580 research outputs found

    Pressure Effect and Specific Heat of RBa2Cu3Ox at Distinct Charge Carrier Concentrations: Possible Influence of Stripes

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    In YBa2Cu3Ox, distinct features are found in the pressure dependence of the transition temperature, dTc/dp, and in DeltaCp*Tc, where DeltaCp is the jump in the specific heat at Tc: dTc/dp becomes zero when DeltaCp*Tc is maximal, whereas dTc/dp has a peak at lower oxygen contents where DeltaCp*Tc vanishes. Substituting Nd for Y and doping with Ca leads to a shift of these specific oxygen contents, since oxygen order and hole doping by Ca influences the hole content nh in the CuO2 planes. Calculating nh from the parabolic Tc(nh) behavior, the features coalesce for all samples at nh=0.11 and nh=0.175, irrespective of substitution and doping. Hence, this behavior seems to reflect an intrinsic property of the CuO2 planes. Analyzing our results we obtain different mechanisms in three doping regions: Tc changes in the optimally doped and overdoped region are mainly caused by charge transfer. In the slightly underdoped region an increasing contribution to dTc/dp is obtained when well ordered CuO chain fragments serve as pinning centers for stripes. This behavior is supported by our results on Zn doped NdBa2Cu3Ox and is responsible for the well known dTc/dp peak observed in YBa2Cu3Ox at x=6.7. Going to a hole content below nh=0.11 our results point to a crossover from an underdoped superconductor to a doped antiferromagnet, changing completely the physics of these materials.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures Proccedings of the 'Stripes 2000' Conference, Rome (2000

    RoboCup 2D Soccer Simulation League: Evaluation Challenges

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    We summarise the results of RoboCup 2D Soccer Simulation League in 2016 (Leipzig), including the main competition and the evaluation round. The evaluation round held in Leipzig confirmed the strength of RoboCup-2015 champion (WrightEagle, i.e. WE2015) in the League, with only eventual finalists of 2016 competition capable of defeating WE2015. An extended, post-Leipzig, round-robin tournament which included the top 8 teams of 2016, as well as WE2015, with over 1000 games played for each pair, placed WE2015 third behind the champion team (Gliders2016) and the runner-up (HELIOS2016). This establishes WE2015 as a stable benchmark for the 2D Simulation League. We then contrast two ranking methods and suggest two options for future evaluation challenges. The first one, "The Champions Simulation League", is proposed to include 6 previous champions, directly competing against each other in a round-robin tournament, with the view to systematically trace the advancements in the League. The second proposal, "The Global Challenge", is aimed to increase the realism of the environmental conditions during the simulated games, by simulating specific features of different participating countries.Comment: 12 pages, RoboCup-2017, Nagoya, Japan, July 201

    Nano-scale reservoir computing

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    This work describes preliminary steps towards nano-scale reservoir computing using quantum dots. Our research has focused on the development of an accumulator-based sensing system that reacts to changes in the environment, as well as the development of a software simulation. The investigated systems generate nonlinear responses to inputs that make them suitable for a physical implementation of a neural network. This development will enable miniaturisation of the neurons to the molecular level, leading to a range of applications including monitoring of changes in materials or structures. The system is based around the optical properties of quantum dots. The paper will report on experimental work on systems using Cadmium Selenide (CdSe) quantum dots and on the various methods to render the systems sensitive to pH, redox potential or specific ion concentration. Once the quantum dot-based systems are rendered sensitive to these triggers they can provide a distributed array that can monitor and transmit information on changes within the material.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Nano Communication Networks, http://www.journals.elsevier.com/nano-communication-networks/. An earlier version was presented at the 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Molecular and Nanoscale Communications (IEEE MoNaCom 2013
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