62 research outputs found

    Syntactic aspects of hypergraph polytopes

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    This paper introduces an inductively defined tree notation for all the faces of polytopes arising from a simplex by truncations. This notation allows us to view inclusion of faces as the process of contracting tree edges. Our notation instantiates to the well-known notations for the faces of associahedra and permutohedra. Various authors have independently introduced combinatorial tools for describing such polytopes. We build on the particular approach developed by Dosen and Petric, who used the formalism of hypergraphs to describe the interval of polytopes from the simplex to the permutohedron. This interval was further stretched by Petric to allow truncations of faces that are themselves obtained by truncations, and iteratively so. Our notation applies to all these polytopes. We illustrate this by showing that it instantiates to a notation for the faces of the permutohedron-based associahedra, that consists of parenthesised words with holes. Dosen and Petric have exhibited some families of hypergraph polytopes (associahedra, permutohedra, and hemiassociahedra) describing the coherences, and the coherences between coherences etc., arising by weakening sequential and parallel associativity of operadic composition. We complement their work with a criterion allowing us to recover the information whether edges of these "operadic polytopes" come from sequential, or from parallel associativity. We also give alternative proofs for some of the original results of Dosen and Petric.Comment: 42 pages, 4 figure

    In the wake of the EU brokered agreement, Serbs in Northern Kosovo are more likely to pursue pragmatic co-existence with Pristina

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    On 19 April, the EU brokered a deal to normalise relations between Serbia and Kosovo. This deal has been opposed by leaders in the majority Serb area of Northern Kosovo, but this view may not be shared by the population, argues Jelena Obradovic-Wochnik. She writes that the potential for EU membership and a pragmatic coexistence with Kosovo means that North Kosovo Serbs may have greater job and economic opportunities; opportunities which may become more important than already weakening political loyalties

    Gamma power in rural Pakistani children: links to executive function and verbal ability

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    Children in low- and middle-income countries are at high risk of cognitive deficits due to environmental deprivation that compromises brain development. Despite the high prevalence of unrealized cognitive potential, very little is known about neural correlates of cognition in this population. We assessed resting EEG power and cognitive ability in 105 highly disadvantaged 48-month-old children in rural Pakistan. An increase in EEG power in gamma frequency bands (21–30 Hz and 31–45 Hz) was associated with better executive function. For girls, EEG gamma power also related to higher verbal IQ. This study identifies EEG gamma power as a neural marker of cognitive function in disadvantaged children in low- and middle-income countries. Elevated gamma power may be a particularly important protective factor for girls, who may experience greater deprivation due to gender inequality.This research was supported by Grand Challenges Canada Saving Brains Initiative Grant 0061-03. The preparation of this article also was supported by a Scholar's Award from the William T. Grant Foundation to Jelena Obradovic. (0061-03 - Grand Challenges Canada Saving Brains Initiative; William T. Grant Foundation)Published versio

    Evaluating motor performance with the Bruininks-Oseretsky test of motor proficiency in impoverished Pakistani children

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    Objective: To evaluate the sensitivity of the modified Brief Form of Bruininks Oseretsky Test in identifying motor differences secondary to malnutrition and poverty.Methods: This longitudinal cohort study was conducted at Nowshero Feroze, Sindh from 2013 to 2014 and comprised data drawn from children who participated in a randomised controlled trial, that assessed responsive stimulation and nutrition interventions in the first two years of life. Outcome measures included motor development assessed using Brief Form of Bruininks Oseretsky Test, child anthropometry and household economic and demographic information. Data was analysed using SPSS 15 and STATA 12.Results: Of the 1058 children, 570(53%) were boys. Moderate-severe stunting was reported in 171(16.12%) subjects, while moderate-severe underweight was reported in 117(11.1%). Also, 591(56%) subjects belonged to poor families, 343(32%) had illiterate mothers, and 392(37%) were food-insecure. Malnutrition, socio-economic status and maternal literacy were significantly associated with a 6-item motor composite of the Brief Form of Bruininks Oseretsky Test (p\u3c0.05).Conclusions: The 6-item motor composite of the Brief Form of Bruininks Oseretsky Test was found to be a reliable tool to measure motor performance in Pakistani pre-school children

