15 research outputs found

    Chronic Activation of AMPK Induces Mitochondrial Biogenesis through Differential Phosphorylation and Abundance of Mitochondrial Proteins in Dictyostelium discoideum

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    Mitochondrial biogenesis is a highly controlled process that depends on diverse signalling pathways responding to cellular and environmental signals. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a critical metabolic enzyme that acts at a central control point in cellular energy homeostasis. Numerous studies have revealed the crucial roles of AMPK in the regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis; however, molecular mechanisms underlying this process are still largely unknown. Previously, we have shown that, in cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum, the overexpression of the catalytic α subunit of AMPK led to enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis, which was accompanied by reduced cell growth and aberrant development. Here, we applied mass spectrometry-based proteomics of Dictyostelium mitochondria to determine the impact of chronically active AMPKα on the phosphorylation state and abundance of mitochondrial proteins and to identify potential protein targets leading to the biogenesis of mitochondria. Our results demonstrate that enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis is associated with variations in the phosphorylation levels and abundance of proteins related to energy metabolism, protein synthesis, transport, inner membrane biogenesis, and cellular signalling. The observed changes are accompanied by elevated mitochondrial respiratory activity in the AMPK overexpression strain. Our work is the first study reporting on the global phosphoproteome profiling of D. discoideum mitochondria and its changes as a response to constitutively active AMPK. We also propose an interplay between the AMPK and mTORC1 signalling pathways in controlling the cellular growth and biogenesis of mitochondria in Dictyostelium as a model organism

    A conserved role for LRRK2 and Roco proteins in the regulation of mitochondrial activity

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    Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease world-wide. Mutations in the multidomain protein Leucine Rich Repeat Kinase 2 (LRRK2) are the most frequent cause of hereditary PD. Furthermore, recent data suggest that independent of mutations, increased kinase activity of LRRK2 plays an essential role in PD pathogenesis. Isolated mitochondria of tissue samples from PD patients carrying LRRK2 mutations display a significant impairment of mitochondrial function. However, due to the complexity of the mitochondrial signaling network, the role of LRRK2 in mitochondrial metabolism is still not well understood. Previously we have shown that D. discoideum Roco4 is a suitable model to study the activation mechanism of LRRK2 in vivo. To get more insight in the LRRK2 pathways regulating mitochondrial activity we used this Roco4 model system in combination with murine RAW macrophages. Here we show that both Dictyostelium roco4 knockout and cells expressing PD-mutants show behavioral and developmental phenotypes that are characteristic for mitochondrial impairment. Mitochondrial activity measured by Seahorse technology revealed that the basal respiration of D. discoideum roco4- cells is significantly increased compared to the WT strain, while the basal and maximal respiration values of cells overexpressing Roco4 are reduced compared to the WT strain. Consistently, LRRK2 KO RAW 264.7 cells exhibit higher maximal mitochondrial respiration activity compared to the LRRK2 parental RAW264.7 cells. Measurement on isolated mitochondria from LRRK2 KO and parental RAW 264.7 cells revealed no difference in activity compared to the parental cells. Furthermore, neither D. discoideum roco4- nor LRRK2 KO RAW 264.7 showed a difference in either the number or the morphology of mitochondria compared to their respective parental strains. This suggests that the observed effects on the mitochondrial respiratory in cells are indirect and that LRRK2/Roco proteins most likely require other cytosolic cofactors to elicit mitochondrial effects

    An isolated complex v inefficiency and dysregulated mitochondrial function in immortalized lymphocytes from ME/CFS patients

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    Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is an enigmatic condition characterized by exacerbation of symptoms after exertion (post-exertional malaise or “PEM”), and by fatigue whose severity and associated requirement for rest are excessive and disproportionate to the fatigue-inducing activity. There is no definitive molecular marker or known underlying pathological mechanism for the condition. Increasing evidence for aberrant energy metabolism suggests a role for mitochondrial dysfunction in ME/CFS. Our objective was therefore to measure mitochondrial function and cellular stress sensing in actively metabolizing patient blood cells. We immortalized lymphoblasts isolated from 51 ME/CFS patients diagnosed according to the Canadian Consensus Criteria and an age- and gender-matched control group. Parameters of mitochondrial function and energy stress sensing were assessed by Seahorse extracellular flux analysis, proteomics, and an array of additional biochemical assays. As a proportion of the basal oxygen consumption rate (OCR), the rate of ATP synthesis by Complex V was significantly reduced in ME/CFS lymphoblasts, while significant elevations were observed in Complex I OCR, maximum OCR, spare respiratory capacity, nonmitochondrial OCR and “proton leak” as a proportion of the basal OCR. This was accompanied by a reduction of mitochondrial membrane potential, chronically hyperactivated TOR Complex I stress signaling and upregulated expression of mitochondrial respiratory complexes, fatty acid transporters, and enzymes of the β-oxidation and TCA cycles. By contrast, mitochondrial mass and genome copy number, as well as glycolytic rates and steady state ATP levels were unchanged. Our results suggest a model in which ME/CFS lymphoblasts have a Complex V defect accompanied by compensatory upregulation of their respiratory capacity that includes the mitochondrial respiratory complexes, membrane transporters and enzymes involved in fatty acid β-oxidation. This homeostatically returns ATP synthesis and steady state levels to “normal” in the resting cells, but may leave them unable to adequately respond to acute increases in energy demand as the relevant homeostatic pathways are already activated

