85 research outputs found

    Multi-elemental analysis of colonial and post-colonial Nigerian coins by Proton Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) spectrometry

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    The investigation of old and new coins from different countries in the world has generated a growing interest among numismatic and archaeological researchers. The challenge is to explain the large diversification of these coins, to determine the differences in composition, weight and physical aspects. A non-destructive physical method of ion beam analysis; PIXE was employed to investigate elemental properties of colonial and post-colonial Nigerian coins. The weights of the coins varied between 1.89 and 11.46 g while their thicknesses ranged from 0.10 to 0.40 mm. The elements; Al, Si, Mn, Fe and Zn were detected along with the major components of Ni and Cu. The elements displayed both positive and negative correlations. The study could aid in solving some scientifically questions of conservators and tourists on “what” material is it especially now that coins have long been demonetized in Nigeria.Keywords: archaeology, coins, composition, numismatic, PIXE

    Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of plasmid-mediated AmpC beta-lactamases in enteric Gram-negative bacteria from patients with lower respiratory tract infections in a tertiary hospital, southwest Nigeria

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    Background: AmpC or class C or group 1 beta lactamases are class C cephalosporinases that hydrolyse a wide variety of beta-lactam antibiotics including alpha methoxy beta-lactams (cefoxitin), narrow and broad spectrum cephalosporins. This study was conducted to characterize plasmid-mediated AmpC producing enteric Gram- negative bacteria from patients with lower respiratory tract infections in Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex (OAUTHC) Ile Ife, Osun State, NigeriaMethodology: A total of 149 patients with clinical features of lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) were selected by simple random sampling for the study. All Gram-negative isolates recovered from standard microbiological cultures of respiratory specimens of these patients were tested against cefoxitin, third generation cephalosporins (3GCs), and other antibiotics using the disc diffusion AST method, and also screened for production of AmpC beta-lactamases phenotypically by the CLSI method. Plasmid DNA extraction was carried out on twenty-nine cefoxitin-resistant selected isolates using the Kado and Lin method, while genotypic detection of plasmid-mediated AmpC gene was carried out by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay.Results: The results showed that 204 (43.3%) of 471 isolates recovered from the 149 selected patients were resistant to 3GC in the AST assay, among which 121 (59.3%) were resistant to cefoxitin, and 189 of the 471 isolates (40.1%) were AmpC producers. The AmpC producers concurrently showed multiple resistance pattern to other antibiotics tested in this study. Ninety six percent of the 29 selected isolates for plasmid analysis contained plasmids, 45% of which amplified positive on PCR for CMY, 38% for FOX, and 31% for ACC types of AmpC genes.Conclusion: This study showed a high degree of antibiotic resistance among enteric Gram-negative bacteria recovered from patients with LRTIs, as well as high degree of plasmid-encoded AmpC genes responsible for this high antibiotic resistance among the isolates. Proper antibiotic policy and regulation are required to limit the spread of plasmid mediated AmpC β-lactamase producing organisms because they can lead to therapeutic failure in infected patients in the nearest future.   French title: Caractérisation phénotypique et génotypique des bêta-lactamases AmpC à médiation plasmidique dans les bactéries entériques Gram-négatives de patients atteints d'infections des voies respiratoires inférieures dans un hôpital tertiaire, sud-ouest du Nigéria Contexte: Les bêta-lactamases AmpC ou de classe C ou de groupe 1 sont des céphalosporinases de classe C qui hydrolysent une grande variété d'antibiotiques bêta-lactamines, y compris les alpha-méthoxy bêta-lactamines (céfoxitine), les céphalosporines à spectre étroit et large. Cette étude a été menée pour caractériser les bactéries à Gram négatif entériques produisant de l'AmpC à médiation plasmidique chez des patients atteints d'infections des voies respiratoires inférieures du complexe hospitalier universitaire d'Obafemi Awolowo (OAUTHC) Ile Ife, État d'Osun, NigériaMéthodologie: Un total de 149 patients présentant des caractéristiques cliniques d'infections des voies respiratoires inférieures (LRTI) ont été sélectionnés par échantillonnage aléatoire simple pour l'étude. Tous les isolats à Gram négatif récupérés à partir de cultures microbiologique standard d'échantillons respiratoires de ces patients ont été testés contre la céfoxitine, les céphalosporines de troisième génération (3GC) et d'autres antibiotiques en utilisant la méthode AST de diffusion sur disque, et également criblés pour la production de bêtalactamases AmpC phénotypiquement par le Méthode CLSI. L'extraction de l'ADN plasmidique a été réalisée sur 29 isolats sélectionnés résistants à la céfoxitine en utilisant la méthode Kado et Lin, tandis que la détection  génotypique du gène AmpC à médiation plasmidique a été réalisée par le test de réaction en chaîne par polymérase (PCR).Résultats: Les résultats ont montré que 204 (43,3%) des 471 isolats récupérés des 149 patients sélectionnés étaient résistants à la 3GC dans le test AST, parmi lesquels 121 (59,3%) étaient résistants à la céfoxitine et 189 des 471 isolats (40,1%) étaient des producteurs d'AmpC. Les producteurs d'AmpC ont montré simultanément plusieurs profils de résistance à d'autres antibiotiques testés dans cette étude. Quatre-vingt-seize pour cent des 29 isolats sélectionnés pour l'analyse des plasmides contenaient des plasmides, dont 45%  amplifiés positifs par PCR pour CMY, 38% pour FOX et 31% pour les types ACC des gènes AmpC.Conclusion: Cette étude a montré un degré élevé de résistance aux antibiotiques parmi les bactéries entériques Gram-négatives  récupérées chez des patients atteints de LRTI, ainsi qu'un degré élevé de gènes AmpC codés par plasmide responsable de cette résistance élevée aux antibiotiques parmi les isolats. Une politique et une réglementation appropriées en matière d'antibiotiques sont nécessaires pour limiter la propagation des organismes producteurs β-lactamase d'AmpC à médiation plasmidique car ils peuvent conduire à un échec thérapeutique chez les patients infectés dans un avenir proche. &nbsp

