753 research outputs found


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    Application of aromatic plant extract apples in nutrition chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera)

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    In this paper we studied the effect of apple aroma as a food additive in a concentration of 0.04% on performance and reduction of fur chewing and basic production parameters. During the experimental period (30 days), the experimental group of chinchillas that was fed with the pellet mixture with the addition of the aroma showed a statistically significant decrease in fur chewing (p<0.01) in comparison with the control group. Also, only 5% of the animals in the experimental group chewed fur out of the total number in that group (20 chinchillas), whereas the percentage of fur chewing with the control group with the same number of animals was 30%. The positive effects of aroma addition were noted for other examined factors as well, since the experimental group of chinchillas showed a bigger increase in body mass (1.36%), better growth (21.18%), increased food consumption (0.48%) and better conversion (17.13%) in comparison with the control group that was not fed with the aromatic additive

    Adding zeolite 'minazel-plus' in feeding Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) and its influence on morphometrical characteristics

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    The influence of natural zeolite was analyzed, as a food additive applied in a concentration of 0,8% on morphometrical characteristics and basic production index of Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) breeding. By analyzing the obtained results it is found that the presence of zeolite in the trout food has a positive effect with a statistical significance (p<0,05 ) on all analyzed morphometrical indexes of the fish growth rate, on their final body weight, total body length, body length and height, as well as their growth. Including zeolite in the trout mixture had a stimulative effect on the accomplished results of the basic production index of the condition factor (CF), the coefficient of total growth (CTG) and production index (PI) in comparison with the Co-group of fish that are fed without adding zeolite to food

    Die Kinderzahl einer Familie als Prädiktor für die Zufriedenheit der Eltern mit dem eigenen Leben

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    It is to be expected that the marital partners\u27 life satisfaction in a given society is closely related to fertility issues and willingness to have children, so any insight into determinants of marital partners\u27 life satisfaction is of utmost theoretical and practical importance. A research was performed with the aim to test the influence of number of children in the family on marital partners\u27 life satisfaction. Five hundred and five marriage couples, i.e. 1010 participants were included in the study. The couples were a representative sample for the City of Zagreb and Zagreb metropolitan area on the variable husbands\u27 education. Two main effects (number of children and gender of the partner) and five covariates (marital partners\u27 age and salary, size of dwelling unit, economic stress/need for economizing) were defined. ANOVA and ANCOVAs including five covariates were performed, the independent variable defining three groups: no child, one child and two and more children in the family. The statistically significant difference between these groups was obtained only after variables economic stress/need for economizing as perceived by marital partners were included into analysis together with other covariates. In that case the highest level of life satisfaction was expressed by parents having two and more children. The obtained results clearly demonstrated the importance of economic factors for marital partners\u27 life satisfaction, more precisely the subjective experience of the family\u27s economic situation. No influence of gender of the marital partner nor the interaction between two main effects was found after the complete control for covariates was performed.Opravdano je očekivati da će životno zadovoljstvo roditelja u bilo kojem društvu biti najuže povezano s pitanjima fertiliteta i željom roditelja da imaju djecu, pa je svaka spoznaja o odrednicama roditeljskoga životnog zadovoljstva i teorijski i praktično vrlo važna. Na petsto i pet bračnih parova, tj. 1010 ispitanika provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem da se ispita utjecaj broja djece u obitelji na životno zadovoljstvo roditelja. Bračni parovi predstavljaju reprezentativni uzorak za grad Zagreb i Zagrebačku županiju prema varijabli muževljeva naobrazba. Definirana su dva glavna efekta (broj djece i spol roditelja) i pet kovarijata (dob roditelja, plaća roditelja, veličina stambene jedinice i ekonomski stres/ potreba za ekonomiziranjem). Postupkom ANOVA i ANCOVA, uz pet definiranih kovarijata, određene su razlike među tri skupine: obitelji bez djece, s jednim djetetom i s dvoje i više djece. Dobivena je statistički značajna razlika među skupinama tek onda kad se, uz ostale kovarijate, u analizu uvrstila varijabla ekonomski stres i potreba za ekonomiziranjem. U tim uvjetima najveće životno zadovoljstvo izražavala je skupina roditelja koji imaju dvoje i više djece. Dobiveni su rezultati jasno pokazali važnost ekonomskih odrednica životnoga zadovoljstva roditelja, zapravo važnost subjektivnoga doživljaja obiteljskoga ekonomskog stanja. U analizi se nije pokazala važnost spola roditelja za njihovo životno zadovoljstvo kao niti interakcija između dva glavna efekta nakon što je provedena kontrola za sve kovarijate.Man darf zu Recht erwarten, dass die Zufriedenheit von Eltern mit dem eigenen Leben in jeder beliebigen Gesellschaft aufs engste mit dem Kinderwunsch und seiner Verwirklichung in Zusammenhang steht. Jegliche Erkenntnis über die Merkmale elterlicher Zufriedenheit ist insofern von allergrößter theoretischer und praktischer Bedeutung. Die dieser Arbeit zugrunde liegende Untersuchung hatte zum Ziel, die Auswirkung der Kinderzahl auf die Zufriedenheit von insgesamt 505 Ehepaaren bzw. 1010 Untersuchungspersonen zu ermitteln. Die befragten Ehepaare stellen bezüglich des Bildungsstandes des männlichen Ehepartners eine für die Stadt und Gespanschaft Zagreb repräsentative Bevölkerungsgruppe dar. Es wurden zwei Hauptausgangspunkte definiert (Kinderzahl und Geschlecht des befragten Elternteils) sowie fünf Kontrollvariablen (Alter der Eltern, Einkommen der Eltern, Größe der Wohnfläche und finanzieller Stress/notwendige Sparmaßnahmen). Anhand des ANOVA- und ANCOVA-Verfahrens und unter Einbezug der genannten fünf Kontrollvariablen ermittelte man Unterschiede zwischen folgenden drei Gruppen: Familien ohne Kinder, Familien mit einem Kind und Familien mit zwei und mehr Kindern. Ein statistisch wesentlicher Unterschied zwischen den befragten Gruppen war erst dann festzustellen, als zu den übrigen Kontrollvariablen die Variable \u27finanzieller Stress/notwendige Sparmaßnahmen\u27 hinzukam. In diesem Zusammenhang äußerten Paare mit zwei und mehr Kindern die größte Zufriedenheit mit sich und dem Leben. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse zeigen deutlich, wie wichtig materielle Faktoren für die Zufriedenheit der Eltern sind (im Grunde geht es darum, wie die Ehepartner die materiellen Verhältnisse der Familie erleben). Nicht ausschlaggebend war hingegen das Geschlecht des befragten Elternteils, ebenso wenig die Interaktion zwischen den genannten zwei Hauptausgangspunkten nach Überprüfung der Kontrollvariablen