    The Spectrum of Neurological and White Matter Changes and Premutation Status Categories of Older Male Carriers of the FMR1 Alleles Are Linked to Genetic (CGG and FMR1 mRNA) and Cellular Stress (AMPK) Markers

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    The fragile X premutation (PM) allele contains a CGG expansion of 55–200 repeats in the FMR1 gene’s promoter. Male PM carriers have an elevated risk of developing neurological and psychiatric changes, including an approximately 50% risk of the fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS). The aim of this study was to assess the relationships of regional white matter hyperintensities (wmhs) semi-quantitative scores, clinical status, motor (UPDRS, ICARS, Tremor) scales, and cognitive impairments, with FMR1-specific genetic changes, in a sample of 32 unselected male PM carriers aged 39–81 years. Half of these individuals were affected with FXTAS, while the non-FXTAS group comprised subcategories of non-affected individuals and individuals affected with non-syndromic changes. The dynamics of pathological processes at the cellular level relevant to the clinical status of PM carriers was investigated using the enzyme AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which is a highly sensitive cellular stress-sensing alarm protein. This enzyme, as well as genetic markers – CGG repeat number and the levels of the FMR1 mRNA – were assessed in blood lymphoblasts. The results showed that the repeat distribution for FXTAS individuals peaked at 85–90 CGGs; non-FXTAS carriers were distributed within the lowest end of the PM repeat range, and non-syndromic carriers assumed an intermediate position. The size of the CGG expansion was significantly correlated, across all three categories, with infratentorial and total wmhs and with all motor scores, and the FMR1 mRNA levels with all the wmh scores, whilst AMPK activity showed considerable elevation in the non-FXTAS combined group, decreasing in the FXTAS group, proportionally to increasing severity of the wmhs and tremor/ataxia. We conclude that the size of the CGG expansion relates to the risk for FXTAS, to severity of infratentorial wmhs lesions, and to all three motor scale scores. FMR1 mRNA shows a strong association with the extent of wmhs, which is the most sensitive marker of the pathological process. However, the AMPK activity findings – suggestive of a role of this enzyme in the risk of FXTAS – need to be verified and expanded in future studies using larger samples and longitudinal assessment

    Mitochondrial HTRA2 Plays a Positive, Protective Role in Dictyostelium discoideum but Is Cytotoxic When Overexpressed

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    HTRA2 is a mitochondrial protein, mutations in which are associated with autosomal dominant late-onset Parkinson’s disease (PD). The mechanisms by which HTRA2 mutations result in PD are poorly understood. HTRA2 is proposed to play a proteolytic role in protein quality control and homeostasis in the mitochondrial intermembrane space. Its loss has been reported to result in accumulation of unfolded and misfolded proteins. However, in at least one case, PD-associated HTRA2 mutation can cause its hyperphosphorylation, possibly resulting in protease hyperactivity. The consequences of overactive mitochondrial HTRA2 are not clear. Dictyostelium discoideum provides a well-established model for studying mitochondrial dysfunction, such as has been implicated in the pathology of PD. We identified a single homologue of human HTRA2 encoded in the Dictyostelium discoideum genome and showed that it is localized to the mitochondria where it plays a cytoprotective role. Knockdown of HTRA2 expression caused defective morphogenesis in the multicellular phases of the Dictyostelium life cycle. In vegetative cells, it did not impair mitochondrial respiration but nonetheless caused slow growth (particularly when the cells were utilizing a bacterial food source), unaccompanied by significant defects in the requisite endocytic pathways. Despite its protective roles, we could not ectopically overexpress wild type HTRA2, suggesting that mitochondrial HTRA2 hyperactivity is lethal. This toxicity was abolished by replacing the essential catalytic serine S300 with alanine to ablate serine protease activity. Overexpression of protease-dead HTRA2 phenocopied the effects of knockdown, suggesting that the mutant protein competitively inhibits interactions between wild type HTRA2 and its binding partners. Our results show that cytopathological dysfunction can be caused either by too little or too much HTRA2 activity in the mitochondria and suggest that either could be a cause of PD

    Cytopathological Outcomes of Knocking down Expression of Mitochondrial Complex II Subunits in Dictyostelium discoideum