    Earring aspiration in a toddler: A case report

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    Aspiration of foreign body is not an uncommon life-threatening emergency in pediatric practice. Objects that are commonly aspirated include nuts, beans, toys, and in very rare instances jewelries among others. This is a 2 year old female toddler who presented in our facility on account of sudden onset of cough which became recurrent with associated difficulty with breathing of one month duration. Symptoms were first observed immediately after she was noticed to have aspirated a piece of her rigid earrings that was left on a table at home. She had chest x-ray that showed evidence of an opaque foreign body in the left main bronchus for which she had fluoroscopy guided bronchoscopy with removal of a rigid metallic earring. The patient was subsequently discharged on the second day post-operation. Earring aspiration is uncommon in children, but when it occurs it could result in grave consequences. Parents and guardians should suspect possibility of such aspiration if there is a missing earring belonging to a child who has sudden onset of respiratory difficulty

    Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Masquerading as Disseminated Tuberculosis: Case Report in a Nigerian Adolescent

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a connective tissue disorder whose manifestations may mimic other common chronic diseases in children. In developing countries, its diagnosis is often delayed or missed leading to delay in instituting appropriate treatment and invariably high mortality. We report the case of A. B who was a 13‑year‑old girl referred from a peripheral hospital with chronic cough, weight loss, and dyspnea. She had signs of heart failure and developed depression as well as oliguria. The patient also had pleural effusion, but aspirate result was negative for Mycobacterium tuberculosis and cytology. She commenced antituberculous drugs and dexamethasone with other supportive care but died after 19 days on  admission. Serum assay was positive for antinuclear antibody. SLE is a potential masquerader of chronic diseases such as tuberculosis. Delay in  diagnosis and treatment is associated with poor outcome; hence, there is a need for high index of suspicion for early diagnosis with prompt initiation of appropriate treatment. Keywords: Adolescent, systemic lupus erythematosus, tuberculosi

    A framework for the successful implementation of turnaround maintenance projects.

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    The manufacturing sector is of enormous economic and social significance to any state economy and its people. In the UK, the manufacturing sector accounts for about 13% of GDP and employs about four million people representing approximately 14% of the working population. Manufacturing processes depend on the performance of the facility (machines, equipment and tools) and the human resource (labour). These machines and equipment degrade with age and usage and, therefore, require maintenance.Despite the strategies adopted for their maintenance, there comes a time due to age, operating/environmental conditions and statutory requirements when the entire facility had to be shut down for necessary repairs, maintenance and project works. This is called Shutdown Maintenance also known as Turnaround Maintenance (TAM).Although several works have been carried out by organisations and professionals in recent times to optimize TAM projects, organisations are still struggling with TAM projects with reported alarming rates of failure.A preliminary literature review and pilot studies identified that the major cause of TAM project failures are attributed to the use of Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) project management methodologies to manage TAM projects without considering their unique features.Findings from a comprehensive literature review, questionnaire survey and case studies in major process plants in the UK, were used to develop a unique best practice framework (and its components parts) which were validated by very experienced, proactive and industry-based hands-on TAM professionals.The conclusions which are drawn from this research study includes establishment of TAM evaluation criteria, TAM critical success factors, TAM manager selection criteria, TAM management methodologies and the TAM project implementation framework.This best practice framework which is a major contribution to knowledge in this area is recommended for all operators of engineering facilities to ensure the successful implementation of their TAM projects. The findings from the study are also of significant importance to contract organisations, TAM managers and aspiring TAM professionals, government bodies, training organisations and tertiary institutions who are involved in maintenance management in engineering facilities

