25 research outputs found

    The antigen recognition portion of African buffalo class I MHC is highly polymorphic, consistent with a complex pathogen challenge environment, and the 3’ region suggests distinct haplotype configurations

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    African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) have been distinct from the Auroch lineage leading to domestic cattle for 5 million years, and are reservoirs of multiple pathogens, that affect introduced domestic cattle. To date, there has been no analysis of the class I MHC locus in African buffalo. We present the first data on African buffalo class I MHC, which demonstrates that gene and predicted protein coding sequences are approximately 86–87% similar to that of African domestic cattle in the peptide binding region. The study also shows concordance in the distribution of codons with elevated posterior probabilities of positive selection in the buffalo class I MHC and known antigen binding sites in cattle. Overall, the diversity in buffalo class I sequences appears greater than that in cattle, perhaps related to a more complex pathogen challenge environment in Africa. However, application of NetMHCpan suggested broad clustering of peptide binding specificities between buffalo and cattle. Furthermore, in the case of at least 20 alleles, critical peptide-binding residues appear to be conserved with those of cattle, including at secondary anchor residues. Alleles with six different length transmembrane regions were detected. This preliminary analysis suggests that like cattle, but unlike most other mammals, African buffalo appears to exhibit configuration (haplotype) variation in which the loci are expressed in distinct combinations

    Conservation and variation in the region of the Theileria parva p104 antigen coding gene used for PCR surveillance of the parasite

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    The range of the protozoan parasite Theileria parva, which causes East Coast fever in cattle, has been expanding to countries where it has not previously been detected, as a result of cross-border domestic cattle movement. Countries where T. parva has not previously been observed until recently include Cameroon and South Sudan. This raises the issue of the conservation of the p104 antigen gene, on which the nested PCR assay that is widely used for T. parva surveillance in the blood of infected cattle is based. We sampled 40 isolates from six countries widely distributed across the geographical range of the parasite, including eastern, central and southern Africa, for p104 sequence polymorphism. These included parasites from both domestic cattle and the Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer) wildlife reservoir. The most frequent allelic variants were present in cattle transmissible isolates from multiple widely separated geographical regions in Zambia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and South Africa. These frequent p104 variants were also present in the three component stocks of the Muguga cocktail used for the infection and treatment live immunisation procedure to control T. parva in the field. Other isolates exhibited unique alleles. This includes some of the p104 sequences from Cameroon, which is outside the known range of the Rhipicephalus tick vector and whose origin is therefore unclear. The nested primer oligonucleotides used to generate the amplicons were universally conserved in cattle-derived parasites and a majority of buffalo-derived isolates across the geographical range of the parasite. However, some rare South African buffalo–derived isolates exhibited one or two mismatches with the primer sequences. It therefore remains possible that some p104 alleles may be so divergent that they do not amplify with the current diagnostic primers and are not detectable in surveys, hence the need for increasing knowledge of genetic heterogeneity of diagnostic targets. There was no evidence for positive selection among those p104 mutations that resulted in residue changes. Importantly, the data indicate that the p104-based PCR detection assay should be effective across the majority of the range of T. parva, and if the one or two mismatches are shown in future to result in the primers annealing less efficiently, then the assay can be further improved by introduction of degenerate bases to enable amplification of the less frequent South African buffalo–derived variant p104 genes

    Dual RNA-seq to catalogue host and parasite gene expression changes associated with virulence of T. annulata-transformed bovine leukocytes: towards identification of attenuation biomarkers

