2,402 research outputs found

    On the construction of hierarchic models

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    One of the main problems in the field of model-based diagnosis of technical systems today is finding the most useful model or models of the system being diagnosed. Often, a model showing the physical components and the connections between them is all that is available. As systems grow larger and larger, the run-time performance of diagnostic algorithms decreases considerably when using these detailed models. A solution to this problem is using a hierarchic model. This allows us to first diagnose the system using an abstract model, and then use this solution to guide the diagnostic process using a more detailed model. The main problem with this approach is acquiring the hierarchic model. We give a generic hierarchic diagnostic algorithm and show how the use of certain classes of hierarchic models can increase the performance of this algorithm. We then present linear time algorithms for the automatic construction of these hierarchic models, using the detailed model and extra information about cost of probing points and invertibility of components

    A careful solution:patient scheduling in health care

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    Structural transformations in poly(di-n-alkylsiloxane)s with alkyl side groups containing 7 to 10 carbon atoms

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    Temperature dependent X-ray diffraction studies of poly(di-n-alkylsiloxane)s substituted with side chains containing 7 to 10 carbon atoms have been carried out in order to elucidate the crystalline structure of these materials. In contrast to their lower substituted homologues, no evidence for the presence of a hexagonal columnar mesophase could be found for the investigated materials. At low temperatures, far below the melting temperature, the polysiloxane backbones are assumed to pack in an orthorhombic lattice, with the n-alkyl side chains in a planar all-trans conformation and oriented perpendicularly to the backbone. The paraffinic n-alkyl side chains were found to crystallize in an orthorhombic lattice. The thermal behaviour of the investigated materials has been observed to show an odd-even effect. Whereas poly(di-n-heptylsiloxane) and poly(di-n-nonylsiloxane) were found to melt in a single step, an intermediate state of order was observed for poly(di-n-octylsiloxane) and poly(di-n-decylsiloxane) upon heating from the crystalline to the isotropic state. For this intermediate state, a pseudohexagonal packing of the n-alkyl side chains is proposed

    Does emotion shape language?:Studies on the influence of affective state on interactive language production

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    Publiekssamenvatting promotie Charlotte Out Mensen zijn emotionele wezens. Door bijvoorbeeld met een vriend te praten over onze gevoelens, kunnen we taal gebruiken om deze emoties te uiten. Maar ook als we onze gevoelens niet (expliciet) benoemen, beïnvloeden emoties de manier waarop we communiceren. Eerder onderzoek heeft bijvoorbeeld laten zien dat verdrietige mensen, vergeleken met blije mensen, doorgaans met een zachtere stem praten en zich meer richten op hun gesprekspartner. Er is nog niet zoveel bekend over de invloed van emoties op ons taalgedrag, al lijkt er een bijzonder en essentieel verband te zijn tussen emoties en gesproken taal. Om dit verder te onderzoeken, hebben we voor dit proefschrift vier experimenten gedaan, waarbij we hebben gekeken naar de invloed van emoties op de communicatie tussen gesprekspartners in een dialoog. Deze vier experimenten zijn geïnspireerd op eerder onderzoek, waarbij we aan de ene kant proberen de resultaten van dat onderzoek te bevestigen (replicatie), en aan de andere kant er op voort te bouwen. Omdat het grootste deel van onze experimenten in meer natuurlijke situaties plaatsvonden, zoals spontane gesprekken tussen twee proefpersonen, zijn onze resultaten beter te generaliseren naar het dagelijkse leven dan het meeste onderzoek waarop ons proefschrift is gebaseerd. Voor onze experimenten hebben we het taalgedrag bestudeerd van studenten, waarbij we bij één experiment ook een steekproef van mensen met autisme hebben onderzocht. De bevindingen van dit proefschrift laat zien dat er een belangrijke, maar soms subtiele relatie is tussen emotie en gesproken taal. Zo hebben we gevonden dat mensen die objecten aan elkaar beschrijven zich iets meer aan elkaars woordkeuze aanpassen als ze de emotie walging ervaren, dan wanneer ze zich geamuseerd voelen. Ook vonden we dat emoties invloed hebben op hoe mensen met elkaar communiceren over gevoelige onderwerpen zoals pesten, waarbij mensen in een negatieve stemming vaak op een meer indirecte manier vragen stellen aan hun gesprekspartner dan mensen in een positieve stemming. We vonden dit effect echter alleen bij een groep mensen met autisme en niet bij mensen zonder autisme. Gebaseerd op de resultaten van onze experimenten kunnen we concluderen dat gevoelens een invloed hebben op hoe mensen (met elkaar) communiceren, waarbij zowel onze sociale gedrag als ons taalgebruik wordt beïnvloed door onze emoties

    Meanings of workplace bullying: Labelling versus experiencing and the belief in a just world.

