15 research outputs found

    Conflict Dynamics in Scale-Free Networks with Degree Correlations and Hierarchical Structure

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    We present a study of the dynamic interactions between actors located on complex networks with scale-free and hierarchical scale-free topologies with assortative mixing, that is, correlations between the degree distributions of the actors. The actor’s state evolves according to a model that considers its previous state, the inertia to change, and the influence of its neighborhood. We show that the time evolution of the system depends on the percentage of cooperative or competitiveinteractions. For scale-free networks, we find that the dispersion between actors is higher when all interactions are either cooperative or competitive, while a balanced presence of interactions leads to a lower separation. Moreover, positive assortative mixing leads to greater divergence between the states, while negative assortative mixing reduces this dispersion. We also find that hierarchical scale-free networks have both similarities and differences when compared with scale-free networks. Hierarchical scale-free networks, like scale-free networks, show the least divergence for an equal mix of cooperative and competitive interactions between actors. On the other hand, hierarchical scale-free networks, unlike scale-free networks, show much greater divergence when dominated by cooperative rather than competitive actors, and while the formation of a rich club (adding links between hubs) with cooperative interactions leads to greater divergence, the divergence is much less when they are fully competitive. Our findings highlight the importance of the topology where the interaction dynamics take place, and the fact that a balanced presence of cooperators and competitors makes the system more cohesive, compared to the case where one strategy dominates

    Word-Length Correlations and Memory in Large Texts: A Visibility Network Analysis

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    We study the correlation properties of word lengths in large texts from 30 ebooks in the English language from the Gutenberg Project (www.gutenberg.org) using the natural visibility graph method (NVG). NVG converts a time series into a graph and then analyzes its graph properties. First, the original sequence of words is transformed into a sequence of values containing the length of each word, and then, it is integrated. Next, we apply the NVG to the integrated word-length series and construct the network. We show that the degree distribution of that network follows a power law, P(k)∼k−γP(k)∼k-γ, with two regimes, which are characterized by the exponents γs≈1.7γs≈1.7 (at short degree scales) and γl≈1.3γl≈1.3 (at large degree scales). This suggests that word lengths are much more strongly correlated at large distances between words than at short distances between words. That finding is also supported by the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) and recurrence time distribution. These results provide new information about the universal characteristics of the structure of written texts beyond that given by word frequencies

    Evaluating the Irregularity of Natural Languages

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    In the present work, we quantify the irregularity of different European languages belonging to four linguistic families (Romance, Germanic, Uralic and Slavic) and an artificial language (Esperanto). We modified a well-known method to calculate the approximate and sample entropy of written texts. We find differences in the degree of irregularity between the families and our method, which is based on the search of regularities in a sequence of symbols, and consistently distinguishes between natural and synthetic randomized texts. Moreover, we extended our study to the case where multiple scales are accounted for, such as the multiscale entropy analysis. Our results revealed that real texts have non-trivial structure compared to the ones obtained from randomization procedures

    Conflict Dynamics in Scale-Free Networks with Degree Correlations and Hierarchical Structure

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    We present a study of the dynamic interactions between actors located on complex networks with scale-free and hierarchical scale-free topologies with assortative mixing, that is, correlations between the degree distributions of the actors. The actor’s state evolves according to a model that considers its previous state, the inertia to change, and the influence of its neighborhood. We show that the time evolution of the system depends on the percentage of cooperative or competitive interactions. For scale-free networks, we find that the dispersion between actors is higher when all interactions are either cooperative or competitive, while a balanced presence of interactions leads to a lower separation. Moreover, positive assortative mixing leads to greater divergence between the states, while negative assortative mixing reduces this dispersion. We also find that hierarchical scale-free networks have both similarities and differences when compared with scale-free networks. Hierarchical scale-free networks, like scale-free networks, show the least divergence for an equal mix of cooperative and competitive interactions between actors. On the other hand, hierarchical scale-free networks, unlike scale-free networks, show much greater divergence when dominated by cooperative rather than competitive actors, and while the formation of a rich club (adding links between hubs) with cooperative interactions leads to greater divergence, the divergence is much less when they are fully competitive. Our findings highlight the importance of the topology where the interaction dynamics take place, and the fact that a balanced presence of cooperators and competitors makes the system more cohesive, compared to the case where one strategy dominates

    Comparing phonological and orthographic networks: A multiplex analysis.

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    The complexity of natural language can be explored by means of multiplex analyses at different scales, from single words to groups of words or sentence levels. Here, we plan to investigate a multiplex word-level network, which comprises an orthographic and a phonological network defined in terms of distance similarity. We systematically compare basic structural network properties to determine similarities and differences between them, as well as their combination in a multiplex configuration. As a natural extension of our work, we plan to evaluate the preservation of the structural network properties and information-based quantities from the following perspectives: (i) presence of similarities across 12 natural languages from 4 linguistic families (Romance, Germanic, Slavic and Uralic), (ii) increase of the size of the number of words (corpus) from 104 to 50 × 103, and (iii) robustness of the networks. Our preliminary findings reinforce the idea of common organizational properties among natural languages. Once concluded, will contribute to the characterization of similarities and differences in the orthographic and phonological perspectives of language networks at a word-level

    Recurrence Networks in Natural Languages

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    We present a study of natural language using the recurrence network method. In our approach, the repetition of patterns of characters is evaluated without considering the word structure in written texts from different natural languages. Our dataset comprises 85 ebookseBooks written in 17 different European languages. The similarity between patterns of length m is determined by the Hamming distance and a value r is considered to define a matching between two patterns, i.e., a repetition is defined if the Hamming distance is equal or less than the given threshold value r. In this way, we calculate the adjacency matrix, where a connection between two nodes exists when a matching occurs. Next, the recurrence network is constructed for the texts and some representative network metrics are calculated. Our results show that average values of network density, clustering, and assortativity are larger than their corresponding shuffled versions, while for metrics like such as closeness, both original and random sequences exhibit similar values. Moreover, our calculations show similar average values for density among languages which that belong to the same linguistic family. In addition, the application of a linear discriminant analysis leads to well-separated clusters of family languages based on based on the network-density properties. Finally, we discuss our results in the context of the general characteristics of written texts

    Average component size differences between phonological and orthographic networks.

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    We show the cases of attacks (filled circles) and failures (open circles) for several thresholds ℓ of the DL distances, a) ℓ = 1, b) ℓ = 2, and c) ℓ = 3. The results for failures correspond to the average from 10 independent realizations.</p

    Language similarity evaluated by the Jensen-Shannon distance between layers orthographic (horizontal) and phonological (vertical).

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    The cases of (a) ℓ = 1, (b) ℓ = 2 and (c) ℓ = 3 are depicted. The dendograms have been determined in terms of the similarities between languages by using the agglomerative hierarquical clustering method. We observe that for ℓ = 1 and ℓ = 2, the dendogram for the orthographic dimension at intermediate height (dashed line), four groups are identified, G1 (Russian, Hungarian and Ukranian) is the one which exhibits the highest internal similarity (low JSD); the other three groups correspond to G2 (English), G3 (Dutch, Italian and Swedish), G4 (Spanish, Polish, German and Portuguese). It is important to notice that in groups G3 and G4, Romance, Germanic and Slavic families are mixed and English is an isolated language. In contrast, for the phonological dimension, the JSD values at an intermediate cut-off (dashed line), also four groups are again observed, being the English and French the ones that stands out for a large distance with any other language, while Ukranian, Russian and Hungarian are described by relatively low distances. For ℓ = 3, we observe that English is the most divergent from the rest in terms of writing, while English and French are the most divergent in terms of phonological structure.</p