36 research outputs found
Treatment of landfill leachate by constructed wetlands
The performance of three constructed wetlands systems treating landfill leachate is described. Two are located in northern Poland (Szadolki near Gdansk and Gatka near Miastko) and one in southern Sweden (Örebro). The constructed wetlands in Szadolki consists of two parallel silty soil beds planted with reed with sub-surface horizontal flow of sewage. The constructed wetland in Gatka is a willow plantation on sandy soil, receiving leachate after preliminary sedimentation in a retention pond. The system in Örebro consists of a series of ponds with a surface flow of leachate, preceded by pre-treatment in an aerated tank with nitrogen stripping. The best treatment efficiencies were observed at Örebro. At the sub-surface flow wetlands in Szadolki and Gatka clogging problems occurred due to the unsatisfactory pre-treatment and low soil hydraulic conductivity resulting in lower treatment efficiencies
Visualizing the disordered nuclear transport machinery in situ
The approximately 120 MDa mammalian nuclear pore complex (NPC) acts as a gatekeeper for the transport between the nucleus and cytosol1. The central channel of the NPC is filled with hundreds of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) called FG-nucleoporins (FG-NUPs)2,3. Although the structure of the NPC scaffold has been resolved in remarkable detail, the actual transport machinery built up by FG-NUPs—about 50 MDa—is depicted as an approximately 60-nm hole in even highly resolved tomograms and/or structures computed with artificial intelligence4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11. Here we directly probed conformations of the vital FG-NUP98 inside NPCs in live cells and in permeabilized cells with an intact transport machinery by using a synthetic biology-enabled site-specific small-molecule labelling approach paired with highly time-resolved fluorescence microscopy. Single permeabilized cell measurements of the distance distribution of FG-NUP98 segments combined with coarse-grained molecular simulations of the NPC allowed us to map the uncharted molecular environment inside the nanosized transport channel. We determined that the channel provides—in the terminology of the Flory polymer theory12—a ‘good solvent’ environment. This enables the FG domain to adopt expanded conformations and thus control transport between the nucleus and cytoplasm. With more than 30% of the proteome being formed from IDPs, our study opens a window into resolving disorder–function relationships of IDPs in situ, which are important in various processes, such as cellular signalling, phase separation, ageing and viral entry
AI-based structure prediction empowers integrative structural analysis of human nuclear pores
Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) mediate nucleocytoplasmic transport. Their intricate 120-megadalton architecture remains incompletely understood. Here, we report a 70-megadalton model of the humanNPC scaffold with explicit membrane and in multiple conformational states. We combined artificial intelligence (AI)–based structure prediction with in situ and in cellulo cryo–electron tomography and integrative modeling. We show that linker nucleoporins spatially organize the scaffold within and across subcomplexes to establish the higher-order structure. Microsecond-long molecular dynamics simulationssuggest that the scaffold is not required to stabilize the inner and outer nuclear membrane fusion but rather widens the central pore. Our work exemplifies how AI-based modeling can be integrated within situ structural biology to understand subcellular architecture across spatial organization levels
Reducing craving and lapse risk in alcohol and stimulants dependence using mobile app involving ecological momentary assessment and self-guided psychological interventions: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial
BackgroundThe prevalence of alcohol consumption in Poland is estimated to be as high as 80% of the adult population. The use of stimulants is the second most common reason for seeking addiction treatment. However, treatment outcomes remain unsatisfactory, as 40–85% of individuals who complete various treatment programs relapse and fall back into addiction within 2 years following program completion.MethodsThe 13-armed randomized controlled trial aimed to assess the effectiveness of a mobile app-based self-guided psychological intervention delivered via a smartphone app (Nałogometr) in reducing craving and lapse risk in problematic alcohol or stimulants use. Participant recruitment and data collection will be performed from June 2022 to September 2022. The 4-week mobile intervention program will include short-term and long-term intervention modules based mainly on mindfulness and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Intervention effectiveness assessment will include Ecological Momentary Assessment. That is, we will collect longitudinal data on a set of characteristics of day-to-day functioning. The primary outcomes will include a self-reported number of lapses and addiction craving level. In contrast, the secondary outcomes will be the severity of problematic substance use, anxiety and depression scores, and life satisfaction scores.ConclusionThis study will establish how mobile app-based self-guided psychological interventions can help reduce craving and lapse risk in alcohol and stimulant dependence. If successful, this randomized controlled trial (RCT) may provide an innovative, easily available, and cost-effective mHealth approach for craving and lapse risk in substance addictions.Clinical trial registration[https://clinicaltrials.gov/], identifier [NCT054 34429]
Structure of HsdS Subunit from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis Sheds Lights on Mechanism of Dynamic Opening and Closing of Type I Methyltransferase
Type I DNA methyltransferases contain one specificity subunit (HsdS) and two modification subunits (HsdM). The electron microscopy model of M.EcoKI-M2S1 methyltransferase shows a reasonable closed state of this clamp-like enzyme, but the structure of the open state is still unclear. The 1.95 Å crystal structure of the specificity subunit from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis (TTE-HsdS) shows an unreported open form inter-domain orientation of this subunit. Based on the crystal structure of TTE-HsdS and the closed state model of M.EcoKI-M2S1, we constructed a potential open state model of type I methyltransferase. Mutational studies indicated that two α-helices (aa30-59 and aa466-495) of the TTE-HsdM subunit are important inter-subunit interaction sites in the TTE-M2S1 complex. DNA binding assays also highlighted the importance of the C-terminal region of TTE-HsdM for DNA binding by the TTE-M2S1 complex. On the basis of structural analysis, biochemical experiments and previous studies, we propose a dynamic opening and closing mechanism for type I methyltransferase