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    Workplace bullying has been identified as a growing occupational stressor among health care professionals (Mayhew & Chappell, 2001; Quine, 1999, 2002). However, estimates of the prevalence rates of workplace bullying have been found to vary considerably. Studies relying on self-labelling consistently report lower prevalence rates than do those that present participants with lists of predefined negative acts (e.g., Mikkelsen & Einarsen, 2001; Salin, 2001). The purpose the present study was to explore the process of self-labelling among nurses experiencing workplace abuse. A total of 385 nurses registered as members of the College of Nurses of Ontario completed surveys containing scales that measured their frequency of exposure to negative behaviours in the workplace, job satisfaction, turnover, intentions, burnout, and psychological distress. A scale assessing fundamental beliefs about the world, others, and one\u27s self was also included. Although 47.2% of the sample indicated having experienced at least one negative behaviour on a weekly basis for the past six months, only 18.6% of respondents labelled their experiences as bullying. Nurses who were bullied reported significantly lower levels of job satisfaction, higher levels of burnout, greater intentions to leave their current jobs, and more psychological distress than did their non-bullied colleagues. Bullied nurses also reported having more negative beliefs about the benevolence of world and people than did nurses who were not bullied. Bullied nurses who labelled their experiences as bullying reported significantly lower levels of job satisfaction, higher levels of burnout, and greater psychological distress than did nurses who were bullied but did not label their experiences as such. Bullied nurses who labelled their experiences as bullying also perceived other people as less benevolent than bullied nurses who did not label their experiences as bullying. Finally, verbal abuse (e.g., ridicule or insulting teasing, gossip or rumours) was found to be more strongly associated with self-labelling than behaviours that were physical and overt in nature. Results of the study are discussed with reference to Janoff Bulman\u27s (1989, 1992) Cognitive Theory of Trauma and Lerner\u27s (1980) Just World Theory. Implications for the treatment of bullied workers are presented and directions for further research are suggested.Dept. of Psychology. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2005 .O98. Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 66-11, Section: B, page: 6322. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2005

    Hydrosilylation of 1-alkenes with dichlorosilane

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    Symmetrically and unsymmetrically substituted diorganodichlorosilanes have been prepared by hydrosilylation with dichlorosilane using two different platinum catalysts, i.e., hexachloroplatinic acid (Speier's catalyst) and a platinum cyclovinylmethylsiloxane complex. Hydrosilylation of unsubstituted 1-alkenes proved to be very efficient, yielding anti-Markonikov substituted di-n-alkyldichlorosilanes. However, no reaction was observed when electron-deficient 1-alkenes were used. Octacarbonyldicobalt enabled formation of the monoadduct of 1H,1H,2H-perfluoro-1-hexene with dichlorosilane, which was employed in a second hydrosilylation of the olefin. Thus, the anti-Markovnikov diadduct was obtained in 40% overall yield. The two-step synthesis has also been applied successfully to obtain unsymmetrically substituted diorganodichlorosilanes containing nitrile and ether groups

    Violence from Within: Doctors vs. Nurses

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    This paper is part of an effort to understand the direct cause or causes of the nursing crisis in the United States. The study examines this issue using official and self-report data from the NURSE WEEK/American Organization of Nurse Executives Survey and numerous literature reviews. The analysis addresses the magnitude of the relationship between physicians’ violence against nurses and nurse turnover rates. While the general image of physicians is almost always one of gentleness and helpfulness, it is ironic that the results of this study suggest that physicians’ violence against nurses is directly related to the high rate of nurse turnover. The study indicates that physicians are receiving training only in patient management, but not enough training in collegial management in environments where there are nurse professionals in the healthcare organization