrual and historical records of the patients were analyzed using NCSS (Number Cruncher Statistical System) 2007 Statistical Software (Utah, USA) package program. The results were evaluated at the significance level of P < 0.05. Results: The mean age of all patients was 33. Of the patients, 1011 were women and 1979 were men. 27 of the women patients were pregnant. We requested a blood test (WBC count) and an abdominal ultrasound for all our patients who came with the complaint of abdominal pain in the right lower quadrant. Negative appendectomy was performed with ultrasonography in 622 patients with pathological diagnoses of lymphoid hyperplasia and fibrous obliteration (20.8%). We had abdominal computerized tomography (CT) for 285 patients and abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for 16 of 27 pregnant women (59.25%) due to unclear clinical picture. Diagnostic laparoscopy was performed in 36 of the patients who underwent CT and 4 of the patients who underwent MRI since the diagnosis could not be made. We performed unnecessary appendectomy in 21.2% of the patients. Conclusion: With the increasing clinical follow-up experience of surgeons and developing technology in radiology, our aim is to minimize the negative appendectomy rate as much as possible

    Improving network reliability by exploiting path diversity in ad hoc networks with bursty losses

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    In wireless mobile ad hoc networks, end-to-end connections are often subject to failures which do not make the connection non-operational indefinitely but interrupt the communication for intermittent short periods of time. These intermittent failures usually arise from the mobility of hosts, dynamics of the wireless medium or energy-saving mechanisms, and cause bursty packet losses. Reliable communication in this kind of an environment is becoming more important with the emerging use of ad hoc networks for carrying diverse multimedia applications such as voice, video and data. In this thesis, we present a new path reliability model that captures intermittent availability of the paths, and we devise a routing strategy based on our path reliability model in order to improve the network reliability. Our routing strategy takes the advantage of path diversity in the network and uses a diversity coding scheme in order not to compromise efficiency. In diversity coding scheme, if the original information is encoded by using a (N,K) code, then it is enough for the destination to receive any K bits correctly out of N bits to successfully decode the original information. In our scheme, the original information is divided into N subpackets and subpackets are distributed among the available disjoint paths in the network. The distribution of subpackets among the diverse paths is a crucial decision. The subpackets should be distributed 'intelligently' so that the probability of successful reconstruction of the original information is maximized. Given the failure statistics of the paths, and the code rate (N, K), our strategy determines the allocation of subpackets to each path in such a manner that the probability of reconstruction of the original information at the destination is maximized. Simulation results justify the accuracy and efficiency of our approach. Additionally, simulation results show that our multipath routing strategy improves the network reliability substantially compared to the single path routing. In wireless networks, a widely used strategy is to place the nodes into a low energy consuming sleep mode in order to prolong the battery life. In this study, we also consider the cases where the intermittent availability of the nodes is due to the sleep/awake cycles of wireless nodes. A sleep/awake scheduling strategy is proposed which minimizes the packet latency while satisfying the energy saving ratio specified by the energy saving mechanism

    İzmir körfezi ve dolaylarının aktif tektonizmasının sismik yansıma verileri ile incelenmesi

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    To investigate the active tectonism of İzmir Gulf and offshore Ala&ccedil;atı-Doğanbey-Kuşadası, 975 km multi-channel and single-channel seismic reflection profiles collected and processed. Data show that the study area is widespread occupied by N-S to NE-SW trending master faults characterized as strike-slip faults with generally compression component, reverse faults and secondary E-W trending normal faults. These faults are also very compatible with the active faults of surrounding onland area. While the outer part of İzmir gulf is controlled by N-S oriented Karaburun reverse fault, the Seferihisar horst at the southern offshore area is bordered by NE-SW oriented strike-slip Tuzla fault zone with positive flower character. The direction of the Karaburun fault changes from NNW-SSE to N-S along the eastern coast of Karaburun Peninsula with accompanying a change in its fault type from positive flower structure to reverse fault. Also, Tuzla fault zone is observed offshore Doğanbey Promontory with mostly reverse fault component on the seismic sections where its orientation changes from NE-SW to N?S. &nbsp;On the other hand, the inner part of the gulf is deliniated by E-W trending İzmir normal fault. Development of active fault patterns in the study area is explained by the prevention of westward motion of Anatolia by Greece, the occurrence of a compression between them, counter-clock wise rotation and SW motion and NE-SW extension of Anatolia towards to the Hellenic arc. Keywords: Active tectonism, Western Anatolia, strike-slip faulting, İzmir gulf, seismic reflection.İzmir K&ouml;rfezi, Ala&ccedil;atı-Doğanbey-Kuşadası a&ccedil;ıklarının aktif tektonizmasını incelemek amacıyla toplanan ve işlenen 975 km uzunluğundaki &ccedil;ok ve tek&nbsp; kanallı sismik yansıma kesitlerinden&nbsp; b&ouml;lgede&nbsp; birincil K-G&nbsp; ve KD-GB gidişli genellikle sıkışma bileşenli aktif doğrultu atımlı fay sistemleri, ters faylar ve ikincil D-B gidişli normal faylar haritalanmıştır. K&ouml;rfezin KKB-GGD gidişi Karaburun ters fayı ile sınırlanırken, g&uuml;neyde Seferihisar y&uuml;kselimi KD-GB doğrultulu Tuzla fayı kontrol&uuml;ndedir. K&ouml;rfezin D-B uzanan i&ccedil; kısmını g&uuml;neyde İzmir normal fayı sınırlar. B&ouml;lgedeki aktif fay sistemlerinin gelişimi batıya ka&ccedil;an Anadolu'nun Yunanistan engeli sonucu saatin tersi y&ouml;n&uuml;nde d&ouml;n&uuml;ş&uuml; ve Hellen yayına doğru GB hareketi sonucu oluşan kabaca D-B sıkışma, KD-GB gerilme rejimi ile a&ccedil;ıklanmaktadır.&nbsp;Anahtar Kelimeler: Aktif tektonik, Batı Anadolu, doğrultu atımlı faylanma, İzmir K&ouml;rfezi, sismik yansıma