    Sadašnje stanje rasprostranjenja endemičnih vrsta riba istočne Hercegovine

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    Sadašnje stanje rasprostranjenja endemičnih vrsta riba Istočne Hercegovine. U radu je dat pregled istraživanja endemičnih vrsta riba na području Istočne Hercegovine na više lokaliteta. Prema ranijoj sistematici gaovice sa ovog područja su bile predstavljene vrstama: Phoxynellus metohiensis, Phoxynellus pstrossi i Phoxynellus ghetaldii, dok novija sistematika gaovice sa ovog područja svrstava u dvije vrste: Telestes metohiensis i Delminichthys ghetaldii. Pored najnovije promjene u sistematskom polažaju gaovica i u ranijem periodu bilo je promjena u nazivu roda. Tako je prvobitni naziv za gaovice bio je Paraphoxinus, potom Phoxinellus, a prema najnovijoj sistematici gatačka gaovica nosi naziv Telestes metohiensis, dok su trebinjska i popovska gaovica svrstane u rod Delminichthys i označene jednom vrstom Delminichthys ghetaldii. Naša istraživanja gaovice na području Istočne Hercegovine obuhvatala su više lokaliteta: Bilećko jezero, rijeke Mušnica, Vrijeka, Opačica, te Suški potok, Ljubomirski potok i Fatničko polje. U okviru istraživanja praćene su i određene ekofiziološke karakteristike gaovice, a u ovom radu dati su rezultati istraživanja o prisustvu ovih vrsta u pojedinim vodama, s obzirom da se u literaturi susreću različiti podaci o njihovoj rasprostranjenosti i prisutvu u određenim vodama. Neka ranija istraživanja navode da je po biomasi gaovica bila najzastupljenija vrsta Popova polja i da je imala veliki značaj za svakodnevni život ljudi. U okviru naših istraživanja praćeno je prisustvo gaovica na navedenim lokalitetima. Istraživanjem je konstatovano da nema pravilnosti u vremenu pojavljivanja i prisustvu određene na vrste na datom lokalitetu, što je vjerovatno uslovljeno vodnim režimom u ovom području i specifičnostima ekoloških uslova na malom prostoru. Rezultati pokazuju da je gatačka gaovica u značajnijem broju zastupljena u rijeci Vrijeci, Bilećkom jezeru, Suškom potoku i rijekama Mušnici i Opačici, dok je trebinjska gaovica konstatovana u Fatničkom polju nakon izlijevanja vode i Ljubomirskom potoku

    Syntactic aspects of hypergraph polytopes

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    International audienceThis paper introduces an inductively defined tree notation for all the faces of polytopes arising from a simplex by truncations, that allows us to view inclusion of faces as the process of contracting tree edges. Our notation instantiates to the well-known notations for the faces of associahedra and permutohedra. Various authors have independently introduced combina-torial tools for describing such polytopes. We build on the particular approach developed by Došen and Petric, who used the formalism of hypergraphs to describe the interval of polytopes from the simplex to the permutohedron. This interval was further stretched by Petric to allow truncations of faces that are themselves obtained by truncations, and iteratively so. Our notation applies to all these polytopes. We illustrate this by showing that it instantiates to a notation for the faces of the permutohedron-based associahedra, that consists of parenthesised words with holes. The paper also explores links between poly-topes and categorified operads. Došen and Petri´cPetri´c have exhibited some families of hypergraph polytopes (associahedra, permutohedra, and hemiassociahedra) describing the coherences, and the coherences between coherences etc., arising by weakening sequential and parallel associativity of operadic composition. We complement their work with a criterion allowing us to recover the information whether edges of these " operadic polytopes " come from sequential, or from parallel associativity. We also give alternative proofs for some of the original results of Došen and Petric

    The Politics of Injury:Debilitation and the Right to Maim at the EU Border

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    Borders are sites of mass injury. This article questions the necro-consensus that has emerged within migration studies, and explores the political role that less-than-deadly violence plays at contemporary borders. By withholding from outright killing, and thus avoiding the optics of public scrutiny, EU states are deploying a carefully calibrated politics of injury designed to control racialised groups through debilitation. The injuries produced through this border regime—typified by illegal ‘pushbacks’ and deplorable camp conditions—exist beneath a threshold of liberal acceptability. In short, EU states routinely deny the right to asylum by imposing the ‘right to maim’ (Puar 2017). This article draws upon long-term research along the ‘Balkan Route’ in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, including interviews with medics, activists, EU officials, and people on the move, as well as analysis of a large border violence database. We argue that mass injury has become a politically tolerated form of violence that perversely provides the EU with the illusory conceit of humanitarian “care”. In dialogue with postcolonial scholarship that has questioned the centrality of death within biopolitics, we assert the importance of interrogating not only the necropolitical logics of migration policy (i.e death), but also the politics of non-lethal violence: the strategic and attenuated delivery of injury, maiming, and incapacitation that shapes contemporary borders. Contributing to geographies of violence and critical border studies, we suggest that greater attention is needed towards less-than-deadly harms that underpin contemporary political geographies