    Quality improvement of fishery water using natural zeolite and dynamics of adsorption of hydrological toxicants

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    The adsorption capability of the natural mineral zeolite of domestic origin, on chemical parameters in water used for the intensive breeding of the Rainbow Trout was investigated in practical and laboratory conditions. It was established on the grounds of an analysis of the obtained results that there is a statistically significant adsorptive power and selectivity of zeolite towards: ammoniac (p<0.01), nitrates (p<0.01), nitrites (p<0.05), and total hardness of water (p<0.05). The applied zeolite contributed to the improvement of the ambient conditions in the trout pond, and it also had a positive ecological effect on the filtration of hydrological toxicants of the pond water output

    Composite Polyhedral Forms Obtained by Combining Concave Pyramids of the Second Sort with Archimedean Solids

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    Mißhandlung in der Familie – Die Reaktionen von Kindern auf Elternkonflikte geringerer Intensität

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    The research was performed on 402 fathers and 438 mothers with the goal to test how parental experience of being verbally abused by spouse affects child\u27s mood instability. In fathers\u27 sample 592 children of different age, birth order and sex were included while in mother\u27s sample 640 children of different age, birth order and sex were included. Three sets of variables: independent (experience of being verbally abused by spouse), control (child\u27s gender, child\u27s birth order, child\u27s age and parental exeperience of being physically abused by spouse) and dependent variable (child\u27s mood instability) were defined. ANOVA and ANCOVA statistical procedure was used to analyze data. According to the obtained results mother\u27s experience of being verbally abused by spouse did not affect child\u27s mood instability after control variables were introduced in the analysis. In contrast to these, the results for the father\u27s experience of being verbally abused by spouse produced different effects. After statistical control was performed, the father\u27s experience of being verbally abused by spouse did affect child\u27s mood instability. Explanation of the results is offered in accordance with the existing theories and previous research data.Provedeno je istraživanje na uzorku 402 oca i 438 majki s ciljem da se provjeri kako doživljaj roditelja da su u braku verbalno zlostavljani djeluje na djetetovu emocionalnu nestabilnost. U uzorak očeva uključena su 592 djeteta različite dobi, redoslijeda rođenja i spola, a u uzorak majki 640 djece različite dobi, redoslijeda rođenja i spola. Definirane su tri skupine varijabla: nezavisna (roditeljev doživljaj verbalnog zlostavljanja od bračnog partnera), kontrolne (djetetov spol, djetetov redoslijed rođenja, djetetova dob i roditeljev doživljaj fizičkog zlostavljanja od bračnog partnera) i zavisna varijabla (djetetova emocionalna nestabilnost). Primijenjeni su ANOVA i ANCOVA statistički postupci. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, majčin doživljaj verbalnog zlostavljanja od bračnog partnera nije utjecao na djetetovu emocionalnu nestabilnost nakon što su u analizu uvedene kontrolne varijable. Suprotno tome, očev doživljaj verbalnog zlostavljanja od bračnog partnera proizveo je drukčiji rezultat. Naime, nakon što je provedena statistička kontrola, očev doživljaj verbalnog zlostavljanja od bračnog partnera značajno je utjecao na djetetovu emocionalnu nestabilnost. Interpretacija i rasprava rezultata provedene su u skladu s postojećim teorijama i prijašnjim istraživačkim rezultatima, a osobito se naglašava moguć utjecaj čimbenika specifične kulture.Vorliegende Arbeit beruht auf einer Untersuchung, die unter 402 Vätern und 438 Müttern durchgeführt wurde und ermitteln sollte, wie sich die subjektive