    Investigation of MEFV gene polymorphisms (G138G and A165A) in adult patients with familial Mediterranean fever

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    AbstractAimVarious mutations have been identified in the Mediterranean fever (MEFV) gene which is reported to be responsible from Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF). In our study, we aimed to determine the frequency of the MEFV mutations in our region and to investigate the impact of G138G (rs224224, c.414A>G) and A165A (rs224223, c.495C>A) gene polymorphisms on the clinical findings of the disease.MethodsOne hundred and sixteen patients diagnosed with FMF and 95 control subjects were included in this study. We used the DNA sequence analysis method to identify the most prevailing 10 mutations located in exon 2 and 10 of MEFV gene.ResultsAs a result of the MEFV mutation analysis, the most common mutation was the M694V mutation allele with a frequency rate of 41.8%. When the patients group and control group were compared in terms of frequency of both polymorphic alleles (G polymorphic allele, observed in G138G and the A polymorphic allele, observed in A165A), the variation was observed to be statistically significant (p<0.001). It was found that the MEFV mutation types have no relation with clinical findings and amyloidosis (p>0.05).ConclusionsTo our knowledge, our study is the first study in the Southern Marmara region that reports the frequency of MEFV mutations. Our findings imply that the polymorphisms of G138G and A165A may have an impact on progress of the disease. We think that more studies, having higher number of cases and investigating the polymorphisms of MEFV gene, are needed

    The Quality of Life and Mental Health in Children with Primary Immunodeficiency

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    Primary immunodeficiency disorders (PIDs) are characterized by recurrent and numerous infections, autoimmune disorders, and malignancies. These diseases are a heterogeneous group that contains many disorders caused by the disruption of the immune system. Despite being seen rarely, PIDs lead to serious morbidity and mortality. Children and adolescents with PIDs are expected to have a higher prevalence of psychopathologies and a lower level of the health quality of life In this text, we aim to review and summarize the current literature

    Effects of Systemic and Local Interferon Beta-1a on Epidural Fibrosis

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    Study DesignLevel 1 randomized controlled study.PurposeTo investigate the effects of systemic and local interferon-beta-1a (IFN-β-1a) on prevention of epidural fibrosis using histopathological parameters.Overview of LiteratureEpidural fibrosis involves fibroblastic invasion of nerve roots into the epidural space. Formation of dense fibrous tissue causes lumbar and radicular pain. Many surgical techniques and several materials have been proposed in the literature, but no study has assessed the effect of IFN-β-1a on prevention of epidural fibrosis.MethodsForty-eight adult female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into six groups of eight: sham group, control group, systemic 44 μg IFN-β-1a group and 22 μg IFN-β-1a group (after laminectomy and discectomy, 0.28 mL and 0.14 mL IFN-β-1a applied subcutaneously three times for a week, respectively), local 44 μg IFN-β-1a group (laminectomy and discectomy, followed by 0.28 mL IFN-β-1a on the surgical area), and local 22 μg IFN-β-1a group (laminectomy and discectomy, followed by 0.14 mL IFN-β-1a on the surgical area). All rats were sacrificed after 4 weeks and groups were evaluated histopathologically.ResultsCompared with sham and control groups, significantly less epidural fibrosis, dural adhesion, and fibroblast cell density were observed in the local and systemic 44 μg IFN-β-1a groups. No other differences were evident between the local and systemic groups.ConclusionsIFN-β-1a is effective in preventing epidural fibrosis with systemic and local application