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    The apicomplexan parasite Theileria annulata is transmitted by Hyalomma ticks and causes an acute lymphoproliferative disease that is invariably lethal in exotic cattle breeds. The unique ability of the schizont stage of T. annulata to transform infected leukocytes to a cancer-like phenotype and the simplicity of culturing and passaging T. annulata-transformed cells in vitro have been explored for live vaccine development by attenuating the transformed cells using lengthy serial propagation in vitro. The empirical in vivo evaluation of attenuation required for each batch of long-term cultured cells is a major constraint since it is resource intensive and raises ethical issues regarding animal welfare. As yet, the molecular mechanisms underlying attenuation are not well understood. Characteristic changes in gene expression brought about by attenuation are likely to aid in the identification of novel biomarkers for attenuation. We set out to undertake a comparative transcriptome analysis of attenuated (passage 296) and virulent (passage 26) bovine leukocytes infected with a Tunisian strain of T. annulata termed Beja. RNA-seq was used to analyse gene expression profiles and the relative expression levels of selected genes were verified by real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) analysis. Among the 3538 T. annulata genes analysed, 214 were significantly differentially expressed, of which 149 genes were up-regulated and 65 down-regulated. Functional annotation of differentially expressed T. annulata genes revealed four broad categories of metabolic pathways: carbon metabolism, oxidative phosphorylation, protein processing in the endoplasmic reticulum and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. It is interesting to note that of the top 40 genes that showed altered expression, 13 were predicted to contain a signal peptide and/or at least one transmembrane domain, suggesting possible involvement in host-parasite interaction. Of the 16,514 bovine transcripts, 284 and 277 showed up-regulated and down-regulated expression, respectively. These were assigned to functional categories relevant to cell surface, tissue morphogenesis and regulation of cell adhesion, regulation of leucocyte, lymphocyte and cell activation. The genetic alterations acquired during attenuation that we have catalogued herein, as well as the accompanying in silico functional characterization, do not only improve understanding of the attenuation process, but can also be exploited by studies aimed at identifying attenuation biomarkers across different cell lines focusing on some host and parasite genes that have been highlighted in this study, such as bovine genes (CD69, ZNF618, LPAR3, and APOL3) and parasite genes such as TA03875

    Unique Mitochondrial Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Demonstrate Resolution Potential to Discriminate Theileria parva Vaccine and Buffalo-Derived Strains

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    Distinct pathogenic and epidemiological features underlie different Theileria parva strains resulting in different clinical manifestations of East Coast Fever and Corridor Disease in susceptible cattle. Unclear delineation of these strains limits the control of these diseases in endemic areas. Hence, an accurate characterization of strains can improve the treatment and prevention approaches as well as investigate their origin. Here, we describe a set of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) based on 13 near-complete mitogenomes of T. parva strains originating from East and Southern Africa, including the live vaccine stock strains. We identified 11 SNPs that are non-preferentially distributed within the coding and non-coding regions, all of which are synonymous except for two within the cytochrome b gene of buffalo-derived strains. Our analysis ascertains haplotype-specific mutations that segregate the different vaccine and the buffalo-derived strains except T. parva-Muguga and Serengeti-transformed strains suggesting a shared lineage between the latter two vaccine strains. Phylogenetic analyses including the mitogenomes of other Theileria species: T. annulata, T. taurotragi, and T. lestoquardi, with the latter two sequenced in this study for the first time, were congruent with nuclear-encoded genes. Importantly, we describe seven T. parva haplotypes characterized by synonymous SNPs and parsimony-informative characters with the other three transforming species mitogenomes. We anticipate that tracking T. parva mitochondrial haplotypes from this study will provide insight into the parasite’s epidemiological dynamics and underpin current control efforts

    In vitro infection of bovine erythrocytes with Theileria annulata merozoites as a key step in completing the T. annulata life cycle in vitro

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    Theileria annulata is a protozoan parasite with a complex life cycle involving a bovine host and a tick vector. It is transmitted by Hyalomma ticks and is the causative agent of tropical theileriosis, a debilitating and often fatal disease in southern Europe, northern Africa and large parts of Asia. Understanding the biology of different life cycle stages is critical for the control of tropical theileriosis and requires the use of experimental animals which poses an ethical concern. We present for the first time the in vitro infection of red blood cells (RBCs) with T. annulata differentiated schizonts. The Ankara cell line of T. annulata was cultured at 41 °C for nine days to induce merogony and subsequently incubated with purified RBCs for one to three days. Percentage of parasitized erythrocyte (PPE) over the short culture period was estimated by Giemsa staining (0.007–0.01%), Flow cytometry activated sorting (FACS) (0.02–1.1%) and observation of FACS sorted cells by confocal microscopy (0.05–0.4%). There was a significant difference in the PPE between FACS and the two other techniques (one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey test, P = 0.004) but no significant difference was observed between the confocal imaging and Giemsa staining methods (ANOVA one-way followed by Tukey test, P = 0.06). Importantly, all three complementary methods confirmed the invasion of RBCs by T. annulata merozoites in vitro. Although the experimental conditions will require further optimization to increase the PPE, the in vitro infection of RBCs by T. annulata merozoites is pivotal in paving the way for the eventual completion of the T. annulata life cycle in vitro when combined with artificial tick feeding