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    Mitochondrial Complex II is composed of four core subunits and mutations to any of the subunits result in lowered Complex II activity. Surprisingly, although mutations in any of the subunits can yield similar clinical outcomes, there are distinct differences in the patterns of clinical disease most commonly associated with mutations in different subunits. Thus, mutations to the SdhA subunit most often result in mitochondrial disease phenotypes, whilst mutations to the other subunits SdhB-D more commonly result in tumour formation. The reason the clinical outcomes are so different is unknown. Here, we individually antisense-inhibited three of the Complex II subunits, SdhA, SdhB or SdhC, in the simple model organism Dictyostelium discoideum. Whilst SdhB and SdhC knockdown resulted in growth defects on bacterial lawns, antisense inhibition of SdhA expression resulted in a different pattern of phenotypic defects, including impairments of growth in liquid medium, enhanced intracellular proliferation of the bacterial pathogen Legionella pneumophila and phagocytosis. Knockdown of the individual subunits also produced different abnormalities in mitochondrial function with only SdhA knockdown resulting in broad mitochondrial dysfunction. Furthermore, these defects were shown to be mediated by the chronic activation of the cellular energy sensor AMP-activated protein kinase. Our results are in agreement with a role for loss of function of SdhA but not the other Complex II subunits in impairing mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and they suggest a role for AMP-activated protein kinase in mediating the cytopathological outcomes

    Dysregulated Gene Expression in Lymphoblasts from Parkinson’s Disease

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    Parkinson’s disease is the second largest neurodegenerative disease worldwide and is caused by a combination of genetics and environment. It is characterized by the death of neurons in the substantia nigra of the brain but is not solely a disease of the brain, as it affects multiple tissues and organs. Studying Parkinson’s disease in accessible tissues such as skin and blood has increased our understanding of the disease’s pathogenesis. Here, we used lymphoblast cell lines generated from Parkinson’s disease patient and healthy age- and sex-matched control groups and obtained their whole-cell transcriptomes and proteomes. Our analysis revealed, in both the transcriptomes and the proteomes of PD cells, a global downregulation of genes involved in protein synthesis, as well as the upregulation of immune processes and sphingolipid metabolism. In contrast, we discovered an uncoupling of mRNA and protein expression in processes associated with mitochondrial respiration in the form of a general downregulation in associated transcripts and an upregulation in proteins. Complex V was different to the other oxidative phosphorylation complexes in that the levels of its associated transcripts were also lower, but the levels of their encoded polypeptides were not elevated. This may suggest that further layers of regulation specific to Complex V are in play

    Cell-Based Blood Biomarkers for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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    Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a devastating illness whose biomedical basis is now beginning to be elucidated. We reported previously that, after recovery from frozen storage, lymphocytes (peripheral blood mononuclear cells, PBMCs) from ME/CFS patients die faster in culture medium than those from healthy controls. We also found that lymphoblastoid cell lines (lymphoblasts) derived from these PBMCs exhibit multiple abnormalities in mitochondrial respiratory function and signalling activity by the cellular stress-sensing kinase Target Of Rapamycin Complex 1 (TORC1). These differences were correlated with disease severity, as measured by the Richardson and Lidbury weighted standing test. The clarity of the differences between these cells derived from ME/CFS patient blood and those from healthy controls suggested that they may provide useful biomarkers for ME/CFS. Here, we report a preliminary investigation into that possibility using a variety of analytical classification tools, including linear discriminant analysis, logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. We found that results from three different tests—lymphocyte death rate, mitochondrial respiratory function and TORC1 activity—could each individually serve as a biomarker with better than 90% sensitivity but only modest specificity vís a vís healthy controls. However, in combination, they provided a cell-based biomarker with sensitivity and specificity approaching 100% in our sample. This level of sensitivity and specificity was almost equalled by a suggested protocol in which the frozen lymphocyte death rate was used as a highly sensitive test to triage positive samples to the more time consuming and expensive tests measuring lymphoblast respiratory function and TORC1 activity. This protocol provides a promising biomarker that could assist in more rapid and accurate diagnosis of ME/CFS

    Cytotoxicity and Mitochondrial Dysregulation Caused by α-Synuclein in Dictyostelium discoideum

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    Alpha synuclein has been linked to both sporadic and familial forms of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and is the most abundant protein in Lewy bodies a hallmark of Parkinson’s disease. The function of this protein and the molecular mechanisms underlying its toxicity are still unclear, but many studies have suggested that the mechanism of α-synuclein toxicity involves alterations to mitochondrial function. Here we expressed human α-synuclein and two PD-causing α-synuclein mutant proteins (with a point mutation, A53T, and a C-terminal 20 amino acid truncation) in the eukaryotic model Dictyostelium discoideum. Mitochondrial disease has been well studied in D. discoideum and, unlike in mammals, mitochondrial dysfunction results in a clear set of defective phenotypes. These defective phenotypes are caused by the chronic hyperactivation of the cellular energy sensor, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Expression of α-synuclein wild type and mutant forms was toxic to the cells and mitochondrial function was dysregulated. Some but not all of the defective phenotypes could be rescued by down regulation of AMPK revealing both AMPK-dependent and -independent mechanisms. Importantly, we also show that the C-terminus of α-synuclein is required and sufficient for the localisation of the protein to the cell cortex in D. discoideum