472 research outputs found

    Clarence Thomas

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    Bridge Inspection

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    Toward a Standard for a Failure to Accommodate Claim Under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination

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    Evolution of the Un-Wed Mother

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    According to the National Vital Statistics System, since the 1980’s, there has been a dramatic increase of unmarried pregnancies, close to an 80% increase. Drawing predominantly on historical information, and interviews with a multi-generational group of unmarried mothers, my research will show that although there are socio-economic factors which contribute to this phenomenon, the overwhelming factor is the increase in individualism, and that over the decades, unmarried women have evolved. With the release of societal pressures that once deemed them “fallen women” they no longer feel that they have to be married in order to provide a good life for their children

    Model-based resource analysis and synthesis of service-oriented automotive software architectures

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    Context Automotive software architectures describe distributed functionality by an interaction of software components. One drawback of today\u27s architectures is their strong integration into the onboard communication network based on predefined dependencies at design time. The idea is to reduce this rigid integration and technological dependencies. To this end, service-oriented architecture offers a suitable methodology since network communication is dynamically established at run-time. Aim We target to provide a methodology for analysing hardware resources and synthesising automotive service-oriented architectures based on platform-independent service models. Subsequently, we focus on transforming these models into a platform-specific architecture realisation process following AUTOSAR Adaptive. Approach For the platform-independent part, we apply the concepts of design space exploration and simulation to analyse and synthesise deployment configurations, i. e., mapping services to hardware resources at an early development stage. We refine these configurations to AUTOSAR Adaptive software architecture models representing the necessary input for a subsequent implementation process for the platform-specific part. Result We present deployment configurations that are optimal for the usage of a given set of computing resources currently under consideration for our next generation of E/E architecture. We also provide simulation results that demonstrate the ability of these configurations to meet the run time requirements. Both results helped us to decide whether a particular configuration can be implemented. As a possible software toolchain for this purpose, we finally provide a prototype. Conclusion The use of models and their analysis are proper means to get there, but the quality and speed of development must also be considered

    Impulse zur Verbesserung der Spätsommerversorgung der Honigbiene durch Kulturmaßnahmen im Ökologischen Landbau

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    In order to overcome the late summer gap in costume for honey bees and increase the winter stock we investigated in two independent field trials the attractiveness of different legumes for honeybees and the effect of a terminated flowering event on its winter stock of honey and pollen. The attractiveness for honeybees was depending on the legume species. The flowering event resulted in a very good pollen stock which pushed the development of the bee colonies

    Entwurfsmethodik für hybride Software- und Systemarchitektur

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    Die Softwaretechnik gewinnt in der Automobilindustrie durch Trends wie das automatisierte Fahren und die Vernetzung von Fahrzeugen mit der Infrastruktur weiter an Bedeutung. Software-basierte Funktionen müssen dabei neben der Implementierung und dem Test in einer frühen Phase der Entwicklung im Rahmen eines gemeinsamen Systems aus Softwarekomponenten und Steuergeräten entworfen werden. Die Spezifikation von Kommunikationsbeziehungen zwischen Softwarekomponenten wird heute über den Ansatz einer Signal-orientierten Architektur erreicht. Die vorliegende Arbeit analysiert das hierzu entsprechende Entwurfsmodell und entwickelt es zu einem hybriden Modell aus Signal- und Service-Orientierung weiter. Die Modellentwicklung wird weitergehend durch eine Entwurfsmethodik gestützt und im Rahmen des Systementwurfs in das V-Modell eingebunden. Hierdurch entsteht eine Alternative zur heutigen Spezifikation von Kommunikationsbeziehungen auf Basis von Signalen durch Services. Speziell bei Änderungen tragen diese den Vorteil, dass Folgeanpassungen an den Kommunikationsschnittstellen eines Steuergeräts reduziert werden. Die Softwareimplementierung, welche heute durch eine strikte Synchronisation mit der Entwicklung und Weiterentwicklung von Steuergeräten beeinflusst ist, wird dadurch vereinfacht