Structure and development of vegetative buds, from the lower crown of Picea abies
Seasonal changes in the development of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L) Karst) vegetative buds in the lower crown position of 4 18-year-old free standing grafts in the climatic conditions of Poland are described. Bud awakening varies with the season while the end of shoot elongation, after about 6 weeks, seems to be weather independent. Mitotic activity of the embryonic shoot starts about 1 month before bud-burst. The new winter bud develops in 2 periods of bud scale primordia initiation (autumn and spring) and 1 period of needle primordia initiation (during summer). The curves of apical dome size (width and height) have 2 peaks: the 1 st one, in late April just before the 1 st spring bud scale primordium emerges, and the 2nd one, during the time of rapid needle initiation (mid-August). There is seasonal variation in starch accumulation. Starch is absent in the dormant bud. In the developing bud, starch is associated with areas of high morphogenic activity.Structure et développement des bourgeons végétatifs de la partie basse de la couronne de Picea abies. L'étude porte sur les changements au cours du temps, et dans les conditions climatiques de la Pologne, observés dans le développement de bourgeons végétatifs situés dans la partie basse de la couronne d'épicéas communs (Picea abies (L) Karst). Elle concerne 4 arbres greffés, âgés de 18 ans, et poussant hors concurrence. La reprise de croissance des bourgeons varie selon les conditions saisonnières propres à chaque année, alors que la fin d'élongation des pousses, environ 6 sem après le débourrement, semble indépendante du climat. L'activité mitotique de la jeune pousse située dans le bourgeon commence environ un mois avant le débourrement. Le nouveau bourgeon hivernal se développe en 2 temps pour ce qui est de l'initiation des primordia d'écailles de ce bourgeon (à l'automne et au printemps), et en un seul temps pour l'initiation des primordia d'aiguilles (durant l'été). Les courbes de croissance en diamètre et en hauteur du dome apical présentent 2 pics : le premier fin avril, juste avant que n'émergent les primordia des premières écailles de printemps, le second durant la période de rapide initiation des primordia d'aiguilles (mi-août). On observe une variation saisonnière dans l'accumulation de l'amidon. Il est absent dans les bourgeons dormants alors que, dans les bourgeons en développement, il est associé aux zones présentant une forte activité morphogénétique
Influence of oxygenation of hydrophyte beds on effectiveness of pollutants removal
Na podstawie uzyskanych rezultatów dotyczących wpływu stężeń i jakości substancji organicznej na dopływ tlenu oraz efektywności usuwania zanieczyszczeń, sformułowano następujące wnioski: 1. Wzrost obciążenia złóż rozkładalną zawiesiną organiczną (XS) i niepodatną na rozkład biologiczny (XI) powodował obniżenie dopływu tlenu określonego na podstawie pomiarów współczynnika Dg. 2. Na podstawie zależności Dg = f(XS + XI) można określić dopuszczalne obciążenie złóż hydrofitowych substancją organiczną. W analizowanych systemach dopuszczalne obciążenie zawiesiną organiczną wynosiło dla złóż typu HF-CW ? 14,0 g/m2d zaś dla złóż typu VF-CW ? 4,0 g/m2d. 3. W złożach, w których wartości obciążeń były poniżej wartości dopuszczalnych efektywność usuwania zanieczyszczeń wynosiła średnio: 71,2% dla BZT5, 62,4% dla ChZT i 59,2% dla zawiesiny ogólnej.In the recent years the increase of interest in the combined (hybrid) constructed wetland systems has been observed. These systems are composed of two or more filters with mixed vertical and horizontal flow of sewage. Hybrid constructed wetlands require smaller unit areas and secure higher efficiency of pollutants removal. In Poland up till now the configuration with Horizontal Flow Constructed Wetland (HF-CW) at the beginning of treatment system has been only used. Opposite configuration with Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland (VF-CW) at the beginning of biological process are applied mainly in Germany and the United Kingdom. It is proved in literature that pores clogging because of organic suspended solids limits oxygen flux to filters. Moreover oxygen demand caused by organic matter decomposition can cause anaerobic conditions to occur in soil and significantly decrease organic matter decomposition processes. Insufficient supply of oxygen to beds can cause lack of biodegradation of part of organic matter in beds and its accumulation in free spaces of the filtration material or on its surface. Process of organic matter accumulation can lead to decrease of pollutants removal effectiveness and even decreased period of beds operation. The aim of this paper is to evaluate not only organic loads applied to beds but also both the organic matter quality in the influent and accumulation in soil. Investigations were carried out in three hybrid constructed wetlands with subsurface flow of domestic sewage. These systems were composed of HF-CW and VFCW flow filters planted with reed. Analysed objects were uniform in relation to their construction (material, depth and time of operation) but they had different hydraulic loadings. Object in Wieszyno has the highest loading of both horizontal and vertical beds, equal to 40.0 and 80.0 mm/day, respectively. While loadings of HF and VF beds in Wiklino were twice lower. Quality of organic matter was estimated on the basis of its speciation according to German guideline ATV 131 (1995). Fractions of dissolved organic compounds easily degradable (SS) and non-degradable (SI) as well as organic suspension hardly degradable (XS) and non-degradable (XI) were determined. It was proved that the decomposition rate of organic matter was determined by proportions of XS and XI fractions. On the basis of the function between the diffusion coefficient and suspended organic matter Dg= f(XS+XI), it was shown that the object in Wieszyno underwent colmatation because inflow of oxygen was below the critical for sufficient supply of oxygen value of diffusion coefficient in soil (Dg). On the basis of the obtained results organic matter permissible loadings for both VF and HF beds were established. For HF beds the load is equal to 14.0 g/m2day and for VF beds it is lower than 4.0 g/m2da