    Sequence polymorphisms in a Theileria annulata surface protein (TaSP) known to augment the immunity induced by live attenuated cell line vaccine

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    Theileria annulata is a tick‐borne protozoan causing tropical theileriosis in cattle. The use of attenuated cell line vaccines in combination with subunit vaccines has been relatively successful as a control method, as exemplified by a recent study in which immunization with a local cell line followed by booster vaccinations with recombinant T. annulata surface protein (TaSP) resulted in 100% protection upon field challenge in Sudan. However, these findings cannot be directly extrapolated to other countries as culture‐attenuated live vaccines are generated using local strains and no systematic evaluation of genotype differences between countries has been undertaken. In this study, we sequenced the TaSP gene from T. annulata cell lines and field isolates from Tunisia (n = 28) and compared them to genotypes from Sudan (n = 25) and Morocco (n = 1; AJ316259.1). Our analyses revealed 20 unique TaSP genotypes in the Tunisian samples, which were all novel but similar to genotypes found in Asia. The impact of these polymorphisms on the ability of the TaSP antigen to boost the immunity engendered by live cell line vaccines, especially in Tunisia where studies with TaSP have not been conducted, remains to be examined. Interestingly, phylogenetic analyses of publicly available TaSP sequences resolved the sequences into two clusters with no correlation to the geographical origin of the isolates. The availability of candidate vaccines that were recently attenuated using local strains from Sudan, Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco should be exploited to generate a comprehensive catalogue of genetic variation across this regional collection of attenuated live vaccines

    Evidence for conservation in antigen gene sequences combined with extensive polymorphism at VNTR loci

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    Theileria parva is a tick‐transmitted apicomplexan protozoan parasite that infects lymphocytes of cattle and African Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer), causing a frequently fatal disease of cattle in eastern, central and southern Africa. A live vaccination procedure, known as infection and treatment method (ITM), the most frequently used version of which comprises the Muguga, Serengeti‐transformed and Kiambu 5 stocks of T. parva, delivered as a trivalent cocktail, is generally effective. However, it does not always induce 100% protection against heterologous parasite challenge. Knowledge of the genetic diversity of T. parva in target cattle populations is therefore important prior to extensive vaccine deployment. This study investigated the extent of genetic diversity within T. parva field isolates derived from Ankole (Bos taurus) cattle in south‐western Uganda using 14 variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) satellite loci and the sequences of two antigen‐encoding genes that are targets of CD8+T‐cell responses induced by ITM, designated Tp1 and Tp2. The findings revealed a T. parva prevalence of 51% confirming endemicity of the parasite in south‐western Uganda. Cattle‐derived T. parva VNTR genotypes revealed a high degree of polymorphism. However, all of the T. parva Tp1 and Tp2 alleles identified in this study have been reported previously, indicating that they are widespread geographically in East Africa and highly conserved

    The Rhipicephalus appendiculatus tick vector of Theileria parva is absent from cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer) populations and associated ecosystems in northern Uganda

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    Rhipicephalus appendiculatus is the major tick vector of Theileria parva, an apicomplexan protozoan parasite that causes the most economically important and lethal disease of cattle in East and central Africa. The African cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer) is the major wildlife host of T. parva from southern Uganda and Kenya to southern Africa. We show herein that R. appendiculatus appears to be absent from the two largest national parks in northern Uganda. Syncerus caffer is common in both of these national parks, specifically Murchison falls (MFNP) and Kidepo Valley (KVNP). We re-confirmed the previously reported absence of T. parva in buffalo sampled in the two northern parks based on RLB data using a nested PCR based on the T. parva p104 gene. By contrast, T. parva-infected R. appendiculatus ticks and parasite-infected buffalo were present in Lake Mburo (LMNP) in South central Uganda. This suggests that the distribution of R. appendiculatus, which is predicted to include the higher rainfall regions of northern Uganda, may be limited by additional, as yet unknown factors

