375 research outputs found

    Ghibertis Hommage an Brunelleschi. Der Wettbewerb um neue Bronzeportale und die Paradiestüren am Florentiner Baptisterium

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    Die hinterbliebenen Wettbewerbreliefs für neue Bronzeportale des Florentiner Baptisteriums aus dem Jahr 1401 werden erneut einer Analyse unterzogen unter Berücksichtigung einiger kunsttheoretischer Aspekte Leon Battista Albertis. Dabei fallen Parallelen auf zwischen den Positionen Filippo Brunelleschis und Albertis, die sich grundsätzlich von den Prämissen Lorenzo Ghibertis unterscheiden. Letzterer scheint jedoch das Bronzerelief seines Rivalen nie zu vergessen. An zwei Szenen seiner über 20 Jahre später begonnenen sog. Paradiestür lassen sich direkte Űbernahmen aus der Tafel seines Konkurrenten sowie ein indirekt, kunsttheoretisch verwandter Ansatz in der Darstellungsweise aufzeigen, der für Ghibertis Anerkennung der künstlerischen Ideen und Erfindungen Brunelleschis spricht

    Trial by Ambush or Avalanche - The Discovery Debacle

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    I fell in love with the law in 1946, during my first week in law school. It has been a torrid affair ever since. Ever since has entailed seven years of law practice followed by thirty-two years of law professing, eight of these as a dean. Against this backdrop of fealty, I had occasion recently to encounter the legal process as it presently, honest-to-God, exists. This encounter was not as a lawyer, not as a law professor, not as a consultant, not, that is, as a professional impersonally involved, but as the father of the mother in a child-custody case. It was a client exposure. I came away from the experience not merely angry and disillusioned, but outraged. Why

    Lockouts and the Law The Impact of American Ship Building and Brown Food

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    Lockouts and the Law The Impact of American Ship Building and Brown Food

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    Voluntary Impartial Review of Labor: Some Reflections

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the emerging concept of voluntary impartial review of the decisions of organizational tribunals passing upon internal disputes. Attention will center on the application of this concept to labor unions - the only area in which it has yet been tried