Erfahrung der Eltern, voneinander verbal mißhandelt zu werden, auf die emotionale Stabilität des Kindes auswirkt. Zur Untersuchungsgruppe der Väter wurden 592 Kinder unterschiedlicher Altersstufen und beider Geschlechter herangezogen, zur Untersuchungsgruppe der Mütter 640 Kinder, ebenfalls unterschiedlichen Alters und beider Geschlechter. Es wurden drei Variablengruppen definiert: 1. unabhängige Variablen (die subjektive Erfahrung eines Elternteils, von seiten des Ehepartners verbal mißhandelt zu werden), 2. Kontrollvariablen (Geschlecht des Kindes, die jeweilige Reihenfolge seiner Geburt /im Verhältnis zu Geschwistern/, sein Alter und die subjektive Erfahrung eines Elternteils, von seiten des Ehepartners körperlich mißhandelt zu werden) und 3. abhängige Variablen (emotionale Instabilität des Kindes). Angewandt wurden die statistischen Verfahren ANOVA und ANCOVA. Laut Ergebnissen hatte, nach Einführung von Kontrollvariablen in die Analyse, die subjektive Erfahrung der Mutter, von ihrem Ehepartner verbal mißhandelt zu werden, keinerlei Auswirkung auf die emotionale Stabilität des Kindes. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigte die Erfahrung des Vaters, verbaler Mißhandlung von seiten der Ehepartnerin ausgesetzt zu sein, ein anderes Resultat. Nach Durchführung einer statistischen Kontrolle erwies sich, daß die väterliche Erfahrung die emotionale Stabilität des Kindes wesentlich beeinflußte. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse wurden im Einklang mit den bestehenden Theorien und vorher erzielten Resultaten interpretiert und diskutiert, wobei der mögliche Einfluß der jeweils spezifischen Kulturzugehörigkeit ganz besonders beachtet wurde

    Echinocystis lobata (Michx) Torrey et A. Gray in Serbia

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    The presence of Echinocystis lobata (Michx) Torrey et A. Gray in Serbia was first recorded about 40 years ago in Vojvodina (N Serbia) where it continued to spread in the following years. In the Balkan part of Serbia (to the south of the Sava and Danube rivers), this plant used to be known in the last 20 years from only two localities. The discovery of the species in 26 new localities in this area testifies its successful spread toward the South and East of Serbia

    The nation in context: how intergroup relations shape the discursive construction of identity continuity and discontinuity

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    The perceived collective continuity (PCC) of a national identity serves as a crucial source of stability and self‐esteem for group members. Recent work has explored the consequences of perceived continuity when the meaning of a nation’s past is seen in a negative light, and the challenges this brings for the negotiation of a positive identity in the present, signalling the potential value of perceived discontinuity The current paper extends this literature by examining the role of intergroup relations in the construction of both collective continuities and discontinuities. Through analysing the discursive management of national identity in nine focus groups in a post‐conflict context (Serbia, N = 67), we reveal how the tensions between continuity and discontinuity are embedded within a broader discussion of the nation’s relationship with relevant national outgroups across its history. The findings contribute to theoretical knowledge on the interlinking of national identity and PCC by illustrating the ways in which intergroup relations of the past shape the extent to which continuity is seen as desirable or undesirable. We argue that despite the psychological merits of collective continuity, discontinuity can become attractive and useful when there is limited space to challenge how a nation’s history is remembered and the valence given to the past. The paper concludes by offering an account of how social and political contexts can influence the nature, functions, and valence of PCC within national identities