    Dual RNA-seq to catalogue host and parasite gene expression changes associated with virulence of T. annulata-transformed bovine leukocytes: towards identification of attenuation biomarkers

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : RNA seq raw reads have been uploaded to Sequence Read Archive (SRA) repository under the BioProject Number PRJNA957332.The apicomplexan parasite Theileria annulata is transmitted by Hyalomma ticks and causes an acute lymphoproliferative disease that is invariably lethal in exotic cattle breeds. The unique ability of the schizont stage of T. annulata to transform infected leukocytes to a cancer-like phenotype and the simplicity of culturing and passaging T. annulata-transformed cells in vitro have been explored for live vaccine development by attenuating the transformed cells using lengthy serial propagation in vitro. The empirical in vivo evaluation of attenuation required for each batch of long-term cultured cells is a major constraint since it is resource intensive and raises ethical issues regarding animal welfare. As yet, the molecular mechanisms underlying attenuation are not well understood. Characteristic changes in gene expression brought about by attenuation are likely to aid in the identifcation of novel biomarkers for attenuation. We set out to undertake a comparative transcriptome analysis of attenuated (passage 296) and virulent (passage 26) bovine leukocytes infected with a Tunisian strain of T. annulata termed Beja. RNA-seq was used to analyse gene expression profles and the relative expression levels of selected genes were verifed by real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) analysis. Among the 3538T. annulata genes analysed, 214 were signifcantly diferentially expressed, of which 149 genes were up-regulated and 65 down-regulated. Functional annotation of diferentially expressed T. annulata genes revealed four broad categories of metabolic pathways: carbon metabolism, oxidative phosphorylation, protein processing in the endoplasmic reticulum and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. It is interesting to note that of the top 40 genes that showed altered expression, 13 were predicted to contain a signal peptide and/or at least one transmembrane domain, suggesting possible involvement in host-parasite interaction. Of the 16,514 bovine transcripts, 284 and 277 showed up-regulated and down-regulated expression, respectively. These were assigned to functional categories relevant to cell surface, tissue morphogenesis and regulation of cell adhesion, regulation of leucocyte, lymphocyte and cell activation. The genetic alterations acquired during attenuation that we have catalogued herein, as well as the accompanying in silico functional characterization, do not only improve understanding of the attenuation process, but can also be exploited by studies aimed at identifying attenuation biomarkers across diferent cell lines focusing on some host and parasite genes that have been highlighted in this study, such as bovine genes (CD69, ZNF618, LPAR3, and APOL3) and parasite genes such as TA03875.The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), a DFG Grant and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Open Access Funding provided by Freie UniversitÀt Berlin.https://www.nature.com/srepam2024Veterinary Tropical DiseasesNon

    Molecular evolution of a central region containing B cell epitopes in the gene encoding the p67 sporozoite antigen within a field population of Theileria parva

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    Protective immunity induced by the infective sporozoite stage of Theileria parva indicates a potential role for antibodies directed against conserved serologically reactive regions of the major sporozoite surface antigen p67 in vaccination to control the parasite. We have examined the allelic variation and determined the extent of B cell epitope polymorphism of the gene encoding p67 among field isolates originating from cattle exposed to infected ticks in the Marula area of the rift valley in central Kenya where the African cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer) and cattle co-graze. In the first of two closely juxtaposed epitope sequences in the central region of the p67 protein, an in-frame deletion of a seven-amino acid segment results in a truncation that was observed in parasites derived from cattle that co-grazed with buffalo. In contrast, the variation in the second epitope was primarily due to nonsynonymous substitutions, resulting in relatively low overall amino acid conservation in this segment of the protein. We also observed polymorphism in the region of the protein adjacent to the two defined epitopes, but this was not sufficient to provide statistically significant evidence for positive selection. The data indicates that B cell epitopes previously identified within the p67 gene are polymorphic within the Marula field isolates. Given the complete sequence identity of the p67gene in all previously characterized T. parva isolates that are transmissible between cattle by ticks, the diversity observed in p67 from the Marula isolates in combination with the clinical reaction of the infected cattle is consistent with them originating from ticks that had acquired T. parva from buffalo