    Evaluation of the antimalarial potential of Icacina senegalensis Juss (Icacinaceae)

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    AbstractObjectiveTo evaluate in vivo antimalarial activity of methanol leaf extract of Icacina senegalensis.MethodsThe extract was investigated for activity against early and established malaria infections using Swiss albino mice infected with Plasmodium berghei at dose levels of 25, 50 and 100 mg/kg. Chloroquine (10 mg/kg) was used as positive control.ResultsA dose dependent chemo-suppression of the parasites was observed at different dose levels of the extract tested with a considerable mean survival time.ConclusionsThe results support further investigation on components of traditional medicines as potential new antimalarial agents

    Parents' Acceptability and Health Workers' Perspectives of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccination for Under-Fives in Ile-Ife, Nigeria

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    Background: Pneumococcus, apart from being the commonest bacterial cause of Respiratory tract infections (RTIs) also causes a wide array of morbidities which can all be prevented with the administration of potent Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Despite its effectiveness and availability, Pneumococcal vaccines are not part of routine immunization in Nigeria. This study assessed parents' acceptability and health worker's perspectives of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccination for under-fives.Methods:  The cross-sectional survey was conducted in Ife Central Local Government Area, Osun state. An interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to collect information from 400 parents of under-fives selected via multi-stage random sampling. In-depth interviews were conducted for the heads of immunization units in four selected facilities in the local government area. Data were analysed using SPSS version-16.Result: More respondents were females, married and had tertiary education. About three-fifth (59.2%) of parents had good knowledge about RTIs though majority (79.00%) were unaware of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV). most parents (93.5%) were willing to accept PCV for their children but only 43.5% of them could afford to pay for the cost of the vaccine at the prevailing market price. Most health workers (three out of four) interviewed were not aware of PCV. Most parents (96.25%) and all health workers interviewed wanted PCV incorporated into the National Program on Immunization (NPI). Parents with good knowledge about respiratory tract infections (RTIs) were significantly willing to accept PCV for their underfives (p= 0.005). Younger parents less than 35years, parents with lower educational attainments and low income groups significantly could not afford to pay for the cost of vaccines. (p=0.014, 0.001 and <0.001 respectively).Conclusion: Though almost three fifth of parents surveyed had good knowledge about RTIs, awareness about PCV was poor and most of them were unable to afford PCV. There is an overwhelming need to incorporate PCV in to the NPI, as both parents and health workers agreed. Aside from overcoming a major financial barrier to vaccine access, this will also make PCV widely available to parents who are already willing to accept the vaccine for their children.Keywords: Parents' Acceptability, Pneumococcal conjugate Vaccinatio

    Congenital malaria in Urabá, Colombia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Congenital malaria has been considered a rare event; however, recent reports have shown frequencies ranging from 3% to 54.2% among newborns of mothers who had suffered malaria during pregnancy. There are only a few references concerning the epidemiological impact of this entity in Latin-America and Colombia.</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>The aim of the study was to measure the prevalence of congenital malaria in an endemic Colombian region and to determine some of its characteristics.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prospective, descriptive study was carried out in the mothers who suffered malaria during pregnancy and their newborns. Neonates were clinically evaluated at birth and screened for <it>Plasmodium spp</it>. infection by thick smear from the umbilical cord and peripheral blood, and followed-up weekly during the first 21 days of postnatal life through clinical examinations and thick smears.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>116 newborns were included in the study and 80 umbilical cord samples were obtained. Five cases of congenital infection were identified (four caused by <it>P. vivax </it>and one by <it>P. falciparum</it>), two in umbilical cord blood and three in newborn peripheral blood. One case was diagnosed at birth and the others during follow-up. Prevalence of congenital infection was 4.3%. One of the infected newborns was severely ill, while the others were asymptomatic and apparently healthy. The mothers of the newborns with congenital malaria had been diagnosed with malaria in the last trimester of pregnancy or during delivery, and also presented placental infection.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Congenital malaria may be a frequent event in newborns of mothers who have suffered malaria during pregnancy in Colombia. An association was found between congenital malaria and the diagnosis of malaria in the mother during the last trimester of pregnancy or during delivery, and the presence of placental infection.</p